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Improve your digestion naturally

(NaturalNews) Digestive problems are a modern day epidemic in Westernized cultures. Major disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, diarrhea and constipation are all too frequent. The modern day diet and lifestyle is loaded with toxins and deficient in high quality live foods full of enzymes and probiotics. Improve your digestive health naturally with an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle. The gut houses ten times more microbial species than the overall amount of cells in the entire body. These microbial species break down food pieces into small nutrients that absorb into the bloodstream. They also help to detoxify the body and aid in immunity. The ratio of progenic (life giving) to pathogenic (disease causing) microbes should be 85:15. When this ratio gets out of whack it leads to chronic inflammation in the gut and subsequent digestive problems. Clean water is absolutely essential for healthy digestion. Most people are drinking water that is laced with chlorine, disinfectant byproducts (DBP's) and other environmental toxins. Chlorine and DBP's sterilize the water and when consumed will sterilize the body. By destroying progenic cultures the body is susceptible to opportunistic pathogenic species such as Candida. This results in digestive problems and inflammatory conditions within the body. The best water to consume is from a natural spring or through a reverse osmosis filtration system. The natural spring water is the most bioenergetically alive and often contains some healthy bacteria. Reverse osmosis filtration works great for anyone in more metropolitan areas where natural springs are not available. Add fresh squeezed lemon and/or apple cider vinegar to your water as often as possible to add anti-oxidants, organic acids and enzymes. Anti-inflammatory foods reduce inflammatory activity in the body and help heal the gut. Great anti-inflammatory foods include coconut products, avocados, olive oil, berries & phytonutrient rich vegetables. Healthy meat sources such as grass-fed beef, wild game, wild salmon, organic poultry and organic eggs are great as long as the gut can tolerate them effectively. Utilizing apple cider vinegar and/or fresh squeezed lemon can help the body digest heavy proteins. Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036351_digestion_remedies_solutions.html#ixzz1zQa27yKw Foods that are naturally fermented help inoculate the gut with healthy microbial species. Homemade sauerkraut, kombucha, coconut water kefir, and kimchi are great. Fermented dairy products from grass-fed cows/goats are highly advisable. These include amasai, fermented whey drinks & raw cheese. Often times a probiotic supplement with bio-diverse range of cultures and over 50 billion colony forming units is advisable. Non-denatured whey protein from grass-fed cows is also very good for rebuilding the gut. Whey is loaded with L-glutamine and enhances cellular glutathione stores which are both needed to repair the intestinal wall and de-inflame the body. Powerful herbs such as turmeric, g garlic, onion, rosemary, & oregano among others should be used as much as possible to improve immune coordination. Carminatives are herbs that stimulate the digestive system to work better. These herbs contain a high content of volatile oils that are effective at expelling gas and easing griping pains from the stomach and intestines. They also tone the mucous surfaces & increase peristaltic action within the esophagus, stomach. This peristaltic action propels food and wastes through the system. The major carminative herbs include coriander, cinnamon, ginger, juniper, anise, fennel, cloves, caraway, dill, peppermint, thyme and licorice. These carminatives are often combined with aloe. Aloe is a cathartic herb that increases intestinal transit time and is used to alleviate constipation. These herbs help tone down the powerful gripping effect that aloe often promotes in the gut. This combination helps stimulate effective and comfortable stools for those with chronic constipation. Sources For This Article Include http://www.ehow.com/way_5467562_carminative-digestive-remedies.html http://www.naturalnews.com/035840_fibromyalgia_remedies_solutions.html http://www.naturalnews.com/033438_GAPS_diet_healing.html About the author: Dr. David Jockers owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Ga. He is a Maximized Living doctor. His expertise is in weight loss, customized nutrition & exercise, & structural corrective chiropractic care. For more information go to www.drjockers.com To find a Maximized Living doctor near you go to www.maximizedliving.com Dr. Jockers is also available for long distance phone consultations to help you beat disease and reach your health goals Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036351_digestion_remedies_solutions.html#ixzz1zQat1Dgx


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