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15 chemical additives in our food

Top 15 chemical additives in your food

Published on 01-19-2010 Email To Friend Print Version

We don't just want our food to taste good these days: It also has to look good. As a result, food producers use any of 14,000 laboratory-made additives to make our food appear fresher, more attractive or last longer on the shelf.

The longer manufacturers use these additives, the more we learn about their impacts. While some additives are harmless, others cause everything from hives and asthma to nausea and headaches in some people. Some experts recommend avoiding foods listing more than five or six ingredients or ingredients of longer than three syllables and purchasing foods that contain such natural additives as fruits and vegetables.

Our list of the top 15 chemical additives and their possible side effects will help decipher ingredient lists at your supermarket.


This gas is pumped into crates of apples to stop them from producing ethylene, the natural hormone that ripens fruit. Commonly known as SmartFresh, this chemical preserves apples for up to a year and bananas up to a month. Sulphur dioxide serves the same purpose when sprayed on grapes.



Researchers in the early 1900s developed many artificial colors from coal-tar dyes and petrochemicals. Over the years, the FDA banned many of these chemicals as proven carcinogens (cancer-exacerbating agents). Today, the FDA only allows 10 colors in foods, four of which are restricted to specific uses. This restriction suggests some risks remain. Check out the color additives section of the FDA (www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/ColorAdditives/default.htm) Web site for more information.


This blanket term refers to hundreds of laboratory chemicals designed to mimic natural flavors. For example, some imitation vanilla flavorings are made from petroleum or paper-mill waste. In fact, a single artificial flavoring can be created from hundreds of individual chemicals. New studies suggest artificial-flavoring additives can cause changes in behavior.


This sugar substitute is sold commercially as Equal and NutraSweet and was hailed as a savior for dieters unhappy with saccharine's unpleasant after-taste. Unfortunately, one out of 20,000 babies is born without the ability to metabolize phenylalanine, one of the two amino acids in Aspartame. As a result, it's not recommended for pregnant women or infants.


Almost 90-percent of salmon sold in supermarkets today come from farms. The diet of farmed salmon doesn't include crustaceans, which contains a natural astaxanthin that causes pink flesh in wild salmon. As a result, producers add astaxanthin to farm-salmon diets for that fresh-from-the-water appearance. Astaxanthin is manufactured from coal tar.


Often added to milk and meat products, these preservatives are used in many foods, including drinks, low-sugar products, cereals and meats. Both temporarily inhibit the proper functioning of digestive enzymes and cause headaches, stomach upset, asthma attacks and hyperactivity in children.


These antioxidants are similar but non-identical petroleum-derived chemicals added to oil-containing foods as a preservative and to delay rancidity. They are most commonly found in crackers, cereals, sausages, dried meats and other foods with added fats. The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer considers BHA a possible human carcinogen.


Egg yolks don't always come out golden yellow, so producers use this pigment to make them more palatable. Although the amounts used are very small, tests have shown greater quantities of canthaxanthin can cause retinal damage.


Emulsifiers, made from vegetable fats, glycerol and organic acids, extend the shelf life of bread products and allow liquids that wouldn't normally mix, such as oil and water, to combine smoothly. Many reduced-fat or low-calorie products use emulsifiers. Commercial emulsifiers also are used in low-calorie butter, margarine, salad dressings, mayonnaise and ice cream. Emulsifying agents used in foods include agar, albumin, alginates, casein, egg yolk, glycerol monostearate, xanthan gums, Irish moss, lecithin and soaps.


This ubiquitous sweetener helps maintain moisture while preserving freshness. A little fructose isn't a problem but the sheer quantity of "hidden" fructose in processed foods is startling. The consumption of large quantities has been fingered as a causative factor in heart disease. It raises blood levels of cholesterol and triglyceride fats, while making blood cells more prone to clotting and accelerating the aging process.


There was much hue and cry years ago when the public learned Chinese restaurants commonly added MSG to Chinese foods as a flavor enhancer. We then learned MSG could be found in many other processed products, such as salad dressings, condiments, seasonings, bouillons and snack chips. Some reports indicate MSG causes tightening in the chest, headaches and a burning sensation in the neck and forearms. While MSG is made of components found in our bodies - water, sodium and glutamate (a common amino acid) - ingesting it is an entirely different matter.


The FDA approved this fake fat for use in snack foods several years ago, over objections from dozens of researchers. Their concern was that Olestra inhibits our ability to absorb the healthy vitamins in fruits and vegetables thought to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Even at low doses, Olestra is commonly known to cause "anal leakage" and other gastrointestinal problems. Perhaps this is why the FDA requires foods containing Olestra carry a warning label.


Hydrogenation is the process of heating an oil and passing hydrogen bubbles through it. The fatty acids in the oil then acquire some of the hydrogen, which makes it more dense. If you fully hydrogenate, you create a solid (a fat) out of the oil. But if you stop part way, you create a semi-solid, partially hydrogenated oil with the consistency of butter. Because this process is so much cheaper than using butter, partially-hydrogenated oils are found in many, many foods. Their addictive properties have linked partially-hydrogenated oils to weight problems caused by a slowed metabolism and the development of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.


Potassium bromate increases volume in white flour, breads and rolls. Most bromate rapidly breaks down to an innocuous form, but it's known to cause cancer in animals - and even small amounts in bread can create a risk for humans. California requires a cancer warning on the product label if potassium bromate is an ingredient.


These closely related chemicals have been used for centuries to preserve meat. While nitrate itself is harmless, it easily converts to nitrite which, when combined with secondary-amines compounds form nitrosamines, a powerful cancer-exacerbating chemical. This chemical reaction occurs easily during the frying process.
(Coupon Sherpa is the penny pinching, coupon clipping, deal digging, Himalayan haggling, he-man of bargains. Visit http://www.couponsherpa.com/ for more shopping advice, insider tips, and coupons.)

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Protocols for vaccines approval are ILEGAL

Protocols for vaccine approval

12 Jan 2010

It needs to be understood that the protocol for deciding a vaccine is 'safe' is different from the

protocols of deciding a vaccine is 'unsafe'.

'Clinical', and I repeat 'clinical' trials are undertaken for any vaccine proposed for administration to

the general public. Clinical trials means that the vaccine is administered to a number of people

and the side-effects are documented. If the side-effects are considered to be within the

acceptable limit, the drug or vaccine is approved for general use.

In the case of severe reactions or even death from a drug or vaccine, one could say that under

the protocol of clinical results, the SIDE-EFFECTS were shown to be UNACCEPTABLE.

However this protocol is not accepted by the medical authorities. The medical authorities require

it to be 'scientifically' proven that the vaccine caused the person's demise.

Nobody can ʻscientificallyʼ prove a vaccine caused a certain reaction or even death, just the same

as nobody can 'scientifically', prove that a drug or vaccine is safe.

Even though compensation is often paid out when large amounts of adverse reactions to a

vaccine or drug are documented, it is only in cases like 'thalidomide' where the evidence is so

overwhelming that the drug companies were forced to take responsibility and admit the drug was

the cause.

We need to demand that an inquiry be made into these discrepancies in the medical system.

Brian Dodds

Medical researcher and author of the book

FULL REGENERATION: The Ultimate Health Journey



Why The Swine Flu Vaccine and Vaccines Are illegal Under International Law (4 page PDF)




Doctors need to become healers

(NaturalNews) How can a medical doctor help you health wise? They are not healers. They are symptom treaters. They lack the pertinent knowledge because the medical schools do not teach nutrition or the natural reactions of the biological process of the human body. It is quite the paradox that our learned physicians also die of the same illnesses, sicknesses, and diseases they attempt to cure.

If you are afflicted with a major disease, employing a medical doctor for treatment is like playing "Russian Roulette", in that you will probably lose your life. Most physicians only guess at what the proper remedy might be for the symptoms they so erroneously diagnose. The wrong diagnosis, the wrong medical application and you are dead. The old fashioned "witch-doctors" were decidedly more knowledgeable about the natural biological process of the human body than our modern medical practitioners.

Most medical doctors today are "specialists"; they regard a human being as a chemical-physical coherent mass of miscellaneous separate parts and fail to accept disease as a disturbance of the entire organism, or treat it as such. Most American medical doctors trust and depend exclusively on physical-chemical science (chemical-drug therapy) for their own survival in the black art of malpractice, in the treatment of their patients. Because of the failure of the American medical community to recognize natural methods in disease prevention, healthy body maintenance and elimination of disease, America has experienced and overwhelming increase in chronic degenerative diseases.

Any thinking layman without the benefit of medical school instruction can understand why chemical substances will never adequately and harmlessly replace the natural biological processes of the human body. Nutrition and the treatment of the total human organism reject the idea that chemical substances can substitute for natural biological process. Bodily disturbances can only be corrected within the organism itself by its own natural biological processes.

People, you are wasting your time, energy and patience by not turning to natural methods. Tune into "Mother Nature". Chemical drugs can only give temporary relief to symptoms. The prolonged use of poisonous, synthetic, chemical drugs will only damage the body's chemistry balance to the point of total disaster. Proper nutrition, biological medicine and naturopathic methods of treating the human body must, of a necessity, replace today's conventional medical therapy if the afflicted are to become well and stay well.

Biological medicine and nutrition are not in conflict with conventional medicine. The two are worlds apart. They are absolutely diverse therapies and two different approaches in the treatment of illness, sickness and disease.

The American people have been deviously, systematically and consistently "brainwashed" into accepting the established dogma of orthodox medicine. By the habit of acceptance of pseudo-authority, we have formed erroneous preconceived ideas about most natural methods of treatment of illness, sickness and disease not promulgated by the American Medical Profession. So, millions of Americans will continue to suffer and die needlessly from the malpractice of misguided, but sincere, apprentice physicians.

Medical doctors should be sent back to school to learn natural methods. Malnutrition, poor elimination and enervation are three of the greatest offenders. Medical doctors should learn these simple truths. The only limitation of biological medicine and proper nutrition is the body's own restorative capacities. Can orthodox medicine make this claim? Of course not. In most cases, where damage to the human body by the prolonged use of chemical drugs is extensive to the point of permanent impairment of the body's own healing mechanism, even biological medicine and nutrition are of little help.

25 ways to improve your health and happiness

(NaturalNews) The New Year is upon us, and for many people, it includes a New Year's resolution for achieving improved health and happiness in 2010. Here are twenty-five health-enhancing ideas to help you accomplish that goal.

#1 - Replace sodas or soft drinks with tea or water.

#2 - Commit to eating one raw fruit (or serving of vegetables) at every meal.

#3 - Add just 5 minutes a day to your exercise routine. Don't have an exercise routine? Start with 5 minutes a day!

#4 - Get more sunshine!

#5 - Learn some Pilates. It's probably the #1 exercise system for core strength and flexibility.

#6 - Drink a superfood smoothie every day.

#7 - Buy more indoor plants: They purify the air in your home.

#8 - Take a quality, wild-harvested fish oil supplement that contains vitamin D.

#9 - Eat more quinoa: It's a high-protein, low-carb "grain" that can easily replace rice or couscous.

#10 - When you get out of bed each morning, do five sit-ups first. It sounds simple, but just 5 sit-ups a day can make a difference.

#11 - Instead of trying to find a parking spot so close to the grocery store, park farther away. You'll get a little more walking exercise and a little more sunshine.

#12 - Get a good water filter so you can stop drinking tap water (or bottled water).

#13 - Pick up a "gentle" art like Tai-Qi or Yoga. It will reduce your stress and improve your physical stamina.

#14 - Take a relaxing hot bath with epsom salts and soothing herbs like lavender. It will do wonders for your mind and your muscles.

#15 - Get a professional massage! Massage therapy is really, really healthy, and it's a great way to reward yourself for some of the other accomplishments you're making.

#16 - Grow your own sprouts! With a simple, low-cost sprouting machine, you can grow and eat your own sprouts. Eating just one ounce of sprouts a day still had a huge impact on preventing cancer and boosting immune function.

#17 - Prepare for a Spring garden. Sure, it's cold and snowy right now, but make a commitment to start a garden this Spring, and you'll reap many health benefits in the months ahead.

#18 - Get a mini-trampoline and do some rebounding in your living room. You can even watch movies or documentary DVDs at the same time.

#19 - Make a point to get at least eight hours of sleep for 2-3 nights a week (or more, if you can). Most people are sleep deprived, and the health cost is enormous.

#20 - Start visiting local farmer's markets so that you eat more local food in 2010. You'll be healthier and happier as a result.

#21 - Got a job you don't like? Quit it! Downgrade your lifestyle to live on less money, then pursue what you really enjoy. Being happy in a small house is better than being miserable in a big one.

#22 - Get off those medications! Make a point to learn how to safely and gradually get yourself off all the medications you can by eliminating underlying imbalances or illnesses. The fewer medications you take, the healthier you'll be!

#23 - Throw out your television! Are you still watching cable TV or satellite TV? It's a complete waste of your life (but you already knew that). Disconnect the cable. Read more books and get your information online where news sources are more independent and intelligent.

#24 - Make a decision to think of food as nourishment instead of entertainment. Eat what your body needs, not what your taste buds desire.

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Treat Mercury from vaccines with energy-medicine


Tuesday, 05 January 2010 11:43

The strain that mercury from vaccines and dental fillings put on our bodies can now be detected and alleviated by innovative computer-based energy devices, some of which have already been approved for use in the USA and Europe.

These devices can not only detect the mercury that other methods fail to find, but they can also help counter its toxic effects.

Ulla Danielson looks at the usefulness of energy medicine in treating mercury toxicity and finds out how the methods works in an interview with Dr Helge Volkmann.



By Ulla Danielsen

From a young age, Danish medical doctor Helge Volkmann has explored alternative medicine to better understand its potential for patients. In the meantime, he is now occupied full-time with energy medicine.

This is a method of detecting and treating imbalances in the human body by connecting the patient with a computer and measuring the frequencies of a patient.

„When you work with frequencies, you measure the information that cells emit,“ explains Helge Volkmann, who is in his early fifties.

He works with three very different systems all based on computer technology. Though the equipment was quite expensive Helge Volkmann believes the money has been well spend.

„It is a very interesting approach and there are some very surprising results“, says Helge Volkmann, who has his clinic in the center of the Danish village Store Heddinge, an hour drive from Copenhagen.

Among other things the method has turned out to have advantages when it comes to motivating his patients to improve their livestyles.

„I can tell my patients what burdens there are on their body, and that turns out to be a very good way to convince them when something has to be changed,“ says Helge Volkmann.


The three maschines that he has learned to use are a French body scanning system, a Russian cell scanning system and an American treatment system.

„I detect imbalances with the French and Russian systems. This helps me to identify where treatment needs to be applied with the American system,“ explains Helge Volkmann when I meet him to talk about what energy medicine is.

When you meet Helge Volkmann face to face, the impression is of a friendly medical doctor with a calm and balanced temper. He is also curious in a positive way, driven as he is by an interest in what will benefit his patients. That is the impression he gives.

According to Helge Volkmann, energy medicine, like all other kinds of treatment, is a method with limitations.

You cannot repair something, which have broken down, for instance a joint which has been completely ruined by rheumatism, but apart from that, is it in principle possible to recreate the normal functioning of tissue with information treatment, says Helge Volkmann.



Simply put, energy medicine involves measuring the information that the cells of the body radiates. It focusses on the electromagnetic conditions in the cell membranes.

With energy medicine, a medical doctor can measure, whether the patient is fully supplied with the vitamins and minerals that particular person needs or whether the patient is lacking in nutritients.

The equipment can also measure ph-values, acids and alkalines in the body just as it can register to what degree the patient subjectively feels relaxed and comfortable.

Every change in a person’s psychological states brings with it a change in the energy load of cells.

This can be measured and afterwards and impulses can be sent into the body that correct the impulses and removes the unbalances, says Helge Volkmann.

He considers energy medicine to be an holistic from of treatment.

However certain strains are repeatedly observed in a majority of patients when the medical doctor uses his equipment to detect imbalances.

According to Helge Volkmann the most problematic strains are pollen, gluten and milk intolerance, mercury and other heavy metals and finally estrogenic active substances as for example plastic.


Energy medicine is a method which can be used for diagnosing and in treating people with imbalances.

In simple terms, the system functions by sending electromagnetic frequencies into the body and receiving them back into the device, which is emitting the frequencies.

Passing through the body, the frequencies will change depending on what resistence they come across, and it is this principle which can be used to balance the body.

100 years ago energy medicine was an evolving research avenue inside medical science, but the method was suppressed by chemical research used for the development of pharmaceutical products and particularly in the western world energy medicine ended up on a sidetrack.

However when the computer emerged, ist technology enabled a true renaissance for energymedicine.

Computers make research easier to manage and the results became more precise.

Today there are about 40 different computer-based energy medicine apparatuses on the market. Some of them are approved for medical treatment.

In the former east european countries – as opposed to the West – there has been a tradition to treat of illnesses in this way, and east European medical doctors are very experienced in treating with energy medicine.


When a patient is checked with this equipment, the person has to remove their shoes and socks etc. The naked feet are placed on a plate of metal on the floor. Hands, laid out flat, are also placed on a plate of metal.

The system, which is connected to a computer, sends an electric pulse into the body, which is then caught by electrodes. Those electrodes lead the electric pulses back into the system.

When an electric pulse is passed into the body, the energy medical equipment can find out about the status quo of organs and tissues.

The explanation is that the electric pulses change while running through the body dependent on the electromagnetic relationships in the cell membranes. The medical doctor also gets very precise information about how the patient feels at ease from a subjective point of view.

During an examination, a lot of different pulses are send into the body. The treatment consists in sending a reversed frequence into the body where an imbalance has been identified.

If patient is, for instance, under strain from a heavy metal then the medical doctor sends a reversed frequence into the body targeting the heavy metal in question. An infinite amount of frequencies have been programmed in advance into the computer.



It is common knowledge, that the mercury burden can be measured in saliva, hair, skin, urine and faeces. If you cannot detect mercury in these places, the patient will normally be informed that mercury plays no part in his or her pathological picture.

But according to Helge Volkmann that description of reality is incomplete.

„It is my conviction, that with information technology you also catch the mercury bound in the body, which will remain hidden, when tested in other ways,“ says Helge Volkmann.

The mercury may be hidden at the first measurement, but when the computer-based energy medical equipment has activated the cells, it will appear, and according to Helge Volkmann, you can particularly often measure mercury in the nervous system.

When Helge Volkmann finds, that a patient’s body is strained by mercury, he sends a reversed mercury frequence into the body.

Simultanously he uses the equipment to strenghten the patient’s detoxing organs.

Then you can measure how levels of mercury slowly level out, he explains.

According to Helge Volkmann, mercury is always playing a role in the pathological picture when the treatment of a patient is particularly recalcitrant.



Some of the energy medical equipment on the market has been approved for medical use in line with, for instance, equipment for measuring blood pressure.

The so-called CE2A-approval is particularly important in the EU, but the American medical Board, FDA has also approved certain types of energymedical equipment.

The technology builds on well known physical and chemical processes in the body and is based on a broad field of research. Particularly at hospitals in the eastern part of Europe energy medical technology has been used extensively.

Dr Helge Volkmann hopes that one day comparative studies will be performed.

It would be interesting to find out, what actually happens when you treat a mercury burden. Why do the levels drop? Is it possible to see it together with other methods for measuring a patient’s improvement, says Helge Volkmann.

He estimates, that research in this area will lead to a better understanding of what mechanisms are activated when information technology is used to detoxicate the patient for mercury.

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Chinese clock holds key to liver's health

(NaturalNews) Stress of modern living and our standard American diet, which includes alcohol, fried food and fast food, strain our health, especially our Liver. Stopping eating by 7 pm may be the best thing we can do for our health. Looking to ancient Chinese medicine we find a clear explanation of why this is. In Chinese Medicine, qi, or energy, runs though the body through a series of twelve main channels, or meridians. For each meridian there is a two hour time period for which the energy is strongest.

According to Chinese Medicine, digestion is controlled by the Earth element. The organs which correspond to the Earth element are Stomach and Spleen. The Stomach meridian`s energy is strongest in the morning between 7 and 9 am, and the Spleen is strongest between 9 am and 11 am. Therefore 7 am to 11 am is the best time to eat because our digestive energy is strongest.

Twelve hours later the energy of our digestive organs is the weakest, and we should stop eating by 7 pm. Light meals of fresh fruits and vegetables or fresh juices are best if we are hungry in the evening since these foods are simplest to digest.

Digestion is naturally slower in the evening as the energy is weakest in those meridians at that time. Food stays in the stomach and tends to ferment leading to gas, bloating and discomfort. Energy is drawn from other organs to help digest food. Overnight from 11 pm until 3 am the energy is strongest in the gall bladder and liver. These organs cleanse the blood and control sleep. They become taxed when we eat late at night. We get indigestion, insomnia and a feeling of not being well rested in the morning. In addition, our joints may ache or become arthritic. Toxins get stored in our organs and joints when the liver cannot function properly.

Eating late at night strains our liver, drawing energy from it to help us digest food. There are liver flushes and herbs such dandelion and milk thistle to cleanse and regenerate the liver. Yet one of the best things we can do for the liver is to stop eating by 7 pm. Once the liver energy is not being drawn away toward digestion, the liver is able to function and heal.

When we stop eating at 7 pm, many symptoms, even those which seem unrelated to digestion such as pain and arthritis, will disappear. People often lose weight quickly as the body is able to rid itself of toxins. The meridians balance and naturally become stronger when energy is not drawn into digestion overnight.

Steps to rejuvenate the liver are:

Stop eating by 7 pm for at least one week, but try to make it a lifelong habit.

Avoid alcohol, fast food and deep fried food (at least while doing the liver cleanse, but try to make this, too, a lifelong habit.)

Follow this liver flush for a week:

Upon waking, drink the juice of 2-3 fresh squeezed oranges and 1/2 lemon blended with one clove garlic, 1 Tbsp olive oil and a sprinkle of cayenne.

Follow that with a cleansing tea of flax, fenugreek, fennel, comfrey or nettles and mint, which can be enjoyed throughout the day.

For lunch and dinner have fresh fruit or vegetable salad.

Herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion are beneficial for the liver. Milk thistle is often taken in capsule or tincture form, while dandelion root is often drunk as tea or taken as a tincture. Fresh dandelion leaves can be added to salads.


Balch, Phyllis, A. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Avery Trade. 2006

Maciocia, Giovanni. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists. Second Edition. Churchill Livingstone. 2005.

Pitchford, Paul. Healing With Whole Foods. North Atlantic Books. 2002.

Xinnong, Cheng. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Foreign Languages Press. Beijing. 1990.


Lead's toxicity revised

(NaturalNews) Children can suffer cognitive and behavioral damage from lead exposure at half the blood levels currently considered safe, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Bristol Center for Child and Adolescent Health and published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood.

"Lead in the body is one of many factors that [has an] impact on education, but this is a reminder that environmental factors are important and pediatricians must test more children with behavioral problems for lead," said lead researcher Alan Emond.

Researchers tested the blood of 582 children, all of whom were 30 months of age, then followed them until they were seven or eight years old. After adjusting for other factors, they found that children who had blood lead levels between 5 and 10 micrograms per deciliter scored an average of 49 percent lower on reading tests and 51 percent lower on writing tests than children with levels below 5 micrograms.

The maximum level considered safe by the British and U.S. governments is 10 micrograms per deciliter. Lead is a neurotoxin that is especially damaging to fetuses and young children, although it can harm the brains and nervous systems of adults, as well.

Children with blood lead levels higher than 5 micrograms per deciliter were also significantly more likely to exhibit antisocial behavior and hyperactivity than children with lower lead levels. Children with levels above 10 micrograms per deciliter scored even worse on hyperactivity, antisocial behavior, and educational performance tests than children in the 5 to 10 microgram per deciliter group.

"We did our blood survey when the children were about two-and-a-half years old," Emond said. "We think this is quite close to the peak age for lead ingestion when the children are putting everything in their mouths as they explore their environment."

Twenty-seven percent of the children tested had lead levels higher than 5 micrograms per deciliter.

Sources for this story include: news.bbc.co.uk.

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Pycnogenol prevents diabetes complications

(NaturalNews) A research study conducted by G D'Annunzio University in Italy evaluated the benefits of a popular form of pine bark extract in helping diabetics. Published in the Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, findings revealed that people with diabetes can avoid developing retinopathy and maintain proper micro-circulation by supplementing with pine bark.

A total of 46 diabetic patients were involved in the randomized, controlled study. Twenty-four of them were treated with pine bark extract once a day for three months while the remaining 22 were given a placebo. All the patients had diabetes for at least four years and all were beginning to develop retinopathy. Seventy-five percent of patients in the pine bark group experienced improvement in their vision while none in the placebo group did.

Dr. Robert Steigerwalt, one of the lead researchers of the study, confirmed that not only does pine bark extract halt the progression of diabetic retinopathy, it can cause it to regress by sealing the leaky blood vessels in the eye that lead to the disease. Such results were witnessed in as little as two months. He also noted that diabetics in the early stages of the disease can prevent such complications from ever occurring by supplementing with pine bark extract.

Pycnogenol, the branded formula of the antioxidant plant extract derived from the French maritime pine tree, has proven itself time and time again to be a powerful protective nutrient, particularly for diabetics. When administered during the early stages of diabetes, many studies have shown that pine bark is effective at preventing and treating the diabetic retinal diseases.

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Use hypnosis to treat dyspepsia

(NaturalNews) Dyspepsia is a very common gastrointestinal disorder. Researchers and doctors are not sure what the underlying causes are of the disorder, which makes treating dyspepsia somewhat challenging. However, researchers have found that hypnotherapy has helped treat the symptoms of the disorder.

The major symptom of dyspepsia is upper abdominal pain which is not caused by a type of disease. The symptoms often overlap with irritable bowel syndrome and researchers believe that both could be a result of the same disorder. Some theories as to what causes dyspepsia include acid secretion, stiff stomach, delayed stomach emptying, and stomach hypersensitivity.

When diagnosing dyspepsia, other disorders must be ruled out including diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and peptic ulcers. Treatment of dyspepsia often depends on the patients symptoms. The Mayo Clinic suggests lifestyle changes and behavioral therapy to treat the disorder.

Hypnosis has already been shown to be a highly effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. One study aimed at researching the effect of hypnosis on dyspepsia. The study consisted of 126 participants diagnosed with functional dyspepsia. They received hypnotherapy, supportive therapy and placebo, or medical treatment. Dyspepsia symptoms were analyzed before treatment began, after the 16-week treatment, and during a 56-week follow-up.

Results of the study showed that the hypnotherapy group saw more improvement in the short-term (16 weeks) compared to the therapy and medication groups. Looking at the long-term results, the hypnotherapy group showed significantly improved symptoms. Of the participants in the study, 73% of those in the hypnosis group reported improvement, compared to 34% of the therapy group and 43% of the medicine group.

Hypnosis is often overlooked for use in medical treatments due to misconceptions and to few doctors being trained in hypnotherapy. However, due to the effective treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with hypnosis, multiple studies have been conducted involving hypnosis and the treatment of upper digestive function and dyspepsia.

Hypnosis works effectively to treat dyspepsia due to the therapeutic nature of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy gives the dyspepsia sufferer the power to focus their attention on healing the pained areas. It has also been shown to speed up the emptying of the stomach. Shortening gastric emptying helps ease the symptoms of dyspepsia and improves the quality of life for the dyspepsia sufferer. Since researchers do not know the cause of many gastrointestinal and gastroesophageal disorders, they often have to treat the symptoms. Hypnotherapy is a natural form of treatment that has been shown to be highly effective.


Calvert, E.L., Houghton, L.A., Cooper, P., Morris, J., & Whorwell, P.J. (2002) Long-term improvement in functional dyspepsia using hypnotherapy. Gastroenterology, 123, 1778-1785.

Chiarioni, G., Vantini, I., De Iorio, F., & Benini, L. (2006). Prokinetic effect of gut-oriented hypnosis on gastric emptying. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 23(8), 1241-1249.

Chiarioni, G., Palsson, O.S., & Whitehead, W.E. (2008). Hypnosis and upper digestive function and disease. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 14(41), 6276-6284.

Mediteranean diet-good for diabetes control

(NaturalNews) For the first time, a long-term health study has demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet may help diabetes patients control their blood sugar without the use of medication.

"A Mediterranean-style diet is a very important part in the treatment of diabetes," said endocrinologist Loren Greene of New York University Medical Center, who was not involved in the study. "We knew that, but there just hasn't been a good study to confirm this before."

In a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers assigned 215 overweight, adult residents of Naples, Italy, to adhere to one of two diets. Participants in one group were assigned to follow a Mediterranean diet -- eating large quantities of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and certain healthy fats such as olive oil; favoring lean protein sources such as nuts, poultry and fish; and gaining no more than half their daily calories from carbohydrates. Participants in the other group were assigned to follow a low-fat diet similar to that recommended by the American Heart Association -- with no more than 30 percent of its daily calories from fat and 10 percent from saturated fat; low in sweets and high-fat snacks; and high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

All participants were instructed to limit their caloric intake to 1,800 calories per day for men and 1,500 per day for women. They were given regular nutrition counseling and urged to exercise regularly.

After four years, 56 percent of the participants in the Mediterranean diet group were able to manage their diabetes without drugs, compared with only 30 percent of those in the low-fat group. Participants eating a Mediterranean diet also maintained more weight loss and more improvement in levels of HDL ("bad") cholesterol and triglycerides.

Greene noted that as most patients dislike taking medication, the new study might provide an incentive for more diabetics to watch their diets.

"If you are told, 'If you don't want to go on medicine, stick to this diet,' then that's a pretty valuable tool at least for patient compliance," she said.

Sources for this story include: www.time.com.

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Broccoli protects your arteries

(NaturalNews) The health benefits of broccoli and related vegetables may come in part from a chemical known as sulforaphane, which appears to activate a specific heart-protecting protein, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College London and published in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.

"We know that vegetables are clearly good for you, but surprisingly the molecular mechanisms of why they are good for you have remained unknown for many years," said researcher Paul Evans of the United Kingdom's National Heart and Lung Institute. "This study provides a possible explanation for how green vegetable consumption can promote a healthy heart."

Researchers carried out their tests directly on the chemical sulforaphane, which occurs naturally in vegetables in the family Brassicaceae, also known as cruciferous vegetables. In addition to broccoli, the cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, cauliflower, rapeseed (canola), radish, turnip, mustard greens and watercress.

Sulforaphane was found to increase the activity of the protein Nrf2, which is known to be inactive in areas of the cardiovascular system that are predisposed to plaque buildup. In these areas, which include bends and branches in blood vessels, blood flow is slowed or even disrupted entirely.

"What our study showed was that sulforaphane can protect those regions by switching on the Nrf2," Evans said.

"These fascinating findings provide a possible mechanism by which eating vegetables protects against heart disease," said Peter Weissberg of the British Heart Foundation, which funded the study. "As well as adding evidence to support the importance of eating 'five-a-day', the biochemistry revealed in this research could lead to more targeted dietary or medical approaches to prevent or lessen disease that leads to heart attacks and strokes."

Because the study was carried out using pure sulforaphane, the researchers plan to repeat it in a way that closer approximates consumption of actual broccoli.

"We now need to go and test this with broccoli smoothies, as it were, and compare that with the effect of purified sulforaphane," Evans said.

Sources for this story include: www.reuters.com; www.nutraingredients-usa.com.

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Use astralagus to boost immune system

(NaturalNews) Beginning of the school year, rumors of the swine flu sparked great fear around the world. As viruses and bacteria begin to spread like wild fire throughout our communities, you are probably searching for the best immune system supplements to protect your family in addition to a well-balanced diet. When trying to choose the best immune boosting supplement for your family, you need something that is simple to incorporate into your lifestyle. One of the best immune system supplements known throughout history is astragalus root.

You may be surprised that astragalus may also assist in reducing the following: cardiovascular disease, chemotherapy side effects, common cold, diabetes, HIV, and AIDS. Studies have shown that astragalus may actually further suppress cancerous tumors from growing. But astragalus is mainly known for its ability to boost the immune system.

Basics on Astragalus

According to drugs.com, astragalus has no known adverse effects. For those who take immunosuppressive medication you should be aware that astragalus should not be taken; it stimulates the immune system and may cause the medication to not be as effective. Also, astragalus should not be ingested during a fever.

There are many different ways to take astragalus. The root is usually created into a decoction by simmering the root in water for a couple minutes. Then you drink the decoction as you would tea. You can also purchase the extract or capsulated versions.

If you are looking to save money while boosting your immune system, purchase astragalus powder in bulk form. You can encapsulate it yourself or add the powder to your food as you cook.

Dosages for Astragalus

You should always follow the advice of a medical professional when determining the dosage for your body. Each variety of astragalus product may suggest different amounts depending on its strength. Follow the directions listed on the label.

Drugs.com says that the average recommended dose for an adult is 2-6 grams of astragalus powder. 4 grams of powder is equivalent to approximately 1 teaspoon for an adult. Since astragalus is almost tasteless, 1 teaspoon of astragalus powder can be easily hidden in different foods, like soups, sauces, or smoothies. You can also easily hide the strained decoction in foods.

How to Use Astragalus in Smoothies

Smoothies are convenient and many people, young and old, love them. It is usually easier to get your kids to drink an immune boosting smoothie than to swallow the capsules.

You have two main forms of astragalus to choose from when adding astragalus into your smoothies. The easiest way is to use the bulk powder. The second way is to create a decoction for the liquid of the smoothie. For your convenience, the recipes below use astragalus powder.

Astragalus Smoothie Recipes

Macadamia Vanilla Astragalus Shake
1/4 cup macadamia nuts, raw
1 cup water
8 dates, pitted
1/4 tsp stevia
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp astragalus powder
12 ice cubes
Blend the first three ingredients until smooth. Then add the rest of the ingredients and blend again.
Makes 2 - 1 cup servings

Strawberry Banana Smoothie
1 cup fresh strawberries
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup fresh fruit juice
2 tablespoons honey or 1/2 tsp stevia powder
1 tsp astragalus powder
8 ice cubes
Place the fresh ingredients under the frozen ingredients into the blender and blend until completely smooth. Makes 2 - 1 cup servings

Chocolate Peppermint Smoothie
1/4 cup cashews or macadamia nuts, raw
1 cup water or peppermint tea
8 dates
1/4 tsp stevia powder
1 tsp astragalus powder
1 tablespoon cocoa or cacao
1-2 drops peppermint essential oil
12 ice cubes
Blend the first three ingredients until smooth. Then add the rest of the ingredients and blend again. Makes 2 - 1 cup servings







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Saturated fats are healthy

(NaturalNews) Today we are caught between two philosophies: one says saturated fat is killing us; the other says these fats are necessary for true vitality. There is a heated back-and-forth, a constant tug-of-war scenario, with society caught in the middle like a child caught between two parents in a nasty divorce.

But fortunately, we are adults who can take a step back from the madness and look at the facts - all of the facts - before coming to our own conclusions. The trouble is finding anything but propaganda regarding saturated fats. Corporate food industry and government agencies are quick to demonize these fats, but in traditional cultures saturated fat was revered and even coveted as a source of vital energy.

Mankind has survived for century upon century thanks to saturated fats, depending on these fats to nourish our bodies and support the health of future generations. Only in recent decades have we turned away from natural fats and toward manufactured vegetable oils. And only in recent decades have we seen an explosion of degenerative conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Here are four important reasons saturated fat should have its place at the table:

#1 - Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease and Improve Your Cholesterol Profile

It's the opposite of what the medical industry tells you, but it's true: eating a diet rich in saturated fats protects your heart. Saturated fat reduces Lp(a), which is associated with increased risk for heart disease, and contributes to higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, which keeps your heart healthy.

#2 - Prevent Loss of Bone Density and Osteoporosis

We all know we need calcium for strong, healthy bones. We also need saturated fat to transport that calcium to our bones. This is why dairy products naturally contain both calcium and saturated fat. All those calcium supplements won't do much good if saturated fat is lacking in our diet.

#3 - Strengthen Your Immunity and Prevent Illness

Saturated fats contain specialized fatty acids which are naturally antifungal, antimicrobial and antiviral. These important fatty acids include lauric acid, myristic acid and caprylic acid. A diet rich in these beneficial fats provides the body with what it needs to fight pathogenic substances.

#4 - Feed Your Brain, Your Nervous System and Your Hormones

Your brain is fat. And that's a good thing. Your brain consists mainly of fat and cholesterol, and it needs saturated fat more than any other kind. Even the brain-friendly omega-3 fatty acids can't be utilized without ample saturated fat. In addition, saturated fat facilitates nerve signals and hormone production. All of these systems rely on saturated fat to function, and to keep you healthy and ultimately alive.

It's important to choose the right saturated fats, like real butter and virgin coconut oil. Avoid highly processed fats and especially hydrogenated oils, which have been proven to cause heart disease, cancer and a slew of other conditions.

The logic is hard to miss. We are told saturated fats cause heart disease, so we trade butter for vegetable oils: heart disease skyrockets. We are told saturated fats cause bone to lessen, so we drink low-fat milk: osteoporosis is widespread. We are told saturated fat isn't good for our brains, so we stop eating traditional fats like coconut oil: depression, ADHD, dementia and autism are more prevalent than ever before. Are saturated fats really the villain here? In reality they are the victims of misinterpreted studies and commercialized industry, which have no interest in what our ancestors could have told them: saturated fat is the key to good health.

For More Information:




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Wild mushroom's anti-cancer potential

Scientists discover how wild mushroom cancer drug works

The drug was first isolated from a parasitic mushroom

Tuesday, 29 December 2009E-mail this to a friend Printable version

Scientists have discovered how a promising cancer drug, first discovered in a wild mushroom, works.

The University of Nottingham team believe their work could help make the drug more effective, and useful for treating a wider range of cancers.

Cordycepin, commonly used in Chinese medicine, was originally extracted from a rare kind of parasitic mushroom that grows on caterpillars.

The study will appear in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

The cordyceps mushroom has been studied by medical researchers for some time - the first scientific publication on cordycepin was in 1950.

However, although the drug showed great promise, it was quickly degraded in the body.

It can be given with another drug to combat this - but the second drug can produce side effects that limit its potential use.

As a result, researchers turned their interest to other potential candidate drugs, and exactly how cordycepin worked on the body's cells remained unclear.

It could lay the groundwork for the design of new cancer drugs that work on the same principle
Dr Cornelia de Moor
University of Nottingham

Researcher Dr Cornelia de Moor said: "Our discovery will open up the possibility of investigating the range of different cancers that could be treated with cordycepin.

"It will be possible to predict what types of cancers might be sensitive and what other cancer drugs it may effectively combine with.

"It could also lay the groundwork for the design of new cancer drugs that work on the same principle."

The researchers have also developed a method to test how effective the drug is in new preparations, and combinations with other drugs, which might solve the problem of degradation more satisfactorily.

Dr De Moor said: "This is a great advantage as it will allow us to rule out any non-runners before anyone considers testing them in animals."

The Nottingham team observed two effects on the cells - at a low dose cordycepin inhibits the uncontrolled growth and division of the cells, and at high doses it stops cells from sticking together, which also inhibits growth.

The knowledge generated by this research demonstrates the mechanisms of drug action and could have an impact on one of the most important challenges to health
Professor Janet Allen
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Both of these effects probably have the same underlying mechanism - that cordycepin interferes with how cells make proteins.

At low doses cordycepin interferes with the production of mRNA, the molecule that gives instructions on how to assemble a protein.

And at higher doses it has a direct impact on the making of proteins.

Professor Janet Allen is director of research at the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, which funded the study.

She said: "This project shows that we can always return to asking questions about the fundamental biology of something in order to refine the solution or resolve unanswered questions.

"The knowledge generated by this research demonstrates the mechanisms of drug action and could have an impact on one of the most important challenges to health."


Green tea prevents H1N1 infection

Green Tea Confirmed to Prevent Infection by New Type of H1N1 Flu Virus

Press Release Source: Ito En, Ltd. On Thursday December 24, 2009, 6:43 am EST

TOKYO, Dec. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Joint research conducted by the Central Research Institute of ITO EN, Ltd. and Professor Takashi Suzuki of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka, showed that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg), a kind of catechin contained in green tea, had an inhibitory effect against three types of influenza viruses, including the swine-origin H1N1 virus that caused pandemic flu in 2009, and that its effect did not depend on the type of virus. These findings once again suggest that green tea is effective in preventing flu.

- Background

Influenza viruses are highly contagious and susceptible to mutation. This is why flu spreads repeatedly each year. Recently, the swine-origin, new type of flu (H1N1) has become a pandemic, raising serious concerns. Gargling with green tea has already proved to prevent the onset of seasonal flu. It has become clear that catechin, a major type of polyphenol in green tea, plays a major role in prevention of flu infection, and that, among different types of catechin, EGCg displays the strongest antiviral activity. We conducted examinations to see if EGCg also shows antiviral activity against the new type of H1N1 virus, regardless of viral subtypes. (Patent applications were filled for related matters.)

- Research content

Solutions containing three types of viruses including the H1N1 virus were mixed with EGCg extracted from green tea. The mixture was added to cultured cells, which were thus infected. The cells were incubated for a set period of time, and the number of infected cells was counted. The concentration of EGCg at which virus infection was inhibited to 50% of the level of infection without EGCg was calculated.

- Results

The experiments showed that EGCg prevented flu virus infections at lower concentrations than Amantadine (a drug used to prevent and treat flu). A typical concentration of EGCg in green tea infused from a teapot is reported as 5,000-7,000 micromoles/L. Therefore, these results indicate that green tea diluted 1,000-fold or more is effective to halve infections by three types of viruses, including H1N1.

The study showed that EGCg contained in green tea has potential to inhibit flu infection regardless of its type, and suggested once again that green tea is effective in preventing flu.

About the Central Research Institute of ITO EN, Ltd.

President: Daisuke Honjo

Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

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Mistletoe cancer treatment

(NaturalNews) It was the season to be jolly for 53 year old Joan van Holsteijn of England. Her 2009 Christmas gift was the final cure of her cancer by Mistletoe! Actually, she was treated with an extract of mistletoe, a natural medicine first developed in 1922 for cancer by Rudolf Steiner in Europe. It is rarely used by itself today. Instead, it`s sometimes used as an adjunct to the more toxic forms of cancer treatments, especially chemotherapy.

When the painful large lump on her leg was diagnosed as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in a British clinic, Joan was advised to receive chemotherapy. She confided, "I was very scared. I was scared of the cancer, and scared of chemo because you can become so ill from it." Her specialist told her that the mistletoe extract could be administered after chemotherapy sessions.

But Joan opted for the mistletoe extract as the first and only treatment. "It [chemotherapy] runs down your immune system to the point where you don`t feel well. Even if you get better from the cancer you still have to deal with the treatments," she added.

About Mistletoe for Cancer

According to Wikipedia, Suzanne Somers, author of Knockout, also chose a mistletoe extract instead of chemotherapy for her breast cancer tumors. Surgery and radiation had not succeeded with ridding Suzanne of cancer, and her doctor's orders were for her to undergo chemotherapy. And just like Joan of England, Suzanne of Hollywood shunned chemotherapy to have mistletoe extract cure her.

As The Cancer Cure Website explains: "Mistletoe extracts are marketed under several trade names ..., most of which are available in Europe. ... these extracts must be prescribed by a physician. However, most doctors in the US do not use it ... [though] it is allowed by compassionate use. Physicians ... can order [mistletoe extracts] directly from European manufacturers."

Mistletoe extracts are usually injected, but they can also be taken orally if appropriate. It`s important to realize the extract is used because the leaves and berries of mistletoe are poisonous. The extract contains several cytotoxins (cell toxins) which induce tumor necrosis (tissue death) in the cancer cells while programming apoptosis (cancer cell suicide).

Mistletoe extracts stimulate the immune system and increase natural killer cell activity. Chemotherapy dampens the immune system while killing healthy cells along with the cancer cells. Ironically, mistletoe extracts are sometimes used with chemotherapy to protect the DNA of healthy cells.

Negative side effects are very rare, and when they do occur they are usually minor allergic reactions. However, people with heart problems or who are on MAO inhibitor antidepressants are at risk for serious reactions with mistletoe extracts.

Sources for this article include:






Raw food's health benefits

(NaturalNews) Raw food diets are becoming increasing popular, and with good reason. Foods in their raw state are truly as nature designed and they are the most biocompatible with our bodies. In fact, it's interesting to know that a boiled potato has 420 more molecular compounds than a raw potato. These new compounds are created in the cooking process, but part of the problem is that our bodies aren't always able to process new compounds - even if someone created them in a kitchen and they taste good.

Our bodies have specific enzymes for digestion, and they work like a lock and key. But when we keep changing the locks, the keys don't always fit. The result is that cooked foods aren't always digested well and particles of them end up stored in our bodies as toxic sludge, instead of used for fuel with the remainder eliminated.

Interestingly, studies have shown that cooked foods increase our white blood cell activity. This essentially means that our bodies see cooked foods as invaders, and work to defend against them. Raw foods don't have this effect.

Another reason raw foods diets are becoming popular is that raw foods contain enzymes whereas cooked and processed foods are devoid of enzymes, as heating destroys them. Enzymes are critical factors in the health equation; they're often called our life force. Enzymes are the catalysts for every function of the body, including blinking and breathing. When we run out of enzymes, we die.

Digestion requires enzymes and by eating raw foods, we're doing little to deplete our enzyme reserves. In contrast, cooked foods demand that the body give up some of its enzymes for digestion. In this manner, cooked foods literally speed our death and hasten all of the processes along the way, including aging and disease.

Unfortunately, most cultures and social circles aren't geared towards raw foods. Many don't understand the benefits of raw food diets, or understand that a diet geared around cooked foods causes problems. Many people also think raw foods are boring or difficult to prepare. In truth, they don't have to be either.

Adding Raw Foods to Your Diet

An easy way to increase your raw food consumption is to drop the cereal or toast for breakfast and start eating fruit. People often say they'd be hungry doing that, but the solution is to eat more. A pineapple or half watermelon is a delicious breakfast. Your favorite fruit can also replace candied or processed snacks.

You can also boost your raw food intake by eating more salads, and making them more substantial in the process. A salad doesn't have to be all lettuce and half a tomato. Salads can skip the lettuce entirely and can bulk up with a quarter cabbage, two tomatoes, an avocado, and perhaps half a cucumber. With a great dressing, it'll be delicious, and most people will be quite satisfied afterward. So, forget conventional salad wisdom and bulk your salads up with lots of your favorite veggies.

Raw foods can also be added to cooked foods, when the cooking is complete. For example, shredded cabbage, fresh thyme, and a diced tomato can be added on top of a boiled potato to make a great half raw "potato salad." Just season with coconut oil and sea salt.

If you're not ready to go completely raw, you can benefit by simply adding more raw foods to your diet. Many health experts recommend a diet of about 70 percent raw foods, which would be two meals a day, plus snacks. However, in truth, the more you add, the better off you'll be.

Genefit Nutrition, Roman Devivo and Antje Spors

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List of chemicals used in vaccines

The CDC's List of Chemicals Commonly Used In The Production of Vaccines

Tuesday, 22 December 2009 15:47

Chemicals commonly used in the production of vaccines include a suspending fluid (sterile water, saline, or fluids containing protein); preservatives and stabilizers (for example, albumin, phenols, and glycine); and adjuvants or enhancers that help improve the vaccine's effectiveness. Vaccines also may contain very small amounts of the culture material used to grow the virus or bacteria used in the vaccine, such as chicken egg protein.
Additives used in the production of vaccines may include suspending fluid (e.g. sterile water, saline, or fluids containing protein); preservatives and stabilizers to help the vaccine remain unchanged (e.g. albumin, phenols, and glycine); and adjuvants or enhancers that help the vaccine improve its work.

Aluminum gels or salts of aluminum which are added as adjuvants to help the vaccine stimulate a better response to the vaccine. Adjuvants help promote an earlier, more potent response, and more persistent immune response to the vaccine.

Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines, (these are vaccines that use an inactive bacterial toxin to produce immunity.) It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and 2-phenoxy-ethanol which are used as stabilizers in a few vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when the vaccine is exposed to heat, light, acidity, or humidity.

Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative that is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose to prevent contamination and growth of potentially harmful bacteria.

To find out what chemical additives are in specific vaccines, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a copy of the vaccine package insert, which lists all ingredients in the vaccine and discusses any known adverse reactions.

Aluminum salts and gels, used as vaccine adjuvants, have been associated with motor paralysis, fatty degeneration of the kidneys and liver, learning disabilities, dementia, bone dissolution, et cetera.

Dr Butler-Jones says Canada may opt for a ‘pandemic’ vaccine which contains adjuvant. This, he says would increase its immunizing power such that more doses could be obtained and still leave enough vaccine available for the rest of the world. The downside he doesn’t mention is that, for the very reason that adjuvants boost the immune response, they also increase the chance for injury. The conventional influenza vaccines currently licensed for use in Canada do not contain adjuvant, although they do contain mercury. Mercury is not only highly toxic by itself, it also greatly increases the toxic effects of the commonly used adjuvant aluminum.

The vaccine’s manufacturer, Bioport of Lansing, Michigan, has never passed an FDA inspection. Numerous problems include lack of sterility, contamination problems, quality control problems, lack of consistency in manufacturing, falsification of the expiration dates on some lots of the vaccine (labels were switched), and the presence of squalene, an adjuvant which is illegal in the United States.

Toxic metals influence autism severity

Toxic metals may influence autism severity

December 28th, 2009

Adams, JB, M Baral, E Geis, J Mitchell, J Ingram, A Hensley, I Zappia, S Newmark, E Gehn, RA Rubin, K Mitchell, J Bradstreet, and JM El-Dahr. 2009. The severity of autism is associated with toxic metal body burden and red blood cell glutathioine levels. Journal of Toxicology doi:10.1155/2009/532640.
Synopsis by Michele A. La Merrill, Ph.D.
Children with higher levels of metals – such as lead and antimony – in their urine had more severe autism, suggesting that metal levels in their bodies may contribute to its seriousness.

The severity of a child’s autism coincided with the levels of toxic metals excreted in their urine after treatment with a metals removal therapy, finds a study published in the Journal of Toxicology. The higher the levels of lead, antimony and other metals excreted, the more severe was the child’s autism. The findings hold true across four independent tools used to assess autism severity.

The results suggest to researchers that these metals may contribute to the degree of autism symptoms in the children. Because these children had autism before the toxic metals were measured, the study does not address whether the metals cause autism or the sources of the metals.

Autism is a severe disorder that impacts social, communicative and behavioral function. It is increasingly diagnosed in young children and affects them for life. While widespread, its cause is not known.

Some researchers have noticed that autism symptoms are similar to symptoms associated with toxic metal poisoning. Because of this, mercury, lead and other metals have been scrutinized for possible links to autism. Yet, even though some human research evidence suggests a relationship between metals and autism, the exact relationship remains a mystery.

Sixty-three children aged 3 to 8 years old participated in the study. The children had no mercury dental fillings and were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Researchers assessed the severity of autism using tools developed to either diagnose the condition or monitor the symptoms.

Measurements of toxic metals were taken from children’s urine before and after children were treated with oral dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA). DMSA is a medication approved for infant lead poisoning, though doctors sometimes use it to treat toxic exposure to other metals, like mercury. None of the children in the study had ever been treated with DMSA.

Lead and antimony excreted after the DMSA treatment were consistently associated with autism across the four severity assessment tools used. Mercury, aluminum and tin were associated with some – but not all – of the severity assessment tools. DMSA treatment significantly decreased urinary lead levels, as expected. This therapy also effectively removed a number of other toxic metals from the children, including tin, bismuth, tungsten, thallium, antimony and arsenic.

In these kinds of studies, the level of one type of metal found in a child is related to the level of another type of metal found in the same child. So even though the levels of lead and antimony in this study correlated to autism severity across all four of the assessment tools used, the researchers cannot be sure which of the individual metals measured relate to autism severity in this study. Identifying autism severity in people with only lead or antimony exposure might help to solve this question.

This study raises more questions about the role of toxic metal exposures in the severity of autism spectrum disorder. A larger study that assesses autism severity both before- and after- DMSA treatment, while documenting the effectiveness of DMSA treatment, would lend further credibility to the notion that toxic metals influence autism severity.

This study suggests that DMSA is effective therapy to remove a variety of toxic metals from children. Regulatory agencies could evaluate the treatment and develop appropriate treatment guidelines for DMSA uses.

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Thimersoral: a toxic legacy

Thimerosal: A vaccine ingredient’s toxic legacy

Written by Roman Bystrianyk
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 02:28

April, 1948 an article is published in the journal Pediatrics:

“Inspection of the records of the Children’s Hospital for the past ten years has disclosed 15 instances in which children developed acute cerebral symptoms within a period of hours after the administration of pertussis vaccine. The children varied between 5 and 18 months in age and, in so far as it is possible to judge children of this age range, were developing normally according to histories supplied by their parents. None had convulsions previously.”

“Twelve of the children were boys and three were girls, a sex difference also encountered in relation to other substances, such as lead, causing gross injury to the developing nervous system. At inoculation time, the children varied in age between 5 and 18 months. Developmental data were obtained in detail on all but two of the children, whose mothers simply stated that they had developed normally. Reference to the case histories showed that such objective activities such as sitting, walking, and talking had appeared in many of the children prior to the inoculations; and the regressions or failure of further development occurred after the encephalopathies [Any disease or symptoms of disease referable to disorders of the brain] in several instances. In so far as it was possible to judge none of the children were defective prior to their acute illness.”

“In common with many other biologic materials used parenterally [not by mouth], an important risk of encephalopathy attends the use of prophylactic pertussis vaccine. The mechanism whereby the encephalopathy is produced is not elucidated by the present study. The universal use of such vaccine is warranted only if it can be shown to be effective in preventing encephalopathy or death from pertussis itself in large groups of children. If avoidance of the inconvenience of the average attack of pertussis is all that is expected, the risk seems considerable. Efforts to diminish the hazard by modification of the vaccine or new methods of administration seem indicated.”
Fast forward 60 years to the present; parents state their children were developing normally until the time of a vaccine; boys are 3 to 4 times more likely to have autism than girls; often times sitting, walking, talking are all normal in a child until 12-30 months followed by a major regression. The parallels to the present day epidemic in childhood neurologic disorders to this 1948 article are striking and concerning. What is equally disturbing is the observation of the authors that the neurologic problem occurred near the administration of the pertussis vaccine and that the “sex difference” in the “gross injury to the developing nervous system” was similar to the heavy metal lead.

Coal-burning power plants, use of mercury in gold mining, industrial manufacturing, incineration of municipal and medical waste, are some of the sources of heavy metals found in our modern environment. These pollutants contaminate our environment and enter our food supply and eventually our bodies. In some cases heavy metals were added to products, such as in mercury amalgam fillings, and one substance in particular, Thimerosal, has been believed by many to be a major cause of neurologic problems that we encounter today.

Thimerosal is a mercury-containing organic compound or organomercurial. In the 1930s, Eli Lily developed Thimerosal as a preservative and it has been used in a number of biological and drug products, including many vaccines. Until the removal of Thimerosal, which contains 49.9% ethyl mercury by weight, from most pediatric vaccines in 2001, the source of the largest human exposure to mercury in the US was in children under 18 months of age undergoing routine childhood immunization schedules. Before 2001, a child may have received a cumulative dose of over 200 μg/kg [micrograms per kilogram] in the first 18 months of life.

Although Thimerosal has been removed from most childhood vaccines, it is still present in the flu vaccine, which is given to pregnant women, the elderly, and children. Also, many vaccines given to children in developing countries still contain Thimerosal.

Many still believe that Thimerosal is safe and effective and that there is little to no evidence that there is any health problems associated with this substance. According to the FDA website:

“Thimerosal has been the subject of several studies and has a long record of safe and effective use preventing bacterial and fungal contamination of vaccines, with no ill effects established other than minor local reactions at the site of injection.”

The article references eight studies supporting their position. But is there evidence that shows Thimerosal isn’t safe?

A Material Safety Data Sheet or MSDS is a document that provides the proper procedures for handling or working with a particular substance. The information includes physical data (such as melting point, boiling point, etc.), toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill/leak procedures.

The hazard rating information that appears on the MSDS is summarized on a diamond-shaped diagram that can rapidly alert personnel to substances that require special caution. Hazards are rated from 0 indicating no unusual hazard to 4 a severe hazard. The blue area of the diamond relates to health and a rating of 2 in the case of Thimerosal indicates “Intense or continued exposure could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury unless prompt medical attention is given.”

Here are some disturbing excerpts from the MSDS for thimerosal (trade name Merthiolate):

“Section 3: Hazards Identification – Potential Chronic Health Effects: The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver, spleen, bone marrow, central nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated exposure to a highly toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by an accumulation in one or many human organs.”

“Section 6: Accidental Release Measures – Poisonous solid. Stop leak if without risk. Do not get water inside container. Do not touch spilled material. Use water spray to reduce vapors. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed.”

“Section 11: Toxicological Information – Chronic Effects on Humans: MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. May cause damage to the following organs: kidneys, liver, spleen, bone marrow, central nervous system (CNS). Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: May cause cancer based on animal data. No human data found.”

“Inhalation and Ingestion: Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause kidney damage, and may affect the liver, and bone marrow. Chronic exposure to mercury vapors behavior/central nervous system and peripheral nervous system (depression, irritability, nervousness, weakness, ataxia, fatigue, tremor, jerky gait, limb spasms, personality changes), metabolism (anorexia, weight loss) and cause gastrointestinal disturbances which is collectively referred to as “aesthenic-vegetative syndrome.” Chronic ingestion may cause accumulation of mercury in body tissues and may result in salicylism which is characterized by nausea, vomiting, gastric ulcers, and hemorrhagic strokes.”

In addition Elli Lilly’s 1999 MSDS contains more disturbing information:

“Section 3: Hazards Identification – … Exposure to mercury in utero and in children may cause mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment.”

“Section 6: Accidental Release Measures – Wear protective equipment, including eye protection, to avoid exposure. This material is a mercury compound which are CERCL Hazardous Substances and SARA 313 Toxic Chemicals.”

The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as Superfund, was enacted by Congress on December 11, 1980. This law created a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries and provided broad Federal authority to respond directly to releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances that may endanger public health or the environment. SARA 313 requires the EPA and State Regulatory Agencies to annually collect data on releases and transfers of certain toxic chemicals from industrial facilities, and make the data available to the public through a public database called the Toxics Release Inventory, or TRI.

These data safety sheets alone are certainly a cause for concern. One has to question why would anyone use such a dangerous substance in any medical product let alone one that is injected directly into the blood stream? But in addition to the MSDS there are numerous studies from the medical and scientific literature that clearly show thimerosal is not a safe substance. The following are a few excerpts from a number of scientific journals:

1977 – Archives of Disease in Childhood

“Although thiomersal [thimerosal] is an ethyl mercury compound, it has similar toxicological properties to methyl mercury and in long-term neurological sequelae [a pathological condition resulting from a disease, injury, or other trauma] produced by the ingestion of either methyl or ethyl mercury-based fungicides and indistinguishable … Since it is clear that treatment of exomphalos [an umbilical hernia at birth in which some abdominal organs push into the umbilical cord] by the application of alcoholic mercurial antiseptics can produce blood and tissue levels of mercury well above the threshold at which damage occurs in all other age groups, it is extremely unlikely that these infants escape neurological damage, which may be subtle. We therefore suggest that treated survivors should be examined neurologically and psychologically as a matter of urgency. Organic mercurial antiseptics should be heavily restricted or withdrawn from hospital use, as the fact that mercury readily permeates intact membranes and is highly toxic seems to have been forgotten. Equally effective and far less toxic broad-spectrum antifungal and antibacterial topical antiseptics are currently available.”

2003 – Toxicological Sciences

“In clinical cases of accidental or intentional usage in high concentrations, thimerosal was administered in doses from 3 mg/kg to several hundred mg/kg. Such doses resulted in local necrosis [The death of living cells or tissues] at the application site and severe central nervous system and kidney injury … In this paper we demonstrated that extending the time of incubation with thimerosal from 2 to 6 hours is associated with toxicity that was not seen after a shorter time of exposure. For this reason, further studies of lower concentrations and longer exposure times appear to be warranted. These results indicate that additional research is needed to fully delineate the dose- and time-dependent toxicity of thimerosal in sub-micro-molar concentrations and suggests that toxicity may occur at even lower doses than those utilized in these experiments, with longer times of exposure. Because mercury can be retained in body organs for months to years, the study of longer incubation times is warranted.”

2003 – Archives of toxicology

“In conclusion, thimerosal induced strong effects in the cytochalasin B in vitro [outside the living organism] micronucleus test in human lymphocytes … Since thimerosal was repeatedly shown to be genotoxic [damaging to DNA] in vitro and in vivo [inside the living organism], there is reason for concern about its widespread use.”

2004 – Toxicology

“Both thimerosal and methylmercury increased the [Ca2+]i and oxidative stress in cerebellar granule cells. In rat cerebellar granule neurons, the increase in [Ca2+]i induces an increase in oxidative stress while the oxidative stress increases the [Ca2+]i. It is a possibility that uncontrolled and sustained elevation of [Ca2+]I increases the formation of reactive oxygen species that induce a further increase in [Ca2+]i. If so, such insults induced by thimerosal and methylmercury would lead to cell injury or death in brain neurons … In can be concluded that the potency of thimerosal to induce cytotoxic [substances that are toxic to cells] action on brain neurons dissociated from 2-week-old rats under the in vitro conditions is similar to that of methylmercury.”

2005 – NeuroToxicology

“In both cell lines, a progressive increase in cytotoxicity [decrease in viability] was observed when Thimerosal dose was progressively doubled from 2.5 μmol/L [micromoles per liter] to 5, 10, and 20 μmol/L. Viability was reduced more than 50% in both cell lines with exposure to 10 μmol/L Thimerosal and less than 10% of cells survived a dose of 20 μmol/L. Thimerosal induces oxidative stress and apoptosis [programmed cell death] by activating mitochondrial cell death pathways. A subsequent study using cultured human neuron and fibroblast cell lines similarly showed that low micromolar concentrations of Thimerosal induced DNA strand breaks, caspase-3 activation, membrane damage and cell death.”

2007 – Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health

“The high order of toxicity from Thimerosal and its ethylmercury breakdown product has been known and published for decades. Nonetheless, Thimerosal remains in the drug supply, especially in various vaccines manufactured both for the United States and globally. The ubiquitous and largely unchecked place of Thimerosal in pharmaceutical products, therefore, represents a medical crisis in the modern day. Reforms in the manufacture and the licensing of vaccines and other drugs, which should have been accomplished proactively, had anyone properly assessed their mercury content, must now be conducted, reactively, under significant systemic stress. With no warning, recall, or ban of mercury in vaccines and other drugs as of yet, the victim of this mandated, unwarranted, and massive mercury exposure is still an unsuspecting public, and most especially its unborn and newborn children.”

2007 – Anales de la Facultad de Medicina

“Due to the vast gaps in knowledge of thimerosal’s pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as its toxic properties over the immune system, it is required to make more studies of quantitative character in animal models as soon as possible. Nevertheless, while it is true, it is difficult to extrapolate these findings to other animal experimentation groups and over human beings, our results, as the multiple scientific evidence recently published about thimerosal, clearly indicates the toxic nature of this substance, at the same dose and the same chronology as human immunizations; therefore we suggest the employment of alternative preservatives in vaccines, especially those intended to pregnant women, neonates, and small children based in the prevention and precaution principles of all medical interventions.”

2008 – Neuroendocrinology Letters

“Thimerosal has been recognized by the California Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment as a developmental toxin. This implies that Thimerosal may produce birth defects, low birth weight, biological dysfunctions, or psychological or behavior deficits that become manifest as the child grows. Maternal exposure during pregnancy may disrupt the development or even cause the death of the fetus. … It is clear from these data that additional ND research should be undertaken in the context of evaluating mercury-associated exposures, especially from Thimerosal containing Rho(D)-immune globulins administered during pregnancy. Further studies should also be undertaken in additional databases/registries to assess the compatibility of the present results with trends in NDs in other US populations, and to observe whether Thimerosal-containing Rho(D)-immune globulins were associated with other birth defects in children. … CONCLUSION: This study associates TCR [Thimerosal (49.55% mercury by weight) - containing Rho(D) immune globulins] exposure with some NDs [neurodevelopmental disorders] in children.”

2008 – International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine

“Biological findings in autism that are consistent with mercury poisoning include elevated oxidative stress, depleted levels of glutathione, neurochemical irregularities, gastro-intestinal distress, immune dysregulation and generalized and neural inflammation. All of these are also well documented effects of
mercury poisoning and, specifically, mercury poisoning in infants … Autism is a modern disease. It was first identified in the late 1930s and reported in 1943 by Kanner. It is important to place the arrival and subsequent epidemic growth of autism into the historical context of environmental exposure to mercury. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge that the commencement of widely available vaccinations (containing mercury) commenced in the 1930s. Additionally, the early 1900s saw the increasing availability and popularity of dental care where mercury amalgam fillings were the dominant restorative material … The existing scientific literature provides grounds for strong suspicion that mercury plays a causal role in the development of autism. Given this suspicion, and the severe nature, devastating lifelong impact and extremely high prevalence of autism, it would be negligent to continue to expose pregnant and nursing mothers and infant children to any amount of avoidable mercury. Health authorities worldwide should move without hesitation to ban and remove all mercury in all medical products at the earliest possible date.”

2009 – Behavioral and Brain Functions

“A disruption of the GSH (glutathione) system by mercury leads to GSH depletion and cell destruction. An in vitro study of Jurkat T cells exposed to thimerosal demonstrated concentration-dependent apoptosis. It was found that the mercury moiety [part of the molecule], not the thiosalicylic acid moiety, of thimerosal was responsible for glutathione depletion. GSH depletion is linked to several neurodegenerative disorders.”

2009 – NeuroToxicology

Our study design does not enable us to determine whether it is the vaccine per se, the exposure to Th [thimerosal], or a combination of both that is causing the observed effects. None-the-less, the developing brain is considered the most vulnerable organ to mercury exposure, and experimental studies suggest that the brainstem – whose function is central to the reflexes described herein – may be one of the more sensitive targets … Since the acquisition of motor reflexes is controlled by the brainstem, it is possible that very early exposure to ethyl mercury may adversely affect the emerging brainstem function … this study provides preliminary evidence of abnormal early neurodevelopmental responses in male infant rhesus macaques [type of monkey] receiving a single dose of Th-containing [Thimerosal containing] HB [Hepatitis B] vaccine at birth and indicates that further investigation is merited.”

There are still more studies not included in this article simply because the volume of information would be overwhelming, but the Material Data Safety Sheets and these scientific excerpts speak for themselves – Thimerosal is clearly a dangerous substance.

What the authors of that 1948 study probably didn’t know when they said “If avoidance of the inconvenience of the average attack of pertussis is all that is expected” was that the historical data shows the death rate from pertussis had already fallen by 99% by the time they were writing their article and that their call to “diminish the hazard” of the vaccine would be apparently largely unheeded.

Randolph K. Byers, M.D. and Frederic C. Moll, M.D., Encephalopathies Following Prophylactic Pertussis Vaccine, Pediatrics, April 1948, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 437-456

FDA website Thimerosal in Vaccines: http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/...y/ucm096228.htm

Thimerosal Material Safety Data Sheet – http://www.sciencelab.com/xMSDS-Thimerosal-9925236

Thimerosal Material Safety Data Sheet – Elli Lilly and Company, 22-Dec-1999

Fagan DG, Pritchard JS, Clarkson TW, Greenwood MR., Organ mercury levels in infants with omphaloceles treated with organic mercurial antiseptic. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 1977 Dec;52(12):962-4.

David S. Bakin, Hop Ngo, and Vladimir V. Didenko, Thimerosal Induced DNA Breaks, Caspase-3 Activation, Membrane Damage, and Cell Death in Cultured Human Neurons and Fibroblasts, Toxicological Sciences, Aug 2003, pp. 361-8.

WESTPHAL Götz A.; ASGARI Soha; SCHULZ Thomas G.; BÜNGER Jürgen; MÜLLER Michael; HALLIER Ernst; Thimerosal induces micronuclei in the cytochalasin B block micronucleus test with human lymphocytes, Archives of toxicology, 2003, vol. 77, no1, pp. 50-55

Toshiko Ueha-Ishibashi, Yasuo Oyama, Hiromi Nakao, Chisato Umebayashi, Yasutaka Nishizaki, Tomoko Tatsuishi, Kyoko Iwase, Koji Murao and Hakaru Seo, Effect of thimerosal, a preservative in vaccines, on intracellular Ca2+ concentration of rat cerebellar neurons, Toxicology, Volume 195, Issue 1, 15 January 2004, Pages 77-84

S.J. James, William Slikker III, Stepan Melnyk, Elizabeth New, Marta Pogribna, Stefanie Jernigan, Thimerosal Neurotoxicity is Associated with Glutathione Depletion: Protection with Glutathione Precursors, NeuroToxicology, Vol. 26, 2005, pp. 1-8


Jonny Laurente, Fany Remuzgo, Betthina Ávalos, Johnnie Chiquinta, Bladimir Ponce, Ronald Avendaño, Luis Maya, Neurotoxic effects of thimerosal at vaccine doses on the encephalon and development in 7 day-old hamsters, Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, 2007; 68(3), pp. 222-237

David A. Geier, Elizabeth Mumper, Bambi Gladfelter, Lisa Coleman, and Mark R. Geier, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Maternal Rh-Negativity, and Rho(D) Immune Globulins: A Multi-Center Assessment, Neuroendocrinology Letters, Volume 29, No. 2 2008

David Austin, An epidemiological analysis of the ‘autism as mercury poisoning’ hypothesis, International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, 20 (2008) pp. 135-142

Renee Dufault, Roseanne Schnoll, Walter J Lukiw, Blaise LeBlanc, Charles Cornett, Lyn Patrick, David Wallinga, Steven G Gilbert and Raquel Crider, Mercury exposure, nutritional deficiencies and metabolic disruptions may affect learning in children, Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2009, 5:44

Laura Hewitson, Lisa A. Housera, Carol Stottc, Gene Sackett, Jaime L. Tomko, David Atwood, Lisa Blue, E. Railey Whited and Andrew J. Wakefield, Delayed acquisition of neonatal reflexes in newborn primates receiving a thimerosal-containing Hepatitis B vaccine: Influence of gestational age and birth weight, NeuroToxicology, October 2009

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Pistachios slash lung cancer risk

(NaturalNews) People who want to avoid the leading cancer killer have a pal in the pistachio. According to the latest research on this nutritional nut, pistachios help reduce the risk of developing lung cancer because of their high gamma-tocopherol content. Gamma-tocopherol is a form of vitamin E that has been proven to be an effective cancer deterrent.

The pistachio likes to keep a "low" profile. For example, Penn State researchers say a daily dose of pistachios "lowers" cholesterol levels by as much as 11 percent; nutritionists recommend them to people who want to "lower" their calorie intake (i.e., pistachios are the lowest calorie nut); and a 2008 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says pistachios "lower" the risk for cardiovascular disease.

How "low" can the pistachio go? Well, when it comes to how at risk someone is for lung cancer, pretty darn low.

Researchers from Texas Woman`s University in Houston supplied a group of 18 healthy participants (who were chosen at random) with two ounces of pistachios. The pistachios were to be eaten every day for a period of one month (two ounces = about 117 pistachio kernels). The other group of 18 did not eat pistachios but, other than that fact, ate the same diet as the first group.

Through various testing procedures that analyzed their vitamin E levels, the researchers found that the pistachio-munching group had higher levels of gamma-tocopherol. As aforementioned, prior studies have found gamma-tocopherol to be effective in protecting men from prostate cancer. And based on this latest round of findings, the gamma-tocopherol in pistachios are every bit as effective in warding off lung cancer.

Lung cancer kills more people per year than breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer combined.

Now, 117 pistachios per day may sound like a lot, but according to the study`s lead researcher, two ounces of pistachios should not lead to any significant changes in body mass.

If you`re not jazzed about the pistachio, there are other ways to get your gamma-tocopherol fill besides supplementing. Nuts are the most abundant source of gamma-tocopherol (both nuts and nut oils), but another especially rich source is wheat germ oil. One-hundred grams of wheat germ oil contains a whopping 215 milligrams! This is important to note, because even though gamma-tocopherol is the major source of vitamin E in the diet, the blood retains more alpha-tocopherol than gamma-tocopherol.


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Enjoy an antioxidant melange !

(NaturalNews) You want to make the Cranberry Melange Recipe. The dilemma is you are wondering how to perform some of the culinary techniques to make it? Also, you may be wondering the answers to questions like why to use salt in this sweet recipe? Wonder no more...

*Citrus - How to supreme...

Segmenting citrus, or to "supreme" in culinary vernacular, means to release the individual segments or sections of a citrus fruit from the membranes (that hold the fruit together). First, slice off the tops and bottoms of the citrus. With a small sharp knife (serrated works well), cut off the peel (cutting deeply enough that the white bitter pith is removed). This can be done either in a circular motion (moving around the globe of the fruit) or by slicing from the top to the bottom of the fruit (following the contour of the fruit). To catch any juice that is released, work over a bowl. Insert knife along one side of a membrane, and slice toward the center of the fruit (keeping knife as close to the membrane as possible). One side of the segment will now be separated. Do the other side of the membrane the same way (until segment is completely freed).

*Citrus - How to zest...

With its floral and tangy tones and a slightly and sophisticated bitterness, zest refers to the vividly colored and most outer peel of citrus fruits. This very outer peel contains natural, volatile and aromatic oils that intensify citrus sapor. The white portion (or called the pith - which lies just below the zest) is less desirable (because of its bitter taste). Try tangerine or blood orange zest with their exquisite flowery aromas. Use zest from only organic citrus fruit (to avoid waxes and chemicals). Always zest the fruit just before using the zest (because this is when the zest`s volatile oils are strongest). Use only citrus fruit with a beautiful appearance and drawing fragrance (for highest quality zest). Zest only uncut citrus fruit (for ease of zesting). Before zesting, always clean the citrus fruit.

*Nuts - How to soak and dehydrate...

Place nuts into a container. Add a little highest-quality unrefined unheated salt. Fill container with cool temperature filtered water to cover nuts by a few inches. Lid container. At room-temperature, soak nuts for the time specified in recipe. Drain off soaking water. In fresh cool-temperature filtered water, submerge and swish soaked nuts. Drain nuts. Dehydrate nuts: Place flexible mesh screen over top of rigid larger-holed tray. Arrange nuts in single layer. Set dehydrator at 95 degrees. Dehydrate nuts equal to or twice as long as soak time (depending on texture desired).

*The Cranberry Melange Recipe was tested using the English = Royal = Persian walnuts.

*Allspice comes from a single tree. It tastes like a mixture of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. If grinding allspice, about 5 whole berries = 1-teaspoon. If grinding cinnamon, 1 stick = 1/2-teaspoon. For a spectacular culinary result, preferred is to use Ceylon cinnamon.

*In lieu of highest-quality Himalayan pink crystal salt (unrefined and unheated) that is used in The Cranberry Melange Recipe, feel free to use any highest-quality unrefined and unheated salt of choice. The Hawaiian red clay salt is fabulous.

*Why is there salt used in this sweet recipe? The answer is because salt 1. Mingles flavors and 2. Increases the sweet taste in a sweet recipe.

*For health, it is important to use a honey that is pure, unprocessed, unfiltered and unheated. In addition, honey that is certified organic can be obtained.

Will you comment on the recipe?

Thanks for reading!


Cranberry Nutrition:


Walnut Nutrition:


Walnuts (culinary info):


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