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Keep clean colon and liver for a good health !

(NaturalNews) The fact that there are several real accounts of cancer victims healing themselves with the Macrobiotic diet alone is not well known, even among alternative cancer people. A video interview of one such person, Ken Walles, is available on Natural News TV. View it here and see for yourself:

A Little About Macrobiotics

The Macrobiotic diet was introduced to America in the 1960s by George Ohsawa`s book You Are All Sanpaku, translated to English by William Duffy. Some may know George as Sakurazawa Nyoiti. The term sanpaku means three whites, and it is applied to the white area of one`s eyes showing on three sides of the colored iris. It indicates the sanpaku person has low energy and vitality and his/her nutrition is out of balance.

The balance is associated with the Chinese properties of yin and yang. All foods are categorized as yin, yang, or neutral or balanced. In the 1960s, it was not uncommon to go on an all brown rice diet with the prescribed fermented soy sauce for a week or two in order to break through a spell of very bad health, or just as a cleansing fast.

But there is much more to macrobiotics than just brown rice, although it is a staple. The diet focuses mostly on grains and legumes with some vegetables and sea veggies (seaweeds), very little fruit, and no animal meat, although some macrobiotic dieters allow for a little fish. A diet heavy with grains cuts across the grain of some highly regarded alternative health practitioners and writers who believe grains create inflammation. However, the macrobiotic diet has a long history of health giving success with its focus on whole organic grains.

Some raw food is considered okay, but light cooking, usually steaming or stir frying, is the preferred method of preparing macrobiotic foods. Although there are a few dissidents within macrobiotic circles, the macrobiotic diet mostly shuns supplements.

After its introductory impact in the USA, the health conscious public`s interest in macrobiotics waned. The notion of curing serious disease by diet alone was not understood well then, and as a method of getting healthier and staying healthy, it was considered too strict and severe by most. Their taste buds were not being satisfied and it was too much hassle.

A feature of macrobiotics that should be applied to all eating is chewing longer. It helps digest better and let's you become more aware of when you`ve had enough to eat.

Macrobiotics Today

Macrobiotics remained over recent decades through the efforts of Michio and Gabriel Kushi`s books and their involvements with establishing training centers for macrobiotic principles, food selection, and cooking. Many of those who have adopted the macrobiotic diet as a life style did so after being stricken with life threatening diseases such as cancer or debilitating chronic issues such as Type 2 diabetes, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia.

They were magically led to macrobiotics, tried the diet strictly, and recovered quickly and painlessly.

It`s easy to see how those who recovered from those severe situations would continue on the macrobiotic diet as a way of life and encourage others to do so. Some of the cancer recovery testimonies are even more dramatic than the cancer cure story related by Ken Walles in the Natural News TV interview.

You`ll find those testimonials and resources for more detailed information on macrobiotics in the Sources section below.

Sources for more information:

Natural News TV Interview of Ken Walles (in case you haven`t viewed it yet)

A very comprehensive website for macrobiotics

The Kushi Institute http://www.kushiinstitute.org/

The Kushi Institute of Europe http://www.macrobiotics.nl/


Time moves faster upstairs

Time Moves Faster Upstairs, Confirming Einstein's Relativity

By Devin Powell
Published September 24, 2010

It's 2 a.m., and the noise from your upstairs neighbor is keeping you awake again. Take solace in the fact that by living above you he may be shortening his life, even if only by a tiny fraction of a second.

Nearly a century ago, Albert Einstein suggested that time should move faster the farther away you are from the surface of the Earth. Now scientists have tested this theory at the small distances we travel up and down every day. Using the world's most precise clocks, they confirmed that our wristwatches tick at a slightly different speed when we ride an elevator, climb a flight of stairs, or even sit upright in bed.

According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, big objects with lots of gravity -- planets or stars -- bend the fabric of time and space, like bowling balls on a trampoline. The closer you get to these objects, the stronger the pull of gravity and the slower time moves. An astronaut watching a clock fall into a black hole, for example, would see its hands gradually slow down as the pull of gravity increases. The second hand would move tick once every hour, then once every decade, and finally appear to stop altogether.

For half a century, scientists have experimented with ways to spot this effect on Earth. In 1976, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory launched a rocket that carried a clock 6,000 miles away from the ground, where the pull of gravity is weaker. When the clock returned to the surface, it had sped up -- compared to clocks on the ground -- by about one second every 70 years. Time dilation over great distances has also been measured in clocks flown around the world on airplanes and sent to Mars on spacecraft, and satellites in orbit must compensate for it to keep GPS networks functioning properly.

But spotting the subtle changes in time that happen over the smaller vertical distances we move in our daily lives -- a matter of feet and inches -- is much more difficult. It requires an exceptional clock billions and billions of time better a wristwatch.

Time Is Relative

Chen-Wen Chou is a researcher at the National Institute of Technology in Boulder, Colo. and a member of a team that recently developed just such a device -- the world's most precise clock.

This optical atomic clock uses lasers tuned to the vibrations of a single atom of aluminum, which wobbles more than a quadrillion times per second (a quadrillion is a 1 followed by 15 zeros). It keeps time to within a second for 3.7 billion years.

Searching for time dilation, Chou and his colleagues put the clock on a table and raised the table by a foot. After a long observation, they found that the time on the raised clock was slightly ahead of the time on a second clock kept below.

"The difference at a foot of height over 100 years would be about 100 nanoseconds, said Chou. "That's about a hundred billionths of a second."

Time, then, does not flow at a constant rate in our daily lives.

"These small differences would have been undetectable for the previous generation of atomic clocks," said Chou, who published the results in the journal Science.

All other things being equal, living upstairs causes you to age slightly faster than living downstairs. And even with both feet planted firmly on the ground, parts of your body at different heights will age differently.

"The biochemical processes in our body are governed by the same physical laws as clocks," said Clifford Will of Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., who was not involved in the research. "Those in the tops of our heads will run slightly faster than those in the soles of our feet."

Even at the tops of skyscrapers, though, this difference is far too small to be noticeable.

"The world's tallest building is about 850 meters (half a mile) tall," said Alan Kostelecky, who studies relativity at Indiana University in Bloomington. "If you lived there for a million years, the difference would be a few seconds."

Running With Relativity

Gravity isn't the only thing that can warp time. According to another one of Einstein's theories, special relativity, time slows down for an object when it moves. A twin launched into space on a ship traveling near the speed of light would find on his return that he had aged more slowly than his brother left at the surface.

To measure this effect, Chou moved one of his clocks slowly -- at speeds similar to walking or running -- and compared it to a stationary clock.

He confirmed that when we walk up a flight of stairs, time is at war with itself. Being farther from the pull of Earth's gravity causes our clock to tick faster, but moving counteracts this effect.

If you live in a second-story apartment, and the thought of the universe stealing a split second of your life keeps you awake at night, science offers a solution. Just run in circles to keep your watch in synch with clocks on ground floor.

But don't stop running, or the universe wins.

FoxNews.com's SciTech section is on Twitter! Follow us @fxnscitech.


How to get rid of toxics from the body

(NaturalNews) Just five days on a vegetarian diet can significantly reduce the levels of antibiotics and toxic chemicals in the human body, researchers have found.

Scientists recruited 25 people to stay at a Buddhist temple for five days, living the same lifestyle as the monks residing there. This lifestyle included adhering to a strictly meat-free diet. The researchers did not state whether dairy products were included in the diet or not. Participants were also surveyed about their diet prior to beginning the study.

Researchers took urine samples from all participants both 48 hours before and immediately after the five-day Temple Stay. This urine was tested for antibiotics and their metabolites, as well as six chemicals produced by the body upon the breakdown of phthalates.

Phthalates are industrial chemicals used in the manufacture of pesticides and soft plastics. They have been proven to interfere with vertebrate hormonal systems, producing defects of the reproductive, nervous and other bodily systems. Because it is difficult to detect phthalates in urine, the researchers instead had to test for its metabolites.

All six phthalate metabolites were detected in every participant both before and after the study, but levels of five metabolites had significantly dropped over the course of the study. The findings suggest that food is one of several sources through which humans are exposed to phthalates. Nonetheless, the researchers found that participants who had eaten more beef, pork and dairy prior to the study started out with higher phthalate levels than participants who had eaten less of those foods.

At the beginning of the study, levels of various antibiotics were detected in nearly all participants; by the end, levels of all drugs had dropped dramatically. The scale of the decrease suggests that food is the major source of human antibiotic exposure.

Livestock raised for both meat and dairy production are regularly treated with large doses of antibiotics in order to promote quick growth.

Sources for this story include: http://www.environmentalhealthnews.....


Natural remedies for fibroid tumors

(NaturalNews) Fibroid tumors are tumors composed of fibrous tissue which generally occur in women during their reproductive years and shrink or disappear after menopause. Most of the time they are benign and cause no apparent symptoms; however, in other instances, fibroid tumors can result in severe discomfort and may include heavy bleeding and pain. Conventional medicine's answer to fibroid tumors is very often a hysterectomy or other type of surgery and medications - none of which guarantees that fibroids will not return. Nature, on the other hand, can shrink or eliminate fibroid tumors by addressing their source cause and utilizing remedies which create an environment in which fibroids are no longer welcome.

Fibroid tumors are also known as myomas, leiomyomas and fibromyomas. Their cause is not fully known, though estrogen is considered a primary factor in their growth. The jury is out, however, on whether the use of progesterone to treat women with uterine fibroids alleviates or promotes fibroids. One side claims that that lack of progesterone is the cause of tumor growth, while the other side points out that fibroids grow at a faster rate during pregnancy when progesterone levels are high.

Fibroid tumors can vary in size from so minute that they can only be identified under a microscope to very large. They can present themselves as a single tumor or as several masses. Although their rate of growth is generally slow, they can grow quickly during pregnancy. Symptoms include abnormal bleeding (sometimes severe enough to cause anemia), menstrual pain, and a swollen abdomen. Fibroids can also cause infertility.

Fibroid tumors fall into the following three categories:

*Subserous tumors appear outside of the uterus.
*Intramural tumors are confined to the wall of the uterus.
*Submucous tumors appear inside the uterus.

Avoiding birth control pills can help prevent fibroid growth. Just as these tumors grow faster during pregnancy, their growth is also accelerated by birth control pills containing estrogen. Pesticides and herbicides used on food products are also estrogen mimicking products to avoid. Tampons and napkins bleached with chlorine can also mimic estrogen.

Following are remedies which may be effective in shrinking or eliminating fibroid tumors as well as alleviating discomfort and symptoms:

Fibroids can be reduced by consuming at least three servings of whole grains and/or beans daily. Whole grain and beans also protect against breast and endometrial cancer.

Eliminating excess estrogen will result in shrinking fibroids. Dandelion, milk thistle, and yellow dock help to metabolize estrogen from the body.

Chasteberry tincture is often used successfully to shrink and prevent the return of fibroids. It reduces excess estrogen, balances hormones, and reduces inflammation. However, results often only become apparent after several months of usage. The dosage is 25 to 30 drops two to four times a day.

Additional herbs effective in treating fibroids include black cohosh, Siberian ginseng, red clover, goldenseal, red raspberry, licorice root, dong quai, and motherwort.

Supplemental oleander extract, primarily used in addressing cancer and HIV/AIDS, is also often effective against fibroids and other types of tumors and irregular cells

Liver cleanses and drinking plenty of water to expel toxins from the body may also be very helpful.

Warm castor oil packs placed on the stomach is another effective method of shrinking fibroids and relieving pain. Ginger compresses are also effective.

Exercise helps the body to free itself of toxins and regulate ovulation. Some women experience tumor reduction while following a vigorous exercise program.

Lastly, taking a variety of digestive enzymes in quantity several times a day on an empty stomach has been reported to be very effective at removing fibroid tissue. For more information see:







Natural options to combat scleroderm

Natural Options Help Combat and Relieve Scleroderma

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 by: Tony Isaacs

An estimated 300,000 people in the U.S. suffer from scleroderma, an autoimmune related disease that involves changes in the skin, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs. Mainstream medicine attempts to treat the symptoms of scleroderma with immunosuppressant drugs, NSAIDS and corticosteroids, but has no cure and little advice for prevention. However, the world of natural healing has much to offer to help address scleroderma.

Scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis, is a widespread chronic connective tissue disease; its name comes from two Greek words: "sclero" meaning hard, and "derma" meaning skin. It is not contagious, infectious, cancerous or malignant. Skin symptoms are the most often ones associated with scleroderma and include:

*Blanching, blueness, or redness of fingers and toes in response to heat and cold
*Hair loss
*Hard or thick skin that may be abnormally dark or light
*Shiny hands and forearm
*Small white lumps beneath the skin
*Tight and mask-like facial skin
*Ulcerations on fingertips or toes

Digestive tract symptoms associated with scleroderma include:

*Bloating after meals
*Difficulty swallowing
*Esophageal reflux or heartburn
*Weight loss

Bone and muscle symptoms include: joint pain; numbness and pain in the feet; pain, stiffness, and swelling of fingers and joints; wrist pain. Scleroderma can also result in breath problems such as dry cough, shortness of breath and wheezing and may cause eye problems such as burning eyes, itching, and discharge.

Since scleroderma is considered to be an autoimmune disease, natural immune modulators may provide great help in many instances. Some of the best immune modulators are:

*Oleander extract, available in supplement form, is effective against a wide variety of immune disorders. Though it is a powerful immune stimulator, it is also an immune modulator for such disorders.

*Vitamin D3 is an immune modulator and is essential for optimum health. Most of us do not get nearly enough vitamin D3. A recent study has linked vitamin D deficiency to autoimmune and other diseases. See: http://www.tbyil.com/VitaminD_Genet...

*Magnesium deficiency has been strongly linked to autoimmune disorders and it is estimated that anywhere from 70 to 95% of us are deficient in this vital mineral.

*Curcumin is a powerful immune modulator which has many health benefits. It is also anti-inflammatory.

*Blackseed Oil (Nigella sativa) is another immune modulator and has been used for health issues for centuries.

A healthy, alkaline oriented diet is essential for helping relieve scleroderma. Apples (or pure unfiltered apple juice) may be particularly helpful. Apples contain pectin as well as malic acid, a substance that appears to ease pain and inflammation.

*Eat plenty of essential fatty acids and omega 3's.
*Cut back on consumption of whole grain foods.
*Avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners and foods containing bleached flour.
*Eat yogurt which contains active yeast cultures.

Toxin removal could make a difference, as toxins likely play a very large role in many autoimmune disorders and other conditions. In addition to cleansing the liver, colon/bowels and kidneys, parsley, chlorella, cilantro, and apple pectin are all good for removing toxins, especially heavy metals. Another item to strongly consider is removal of any amalgam fillings.

Bone and muscle problems can be especially troubling. Joint pain may be relieved with proven items such as a combination of plant derived minerals, colloidal silver, colloidal gold, MSM and GTF chromium. Many people have found black cherry juice very effective for relieving joint pain.

Note: Mainstream steroids/corticosteroids have been associated with increased risk of renal failure in scleroderma patients. Two natural items also warrant concern. Several studies have associated exposure to silica, especially silica dust, with scleroderma. Collagen buildup is a central feature and problem in scleroderma.

Alkalize your way to great health

Alkalize Your Way to Great Health

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 by: Dr. David Jockers

The human internal ecosystem is stabilized by several different buffering systems that keep the body functioning at a high level for as long as possible. One of these buffering systems is pH. Our blood stream should be slightly alkaline at 7.365 at all times. If it rises or falls one or two tenths of a pH unit it is catastrophic and potentially fatal to the body. Maintaining pH balance through proper diet and lifestyle is one of the most critical tools to optimizing your health.

The body has both short-term and long-term methods for buffering blood pH. In the short-term the kidneys will flush out more acidic wastes and the speed of breathing will increase to pump more alkalizing oxygen into the system and acidic forming carbon dioxide out of the system. If the blood pH becomes too acidic for a chronic period of time it turns to the various tissues to help stabilize the pH. The body will naturally excrete alkaline minerals such as calcium from our bones & teeth. Magnesium is taken from blood vessels, potassium from our neuromuscular system, and sodium from our joints. If these minerals are not replaced, the tissues become weak and degenerate quickly.

The primary alkalizing elements in our body include calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, vitamin C, selenium, oxygen, zinc, and the various B vitamins. The best sources of these essential nutrients are in fresh organically grown fruits and vegetables, apple cider vinegar, certain nuts & seeds, & natural pink salts.

The most acidic forming foods include sugars, grains, grain-fed meat & dairy products, coffee, and processed foods of any kind. Perhaps the worst culprit of all is soda. Soda is loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and phosphoric acid. These are all extremely acidic forming substances. Soda measures out at a pH around 3. This powerfully dehydrates the body as water is needed to help detoxify all the acidic waste.

When a person eats too much acid forming foods for a long period of time the body becomes deficient in alkaline forming elements and the digestive system becomes impaired. Food is then inadequately digested and mucous is secreted into the bowel to protect itself. Chronic conditions can cause the mucous to become hardened creating a mucoid plaque that impairs food absorption. This plaque build-up lodges into the walls of the colon and becomes a breeding ground for parasites and other unfriendly organisms

Parasites such as worms, fungal yeast, and antagonistic bacteria will steal valuable nutrients and secrete toxins and acidic particles back into the bloodstream. This multiplies the relative acidity of the system and profoundly lowers our energy and immunity. This also causes excessive strain on major organs depleting them of life-staining enzymes and nutrients in the battle to maintain blood pH. This onslaught of stress on the body eventually leads to disease and death.

Fortunately, our bodies were created with an incredible ability to heal and restore themselves. If we begin taking action with steps to move back into balance, our body will respond and we will dramatically improve our health.

Begin Alkalizing Now with these 7 simple tips:
1.Drink 1/2 - 1 gallon of clean, purified water daily
2.Squeeze fresh lemon in water
3.Use Apple cider vinegar instead of salad dressing or other vinegars
4.Use pink salts (such as Himalayan salt) instead of other salts.
5.Use oregano, dill, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, & fennel
6.Make a Green Drink every day
7.Try to eat 75% raw alkaline forming foods


Inspirational and empowering

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” - Søren Kierkegaard


The Energy of Life

(NaturalNews) In part II of this series we're going to continue to discover more about chi as the source of health, healing and longevity. We'll find out if it's real and just what it is and discover why it is so important.

Even as modern science has come to understand, all life has one major common non-physical element to it, the presence of energy. Energy is most notably in the form of electro-magnetic fields, which are a manifestation of what the Chinese call chi. In fact it's the lack of magnetic fields in the soil that is one of the major reasons for the decrease in the nutrition and health of crops today. Various minerals in the soil, such as Selenium for example, have a lot to do with transmission and flow of energy into the growing crops via the earth's magnetic field. So when soil minerals are depleted there is also a decrease in the health of the crops grown in such soil.

The reason that Chi is the most important single factor in health is because your entire body is essentially a large bio-electric magnet. It's known that without these magnetic fields, life could not occur. Cells have an electromagnetic field (EM) and it's this field of energy that keeps each cell alive. The stronger the EM field, the stronger each cell is and the greater it's resilience and resistance to decay and death.

In chemistry, all reactions require electrons to occur. If you stop the flow of electrons from one atom to the next, then you neutralize the reactions themselves. In human cells there are over one hundred thousand reactions per second, more than half the speed of light. Each of these reactions requires enzymes to occur and enzymes in turn require large amounts of chi to perform their functions.

We get chi from a number of sources, the main source being our parents during conception. This is what's called "yuan" or "original chi". This chi is stored mainly in the adrenal, sexual and other glands in the body. We also get a major portion of what's called "post birth chi" from food and air that we take in. This is why eating as much pure, organic and fresh food is critical to receiving the highest amount of pure and potent chi as possible. But it is through the act of breathing that we get the major amount of chi or life force energy as it's the breath and the constant intake of fresh energy in the form of "ionic energy" from the air that truly keeps us alive on a minute by minute basis. This is why we can live for weeks without food and days without water, but we can only live minutes without breath because it's the breath of life that truly keeps us alive on a minute by minute basis.

The role of breathing and chi in health and longevity has been known for at least the past 2000 years in China as evidenced by archeological excavations of the Ma Wang tombs in Cheng Sha, Hunan province. In these tombs they found various diagrams with charts of the human energy system, as well as illustrated instructions for performing various breathing exercises and anatomical charts showing its benefits on human energy and health. These finds demonstrate conclusively that this internal knowledge of breathing and energy had supplanted the misguided external school of toxic minerals and compounds as the true basis for human health and longevity, and they clearly demonstrate that by the second century AD the human energy system was understood to be the main key to health and longevity.

"Harnessing the Power of the Universe" by Daniel Reid
"The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity" by Daniel Reid
"The Root of Chinese Qigong" by Dr. Yang Jwing Ming


Garlic- a super food

(NaturalNews) Garlic (Allium sativum) has the broadest spectrum of any antimicrobial substances we know of. "It's antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiprotozoan and antiviral," asserted Paul Bergner, Director of The North American Institute of Herbal Medicine and author of The Healing Power of Garlic and several other herbal medicine books. This along with even more health benefits have been confirmed by other researchers, many from mainstream medicine.

Garlic's Healing Properties

Tests have found raw garlic more powerful than even penicillin and tetracycline. This is without destroying the digestive intestinal flora, which pharmaceutical antibiotics invariably do. It's also effective for TB and even Candida. Also, unlike heavy pharmaceutical antibiotic use, garlic does not diminish the immune system. It actually enhances the immune system.

Allicin, the active ingredient released when garlic is crushed, stimulates the immune system. Dr. Abdullah and his colleagues at the Akbar Clinic and Research Center in Panama City, Florida, found raw garlic dramatically increased the powers of the immune system's natural killer cells. Abdullah believes the immune boosting power of garlic could even be used to help AIDS patients.

Garlic prevents cancer and contributes toward tumor shrinkage, especially stomach, colon, and breast and prostate cancers. The Russians have known this for decades. More recently, this has been formally recognized by Dr. John Pinto, Ph.D of the normally anti-alternative natural cancer remedy Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute.

In the 1970s, Robert I. Lin, president of Nutritional International in Irvine California,
successfully used garlic to detox lead from children. That's not a well know attribute of garlic, and it's another reason everyone should use garlic often in our heavily toxic heavy metal environment.

Garlic has been used successfully for promoting cardiovascular health even among those who are having arterial or heart problems. Garlic dilates blood vessels to lower blood pressure, removes triglycerides, dissolves internal clots, and prevents oxidation of important lipids that lead to cellular destruction. All without side effects, of course.

Dr Irwin Ziment, a Los Angeles pulmonary specialist, regularly prescribes garlic as a decongestant and expectorant for common colds and as a mucus regulator for chronic bronchitis. University of New Mexico research has discovered that garlic destroys meningitis in-vitro (petri dish/test tube).

How to Include Garlic as a Super Food

Even though several studies have discovered even light use of raw and cooked garlic beneficial over non-garlic consumption, it's a good idea to consume mostly raw garlic daily to realize maximum benefits. The garlic must be freshly pressed and consumed after ten minutes and within one-half hour to forty-five minutes to absorb the allicin, which is released only when garlic is pressed, chewed, or juiced.

If you have a slow speed masticating auger juicer, three or four cloves juiced and mixed with purified water is an easy way to get a strong allicin dose. High speed juicers destroy enzymes. Nebulizing a small amount of freshly juiced and filtered garlic mixed with distilled water is great for regulating mucous in the lungs for chronic bronchitis and COPD sufferers.

Chewing a clove or two a day works just as well. You can disguise its pungent flavor by placing the cloves in food, even an organic peanut butter sandwich. Chewing fresh cilantro and parsley are common odor removing methods, with cilantro adding its heavy metal chelation to garlic's chelation process.

Researchers tend to agree that most garlic supplements don't match the allicin produced by freshly crushed raw garlic. Fresh garlic should be used, and it's recommended that you know the garlic source's soil quality or grow your own. Garlic's low cost and high health benefits should override odor and taste considerations.

Sources for this article include:

Tonics, by Robert A. Barnett 1997 Harper Perennial pages 135 - 146




Understand your metabolic type- part 1

(NaturalNews) Every individual has a unique biochemistry and metabolic style. Our dietary patterns should reflect these individual differences to a certain degree. Some individuals have strong appetites and fast metabolisms while others are rarely hungry and still have trouble losing weight. Understanding your own unique metabolic type can dramatically improve your ability to lose weight, stabilize your energy levels, and prevent/reverse disease processes.

Metabolic typing was the brain child of William Wolcott. Wolcott was interested to see how some people could thrive on a low fat, high carbohydrate diet while others suffered terribly while eating the same foods. He witnessed the same phenomena while observing people on low carb diets. He observed in his research how different cultures evolved their metabolisms based around the habitat they were exposed too.

Eskimo's and other northern cultures had a more sparse variety of vegetables and survived mostly on fish and wild game. Groups who evolved closer to the equator depended more on the rich agriculture that was common to their geography. Most of these cultures ate less meat and more vegetables. Your ancestral heritage can have a huge impact on your metabolism today.

According to Wolcott, most people can be classified according to three basic groups:
1. Fast oxidizers
2. Slow oxidizers
3. Balanced oxidizers

Fast oxidizers are typically leaner individuals who burn through the nutrients in their foods very quickly. When they eat carbohydrates, they rapidly turn the carbohydrate into glucose which is then immediately released into the bloodstream. This spike in blood sugar triggers a powerful release of large amounts of insulin to clean away excess sugar. The insulin fills the sugar reservoirs in the muscle and liver and then dumps the rest of the glucose into the fat tissue. This all can happen within a matter of minutes.

When fast oxidizers eat carbohydrate rich foods their blood sugar goes from very high to very low levels in a short period of time. When the brain senses low blood sugar levels its protective membrane becomes more permeable. This allows toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, viruses, bacteria, and other harmful substances to cross over. The net result of this blood sugar imbalance is fatigue, brain fog, and carbohydrate cravings.

When fast oxidizers continue to eat the high levels of sugar and other carbohydrates that society promotes they are highly susceptible to mood, memory, and neurological disorders. Their brain cells will be more toxic and unable to stabilize the neurotransmitter traffic they are giving and receiving. This pre-disposes the individual to depression, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other major issues.

Fast oxidizers will do much better eating foods with more proteins and fats in order to slow down their rate of oxidation and insulin release. This will promote stable blood sugar and sustained energy levels. Stable blood sugar is very important for a healthy brain and cellular detoxification mechanisms.

The best vegetables for fast oxidizers are those that are low in potassium such as cauliflower, spinach, and broccoli. Beans and legumes are rich in purines making them desirable for a fast oxidizer. This metabolic type can thrive without a lot of vegetables as long as they are avoiding sugars and eating plenty of healthy proteins and fats.

Wolcott, William; Fahey, Trish; The Metabolic Typing Diet, DoubleDay, New York, 2000.