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Ultrasounds harm the fetus !

(NaturalNews) Ultrasound is extremely damaging to the health of any unborn child (fetus). The natural health community has been warning about ultrasound for years, but mainstream medicine, which consistently fails to recognize the harm it causes, insists ultrasound is perfectly safe and can't possibly harm the health of a fetus.

Now, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding a project that aims to temporarily sterilize men by blasting their scrotums with ultrasound. The burst of ultrasound energy, it turns out, disrupts the normal biological function of the testes, making the man infertile for six months.

Ultrasound, in other words, contains enough energy to temporarily deaden the testes and basically destroy sperm function for half a year. So why is it considered "safe" to blast an unborn baby with the same frequencies?

Ultrasound is loud. It no doubt causes tissue disruption and damage in a fetus, and it certainly creates stress and shock for the baby. And yet conceited yuppie parents just can't get enough of it! They want to SEE a picture of their little baby before it's even born, so they subject it to tissue damage and ultrasound trauma in order to get a snapshot they can show off to their yuppie friends. Just to clarify, I'm not opposed to medically necessary ultrasound that has a reasonable justification concerning the health of the mother of the baby. What I'm strongly opposed to is ultrasound used to take pictures of the fetus or to satisfy the curiosity of the parents. This "recreational" ultrasound is extremely selfish, conceited and may pose a very real danger to the health of the baby.

It's so American, isn't it? Damage the baby so we can get a snapshot to post on Facebook. What a way to welcome a baby into the world: Blast it with piercing high-frequency energy in order to impress your friends! Don't forget to vaccinate them, too, as soon as they are born. (And yes, some parents-to-be seriously subject their babies to ultrasound just so they can take pictures. It's demented!)

Sound is very easily transmitted through fluids, by the way, and the fetus is floating in a sac of amniotic fluid that transmits the ultrasound energy right at them.


Statins side effects revealed

'Unintended' statin side-effect risks uncovered

Statins lower cholesterol

Thursday, 20 May 2010 00:02 UKE-mail this to a friend Printable version

GPs should think more carefully about prescribing cholesterol-busting drugs say researchers who highlighted a range of "unintended" side effects.

Some doses and types of statins are linked with a greater risk of adverse effects, including liver problems and kidney failure, the UK research showed.

Doctors will have access to a computer program based on the findings to help spot those most at risk.

Millions of UK adults take the drugs to reduce heart attack and stroke risk.

The researchers, from the University of Nottingham, stressed that for many people the benefits of statins outweighed any adverse effects, but the findings would help weigh up the pros and cons in each patient.
For people with, or at high risk of heart disease, the benefits of statins far outweigh this risk
June Davison, British Heart Foundation

There are plans to prescribe statins on the NHS in around one in four adults aged over 40.

The Department of Health had predicted prescriptions for the drugs would rise by 30% a year, as GPs find more and more people eligible.

At the moment, anyone judged to have a one in five or greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease over 10 years is advised to take a statin.

But there has been much debate over side effects and the latest research set out to confirm where the problems may lie in a "real life" population.

Unintended effects

Researchers looked at data from more than two million 30-84 year-olds from GP practices in England and Wales over a six-year period.

Adverse effects identified in the study, published in the British Medical Journal, include liver problems, acute kidney failure, muscle weakness and cataracts.

For kidney failure and liver dysfunction, higher doses of the drugs seemed to be associated with greater risk.

Risks of side-effects were greatest in the first year of use.

On the positive side, the analysis also showed no significant association between the use of statins and the risk of Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, blood clot, dementia, osteoporotic fracture, or many cancers including gastric, colon, lung, renal, breast or prostate.

Study leader Professor Julia Hippisley-Cox, who also works as a GP, said the computer programme they had devised meant GPs could work out which patients were most at risk of side-effects and whether their risk of heart disease was high enough to warrant them taking statins.

"People should be able to make an informed choice," she said.

"There are risks and benefits to all medicines, but if you have a patient at higher risk than average of something serious you might want to warn them to come back if they have problems."

June Davison, cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: "We already know that a small number of people taking statins experience unwanted side effects.

"However, for people with, or at high risk of heart disease, the benefits of statins far outweigh this risk.

"Anybody experiencing side effects while taking statins should speak to their doctor."

For every 10,000 women treated with statins:
271 fewer cases of cardiovascular disease
8 fewer cases of oesophageal cancer
23 extra patients with acute kidney failure
73 extra patients with liver dysfunction
307 extra patients with cataracts
39 extra patients with muscle weakness
Figures were similar for men, except there would be 110 extra cases of muscle weakness

Underactive thyroid and cholesterol

An Underactive Thyroid may be Cause of Your High Cholesterol

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 by: Deanna Dean

An estimated 98 million American adults have high cholesterol or total blood cholesterol values of 200 mg/dL or higher. Your doctor may be following the clarion call, insisting you take a statin drug to lower these levels. Both you and your doctor may not be aware that hypothyroidism, according to the National Cholesterol Education Program, is a common secondary cause, after diet, associated with high cholesterol.

The Mayo Clinic concurs with medical experts that, "hypothyroidism may also be associated with an increased risk of heart disease, primarily because high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol - the "bad" cholesterol - can occur in people with an underactive thyroid. It is not unusual when low thyroid function is addressed, cholesterol will often return to normal levels."

Hypothyroidism is a condition where too little thyroid hormone is in the bloodstream, and yet of the more than 13 million Americans who have a thyroid disorder, nearly half have been undiagnosed.

"The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolism. If the thyroid gland produces too little hormone, metabolism can slow, having a direct impact on the body's ability to clear cholesterol from the bloodstream. As a result, the risk of cholesterol being deposited in the arteries, especially around the heart, is increased, thereby increasing the risk for heart disease."
Even if your thyroid is under active, and not true hypothyroidism, there can be an increase in total cholesterol levels, in addition to an impairment of your heart's ability to pump efficiently. Hypothyroidism can also lead to an enlarged heart and heart failure.

Tests from the University of Texas-Southwest Medical School, Dallas, TX underscore a clear correlation between hypothyroidism and hypercholesterolemia, (high blood cholesterol.) Ninety percent of patients with overt hypothyroidism have increased cholesterol and/or triglycerides. Once hypothyroidism is treated with a thyroid hormone replacement, and the TSH level is restored to normal, the majority of patients show an estimated 20 to 30 percent reduction in cholesterol levels.

While research shows thyroid stimulating hormones have a positive relationship on cholesterol, the effects of subclinical hypothyroidism on cardiovascular disease are nonetheless under debate. However, most current data suggest that even modest thyroid-stimulating hormone elevations result in improved lipid profiles. Even with adequate treatment of a thyroid condition, there may still be other reasons for your cholesterol to remain above normal, such as diet and genetic factors.

- Meet with your doctor and request a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) blood test, along with T4, T3, Free T4 and Free T3 tests.

- At most labs in the U.S., the normal range is from around .3 to 3 as of early 2003. If the TSH level is at the higher end of the range, or above the range, your doctor may determine that you are hypothyroid (underactive thyroid.) If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, here are some natural supplements to improve your thyroid health.

Iodine -- You can increase your iodine intake through diet and kelp supplementation. Kelp is rich in iodine. Foods that contain iodine are yogurt, eggs, fish and other seafood, radish, parsley, potatoes, oatmeal and bananas.

Selenium -- Many people diagnosed with hypothyroidism were found to be selenium deficient. Selenium deficiency can reduce the activity of the thyroid hormones.

Tyrosine -- Tyrosine is an amino acid needed by the body to manufacture thyroid hormones from iodine.

Thyroid Glandular -- Thyroid glandular supplements are usually sold through your practitioner.

Bladderwrack -- Bladderwrack is a seaweed that is a rich source of iodine that is thought to stimulate the thyroid gland increasing metabolism.

If you have high cholesterol, have your doctor check your thyroid before taking drugs.

Your healthmate,
Deanna Dean

PMID: 11832675 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists


Feld S, Dickey RA.

University of Texas-Southwest Medical School, Dallas, TX 75248.
By Howard LeWine, M.D., Harvard Health Publications/http://health.msn.com/health-topics...

Milionis HJ, Tambaki AP, Kanioglou CN, Elisaf MS, Tselepis AD, Tsatsoulis A.
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece.

Understanding cholesterol

As in his previous book, Dr. Ravnskov describes what cholesterol actually is and takes us on a tour of the “science” that identified it as the villain in heart disease. Using two of my favorite tools — logic and math — he simply shreds the Lipid Hypothesis, often using the proponents’ own data against them. In fact, that was one of the major revelations for me when I read The Cholesterol Myths: not just that the Lipid Hypothesis is wrong, but how much manipulation and flat-out dishonesty have gone into supporting it, from Ancel Keys on down. The lipophobes fell in love with their theory and simply aren’t willing to let it go. How else do you explain the theory’s longevity when Dr. Ravnskov — and anyone else who cares to look — can dig up the facts he cites in this book:

Thirty years after the start of the Framingham project, the researchers again asked themselves what had happened. This time, a few more of those with high cholesterol had died. I use the word “few” for a reason: On average, one percent of all men with high cholesterol had died during the 30 follow-up years.

Now to the interesting point. For men above age 47, their cholesterol made no difference. Those who had high cholesterol at age 48 lived just as long or longer as those with low cholesterol … I have never met any supporter of the cholesterol campaign who has ever raised an eyebrow when confronted with this astounding fact.

[Marmot] demonstrated that is was not the food that raised the cholesterol of the Japanese immigrants, nor high cholesterol that increased their risk of heart disease. He found that if they maintained their cultural traditions, they were proteted against heart attacks, even though their cholesterol increased as much as in Japanese immigrants who adoped a Western Lifestyle and died from heart attacks almost as often as native-born Americans … immigrants who became accustomed to the American way of life but preferred lean Japanese food had coronary disease twice as often at those who maintained Japanese traditions but preferred high-fat American food. Thus, instead of supporting the diet-heart hypothesis, the Japanese study in fact showed that high-fat food is better than low-fat.

In the elderly, high cholesterol even seems to be protective. This was the surprising finding of Dr. Harlan Krumholz and his co-workers at Yale. They followed about 1000 elderly men and women living in the Bronx, NY. During a four year period, about twice as many of those with low cholesterol had a heart attack or died from one, compared to those with the highest cholesterol.

At a workshop held at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, researchers looked at every single study about the risk of having high or low cholesterol and came to the same conclusion: Mortality was higher for women with low cholesterol than for women with high cholesterol.

[In Finland] one-half of about 1200 more or less overweight male business executives with high cholesterol and high blood pressure were advised about smoking, exercise, weight reduction and diet; the other half were used as a control group. If cholesterol or blood pressure in the control group did not become normal, they were also treated with various blood pressure and cholesterol-lowering drugs. The experimenters were quite happy with the effects of their efforts on risk factors. But the improved risk factors did not lead to better end results: In the group that exercised, reduced their weight, ate less animal fat and more vegetable oil and quit smoking, there were twice as many heart attacks as in the control group.

Another finding that should cause some discomfort among proponents is that whereas high cholesterol is a risk factor in American men, it is not for men living in Canada. This conclusion was reached by Dr. Gilles Dagenais and his team in Quebec after having followed almost 5000 healthy middle-aged for 12 years. They explained away their results by assuming that more than 12 years were needed to see the harmful effects of high cholesterol.

Ah yes, explaining away the results we don’t like. As I learned from Dr. Ravnskov’s first book, it’s taken a lot “explaining” to keep this bogus theory alive. It’s also taken a lot of badly designed studies: comparing cholesterol levels and heart-disease rates without adjusting the data for smokers versus non-smokers (smoking raises your cholesterol), or without adjusting for age differences (cholesterol tends to go up as we age, and most heart attacks occur among the elderly). As Dr. Ravnskov explains, when you properly adjust the data, the only conclusion you can reach from some of these studies is that smoking is a bad idea … but we already knew that.

I’m not going to say this book is a simple read, because it isn’t. It’s not as scientifically dense as Good Calories, Bad Calories, but Dr. Ravnskov shreds the Lipid Hypothesis by applying critical thinking to the studies that claimed to support it, and he invites his readers to think critically as well. He explains — clearly — the scientific method that scientists are supposed to embrace, and walks us through clinical-research concepts such as randomizing a study population, limiting the variables, double-blinding, and distinguishing between an association and a cause.

(As you may recall, in a recent post I borrowed his chart showing an association between high tax rates and heart disease. Have any of the health authorities suggested lowering taxes to reduce heart disease? Should we oppose the new health-care taxes on the grounds that more people will suffer heart attacks?)

As a kid who liked science, I assumed scientific research was a wide-open quest for truth, with the best theories bubbling up to the top. I know better now, thanks in part to reading Dr. Ravnskov’s works. In addition to the manipulation of data he spells out, there’s a huge amount of selection bias in the health and nutrition field. Badly-designed studies that support the Lipid Hypothesis are 10 to 20 times more likely to cited in journals and academic papers than well-designed studies that dispute it.

Dr. Ravnskov’s letters and papers critical of the Lipid Hypothesis have been turned down by medical journals over and over, often with some ridiculous explanations. (I’m on the email list for THINCS, the International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics, and I’ve read quite a few other letters from members that were sent to medical journals but never published.)

Why the bias? I’m sure you can guess. Follow the money.

Large, well-controlled studies are expensive, so much of the funding comes from pharmaceutical companies that sell statins. They run the studies, they gather the results, and they crunch the numbers. If they don’t like the numbers, they crunch them again. As Dr. Ravnskov discovered, they’ll even divide subjects into “subgroups” after the fact to produce statistics they like. And of course, they also provide a lot of revenue for the major medical journals.

The other 800-pound gorillas of funding for heart-disease research are two organizations that fully support the Lipid Hypothesis: the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the American Heart Association. As Dr. Ravnskov says, “Researchers critical of the diet-heart idea have little chance of obtaining financial support.” Or as Dr. Mary Eades put it to me: “They live by their grants. No grants, no work, no job.”

To give you an idea of just how militantly these organizations protect the Lipid Hypothesis, consider this fact from the Framingham Study: After 30 years, the data showed that those whose cholesterol dropped as they aged ran a greater risk of dying than those whose cholesterol increased. Specifically, for each 1% drop in cholesterol, there was an 11% increase in total and coronary mortality.

Still with me? Good. Now here’s how the NHLBI and AHA reported the findings:

The results of the Framingham study indicate that a 1% drop of cholesterol corresponds to a 2% reduction in CHD risk.

That must’ve been some very interesting number-crunching.

As you might expect, Dr. Ravnskov is highly critical of statins. He notes that they do appear to reduce heart disease (very slightly) in a small fraction of the population — middle-aged men who have existing heart disease — but cites some interesting statistics to suggest that they also produce cancer. And data from the pharmaceutical companies’ own research indicates that they don’t do diddly for people who don’t have heart disease but are merely “afflicted” with high cholesterol.

Think about that for a moment. Millions of people are prescribed statins simply because their cholesterol is above some magic threshold: 200, or 220. Doctors aren’t treating heart disease; they’re treating a cholesterol score. And in the process, they’re prescribing a drug that can also produce muscle weakness, memory problems, susceptibility to infections, sexual dysfunction and perhaps cancer.

It’s infections that Dr. Ravnskov covers in the last part of the book. Far from being the villain we’ve been led to believe, Dr. Ravnskov believes LDL fights infections. A century ago, when infections killed more people than heart disease, people with high cholesterol — even those with the genetic disorder that leads to very high cholesterol — lived the longest on average. In fact, Dr. Ravnskov proposes a new hypothesis (which he fully admits is just a hypothesis) for heart disease in this book: plaques begin as the result of microbial infections.

Briefly as I can summarize it, the theory goes like this: LDL is part of the immune system and attacks infections. If the structure of the LDL is changed after attacking a microbe, it will in turn be treated as a foreign substance and swallowed up and oxidized by macrophages — white blood cells within tissues — producing the inflammation that’s common in heart disease. If the immune system works well, the infection is destroyed and HDL carries away the oxidized LDL.

However, if the immune system is weak, too many of the oxidized LDL particles clump together and become stuck in the capillaries that feed the coronary arteries. Part of the arterial wall dies, and something like a boil is formed — what Dr. Ravnskov calls a vulnerable plaque. If the plaque bursts, a clot can obstruct the artery. Now you’ve got a heart attack on your hands.

Again, it’s just a theory, although Ravnskov cites a lot of evidence to support it. Up to half of all heart-attack victims, for example, have recently had an infection of some kind. Either way, it makes a lot more sense than the notion that our bodies are stupid and produce so much cholesterol, it ends up clogging our arteries.

If you’re interested in the science — good and bad — behind fats, cholesterol and heart disease, I urge you to get a copy of this book. (No, I’m not getting a commission.) Better yet, buy a copy for yourself and another one for your doctor. Perhaps you can prevent a few needless prescriptions for Lipitor.

Why Clogged Arteries

Arteriosclerosis may be caused by excessive levels of homocysteine, which is the normal breakdown product of the amino acid methionine. High levels of homocysteine can damage artery walls. The walls become hardened containing calcium deposits called plaque. Arteries containing plague are more disposed to become atherosclerotic.

The normal metabolic breakdown of homocysteine is disrupted when amounts of vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid are inadequate. Some say high homocysteine levels are better correlated with atherosclerosis and heart disease than cholesterol.

The cholesterol page (URL http://www.modern-diets-and-nutritional-di...holesterol.html )can contribute to a better understanding of the importance of cholesterol.

Linus Pauling, a two time Nobel prize winner, showed that cholesterol is the bodies answer to atherosclerosis in the absence of adequate amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Sixty milligrams , the current MDR, is not enough vitamin C. The body needs 8-12 grams a day. This, of course,is disputed by mainstream medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

Malcolm Kendrick M.D., a Scottish physician, obtained data from the WHO MONICA study of many nations that did not show cholesterol as a cause of heart disease. From the same study he showed that saturated fat actually protected against death from heart disease. Eight countries that ate the lowest amount of saturated fat had higher death from coronary heart disease than all eight countries that ate the most saturated fat.


Atherosclerosis is an advanced form of arteriosclerosis characterized by deposits of cholesterol, fats, and blood clots that form within the plaque. This results in roughened raised areas in arteries that can disrupt blood flow. Atherosclerosis and high blood pressure increase with age.

Atherosclerosis is said to be the cause of coronary heart disease (CHD). Anything that obstructs the flow of blood in coronary arteries may produce heart disease.

Studies of the hearts of people who have died of coronary heart disease reveal that about a fifth of those who died did not have obstructed coronary arteries. The arrested blood flow in such cases may have been due to a spasm of a coronary artery that obstructed the blood flow.

Another possibility is a clot formation that dissolved before death. Dr. Ravnskov says the cause of death may not be known in such cases.

A coronary artery may become completely clogged and yet never give any symptoms such as angina, or pain. The reason is that fine branches of the main coronary arteries have branches that communicate with each other.

If the arterial occlusion occurs slowly enough the communicating branches slowly widen enough to take care of adequate blood flow. That is collateral, or alternative, circulation may develop.

A heart attack may occur even though the coronary arteries are perfectly normal, and coronary heart disease may be absent even when coronary arteries are completely blocked.

Dr. Ravnskov maintains that arteriosclerosis, and subsequently atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease are separate conditions. Problem is many researchers have confused our thinking by regarding them as the same thing.


Re-grow your thymus with colostrum

(NaturalNews) People seeking to push the boundaries of longevity or enjoy the benefits of a highly functioning immune system are looking for ways to counter the natural decline associated with aging. There are some astonishing facts associated with the declining function of the thymus gland that illustrate the important role this gland plays in the aging process. Fortunately, there is a natural way to restore this key glands` functioning to a more youthful time.

The thymus gland

The thymus gland is located in front of the heart and behind the sternum, or breastbone, and is part of the endocrine system. This gland is sometimes referred to as the center of youth and immunity. It produces white blood cells called T-Lymphocytes, or T-cells. The main function of T-cells is to ferret out, attack, and destroy abnormal cell growth, bacteria, fungus, or any other types of disease-causing foreign bodies that attempt to take hold and proliferate in the body. Important in the development of T-cells is a hormone produced by the thymus gland called thymosin. Thymosin stimulates the activation, development, and maintenance of the immune system. With age comes an increasingly less effective T-cell response from the thymus gland. Since the thymus gland is a key component to a properly-functioning immune system, perhaps this explains why many health problems seem to correlate with aging.

Size matters

At birth, the thymus gland is half the size of the lungs. But it begins to atrophy around the time of puberty and slowly shrinks over the course of a lifetime. By age 40, it is typically only ten percent the size it was at birth. At its peak at the time of puberty, the thymus gland can weigh as much as 40 grams. By age 70, it can be as little as 5 grams. During a typical lifetime, the thymus gland essentially goes from the size of an orange to a pea. Interestingly, the glands` productive capacity is directly proportional to its size. As it shrinks, so does its ability to deliver a strong immune response. Worse yet, it is replaced with fat. In the end, you are left with a pea-sized gland encased in a glob of fat.


Female mammals produce colostrum immediately prior to giving birth to their young. Bovine colostrum has been used medicinally for thousands of years. It is the "first milk" produced by cows just prior to and after birth. If the newborn calf does not get colostrum from its mother within the first week, it will die. Unlike in humans, there is no placental transfer of antibodies in cows, so the calf must get it all from the colostrum. This factor may elevate colostrum`s potential in human supplementation.

The spectrum of potential health benefits associated with the consumption of colostrum is innumerable. Research has shown that regular consumption of colostrum can help the thymus gland re-grow to its youthful size. Of primary consideration for rebuilding the thymus gland are the numerous immune and growth factors contained in colostrum. They are known to promote healing, slow down cellular breakdown, and accelerate tissue growth. It is these growth factors that may be capable of restoring the thymus gland and actually returning it to youthful function and proportions. Colostrum also contains a hormone called Proline-Rich Polypeptide (PRP), also known as thymulin. It is essential for optimal functioning of the thymus and helps to establish homeostasis, regulating the gland and immune system up or down as needed.

Look for colostrum from grass fed, pasture raised, humanely treated cows. Only the excess made available after the calves get their share should be consumed.









Clean up naturally the arterial plaque

(NaturalNews) The arteries are major blood vessels that the heart uses to pump blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Over time, arterial walls can become congested with a fatty substance known as plaque. When this happens to a severe point, the arteries may begin to harden and the blood flow can become compromised and ultimately result in a heart attack. Mainstream medicine's approach for treating plaque is to use drugs or surgery. However, there are natural ways to prevent and remove plaque.

As is the case when addressing many health concerns, exercise and diet can play major roles in avoiding and reducing plaque. Exercise is already known for many benefits to the body such as reducing risk factors for disease, better mental function, and weight control. Exercise can also improve your circulation which can help reduce plaque. According to the Mayo Clinic, you can do this by getting 30 to 60 minutes of exercise on most days of the week.

When it comes to diet, what you avoid is equally important as what you eat. Many foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol can cause plaque to build up. Some examples include deep fried foods, foods that are high in trans fats, refined foods, and processed foods. Alcohol should also be avoided and red meat should be eaten in small portions.

Foods that are nutrient dense, high in fiber, low in sodium and low in saturated fat help avoid and reduce arterial plaque. Fiber helps block the intestinal absorption of cholesterol. It also makes you feel full longer which can result in less overall calorie consumption. Some examples of fiber-rich foods include whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that the body cannot make on its own. They can be found in supplements and also in foods like cold water fish, walnuts, flax seeds and healthy oils such as olive oil. Fish oil supplements can lower blood pressure and reduce arterial plaque and they also lower triglycerides.

Niacin raises HDL, which is known as "good cholesterol". HDL cholesterol removes bad LDL cholesterol and arterial plaque. According to the FDA, "Niacin is the best agent known to raise blood levels of HDL, which helps remove cholesterol deposits from the artery walls." Naturally the FDA removed this quote from their website.

Vitamin C is crucial in repair and healing of the endothelial layer of cells inside of coronary and carotid arteries. When this layer is not maintained properly by the body, it can become the site for lesions that begin the process of atherosclerosis.

Coenzyme Q10 strengthens arteries and veins and cleans out accumulated plaque.

Digestive enzymes help break down the food our body does not digest. When taken on an empty stomach, they enter the bloodstream intact. As they circulate, they remove toxins and break down the fats responsible for plaque formation. Digestive enzymes in supplements and raw foods help prevent heart disease.

Serrapeptase is a particularly potent digestive enzyme when it comes to dissolving arterial plaque. It has the unique ability to digest non-living tissue that is a by-product of the healing response without harming living tissue. Serrapeptase is used to dissolve non-living tissues to include: scar tissue, fibrosis, blood clots, cysts and arterial plaque.

Some herbal remedies can also help fight plaque by improving circulation, reducing blood clots, lowering cholesterol and reducing stress. The herb hawthorn helps remove plaque blockages by widening blood vessels. Horsetail is rich in silica and can aid removal of plaque by strengthening artery walls.

Other helpful herbs include ashwagandha, ginger, garlic and guggul.

Sources included:



Independent thinker, genius or mentally disordered?!

(NaturalNews) Psychiatrists have been working on the fourth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and, in it, they hope to add a whole slew of new psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, many of these disorders are merely differences in personality and behavior among people.

The new edition may include "disorders" like "oppositional defiant disorder", which includes people who have a pattern of "negativistic, defiant, disobedient and hostile behavior toward authority figures." Some of the "symptoms" of this disorder including losing one's temper, annoying people and being "touchy".

Other "disorders" being considered include personality flaws like antisocial behavior, arrogance, cynicism or narcissism. There are even categories for people who binge eat and children who have temper tantrums.

Children are already over-diagnosed for allegedly being bipolar or having attention-deficit disorder (ADD), which results in their being prescribed dangerous antipsychotic drugs. To categorize even more childhood behaviors as psychiatric disorders will only further increase the number of children who will be needlessly prescribed antipsychotic drugs.

Each new revision of DSM has included controversial new additions, and this newest version is no exception. In fact, the manual has increased considerably in size over the years. What is most disturbing about the current proposed revisions is the blatantly brave, new way in which so-called medical professionals are viewing individual characteristics.

Children who exhibit unique eccentricities in accordance with their unique personalities, in general, would be categorized as having a mental illness. If this criteria had been used in past centuries to diagnose illness, there may have never been people like Mozart or Einstein who ventured outside the norm and came up with new or unique ideas.

A Washington Post article captured the essence of this concept perfectly in the following quote:

"If seven-year-old Mozart tried composing his concertos today, he might be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and medicated into barren normality."

The perception that character differences are somehow a psychic illnesses not only absolves individuals of personal responsibility, but it takes away their unique personhood. It reduces people into subjects that cannot think for themselves, but rather have to be controlled through drugs.

Which brings us to perhaps the biggest thrust behind the DSM revisions: the drug companies. Pharmaceutical companies stand to gain a lot for having virtually every person categorized as mentally ill and in need of drugs.

A more accurate approach to the situation is to assess the psychiatrists and drug lords who are contriving such nonsense as being the true possessors of mental illness. Perhaps these people are the ones that need to be institutionalized.

Sources for this story include:



Astronomy news

(NaturalNews) Here at NaturalNews, we normally report on Earthly events, but right now some rather grand events are taking place in our solar system that you may want to know about.

For starters, there's the odd fact that one of Jupiter's huge red stripes -- which is really a massive storm system many times larger than planet Earth -- has suddenly disappeared (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...). Known as the "Southern Equatorial Belt", this storm system isn't exactly permanent: Jupiter's belts undergo striking transformations every 10 - 15 years, according to astronomers.

Far more bizarre and mysterious is something that NASA's Cassini spacecraft first noticed in 2007. There is a large rotating hexagon circling the north pole of Saturn. (http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/c...)

This isn't some conspiracy theory. It's not some sort of far-fetched interpretation of random organic structure. It is quite clearly a massive hexagon, and it's circling the north pole of Saturn as we speak. And by "massive", I mean this hexagon is larger than the planet Earth.

Straight from the NASA website: "This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides," said Kevin Baines, atmospheric expert and member of Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "We've never seen anything like this on any other planet. Indeed, Saturn's thick atmosphere where circularly-shaped waves and convective cells dominate is perhaps the last place you'd expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is."

The hexagon, according to NASA, is 60 miles thick (deep) and an astonishing 15,000 miles wide.

That means four Earths would fit inside it. Yes, it's really that big. And of course, it seems entirely unnatural. Clouds don't form hexagon shapes and then maintain those structures as the edges orbit the center. Looking at this shape, it is difficult to explain it as "natural."

But that's not all there is to see here.

The all-seeing eye pyramid inside the hexagon
As I was studying this animation from NASA, something struck me as particularly interesting. Inside the hexagon there's a three-sided pyramid shape. It appears quite clearly as a lighter-shade triangle set against the background of the hexagon. Imagine a pyramid placed on top of the hexagon and you'll see it.

There's even more: Inside the pyramid is the shape of the all-seeing eye. You can clearly see it in the center of the pyramid shape, which is inside the hexagon.

Here's a still image from the NASA animation: http://www.naturalnews.com/images/S...

In it, you can just barely make out the shape of an inverted pyramid, plus two concentric circles in the center. Here's an overlay of lines showing the structure of the pyramid, plus the all-seeing eye: http://www.naturalnews.com/images/S...

Now here's where this gets even more bizarre...

The all-seeing eye and the pyramid
Do you recognize this all-seeing eye with the pyramid? If not, just whip out a dollar bill from your pocket and glance at the back. There it is!

Yes, your U.S. currency contains the exact same image: An all-seeing eye, centered inside the top of the pyramid, looking over you from the back of a dollar bill.

Here's a zoomed-in image showing you this from the back of a U.S. dollar bill: http://www.naturalnews.com/images/D...

Reality check
Please note what you're thinking right now as you're reading this. So far, I have not presented anything other than what is evident. There is a spinning hexagon of clouds on Saturn's north pole. Inside the hexagon is a triangle (pyramid). Inside the triangle are two concentric circles that look a lot like a human eye.

This shape looks a whole lot like the pyramid with the all-seeing eye on the back of the U.S. dollar.

Notice I haven't mentioned anything about any conspiracy, or aliens, or anything of that kind. These are just observations of the world around us.

Granted, they are fascinating observations. In fact, if you told most people what I've printed here in this article so far, they would think you were absolutely nuts.

And yet all I've done so far is republished NASA photos from the Cassini spacecraft and shown pictures from the back of U.S. currency. I've also pointed out some eerie similarities between the two.

But anyone with half a brain, upon seeing these pictures, would begin to wonder: Is this just a coincidence? And why is there a 15,000-mile wide spinning hexagon on Saturn in the first place?

I've mentioned this to quite a few people, and no one I talked to was even aware of this. So what's it doing there?

Natural phenomenon or intelligent design?
There are really one two possibilities for explaining the giant hexagon on Saturn: It is either a natural phenomenon or it was intelligently designed. (Well, I suppose there's a third possibility: That the whole thing is some sort of grand NASA hoax and the pictures were faked... but to what end?)

"Intelligently designed" means some conscious, intelligent being (or group of beings) intentionally created it. If so, you'd have to wonder: For what purpose? What would a giant spinning hexagon on Saturn actually accomplish?

Cymatics and the physical structure of sound
The far more likely explanation for the giant hexagon on Saturn may be that it is a natural phenomenon. And the only phenomenon I'm familiar with that might explain this involves the field of cymatics.

Cymatics is the study of how sound can alter the physical structure of materials, creating interesting structural patterns. To see this for yourself, you can turn a stereo speaker on its edge (with the speaker facing up), then place a liquid pudding of corn starch and water on top of a layer of plastic wrap, on top of the speaker. When you crank up the music, the corn starch creates bizarre and fascinating shapes due to the expression of the structure of the sound.

See an example of this "DIY cymatics" on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaYv...

I've been thinking that the giant hexagon on Saturn could theoretically be caused by very low-frequency sound waves emanating from some sort of geological action on the planet's surface. Perhaps these sound waves are being focused toward the north pole of the planet in much the same way that earthquake shockwaves can "bounce" off subterranean geological features. These sound waves could theoretically create a "cymatic" effect that we're seeing as a giant hexagon swirling around the pole.
It sounds far-fetched, I know. But not nearly as far-fetch as "aliens built it." When it comes to bizarre phenomena like this, all the explanations sound far-fetched.

You can come up with your own theory to explain all this, of course. But make no mistake: There is a giant hexagon of clouds 15,000 miles wide swirling around the north pole of Saturn, and even NASA has no idea why or how it got there. Who or what maintains the hexagon structure and keeps the clouds swirling in a six-sided geometric pattern?

Or is this a "natural" event taking place on a massive scale? If it's natural, it would demonstrate that nature can create some astonishingly complex (and large-scale) designs in the worlds around us. That's particularly interesting because the FDA believes nature is incapable of creating even a single plant-based nutrient that has any beneficial effect whatsoever on the human body.
There's a lot of denial in Washington about the power and "creativity" of nature. Maybe those folks should look toward the heavens and take note of what's really happening in our universe... because some of it is pretty darned spectacular.

Just ask NASA.

Please let us know YOUR thoughts on this giant hexagon on Saturn. Is it a NATURAL event? Was it created by MAN? Was it put there by GOD? Is it an elaborate NASA HOAX?


Remedies for dandruff

(NaturalNews) Take the time to read the ingredients on a bottle of anti-dandruff shampoo. These shampoos usually contain harmful chemical substances that can have damaging effects on health. Instead, alleviate dandruff naturally by using herbs, essential oils, vitamins and minerals.

Causes of Dandruff

Dandruff occurs when the fine cells of the outer layer of skin on the scalp are shed at a faster rate than normal, causing flakes to fall and settle like snowflakes on one's shoulders and face.

Dandruff is caused by a disorder of the sebaceous glands. If too little sebum is secreted, the hair is dry and dandruff appears as white flakes; if too much sebum is produced, the hair is greasy and the dandruff is a waxy yellow. Flaking occurs when the hair is brushed or combed, which loosens this dead skin.

Seborrheic dermatitis, a severe form of dandruff, causes inflammation and itchiness in addition to flaking.

Eczema, allergies to hair products and psoriasis may also cause dandruff.

Herbal Treatments for Dandruff

An herbalist may recommend rubbing rosemary-infused oil into the scalp before washing. Rinse greasy hair with rosemary vinegar or add a few drops of rosemary essential oil into rinsing water.

Take herbs such as burdock, kelp and heartsease internally to improve the condition of the scalp.

Aromatherapy for Dandruff

In addition to rosemary essential oil, cedarwood, tea tree or patchouli can be massaged into the scalp. Blend a few drops of therapeutic grade essential oil with a carrier oil, such as jojoba.

Massage the scalp with a few drops of lavender oil and almond oil to eliminate dandruff.

Tissue Cell Salts to Combat Dandruff

Tissue Salt No. 5 - Kali. Mur. White, flaky dandruff shows a need for this mineral salt, but it should be taken over a long period. Flakiness may increase initially. Foods rich in Kali. Mur. are green beans, carrots, beetroot, fresh corn, kale, asparagus, pineapples, lemons and plums.

Tissue Salt No. 6 - Kali. Sulph. This is one of the most useful tissue salts for sticky, waxy dandruff; flaky, dry patches on the scalp as well as alopecia (hair loss). Eat plenty of parsley, linseed, mustard, watercress, salad burnet and melissa.

Tissue Salt No. 12 - Silica. This tissue salt treats dandruff and improves the condition of lusterless hair. It generally keeps the scalp healthy. Herbs and foods rich in silica are stinging nettle, dandelion, comfrey, wheat, maize, barley, oats, apples, guavas, spinach, chicory and celery.

Vitamins and Minerals

Increase intake of zinc, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin B complex.




Tissue Salts for Healthy Living by Margaret Roberts, published by Struik, 2008 edition

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies by Normal Shealy, published by Harper Collins, 2002 edition


Prevent Alzheimer

To prevent Alzheimer's disease, it's important to first identify the things that cause it. Toxins found in consumer goods, processed foods, pesticides, fertilizers, tap water and even the air itself all contribute to cognitive decline that can eventually lead to Alzheimer's. (Mainstream medicine admits to none of this, by the way. All chemicals are good for you, they somehow believe.)

According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, widespread exposure to nitrosamines, nitrates and nitrites in processed food and the environment are all linked to degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. These chemicals are commonly used in food factories and large-scale farming operations.

The aluminum added to most conventional antiperspirant deodorants, baking sodas, toothpastes and other personal care products crosses the blood-brain barrier and lodges itself in the brain where it can lead to dementia. Many Alzheimer's patients have a measurable buildup of aluminum in their brain tissue.

(Oh, but does aluminum buildup in the brain actually cause Alzheimer's, or does already having Alzheimer's cause aluminum buildup? That's the question you might be asking if you rely on the backwards logic of mainstream scientists...)

A 1998 study found that sodium fluoride, a toxic byproduct of the aluminum manufacturing and fertilizer industries that's commonly added to drinking water, also has a synergistic effect with aluminum that makes it even more dangerous. Drink out of aluminum cans and swallow some tap water, and you've got a recipe for accelerated Alzheimer's.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences actually commissioned a review on aluminum back in December of 2000 in response to the issue. The review was published in the Federal Register that year.

Nitrates, aluminum and fluoride are just a few of the many chemical contaminants that contribute to Alzheimer's, and most American consumers are exposed to them all on a daily basis.

#1) Avoid processed foods
This may seem obvious, but besides nitrates, many processed foods are loaded with neurotoxins like MSG and aspartame that may be linked to Alzheimer's. Processed foods also contain toxins like trans-fats and refined sugar that compromise your health. Stick with whole, organic foods and your Alzheimer's risk will be significantly reduced.

#2) Install a home water filter
Most municipal tap water systems are treated with chlorine, fluoride and other chemicals that harm your health. These chemicals are easily absorbed by your skin when you take a shower or drink unfiltered tap water. (Does anybody really do that anymore?) A whole-house activated carbon filtration system will remove most or all of these toxins from tap water.

#3) Detoxify on a regular basis
I can't stress enough how important it is to eat foods and supplements that help your body remove chemicals and heavy metals. Cilantro, chlorella and spirulina are a few top choices that can help your body eliminate heavy metals like aluminum and mercury -- both of which are strongly associated with Alzheimer's.

#4) Exercise regularly
By exercise, I'm talking about both physical and mental exercise. Physical exercise directly contributes to increased brain function because it reinforces neural connections in your brain, which in turn improves memory and learning capability. Mental exercises such as working on crossword puzzles will also help to keep your cognitive function in top shape. (Use it or lose it, folks!)

#5) Eat plenty of superfoods and nutritional supplements
There's a lot that belongs in this category, so I'll highlight some of the primary superfoods that recent studies have found play a role in preventing Alzheimer's.

Researchers last year found that the amino acid Acetyl-L-Carnitineprevents brain tau protein strands from tangling. Stress and excitotoxins like MSG can cause brain tangles that are believed to cause cognitive decline, but Acetyl-L-Carnitine effectively stops the process. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is found naturally in grass-fed meats, nuts, beans, legumes, vegetables and fruits. It can also be purchased as a nutritional supplement.

Curcumin, a natural phytochemical found in the turmeric spice, has also been shown to prevent and even treat Alzheimer's disease.


Prevent and treat constipation naturally

(NaturalNews) Constipation is not a very pleasant subject, but for many people it is an even more uncomfortable condition. The most common symptoms of constipation are irregularity or difficulty in elimination of hard fecal matter. With the use of a healthy diet and natural remedies, constipation can usually be beaten and avoided. Here are some tips on naturally relieving and avoiding constipation.

One tried and true natural laxative is prune juice. Start with one cup of prune juice and if you do not get the desired results, drink more. The best form of prune juice is unfiltered juice which still contains much of the natural fiber. You can also eat prunes and raisins which may do the trick as well. Prunes and prune juice work faster on an empty stomach.

If you don't like prunes, try dried figs. Dried figs contain soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which flush out your intestines. Five figs supply at least 20 percent of your daily fiber requirement, more than almost any other fruit. Nibble on four or five figs at the first sign of constipation and drink at least one glass of water. If needed, eat a couple more every three hours until you get results.

Bale fruit may be the best laxative of all fruits. It cleans and tones the intestines and relieves constipation.

Slippery elm forms a slick mucilage that acts as a stool softener and helps make bowel movements easier.

The combination of the properties of the cellulose, sugar, and organic acid in grapes make them a laxative food. One should take at least 350 gm of this fruit daily to achieve the desired results. For maximum results, find seeded grapes and consume the entire grape, seeds and all.

Watermelons also have a laxative effect, especially when consumed in large quantities. As an added benefit, watermelons help flush and prevent kidney stones.

Raw honey is a mild natural laxative. You can supercharge it, and many other natural laxative remedies, by adding a couple of tablespoons of blackstrap molasses.

One home remedy for constipation can be made with tomato juice, carrot juice and sauerkraut juice. Mix one cup tomato or vegetable juice, 1/4 cup carrot juice and 1/2 cup sauerkraut juice. Pour this over ice. You may add pepper sauce (such as sauces made from cayenne pepper) for a spicier drink.

Other Tips and Suggestions:

* Increase your fiber intake by switching from refined foods to less-refined foods whenever possible. One excellent grain choice is barley.

* Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables. Apples, ripe bananas, oranges, guava, pears and rhubarb all contain plenty of fiber and are natural laxatives. Likewise, beans, peas, cabbage and spinach are vegetables that help prevent and relieve constipation.

* Exercise boosts your fitness level and promotes regularity. When you are active, so are your bowels -- and the more sedentary you are, the more slowly your bowels move.

* Many prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause constipation. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if any of your medications could be causing your constipation

* Consuming at least eight glasses of water a day not only improves your general health, but also helps moisten the intestines so that the bowels move easily.

* Coffee often causes one to have a bowel movement.

* One tablespoon of olive oil in the morning will stimulate digestion and lubricate mucous membranes.

* Constipation in toddlers, infants and older children may be relieved by giving bran cereal.

Sources included:


HPV infection treated naturally

(NaturalNews) The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is an extremely common virus that can cause venereal warts. It is known to increase a woman's risk of developing abnormal Pap smears, and even cervical dysplasia (atypical - or abnormal - cells that signal the possible development of cervical cancer). However, one essential nutrient, the B vitamin Folic Acid, has been shown to be a key factor in whether or not a woman develops changes in cervical cells.

Unfortunately, because of the stigma attached to being diagnosed with an STD, oftentimes those that carry the virus are too ashamed or embarrassed to ask or seek out help in the early stages of a diagnosis. Yet early detection can successfully treat or, at the very least, keep the virus from manifesting into a more serious situation requiring surgery.

Most people that carry the virus do not even know they have it. In fact it can remain dormant for years with many people never showing any symptoms. The vast majority of women who have been exposed to HPV do not develop any symptoms nor do they have any trouble with abnormal Pap smears. Since there are different strains of HPV, experts don't really know who will develop abnormalities from the virus and who will not. This may have to do with the way our immune systems function.

Since viral replication is enhanced by weak immunity, it is extremely important to keep the immune system functioning at optimal levels. In many cases, viral activity and infections are halted by good immune functioning.

Folic acid has been found to reduce the severity of the infection and aid the cells in stopping viral replication. All women can support their own systems in preventing cervical dysplasia by simply adding adequate amounts of folate in the diet. If you choose to use a supplemental form of folic acid, please check with a holistic practitioner to find the dose that is safe for your specific situation. Foods rich in folic acid can help support the immune system. Some of nature's most popular fruits and vegetables that are high in this B vitamin include oranges, cantaloupe, asparagus, avocados, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, brussels sprouts, papaya, cabbage, bananas, peaches, peanut butter, and nuts (soaking and sprouting nuts and seeds enhances digestibility and allows greater absorption of nutritional content).

The raw version of these foods contains higher amounts of folic acid. Cooking can destroy most of this beneficial vitamin, so consuming fruit and veggies in their raw form as much as possible will help increase the amount the body absorbs.

Exploring other aspects of your life may also benefit your immunity by influencing your health. The following can increase the functioning of the immune system, thus supporting the suppression and possible effects of HPV:

- avoiding cigarette smoke
- reducing stress levels:
. chronic stress has been proven to change blood flow to cervical tissue and affect its secretions;
. stress can suppress the immune system, and it has been proven that folic acid tends to diminish when a person is depressed
- forgiving oneself/accepting oneself and moving forward
- avoiding alcohol
- consuming a whole foods diet including foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, and selenium
- consuming a good quality beneficial bacteria - this will boost immunity at the gut level
- regular exercise

Experts suggest getting regular Pap smears to catch precancerous changes in the cervix at a stage when they are still easily treatable.



Natural anti-cancer substance in mothers' milk

Natural substance in breast milk destroys cancer cells

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 by: S. L. Baker

Breast milk is documented to be the best food possible for infants and breastfeeding is known to have enormous health benefits for moms, too. It turns out, however, that breast milk has even more amazing properties. Swedish researchers have found that it contains a compound that kills cancer cells in humans.

The substance, dubbed HAMLET (which stands for Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumor cells), is comprised of a protein and a fatty acid. Although found naturally in breast milk, scientists are not sure if HAMLET develops spontaneously or if it requires interaction with the acidic digestive system of a newborn.

HAMLET was first discovered by chance several years ago by researchers who were investigating the antibacterial properties of breast milk. Scientists soon began testing it on cancer cells and the findings were nothing short of astounding.

For example, studies in the lab showed that HAMLET was able to kill 40 different types of cancer cells. What's more, in animal studies the natural substance was found to be effective in killing one of the most deadly types of brain cancers -- glioblastoma.

However, HAMLET was only recently tested for the first time on humans. Scientists at Lund University and the University of Gothenburg in Sweden tried HAMLET on patients suffering from cancer of the bladder. The result? After treatment with the breast milk-derived therapy, the cancer patients excreted dead cancer cells in their urine.

The Swedish research team is working to see if the compound can be eventually developed into a viable cancer therapy. Next on their agenda: tests to see if HAMLET can treat skin cancer, a variety of brain tumors and tumors in the mucous membranes.

So what exactly does HAMLET do that makes it such a potent cancer fighter? In a paper recently published in the science journal PLoS One, scientists Roger Karlsson, Maja Puchades and Ingela Lanekoff of the University of Gothenburg discussed research showing how the substance appears to interact with cell membranes. Using a fluorescent red tracking substance to show the exact location of HAMLET, the researchers clearly demonstrated that the compound binds to the membranes of tumor cells, killing them. However, HAMLET does no harm whatsoever to surrounding healthy cells.