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Four major hormones needed for LIFE !

(NaturalNews) When hormones are in optimal amounts and balanced, the body is ready to play the music of life. Like an orchestra when some of the players have taken the day off, the body can't make beautiful music without all of its hormones being present and working together. Achieving hormonal balance takes some time, dedication and work. It is best done with the help of a physician who specializes in anti-aging medicine or hormonal balance. It is often achieved only after a period of trial and error, but it is work that has a big payoff. Full hormonal orchestration not only makes you feel great, act great and look great, it provides the best protection there is against the horrors of aging and degenerative disease. In addition to the sex hormones, optimal levels and balance of four other minor hormones can keep you dancing to the music of the cosmos.

Melatonin puts us to sleep and keeps our immune systems strong

Melatonin is the timekeeper of the body, allowing for sound and deep sleep. It is secreted by the light sensitive pineal gland that regulates the biological clock and synchronizes the hormone-immune network. It is also produced by the retina and in the gastrointestinal system. Melatonin keeps the body in tune with the circadian rhythm, rising with darkness and falling with light. It is melatonin that makes you yawn and feel compelled to sleep when it gets dark, even if you do not want to. Melatonin keeps the rhythm for the body to maintain its balance with the rest of nature and adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Declining level of melatonin is central in the aging process of the body. Typically, somewhere in the mid thirties the pineal gland begins to become calcified and melatonin production starts to diminish, setting in motion a shift in the way the cells of the body operate. The body moves from a mode of repair and rejuvenation to one of aging and degeneration. This is why maintaining an optimal level of melatonin is so important. Degeneration and aging-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis, autoimmunity, depressed immune system, cancer, and metabolic conditions are promoted by the de-synchronization of the hormonal system, and its loss of cyclicality and rhythm.

The connection between melatonin and aging was dramatically demonstrated in a study where melatonin was added to the drinking water of laboratory animals resulting in an increase in their life spans of 30 percent. Older animals drinking water containing melatonin became more vigorous and healthy. In another experiment, pineal glands from younger mice were transplanted into older mice that then lived much longer than expected. Their pineal glands were transplanted into younger mice who then died much sooner than expected.

The invention of the electric light bulb has played havoc with the rhythms orchestrated by melatonin. Production of melatonin is cued by the coming darkness of night. When we stay up late with the lights on, night never comes and the whole melatonin-prolactin cycle is thrown off. It is at night that the body recuperates and regenerates tissues and organs, and restores glycogen reserves. When melatonin levels stay low, this body maintenance can not take place. This is why it is so important to go to bed close to the time darkness settles in, and to sleep in a room that is completely dark. We have learned to fight the signal from melatonin that it is bedtime, especially in the fall when darkness descends so early. We yawn and stretch and turn on even more lights to keep ourselves awake, ignoring the signals of our bodies. The result of such actions is a body in a state of melatonin deprivation long before we reach the age of thirty-five.

When the body is able to produce the needed amount of melatonin it can directly kill many different types of cancer cells. Melatonin is a naturally produced cytotoxin that easily induces death in tumor cells. It can also retard tumor metabolism and development by lowering the body temperature, as it is a natural inducer of hypothermia. It has also been shown to inhibit the spread of the AIDS virus. And it is protective of all the organs in the body, particularly the pancreas.

Supplemental melatonin is available at health food stores and online. It is very inexpensive. According to hormone balancing specialist, Dr. Uzzi Reiss, a healthy pineal gland produces 2.5 milligrams of melatonin every twenty-four hours. For him the ideal supplemental level for anti-aging is 1 to 5 milligrams. He prescribes supplementation up to 20 milligrams a day for cancer protection.

Human growth hormone is the quintessential anti-aging hormone

Human growth hormone (HGH) has a bad reputation because of its frequent abuse by athletes. Now people think that if they supplement with it they will turn into Andre the Giant. This is too bad since it is HGH that keeps us looking and feeling young, trim and fit well into what people consider to be the years of old age.

Children are loaded with HGH. It is the hormone that promotes growth during childhood. By the time the age of thirty is reached, the levels of HGH have declined to about 20 percent of their childhood peak. At this stage the body is no longer able to repair all the damage that is occurring and the aging process continues to accelerate.

HGH is released by the pituitary gland and is beneficial for the brain, cardiovascular system, immune system, aerobic capacity of blood and tissue, and body and bone composition. It enters the blood stream in bursts during sleep, especially the deep sleep that occurs after midnight. It's also produced during exercise provided the exercise is done on an empty stomach. It is transported to the liver where it is converted to insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a messenger molecule that travels to all parts of the body to stimulate cell production and growth. HGH is responsible for cellular rejuvenation, and low levels lead to aging.

Symptoms of HGH deficiency are wrinkled or sagging skin, thinning bones, loss of muscle strength, accumulation of body fat, decreased heart function, lowered immunity, thinning hair, decreased stamina and vigor, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. It is great for weight control and re-contouring the body with loss of belly fat, the area associated with increased risk of heart attack and diabetes. A study of overweight women on HGH found a loss of more than 4.6 pounds of fat, mostly in the abdomen while lean body mass increased. More than twenty-eight thousand studies on the hormone have shown that supplementation with HGH is the closest we have to a fountain of youth.

Typically, HGH replacement should begin around age 30. In older people, HGH replacement can reverse signs of aging by 5 to 15 percent per year or more. There is no other single therapy that can have the impact on the aging body that HGH does. In addition to reducing excess body fat, particularly abdominal fat, and increasing muscle mass, HGH can reduce wrinkling, restore internal organs that have atrophied with age, increase bone density, reverse cognitive deterioration, strengthen the immune system, stimulate bone marrow cell production resulting in more red blood cells, and reduce the chances of a nursing home as your end destination.

Supplemental HGH is available in injectable form. It is sold by prescription, and prescriptions are difficult to get since the FDA does not seem to want fit and healthy old people around. It is usually only physicians who specialize in anti-aging medicine or hormone replacement that will prescribe HGH. Anyone able to obtain a prescription for HGH will find it readily available at most pharmacies but at a high price. Most people supplementing with HGH spend about $300 a month on the hormone and inject it themselves twice a day. They find it to be a very worthwhile investment in their health.

There have been no reports of anyone, anywhere, at any age getting cancer after using HGH for a year or more. Although there are theoretical reasons why HGH might promote cell division, HGH also stimulates the immune system to a level where cancer is does not occur.

IGF-1 is produced in response to growth hormone, and as a result it is a marker for HGH. Since natural HGH is released in surges and has a very short life span in the body, it is not practical to measure HGH levels directly. Because much of HGH is used by the body to produce IGF-1, which has a fairly long lifetime in the body, tests for HGH levels rely on the amount of IGF-1 present.

Supplements of IGF-1 are readily available from online nutritional outlets. Significant amounts of IGF-1 are found in colostrum, the liquid from the first two milkings of a cow after calving. Colostrum is a tremendous immune system booster and conveys a wealth of health benefits. Another way to provide the body with growth factor is by taking chlorella which contains a substance called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). Chlorella is also rich in chlorophyll and nucleic acid.

Pregnenolone fights fatigue, boosts memory and more

Pregnenolone is made in the adrenal glands as well as in the liver, ovaries and testicles. It can also be made in the brain and is involved in a variety of brain functions such as memory, concentration and mood.

The body can change pregnenolone into the hormones DHEA or progesterone depending on its needs at a given time. Either of these hormones can be then produce androstenedione, the direct precursor to the other sex hormones including testosterone and the other androgens, and estradiol and the other estrogens. Progesterone can also make cortisol, the stress hormone, and aldosterone, the regulator of blood pressure. This process by which other hormones are made from pregnenolone which is made directly from cholesterol is often referred to as the hormonal cascade.

Clearly, prenenolone is an essential hormone. In the young, prenenolone production averages about 14 mg per day. As the body ages, production declines until at age 75 the body produces about 40% of the amount produced at age 35. As this supply declines, the amount available to make other hormones also decreases.

Although several studies have found that oral pregnenolone reduces fatigue and increases endurance, its claim to fame is its memory enhancement. It accomplishes this by preventing the brain's neurotransmission system from deteriorating and promoting the release of the neurotransmitter acetycholine. Pregnenolone promotes greater growth of brain cells. The greater the number of brain cells, the greater the ability to retain memories.

Pregnenolone is available without a prescription in creams, capsules and sublingual drops. The usual dosage is 50 to 100 mg. Absorption is best if it is taken with fat.

DHEA is the mother hormone

DHEA is made in the brain and in the adrenal cortex , and is one of the most plentiful hormones in the body. Levels of DHEA decline with age, and a 70 year old has only about 10% of the DHEA produced by a 20 year old.

Diminishing levels of DHEA are linked to a wide range of degenerative diseases including heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and many types of cancer. Current research shows that low DHEA levels are a cause of many age related disorders and that oral supplementation with DHEA can slow the ravages of aging.

Adequate levels of DHEA can increase testosterone levels, restore muscle mass, improve the body fat ratio, improve memory, and boost the immune system. It is useful in combating auto-immune disorders, obesity, senile dementia, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and depression. DHEA promotes flexibility in the body and raises endurance levels.

DHEA is the hormone that helps you reach and keep you ideal weight. It is the basis of the hormone that tells the brain when you have had enough to eat, and inhibits the conversion of glucose to fat. When the body is low on DHEA fat piles on quickly whenever carbohydrates are eaten since there is nothing to inhibit the conversion of glucose to fat.

DHEA protects against arteriosclerosis by lowering cholesterol and insulin levels. This mechanism keeps you safe from diabetes if you eat a healthy diet. It is another hormone that keeps the immune system strong, preventing cancer. It protects the brain from Parkinson's and Alzheimer's by protecting neurons.

DHEA is available without a prescription almost anywhere supplements are sold. The average dose for women is 10 to 12 mg. a day. For men it is 25 mg. a day. DHEA peaks in the body in the morning, so supplements should also be taken in the morning to maintain the circadian rhythm. If you suspect you have a DHEA deficiency, it is best to confirm it with a blood test before beginning supplementation. As with all the hormones, the goal is to attain a physiological level, meaning that you want to restore the level your body made naturally when it was at its peak.


Uzzi Reiss, M.D./O.B. GYN., Natural Hormone Balance for Women.

Melatonin, Mayo Clinic.

John Lee, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer.

Eric Braverman, M.D. interviewed by Suzanne Summers, Breakthrough.

Howard Liebowitz, M.D. interviewed by Suzanne Summers, Breakthrough.

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Rethinking quantic ...particles...illusion vs truth

The Higgs Boson Particle Isn't a Particle - Why the Search for Subatomic Particles is an Illusion

(NaturalNews) Physicists are a great bunch of folks. They're bright and imaginative, but just like professionals in any other field of science, when educated under the same organized system of beliefs they have the ability to cluster together and share some rather remarkable delusions.

The latest delusion is the search for the so-called Higgs Boson Particle. It's a multi-billion dollar effort that has taken decades to pursue in the U.S. using the Fermilab particle accelerator. Soon, the search for the "Higgs," as it's known, will be largely taken over by the new Large Hadron Collider powering up in Switzerland in the summer of 2009.

Sounds cool, huh? But there's a problem with all this: Higgs Boson isn't a particle!

Outdated Newtonian thinking still dominates modern physics
Far too many western physicists remain steadfastly dedicated to the Newtonian idea that the world is made of ever-smaller spheres of matter that bounce off each other like balls in a pinball machine. The atom, in fact, was once thought to be the smallest unit of matter (that's what "atomic" means, of course). But before long, physicists began wondering "What are atoms made of?" So they invented a comical model of particle physics that they use to explain how atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.

Here's a typical explanation of this model of matter from the world of conventional physics:

Matter is made of molecules; molecules of atoms; atoms of a cloud of electrons about one-hundred-millionth of a centimeter and a nucleus about one-hundred-thousandth the size of the electron cloud. The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons. Each proton (or neutron) has about two thousand times the mass of an electron.

That's a handy explanation for kindergarteners and the scientifically illiterate, but it has a fatal flaw: There are no such things as physical electron particles, either!

Huh? Did I just say there's no such "thing" as an electron? Yep, I did. What I mean by that remark is that there's no such thing as a single, isolated, self-contained electron spinning around the nucleus like a tiny marble. As is well noted in the field of quantum physics a so-called "electron" is really just a cloud of probabilities in which the illusory appearance of an electron-like particle might be teased out of the fabric of reality under the right experimental circumstances, but no such discrete object can be said to truly "exist" in the physical world.

Still, many western scientists cling to the particle theory on practically everything: Subatomic physics, biochemistry and even water. In the world of water, for example, while we're told by scientists that water molecules are self-contained units of H2O, the truth is that water molecules are constantly transforming, releasing and creating new bonds in a sort of wet molecular square dancing jamboree. Thus, if you look at a cup of water, you're not simply observing a very large number of discrete water molecules that keep to their own business; you're watching the constant exchange and reconfiguration of molecules that openly share not just elemental particles but also information at many levels.

The self-contained H2O molecule explanation is simpler for everybody to grasp, though, which is why it's still taught everywhere today. The universe is simpler if you think it's entirely made up of tiny particles rather than intertwined fields of possibility that span multiple dimensions and propagate information encoded in mysterious energy fields.

Introducing the "God particle"
Most physicists are sticking to their Higgs Boson particle delusion, though. This mysterious "particle" is what gives mass to electrons, they say, and it works in such mysterious ways that they've actually named it the "God particle."

For the non-scientists reading this, that's the way western scientists fudge their theories to try to fit the observation numbers they've come up with. First, they create a mathematical theory that attempts to explain all the matter in the universe (most of which they can't even detect, but the stuff they can detect is believed to be made up of ever-smaller discrete particles). Then, when experimental observation doesn't fit their equations, they magically invent a mystical "God particle" that takes care of all the corrections, instantly proving their theories to be correct!

The same thing goes on in western medicine, of course, when researchers decide before the clinical trial that a candidate pharmaceutical is really, really effective at treating some disease. When the experiment turns up numbers they don't like, they simply invent "God numbers" and throw them into the data set to massage out whatever result they want. Convenient, isn't it? It even has the ring of high-brow science, but underneath all the academia, it's still just a bunch of people fudging the equations to get the results they want. It does make for a lot of entertaining science papers published in the physics journals, though, none of which are willing to entertain new ideas that don't fit their established (delusionary) models of the subatomic world.

Where is Richard Feynman when you really need the guy, anyway? Feynman was one physicist who wasn't afraid to go after the establishment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richar... )

Does Yoda know more about physics than the physicists?
I'm sure I'll receive plenty of flak about this story from atomic physicists who will say I should stick to health and stop commenting about physics. I'm not a physicist, after all, but I am made of the stuff these people are trying to describe, and physicists don't have a monopoly on conjecture about the nature of reality we all share, after all.

I'm also an experienced observer of the arrogance of western scientists and their cult-like dedication to particle explanations for the natural world. What western scientists don't like, I've learned, is mysterious energetic interactions among their delicate particles. They detest the idea of energy fields (beyond the fundamental four, of course), and instantly cringe at the mention of homeopathy, acupuncture, precognition, or mind-over-matter theories. In their quest to eradicate these mysterious energy fields from their theories, they desperately try to explain the entire universe as a series of tiny particles that operate independently, where atoms are actually microscopic perpetual motion pinball machines that somehow keep orbiting forever... or at least as long as it takes to fire a physics professor who has tenure.

I have news for these folks: All these particles are merely the visible echoes of the energy fields that make up the fabric of reality. In much the same way that a tumor is NOT cancer (it's merely the physical manifestation of a cellular communication problem in the body), all these gluons, muons, quarks and other particles are just momentary ripples of matter that spill over into our observable universe and then are gone in a flash.

The really courageous, high-level physicists already get this. They're the ones talking about superstring theory in eleven dimensions and all that. They know the Higgs Boson particle, when it's found, will actually turn out to be a multi-dimensional field of some sort and not a particle at all.

By the way, Yoda already found the Higgs Boson particle. His explanation of "The Force" is a near-perfect description of Higgs Boson. As Yoda says in The Empire Strikes Back:

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life breeds it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the force around you, here between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes, even between land and ship."

Did I just quote a muppet as an authority on subatomic physics? Sure did. That's because with all their high-flying scientific superiority, too many of today's particle-hunting physicists still don't know as much about the nature of the universe as a character from a fictional fantasy film.

The dead universe vs. the living universe
Why am I so harsh on these folks? The difference in view on this is a very big deal. The conventional physics point of view, you see, pretends that all units of matter in the universe are isolated and self-contained. Interactions between discrete objects are limited to a few basic field "forces" they admit to, but don't even understand: The strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism and gravity, none of which are truly understood by anybody.

Describing something with formulas doesn't mean you "understand" it; it just means you can roughly model its behavior with numbers, and even then, most of those numbers don't hold up in the real world. I've never even met a scientist who can describe where the energy comes from that powers a common magnet. They literally have no answer for it other than circular logic and physics babble. A magnet is magnetic because it's magnetic, essentially. And in that total lack of understanding, physics looks a whole lot like a mathematical branch of superstition.

On the other side of the fence (where I sit), everything in the universe is connected. The nature of reality is holographic, where the whole of reality is reflected in each and every piece of it. Energy fields are ubiquitous, and they permeate our bodies and our minds. Consciousness is sacred, and free will exists. Our own thoughts and intentions are broadcast into the universe where they have a real and measurable effect on events.

Sound bizarre? It's no less strange than a refrigerator magnet, which summons a mysterious force from the ether and uses it to cling to a slippery surface, day after day, year after year, using an unexplained force that persists, even without any apparent cause.

These are the two camps of modern physics: The particle-worshippers in search of the Higgs Boson particle who believe all things in the universe are isolated from each other, and the energy-field embracers who believe all things are connected and particles are just the fleeting shadows of underlying energies.

The particle-worshippers are largely athiests and determinists who do not believe in free will or the existence of a human soul. To them, death is a finality. Their religion is founded in make-believe particles, which is why they named Higgs Boson their "God particle." To them, finding the God particle is akin to meeting their Maker.

The energy-field embracers believe in free will, human consciousness and typically some form of life after death (reincarnation or otherwise). They believe that intention is a powerful force in the universe and that thought can travel faster than the speed of light. Interestingly, recent research in the field of quantum mechanics has already confirmed the ability of the universe to move information from one point to another faster than the speed of light (a phenomenon that conventional physicists insist is impossible).

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter, says Yoda. But modern-day particle physicists are still hunting for crude matter. They're looking for the wrong thing, and that's why all the supercolliders in the world will never reveal the answers they're looking for!

The nature of the universe is far more holistic and enlightened than most modern-day scientists can even dare to imagine. They can document the particle decay tracks of every collision of every proton from now to eternity and still not understand the simple truths about the true nature of our universe.

A practicing Buddhist monk knows more about the nature of reality than a conventional subatomic physicist, and he didn't have to spend ten billion dollars in order to catch a glimpse of enlightenment.

Remember this quote from Confucius: "The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat."

If you really want to realize just how ignorant modern-day physicists are about the natural of the universe, just realize that even according to their own research, they can't even detect 96% of the stuff the universe is made of! That's because 96% of the universe is made of so-called "dark matter" or "dark energy," which are really just terms that mean "we have no freaking idea what's out there!"

Why we should support more funding for the sciences
It doesn't mean they should be looking, of course. If we're 96% ignorant about the stuff in the universe right now, the only way to map new territory is to keep exploring. And with that thought, I want to be really clear that I strongly support increases in funding for science research in America, and I strongly disagree with the Bush Administration's cuts of science funding. Under the Bush Administration, America invested in war, not science, and we've lost our footing on the science front. The age of America leading the sciences is now history, and that's shameful.

Basic education in mathematics and the sciences has plummeted to an all-time low in America, and in public schools, those interested in science at all are considered unpopular geeks. In the 1950's, science was cool; today it's considered nerdy. That's a shame, too, because science really is cool, and we live in a strange society, indeed, when being socially popular in school requires you to act like a dumbsh!t in front of your peers.

But as much as I support increases in science funding, I simultaneously believe scientists have got to get past their Newtonian mindset and start expanding the areas of politically-correct investigation. Too many realms of possible scientific investigation are censored these days, including the study of medicinal herbs, alternative cancer cures or even scientists who dare mention the phrase "intelligent design" in questioning Darwinian evolution as a valid explanation for the origin of the species. That's a whole different article, of course, and I'm not saying natural selection doesn't work -- clearly it does -- but for scientists to proclaim that Darwinian evolution explains the ORIGIN of all life is stunningly obtuse.

When it comes to the origin of life in our universe, conventional scientists are just as clueless about it as they are about magnets: Nobody really knows. The best-noted scientists like Dawkins actually say that aliens may have brought us to life!

It's actually a plausible theory, by the way. But then who brought the aliens to life? I'll cover this in another article about evolution vs. intelligent design, but I just wanted to point this out to show you that when it comes to offering real answers for the way things work in the universe, conventional physicists are as clueless as anybody -- they just have cooler formulas for describing all the things they still don't really understand. If you want to see an example of this, read up on the Casimir Effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimi...).

I like physicists. I've known several, and they're cool people. The really good ones are asking great questions way beyond anything I've touched on in this article. They're investigating the nature of consciousness, the holographic nature of the universe, quantum tunneling effects, the multiverse, superstring theories and all kinds of other wickedly cool areas of adventure. But sadly, they are up against a stubborn cabal of conventional, old school physicists who cling to their particle theories and their "dead" universe models that exclude the existence of anything worth living for.

You see, advanced physicists are battling against conventional physicists in the same way that naturopaths are fighting against Big Pharma and the FDA: NEW ideas are always a threat to OLD ideas (and the snobs who cling to them). Like many areas of scientific inquiry, physics only advances as quickly as the tenured guardians of the status quo retire or die. It is a strange branch of inquiry indeed when advances in understanding are dependent upon the deaths of its most notable individuals.

Humans are stubborn folk, of course. We tend to believe the stories we tell ourselves, and the older most people get, the more difficult it is for them to listen to different stories. But as stubborn as people are, the universe is more stubborn still. And its secrets, I dare say, are beyond the capacity of any single human being to fully grasp; especially if they remain limited by the soulless language of mathematics.

Mike Adams

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Natural remedies for back spasms

Doctors had been medicating Lori Allen with drugs for years for her back spasms. But she got rid of the spasms in just one week by adding spicy raw ingredients to her raw recipes!

How I Healed Painful Back Spasms with
Raw Garlic, Ginger and Hot Peppers

By Lori Allen

Several weeks ago (in absolute desperation because I was in a tremendous amount of pain), I asked if anyone had any brilliant ideas on healing nerve spasms in the thoracic area of my back. I have had this problem since 1985 and I had pretty much eradicated it soon after I started eating raw foods, but it came back with a vengeance and I thought, "If this is a healing crisis, it's a crisis I can't deal with" and temporarily had to go back to muscle relaxers and pain medication. I was advised (by Dr. Bernarr) to fast, but I knew that in my situation that wasn't a realistic option at this time.

Since I'm a single parent with a special needs child, I simply had to be able to function, and I was in such pain that it took my breath away and I couldn't even rinse the dishes; simply turning, or just moving my arm wrong, or having the wind hit my back, or having fabric rub my back the wrong way would set off the spasms.

Of course, the drugs made me so sick that I eventually just flushed them down the toilet and went to a couple of alternative healing practitioners just to find out what was going on. One did an electrodermal screening test in Atlanta, Georgia (that I really wasn't all that impressed with because they wanted to put me on homeopathic remedies, and to me that's also violating the law of nature). My spleen kept appearing in the test results as a problem area.

I then went to an acupuncturist here in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area. After I described the pain I was having, he immediately said that it sounded like a problem with my spleen. He confirmed this by looking at my tongue.

Dysfunctional Spleen

He suggested that my spleen was dysfunctional because I wasn't getting enough "heat" in my diet. I explained I was a raw foodist (and was not interested in cooking my food again) and he suggested that I use garlic, ginger and hot peppers in some of my raw dishes to give them some heat. I realized that I did this a lot during the winter with my cold soups (which is why I was doing so well physically at that time). For some reason, I had gotten away from using any kind of spice and I guess that started these painful spasms again (although at the time I didn't make the connection).

So, I decided to give it a go, and started making my cold soups again and made a point of adding one or all three of the above items (garlic, ginger, and hot peppers), and it really started making a difference! I made this really yummy soup in my veg-o-matic with: carrots, celery, cucumber, macadamia nuts, ginger, garlic and jalapeno pepper. I have been adding "heat" back into my raw foods for about a week. It took less than 24 hours for those awful spasms to finally diminish.

I am basically a huge lover of hot (as in spicy) food and tend to crave these items. I stopped using them over a month ago thinking that, for example, garlic and jalapeno peppers aren't good because they are too irritating to the system. Apparently, I'm one of those people who needs spice or "heat" (or needs a supervised fast -- but that won't be realistic for another couple of years). I'm pretty sure I was going through a healing crisis with my spleen, and if I had fasted and stuck with it, it would have eventually resolved itself. However, because it was so debilitating, and because of my responsibilities as a parent, and because it had been going on for a horrifying several weeks and getting worse, I felt it best to keep things uncomplicated and simply start adding some "heat" (hey, at least it's still raw) back into my food.

The Amazing Part

So, once again, I am doing wonderfully and am still happily raw. But the whole thing that amazed me was that for years and years I thought I had a "back" problem and it turned out to be an "organ" problem. For years and years, western medical doctors--and I had gone to every specialist under the sun--had never done anything except tell me there's nothing wrong with that part of my spine, and gave me muscle relaxers and pain pills (which probably exacerbated the problem instead of healing it).

I swear that all the doctors learn in medical school is how to push pills for the pharmaceutical companies, and healing isn't even an issue with them anymore. I don't think a doctor has looked at my tongue since I was a child, and yet the evidence was all there for him or her to see.

Note: Lori Allen is a 45-year-old mother of two who has been living on raw foods since December 2000. She is presently ending a 20-year career as a legal secretary and relocating to Salt Lake City, Utah to attend massage therapy school. She loves being outdoors, but her real passion is hang gliding. She is an advanced-rated hang glider pilot and has been flying since 1993.

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Chemicals may reduce fertility( and spermicides in condoms !)

Chemicals 'may reduce fertility'

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Chemicals commonly found in food packaging, upholstery and carpets may be damaging women's fertility, say US scientists.

A study published in the journal Human Reproduction measured levels of perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) in the blood of 1,240 women.

Those with higher levels were more likely to take longer to become pregnant.

UK experts said more research was needed to confirm a link.

PFCs are useful in industry because they are resistant to heat, and have the ability to repel water and oil.

However, high concentrations have been linked to organ damage in animals, and the chemicals have the ability to persist for long periods in the body.

It is an important finding and certainly warrants further detailed research, particularly in those trying for a family

Tony Rutherford
British Fertility Society

The researchers, from the University of California in Los Angeles, analysed blood samples taken at the time of the woman's first antenatal visit, then interviewed the women about whether the pregnancy was planned, and how long it had taken them to get pregnant.

The levels of the chemicals varied from 6.4 nanograms per millilitre of blood - a nanogram is a billionth of a gram - to 106.4 nanograms per ml.

When the group of women were divided into four groups depending on these levels, they found that, compared to women in the group with the lowest readings, the likelihood of infertility - taking more than a year or IVF to get pregnant - was significantly higher for women with higher levels of PFCs in their bloodstream.

Dr Chunyuan Fei, one of the researchers, said that earlier studies had suggested that PFCs might impair the growth of babies in the womb.

She said that more women in the groups with higher exposure to PFCs had problems with irregular menstrual cycles , which might suggest that interference with hormones was the reason.

'Tenuous link'

Professor Jorn Olsen, who led the study, said that the team were now waiting for further studies to confirm the link between fertility problems and PFCs.

Tony Rutherford, chairman of the British Fertility Society, said that the findings were "interesting".

"This research shows a tenuous link in the delay to conception in women with the highest levels of two commonly-used perfluorinated chemicals.

"It is an important finding and certainly warrants further detailed research, particularly in those trying for a family.

"The study emphasises the importance of remaining vigilant to potential environmental factors that may impact on fertility."

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Rethinking AIDS !

Top Scientists Ask Medical Journal Science
To Retract Original AIDS Papers- Dec.1st 2008

SAN FRANCISCO (Rethinking AIDS) Dec. 9, 2008—The international nonprofit scientific organization Rethinking AIDS gave its full support today to 37 senior researchers, medical doctors and legal professionals who are requesting that the medical journal Science withdraw four seminal papers on HIV authored by Dr. Robert Gallo—papers widely touted as proof that HIV is the "probable cause of AIDS." An online posting of the letter can be found here.

"With new findings that undermine the scientific integrity and veracity of Gallo's four papers, the entire basis of the theory that HIV causes AIDS may now be questioned," says Rethinking AIDS president David Crowe.

The letter to the journal comes at a time when the microbiology world is abuzz about Gallo's omission from the 2008 Nobel Prize in medicine for the discovery of HIV, contrary to an international agreement that the two teams should share credit. French scientists Drs. Luc Montagnier and Francoise Barré-Sinoussi are instead to be given the award, a decision that also implicitly questions the scientific integrity of Gallo's claim of the discovery. Montagnier, however, admitted on camera more than a decade ago that his experiments did not purify any virus.

The four papers were originally published on May 4, 1984, a few days after a press conference by Gallo announcing he had discovered the "probable cause of AIDS." Now, a British investigative journalist has shown that Gallo's claim was based on last-minute alterations to documents that make false claims about the results of his lab work and research experiments. The letter to Science sent by the 37 experts on Monday, Dec. 1, 2008, includes a copy of Gallo’s handwritten changes to the article, a letter from an electron microscopy expert indicating that Gallo’s samples did not contain any virus, and a letter from Gallo to a researcher verifying that HIV could not be purified directly from human materials.

The investigative conclusion prompting the letter to Science was made by journalist Janine Roberts, author of Fear of the Invisible, a book that examines the origin of several disease theories. "I was shocked when I read the original draft of the key scientific paper now widely cited as proving HIV causes AIDS," says Roberts. "Gallo's handwritten last-minute changes had reversed what the scientists in his lab had originally concluded. This demonstrates a stunning disregard for the scientific process and a very disturbing breach of public trust."

It is clear that the seminal research published on HIV contained unjustified claims and alterations. In 1993, governmental investigators determined Gallo had so poorly recorded his key and much-cited experiment that it was impossible to repeat and verify it.

In the early 1990s, several highly critical reports on the research underlying Gallo's papers were produced as a result of governmental inquiries working under the supervision of scientists nominated by the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine. The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concluded that the lead paper of the four was "fraught with false and erroneous statements" and that the “ORI believes that the careless and unacceptable keeping of research records . . . reflects irresponsible laboratory management that has permanently impaired the ability to retrace the important steps taken." Further, a Congressional Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations produced a staff report on the papers, containing scathing criticisms of their integrity.

Jan.29th 2009

Rethinking AIDS — an international group of more than 2,600 scientists, doctors, journalists, health advocates and others — offers several eminent medical and scientific experts to comment on this and other AIDS issues currently in the news:

Etienne de Harven, M.D.*
Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Saint Cézaire, France
Member and professor in cell biology, Sloan Kettering Institute, New York, 1956-1981. Isolated and obtained the first electron microscopic studies of the murine Friend leukemia virus, and retroviral budding. Frequent critic of the "isolation" of HIV, and past president of Rethinking AIDS. Dr. de Harven can comment on the science of retrovirus isolation.

Janine Roberts
Investigative Reporter
Bristol, U.K.
Author, Fear of the Invisible, a recent book exposing the fraud in the drafting of one of the original 1984 Science articles by Robert Gallo.
Web site: www.fearoftheinvisible.com

Media Contacts:

David Crowe*
President, Rethinking AIDS
Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Mountain time zone)
1-403-289-6609 (office)
1-403-861-2225 (mobile)

Elizabeth Ely
Public Relations Chairperson
Rethinking AIDS
Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S. (Eastern time zone)
1-718-704-9672 (mobile)

*Rethinking AIDS board member.

Rethinking AIDS: The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis ("RA" or "the Group") was formed in 1991 to express the concerns of a growing number of renowned scientists and medical doctors about HIV research and the resulting human rights abuses. In 1995, by a letter published in Science, the Group called for a thorough reappraisal of the existing evidence for and against the HIV/AIDS hypothesis and recommended that critical epidemiological studies be undertaken.

Among RA's founders and key members are University of Toronto professor emeritus and former cancer researcher Dr. Etienne de Harven; Harvard microbiologist Dr. Charles Thomas; 1993 Nobel laureate for chemistry Dr. Kary Mullis; Nature/Biotechnology co-founder Dr. Harvey Bialy; University of California at Berkeley molecular biologist Dr. Peter Duesberg and the late Yale mathematician Dr. Serge Lang, both members of the National Academy of Sciences; physicist Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos of the Royal Perth Hospital in Australia; and Glasgow University professor emeritus of public health and World Health Organization consultant Dr. Gordon Stewart.

1200 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC, 20005

To: Bruce Alberts, Editor in Chief, Science:
cc: Alan Lechner, CEO, AAAS

On May 4, 1984 your journal published four papers by a group led by Dr. Robert Gallo. We are writing to express our serious concerns with regard to the integrity and veracity of the lead paper among these four of which Dr. Mikulas Popovic is the lead author.[1] The other three are also of concern because they rely upon the conclusions of the lead paper.[2][3][4]

In the early 1990s, several highly critical reports on the research underlying these papers were produced as a result of governmental inquiries working under the supervision of scientists nominated by the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine. The Office of Research Integrity of the US Department of Health and Human Services concluded that the lead paper was “fraught with false and erroneous statements,” and that the “ORI believes that the careless and unacceptable keeping of research records...reflects irresponsible laboratory management that has permanently impaired the ability to retrace the important steps taken.”[5] Further, a Congressional Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations led by US Representative John D. Dingell of Michigan produced a staff report on the papers which contains scathing criticisms of their integrity.[6]

Despite the publically available record of challenges to their veracity, these papers have remained uncorrected and continue to be part of the scientific record.

What prompts our communication today is the recent revelation of an astonishing number of previously unreported deletions and unjustified alterations made by Gallo to the lead paper. There are several documents originating from Gallo's laboratory that, while available for some time, have only recently been fully analyzed. These include a draft of the lead paper typewritten by Popovic which contains handwritten changes made to it by Gallo.[7] This draft was the key evidence used in the above described inquiries to establish that Gallo had concealed his laboratory's use of a cell culture sample (known as LAV) which it received from the Institut Pasteur.

These earlier inquiries verified that the typed manuscript draft was produced by Popovic who had carried out the recorded experiment while his laboratory chief, Gallo, was in Europe and that, upon his return, Gallo changed the document by hand a few days before it was submitted to Science on March 30, 1984. According to the ORI investigation, “Dr. Gallo systematically rewrote the manuscript for what would become a renowned LTCB [Gallo's laboratory at the National Cancer Institute] paper.”[5]

This document provided the important evidence that established the basis for awarding Dr. Luc Montagnier and Dr. Francoise Barré-Sinoussi the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of the AIDS virus by proving it was their samples of LAV that Popovic used in his key experiment. The draft reveals that Popovic had forthrightly admitted using the French samples of LAV renamed as Gallo’s virus, HTLV-III, and that Gallo had deleted this admission, concealing their use of LAV. However, it has not been previously reported that on page three of this same document Gallo had also deleted Popovic's unambiguous statement that, "Despite intensive research efforts, the causative agent of AIDS has not yet been identified,” replacing it in the published paper with a statement that said practically the opposite, namely, “That a retrovirus of the HTLV family might be an etiologic agent of AIDS was suggested by the findings.”

It is clear that the rest of Popovic's typed paper is entirely consistent with his statement that the cause of AIDS had not been found, despite his use of the French LAV. Popovic’s final conclusion was that the culture he produced “provides the possibility” for detailed studies. He claimed to have achieved nothing more. At no point in his paper did Popovic attempt to prove that any virus caused AIDS, and it is evident that Gallo concealed these key elements in Popovic’s experimental findings.

It is clear that the rest of Popovic's typed paper is entirely consistent with his statement that the cause of AIDS had not been found, despite his use of the French LAV. Popovic’s final conclusion was that the culture he produced “provides the possibility” for detailed studies. He claimed to have achieved nothing more. At no point in his paper did Popovic attempt to prove that any virus caused AIDS, and it is evident that Gallo concealed these key elements in Popovic’s experimental findings.

It is astonishing now to discover these unreported changes to such a seminal document. We can only assume that Gallo’s alterations of Popovic’s conclusions were not highlighted by earlier inquiries because the focus at the time was on establishing that the sample used by Gallo's lab came from Montagnier and was not independently collected by Gallo. In fact, the only attention paid to the deletions made by Gallo pertains to his effort to hide the identity of the sample. The questions of whether Gallo and Popovic’s research proved that LAV or any other virus was the cause of AIDS were clearly not considered.

Related to these questions are other long overlooked documents that merit your attention. One of these is a letter from Dr. Matthew A. Gonda, then Head of the Electron Microscopy Laboratory at the National Cancer Institute, which is addressed to Popovic, copied to Gallo and dated just four days prior to Gallo’s submission to Science.[8] In this letter, Gonda remarks on samples he had been sent for imaging because “Dr Gallo wanted these micrographs for publication because they contain HTLV.” He states, “I do not believe any of the particles photographed are of HTLV-I, II or III.” According to Gonda, one sample contained cellular debris, while another had no particles near the size of a retrovirus. Despite Gonda’s clearly worded statement, Science published on May 4, 1984 papers attributed to Gallo et al with micrographs attributed to Gonda and described unequivocally as HTLV-III.

In another letter by Gallo, dated one day before he submitted his papers to Science, Gallo states, “It’s extremely rare to find fresh cells [from AIDS patients] expressing the virus... cell culture seems to be necessary to induce virus,” a statement which raises the possibility he was working with a laboratory artifact. [9]

Included here are copies of these documents and links to the same. The very serious flaws they reveal in the preparation of the lead paper published in your journal in 1984 prompts our request that this paper be withdrawn. It appears that key experimental findings have been concealed. We further request that the three associated papers published on the same date also be withdrawn as they depend on the accuracy of this paper.

For the scientific record to be reliable, it is vital that papers shown to be flawed, or falsified be retracted. Because a very public record now exists showing that the Gallo papers drew unjustified conclusions, their withdrawal from Science is all the more important to maintain integrity. Future researchers must also understand they cannot rely on the 1984 Gallo papers for statements about HIV and AIDS, and all authors of papers that previously relied on this set of four papers should have the opportunity to consider whether their own conclusions are weakened by these revelations.

Mohammed A. Al-Bayati, PhD, DABT, DABVT. Toxicologist & Pathologist, Toxi-Health International, Dixon, CA.
David A. Ballok, PhD, Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery and Neurosciences, McMaster University, Canada.
Henry H. Bauer, PhD, Dean Emeritus of Arts & Sciences, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry & Science Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.
André-Pierre Benguerel, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Terry Bennett, MD, MPH.
Harvey Bialy, PhD, founding scientific editor of Nature Biotechnology, author of Oncogenes, Aneuploidy and AIDS: A Scientific Life & Times of Peter H. Duesberg.
Christopher Black, Barrister, International Criminal Lawyer, Lead Counsel, Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal
Kelly Brennan-Jones, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology, SUNY Brockport, New York, USA.
Darin Brown, PhD, Mathematics.
Gordon Burns, PhD, Professor of Cancer Research, The University of Newcastle, Australia.
Jennifer L. Craig, BSN, MA, Ph.D
Etienne de Harven, MD, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto. Signature available on request.
Andrea G. Drusini, MD, PhD, Medical Anthropologist, Professor of Anthropology, Department of Medico-Diagnostic Sciences and Special Therapies, University of Padova, Italy.
Charles Geshekter, PhD, Professor Emeritus of History, Chair, History of Science Section, AAAS/Pacific Division (1990-95). California State University, Chico. Signature available on request.
Roberto Giraldo, MD, Specialist in internal medicine, infectious and tropical diseases. Member of the Department of Integral Psychosomatic Medicine, International Society of Analytical Trilogy, São Paulo, Brazil. Signature available on request
Roberto Giraldo, MD, Specialist in internal medicine, infectious and tropical diseases. Member of the Department of Integral Psychosomatic Medicine, International Society of Analytical Trilogy, São Paulo, Brazil. Signature available on request.
Pablo L. E. Idahosa, PhD, Professor, Social Science Program Director, African Studies Graduate Program, International Development Studies Founders College, York University, Canada. Signature available on request
Matt Irwin, MD, MSW, Private practice, Alexandria, Virginia.
Joel M. Kauffman, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Medical Writer
Claus Koehnlein, MD, Specialist in internal medicine, Dept. of Oncology, Univ. of Kiel, Germany (1983 -1993). Since 1993, in private practice increasingly treating HIV-positive people who decline antiviral drugs. Member of South Africa Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel.
Hans J. Kugler,PhD, President, International Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.
Helen Lauer, PhD, Associate Professor, Philosophy Department Head, University of Ghana.
Herbert G. Lebherz, PhD, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry (Emeritus). San Diego State University, USA.
Stoffer Loman, BSc, MSc, PhD.
Ahmed Makata, Dip (clin medicine–TZ), MD (USSR), certificate (Tropical pathology–Japan), PhD (Path–Japan), DFM (Path–RCPA– Australia), Forensic Consultant, Histopathologist, Head of Forensic Unit, Ministry of Health, Tanzania. Signature available on request.
Andrew Maniotis, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago. Signature available on request.
Jonas Moses, PhD, PA, Former US Army clinician (in Ophthalmology), cancer biologist in the Dept. of Pathology, Univ. of Illinois – Chicago (2002-2007), and consulting cell and tissue engineer.
Paul Olisa Adaka Ojeih, PhD, MD, Medical Director, Iris Medical Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria.
Nikitah Okembe-RA Imani, Associate Professor of Sociology and African Studies, James Madison University. Signature available on request
Philippe Packard, PhD, MPH. Signature available on request.
David Rasnick, PhD, Biochemist, Protease Inhibitor Developer, Chief Scientific Officer, Chromosome Diagnostics, LLC.
Prof. Dr. med. Jochen Schaefer, Director, International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, Kiel, Germany
Hugo Stenström, MD, Senior interventional radiologist, Department of Radiology, Linkoping University Hospital, Sweden.
Gordon T. Stewart, MD. Emeritus Professor of Public Health, University of Glasgow, and consultant physician (epidemiology and preventive medicine), NHS, UK. Former consultant to New York City, WHO and to other health authorities in Europe, North America, Africa and Asia on AIDS and related matters. Emeritus Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of America and former member of the editorial board of the Journal of Infectious Diseases. Signature available on request.
Roberto P. Stock, PhD. Research Scientist Instituto de Biotecnologia – UNAM, Mexico.
Jean Umber, Professeur agrégé (Organic Chemistry), Académie de Nancy-Metz, Lorraine, France.
Rudolf Werner, Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Univ. of Miami School of Medicine.
Chun Xu, MD, PhD, VP Global Clinical Services, Venturepharm Lab. Beijing, China.
Signatures Added After December 1st 2008:

Gary Null, PhD, syndicated host of “Natural Living with Gary Null,” author ( “AIDS, A Second Opinion” ), and a producer of PBS special programs. His “Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS” won the Audience Award for Best Documentary at both the New York and Los Angeles International Independent Film and Video Festivals
Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom. (Diplomate American Academy of Clinical Homeopathy); Board Member, American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists 1999–2001; Nationally Syndicated Health Talk Radio Show, Talk Radio Network.
Donald W. Miller. Jr., MD (Harvard, 1965), BMS (Dartmouth, 1963), Professor of Surgery, University of Washington School of Medicine. Author of “The Practice of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery” (1977), co–author of “Atlas of Cardiac Surgery” (1983, Japanese version 1985), author of “Heart in Hand” (1999).
Georg Frhr. von Wintzingerode, Director Technology Alliances, Aachen, Germany.
Frantz Andre, JD, LLM, SJD. Medical Law & Ethics Professor, Taylor Business Institute, Loyola University, Chicago.

[1] Popovic M et al. Detection, Isolation, and Continuous Production of Cytopathic Retroviruses (HTLV-III) from Patients with AIDS and Pre-AIDS. Science. 1984 May 4; 224: 497-500.

[2] Sarngadharan MG et al. Antibodies Reactive with Human TLymphotropic Retroviruses (HTLV-III in the Serum of Patients with AIDS). Science. 1984 May 4; 224: 506-8.

[3] Gallo RC et al. Frequent Detection and Isolation of Cytopathic Retroviruses (HTLV-III) from Patients with AIDS and at Risk for AIDS. Science. 1984 May 4; 224: 500-3.

[4] Schüpbach J et al. Serological Analysis of a Subgroup of Human TLymphotropic Retroviruses (HTLV-III) Associated with AIDS. Science. 1984 May 4; 224: 503-505.

[5] "Offer of Proof", Office of Research Integrity, US Department of Health and Human Services, 1993. http://sciencefictions.net/pdfdocs/ori_op_part1.pdf, http://sciencefictions.net/pdfdocs/ori_op_part2.pdf, http://sciencefictions.net/pdfdocs/ori_op_part3.pdf, http://sciencefictions.net/pdfdocs/ori_op_part4.pdf
[6] Staff Report. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. Dingell Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives. 1994. Archived at: http://healtoronto.com/gallodocs.html

[7] Draft of M. Popovic's May 4 1984 Science article. http://sciencefictions.net/pdfdocs/draft_of_m_popovic_05.04.84_science_article_undated.pdf

[8] Letter from Dr. M. Gonda to Dr. M. Popovic (cc R. Gallo). 1984 Mar 26. http://sciencefictions.net/pdfdocs/Letter_from_M_Gonda_to_M_Popovic_03.26.84.pdf
[9] Gallo RC. Letter to Jun Minowada, MD. Personal Correspondence. 1984 Mar 29. http://sciencefictions.net/pdfdocs/Letter_from_R_Gallo_to_J_Minowada_03.29.84.pdf


Create a positive stress vs.the negative stress

(NaturalNews) Everyone has preferred oft-used methods for easing tension or stress. Sometimes these methods are productive and other times coping methods cause more problems than the original sources of stress. Some positive coping methods are meditation, exercise, deep breathing, journaling, and listening to music. Negative coping strategies include drinking alcohol to excess, smoking, using drugs and overeating. Stress-reduction methods that have positive long-term health benefits are the best choices. It is important to remember that stress is not nearly as critical as how it is dealt with. Here are some suggestions for positive coping methods.

Adjust Environment: Color, lighting and sound can either be soothing and comforting, or jarring and unhealthy.

*Light: Inadequate or artificial indoor lighting can cause stress that creates agitation, disorganized thinking, physical discomfort, and even disease. Conventional fluorescent lighting produces light that is deficient of some of the wavelengths that are contained in natural sunlight. Studies have shown that replacing this kind of lighting with full-spectrum fluorescent that more closely resembles sunlight can reduce stress levels.

*Sound: The sounds around us can either ease or contribute to stress. For this reason, it is important to become aware of how noise affects us.

*Color: Color can have both an emotional and physiological impact on stress levels. The impact of color comes from different vibrations inherent in different colors.

Seek Respite: A change of pace can enable one to find a new way to view a problem. Stop and find something else to do. Take a break. Take a nap. Force the mind to focus on something other than the source of stress.

Physical Activity: In the face of negative emotions such as sadness, anger, or pain, physical activity can help both emotionally and physically. Try physical activities like walking, hiking, stretching, jogging, running, or riding a bicycle to release pent-up energy associated with high stress levels. Even ten minutes of activity can be very effective for reducing stress levels.

Improve Time Management: Learning how to manage one's time will reduce stress and make one more effective at reaching daily goals. Use a daily planner or a "to do" list and learn how to minimize interruptions that consume precious time.

Learn How to Delegate: Delegating tasks not only reduces stress and creates more time; it also promotes trust in relationships.

Be Aware of Stress Symptoms: When under stress, the heart beats faster, muscles tighten, breathing becomes shallower, and often nausea or headache will result. When symptoms of stress appear, stop and take a break.

Get Adequate Sleep: Getting enough sleep will enable one to better handle stress. Sleeping environment is important as well. Make sure that nothing interferes with peaceful sleep.

Learn How to Laugh: Laughter is a great way to fight stress. Studies have shown that laughter causes a measurable decrease in stress and a measurable increase in the immune system. Laughter increases blood flow to the brain and at the same time endorphins are released into the body making one feel better.

Find Someone to Talk To: Stress can be reduced by talking it over with someone. Find someone who will listen without judgment and who will help find solutions. Seek out optimistic people because these people tend to have lower stress levels in their own lives.

Learn Affirmations: Find some positive phrases that fit, learn them, and repeat them often. Write uplifting notes to yourself.

Say No When Necessary: Having too many responsibilities creates stress. Know your limitations and stay within them. Be sure to say NO without feeling guilty!

Breathe Deeply: Stress promotes shallow, rapid breathing. This deprives the body of oxygen and further exacerbates stress. Consciously breathing slowly and deeply will help the body relax.

Eat a Nutritious Diet: Often stress leads people to eat unhealthy foods, but this will only worsen the stressful situation. Highly refined foods have a bad effect on blood sugar levels and this will contribute to feelings of stress. Eating whole foods will help the body stay regulated and within normal levels.

Count Those Blessings: Focusing on problems contributes to stress. Trying to dwell on the things that are right will encourage feelings of appreciation. Appreciation is a powerful stress-buster.

Get a Massage: A massage will increase blood flow, lower blood pressure, help one rest, and elevate mood.

When all else fails, take a day and give it to yourself. Make it a day that you do not put anyone else ahead of yourself for that period of time. Spend time in activities that will renew the spirit and reaffirm priorities. This should make it possible to return to regular life feeling refreshed and renewed with a better sense of purpose and direction.

Source: http://www.inspiredliving.com/stres...

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Law cholesterol linked to depression and suicide

(NaturalNews) The next time you stop in for your annual check-up with your doctor, chances are you'll be checking on your cholesterol levels. With fears spiked about having high cholesterol, even those in the low-risk categories are monitoring their levels religiously. After all, there's nothing like the merit badge of a low cholesterol reading. It's good enough to put a big, bright smile right across your faceâ€"or it may just drive you into depression. That's right. Those charmingly low numbers may be the cause behind depression, anxiety, violence and even suicide.

This is hardly an extremist idea fed by a few confused souls. Just take a look in the British Medical Journal published in September of 1996, where a French study looked at over 6,000 men. The study revealed that men with low cholesterol were three times more likely to commit suicide. A similar study at Payne Whitney Clinic in New York showed a similar result: when dividing men into four groups based on cholesterol levels, suicide risk doubled in the group with the lowest levels.

Equally as disturbing is the link between low cholesterol and violent, impulsive behavior. Dr. Vivian Mitropoulou and her colleagues at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York examined 42 patients with personality disorders. Low cholesterol was a strong indicator of irrationally aggressive behavior.

Just one of the many studies linking low cholesterol to deep depression came from Finland's National Public Health Institute, where a study of almost 30,000 people showed men with lower cholesterol readings were the most likely to suffer from crippling depression.

All of these disorders may be explained by low serotonin levels, which are often connected to violent and suicidal behavior. Dr. Beatrice Golomb from The University of California looked at studies linking low cholesterol to violence. She points out that studies which placed monkeys on a diet low in fat and cholesterol suffered from dramatically lower serotonin levels. These low-serotonin monkeys exhibited climbing aggression and violence.

Of course, these findings aren't enough to convince most doctors to overlook other evidence that points toward cholesterol causing health problems. After all, they need to keep writing prescriptions for those cholesterol-lowering drugs that draw in billions of dollars to the industry each year.

Aside from that, these findings are something to seriously consider if you've had a history of depression or violence and your cholesterol levels are running low. Your physician may claim these levels are good for your heart, but there's a chance they could be affecting your head.

Jaret, Peter. Can your cholesterol be too low? WebMD.com (2000)

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Apple Cider vineger-a natural remedy for Candidosis

(NaturalNews) It often takes years for someone to realize candida is the mystery illness behind symptoms like fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings and yeast infections. Fortunately, once you identify candida as the problem, it can often be treated swiftly without a prescription. Natural methods are actually far superior to any drug on the market. One of the simplest ways to treat candida at home is with apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in natural enzymes that can regulate the presence of candida in the body. It helps encourage the growth of healthy bacteria, which in turn minimizes the overgrowth of candida. Apple cider vinegar also balances your body's pH level. These properties not only clear up candida, though. Once you start using it, the benefits of apple cider vinegar will extend to all areas of your health.

Buying the right apple cider vinegar makes all the difference. Much of the apple cider vinegar you'll find in your local grocery store is simply white distilled vinegar with caramel coloring added to it. What you're looking for is raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, preferably unfiltered and organic. This type of vinegar will contain the nutrients you need to combat candida.

The key to effectively using apple cider vinegar to cure yeast problems is to take it every day at a dose of 1-2 tablespoons. Apple cider vinegar can only balance pH levels if it is constantly present. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to sip all day on a tall glass of water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Feel free to sweeten the drink with stevia for a refreshingly sweet and tangy flavor combination. Another relaxing way to enjoy apple cider vinegar is in a cup of hot tea lightly sweetened with honey.

Cooking with apple cider vinegar is another way to get your daily serving. Use it in place of white vinegar or even wine in your favorite recipes. It's also ideal for making vinaigrette salad dressings.

If you have external signs of candida, such as yeast or fungal infections, you can apply apple cider vinegar topically to help deal with this problem. Apply directly to the affected area or add a cup of apple cider vinegar to a warm bath.

Keep in mind your symptoms may get worse for the first few days when starting a regimen of apple cider vinegar. This is typical when treating candida and is caused by the yeast rapidly dying off. You may notice a headache and foggy thinking for a couple of days, but after that symptoms should clear quickly.

Lawson, Cheryline. Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Yeast Infection. The American Chronicle. (2009)

Paul, Linda. Apple Cider Vinegar. Bella Online. (2008)

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Black cumin seeds-ancient natural remedies

(NaturalNews) Black Cumin, or Nigella sativa, is one the most revered medicinal seeds in history. Black cumin seeds were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, and they are mentioned in the Bible as well as in the words of the Prophet Mohammed. Today they are used for a wide variety of conditions including cancer, immune disorders, asthma, digestive disorders and much more.

The famous Greek physician Dioscorides used black cumin seeds to treat headaches and toothaches. Mohammed said that black cumin cures every disease but death itself. The reason might be found in the complex chemical structure of the seeds. These little seeds have over one hundred different chemical constituents, including abundant sources of all the essential fatty acids. It is the oil that is most often used medicinally, but the whole seeds, which are a bit spicy, are often used whole in cooking-curries, pastries, and Mediterranean cheeses.

Although black cumin seed has been used medicinally for at least 3,000 years, until about 40 years ago it was not well understood and lightly researched. Since that time, more than 200 studies have been conducted in universities and other research facilities which have shown that compounds from the seeds show that they boost the production of bone marrow, natural interferon, and immune cells, helping to fight off diseases. Several of the studies have shown that black cumin seed extract could assist individuals with autoimmune disorders, and could possibly help to fight cancer as well.

The first major study of Nigella sativa in cancer prevention and treatment was performed by scientists at Cancer Immuno-Biology Laboratory of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. They concluded that a healthy immune system will detect and destroy cancer cells before the cancer endangers the patient. The immune system does this by supporting increased production of immune cells, bone marrow cells, and B-cells that produce antibodies. Black cumin stimulates neutrophil activity. These are the short-lived immune cells that are normally found in bone marrow but mobilized into action when there is a bacterial infection. Extracts of black cumin have also been shown to modulate production of interleukins, a quality it shares with some other highly revered herbs: ginseng, astragalus, mistletoe, garlic, and cat's claw.

In animal studies, while none of the subjects in the control group survived, two-thirds of the mice that had been given black cumin seed oil were still alive 30 days after deliberate efforts to cause cancer in the subject groups. Black cumin is particularly useful in aggressive cancers whose growth depends on angiogenesis.

In vitro studies performed in Jordan and the United States have determined that the volatile oil is anti-leukemic. Studies performed in Spain as well as England found that the fixed oil is useful in the treatment of rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases. This property is attributed to thymoquinone which is as high as 25% in the Egyptian seed and missing entirely is some seeds.

One of the more recent studies on black cumin seed oil demonstrated that it was effective against the very difficult pancreatic cancer - one of a very few botanicals that have shown such effectiveness (the other most notable one is oleander extract).

See: www.naturalnews.com/023348.html

In 1996, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the use of a medicine incorporating an extract of black cumin seeds for immune system support. Naturopaths sometimes recommend regular doses of black cumin seeds to patients with weakened immune systems, as the whole seeds have been shown to boost the immune system.

Black cumin extract has a reputation for exceptional results in treating allergies and asthma. These two ailments are known to react to the extract rather speedily unless there is an infection, in which case, the infection should be done away with before treatment. If the black cumin seed is used regularly for a period of six months or more, the typical results are obvious. The extract has also been shown to regulate the production of lymphokines that play a role in cell-mediated immunity. Black cumin seeds mixed with honey and garlic are excellent tonics for people with asthma or coughs as well as those who want to enhance their immunity during cold and flu season or when an infection is setting in.

Black cumin seeds have been used for centuries in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and India to treat a variety of ailments, and have been adopted for homeopathic use in Europe and other nations as well. Both the seeds and potent extracts can be found for sale in natural food stores, and doctors who practice complementary alternative medicine may prescribe them for a wide variety of conditions. The unique nutritional composition of black cumin seeds, which includes numerous essential fatty acids, appears to support the immune system, improve the skin, help with respiratory ailments, and address digestive conditions.

The seeds of the black cumin plant have very little aroma but are carminative, meaning they tend to aid digestion and relieve gases in the stomach and intestines. They aid peristalsis and elimination. The essential oil of black cumin is antimicrobial and helps to rid the intestines of worms. The plant on which black cumin seeds grow is a member of the buttercup family. They are not related to the common cooking herb, cumin, from the Cuminum cyminum plant, although the two look similar. Black cumin seeds are very dark, thin, and crescent shaped when whole. They are available for cooking use in many Middle Eastern and Indian supply stores, but seeds designated for cooking may not be as potent or as pure as seeds intended for medicinal use. In some regional cuisines, they are also used in cooking, as they add a unique nutty flavor to food and appear to have health benefits.

Black cumin seeds are small. They can be used to make tea by simply pouring hot water over the seeds and letting the brew steep for 10 minutes, about a tablespoon makes a nice cup of tea, but it is better to keep the cup covered until ready to drink so as to prevent the aroma from escaping. Some people add a few seeds to their favorite tea or coffee and allow their imaginations to conjure up images of camels and nomads. The seeds can also be added to casseroles or breads, used in canning, or extracted in wine or vinegar. Some people grind the seeds and mix them with honey or sprinkle them on salads. They make a nice addition to salad dressings and even stir fry dishes, especially when combined with lemon, cilantro, and tahini.

Black cumin plants are native to the western parts of Asia. It is grown both in the wild and cultivated on farms. Egypt, India and the Middle East also produce this medicinally revered herb. The best seeds come from Egypt where they grow under almost perfect conditions in oases where they are watered until the seed pods form. Other names for black cumin extract are nigella, Black Caraway, Black Cumin, Damascena, Devil in-the-bush, Fennel flower, Melanthion, Nutmeg Flower, Roman Coriander, and Wild Onion Seed. (Note: Some of those same names are also used for other plants. This article refers ONLY to Nigella sativa black cumin.)

Most people seeking the benefits of black cumin take the oil in capsule form. Over a period of time, usually a few months, the hair and fingernails are strengthened and have more luster. However, some people use the oil externally, for beauty as well as for treating skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. One can buy a ready-made cream, add some oil to a favorite cream, or make one's own cream from scratch by warming equal parts (by volume) of black cumin seeds and a nice carrier oil, like shea butter or jojoba. It's best to use a double boiler or be lazy (like me) and use a yogurt maker because the temperature is very even so you can safely ignore the process for hours. The oil will darken. When you feel this has been warmed long enough, melt a little beeswax into the warm oil. Stir it with a glass rod or new chopstick. If you like, you can add an essential oil or combination of oils just before the beeswax stiffens. Choose this for aesthetic or health reasons. Some people use such mixtures on burns or skin infections; some just use these creams to feel good, moisturize the skin, relieve joint or pain, or make wrinkles vanish.

Many combine vinegar and oil. In this case, mix one cup of black cumin seeds in organic apple cider vinegar. Let this sit anywhere from a few days to two weeks. Then, strain the mixture, first through a conventional strainer, then through a finer filter, like cheesecloth or a chemical-free coffee filter or tea bag. Mix the remainder with equal parts black cumin vinegar and black cumin oil. Heat this for a few minutes and then put into a mason jar and refrigerate. Apply this to problem skin such as areas with acne or take one tablespoon before meals for flatulence and digestive problems.

With a seed containing so many constituents and having such a long ethnobotanical history, it is not surprising that many throughout the Mediterranean and Asia believe that black cumin is basically good for all that ails us. However, the claims are not outrageously far-fetched if one considers how complete the seeds are in terms of their many chemical constituents, especially the major essential acids which make up the bulk of black cumin seed oil.

Black Cumin Seed Oil Composition:
oleic acid - 49%
linoleic acid - 38%
linolenic acid - 2%

Since black cumin is regarded by many as a virtual cure-all, it may not be taken seriously by some, but for those inclined to dismiss folklore, it should be noted that these humble seeds have been found superior to almost every other natural remedy when used for autoimmune disorders, conditions in which patients suffer greatly because their own systems attack their bodies. Black cumin, especially when combined with garlic, is regarded as a harmonizer of the imbalance which allows immune cells to destroy healthy cells. The technical language to describe this property is "immunomodulatory action." The difference between black cumin and interferon is that there are no known side effects with black cumin when administered in normal dosages. The saying goes that the beauty of black cumin is their capacity to restore harmony.

NOTE: More than one plant is often called "Black Cumin". Only the genuine Nigella sativa is referred to in this article.


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Flaxseed oil - a natural skin remediy from inside out

(NaturalNews) Borage and flaxseed oil appear to act internally to improve skin health, according to a study conducted by researchers from Laboratoire Oenobiol in France and Heinrich-Heine University and the University of Witten-Herdecke in Germany, and published in the Journal of Nutrition.

Researchers assigned 45 healthy, non-smoking women to receive a daily supplement consisting of 2.2 grams of either borage oil, flaxseed oil, or a medium-chain fatty acid placebo. The researchers regularly induced skin irritation (inflammation and reddening) in every woman by means of topically applied nicotinate. All participants were between the ages of 18 and 65.

Women who had been taking borage oil for several weeks were found to experience 35 percent less skin reddening than they had at the beginning of the study, while those taking flaxseed oil experienced 45 percent less. There was no change in the degree of reddening experienced by the placebo group. Women receiving borage or flaxseed oil also exhibited lessened blood flow to the skin in response to irritation.

After six weeks, those taking either oil supplement experienced a 10 percent decrease in water loss through the skin, and another six weeks showed even further improvement among the flaxseed group. Both groups showed significant decreases in skin roughness and scaling after 12 weeks, while no change was observed in the placebo group.

Borage oil consists of large amounts of the omega-6 fatty acids gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and linoleic acid (LA), and the monounsaturated fat oleic acid. Flaxseed oil consists mostly of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), along with smaller quantities of omega-6 fatty acids and oleic acid. Blood levels of GLA were observed to increase in the borage oil group after six and 12 weeks, as were ALA levels among the flaxseed group.

The current study was not designed to uncover the specific mechanism by which the oils improve skin health.

Sources for this story include: www.foodnavigator-usa.com.

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Do it anyway ! Mother Teresa

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

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Suggestions for success

1.Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.
2.Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.
3.Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4.Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5.Be forgiving of yourself and others
6.Be generous.
7.Have a grateful heart.
8.Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9.Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10.Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11.Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12.Commit yourself to quality.
13.Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.
14.Be loyal.
15.Be honest.
16.Be a self-starter.
17.Be decisive even if it means you'll sometimes be wrong.
18.Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
19.Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
19.Take good care of those you love.

Don't Take Anything Personally

"Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering. " - Don Miguel Ruiz

Don’t Make Assumptions

Be aware of unconscious assumptions


“We have the tendency to make assumptions about everything. The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. We could swear they are real. We make assumptions about what others are doing or thinking – we take it personally – then we blame them and react by sending emotional poison with our word. That is why whenever we make assumptions, we’re asking for problems. We make an assumption, we misunderstand, we take it personally, and we end up creating a whole big drama for nothing”

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The POWER of the WORD

Speak with Integrity


“The word is not just a sound or a written symbol. The word is a force; it is the power you have to express and communicate, to think, and thereby to create the events in your life . You can speak. What other animal on this planet can speak? The word is the most powerful tool you have as a human; it is the tool of magic. But like a sword with two edges, your word can create the most beautiful dream, or your word can destroy everything around you. One edge is the misuse of the word, which creates a living hell. The other edge is the impeccability of the word, which will only create beauty, love, and heaven on earth. Depending upon how it is used, the word can set you free, or it can enslave you even more than you know. Your word is pure magic, and misuse of your word is black magic.”

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Alert ! Mercury found in fructose Corn syrup !

(NaturalNews) New research published in Environmental Health and conducted in part by a scientist at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has revealed that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is contaminated with the toxic heavy metal mercury.

That means that many of the products using HFCS may also be contaminated with mercury. Carbonated sodas are sweetened with HFCS, as are candy bars, bread, salad dressings, pizza sauce, fruit drinks and thousands of other grocery items.

Mercury is so highly toxic that it causes severe neurological disorders. It can also result in the loss of hair, teeth and nails as well as muscle weakness, loss of kidney function, emotional mood swings and memory impairment. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercur...) (P.S. Somebody please update this Wikipedia page with this latest research about HFCS being a source for mercury exposure, too.)

The highest level of contamination found in the study (http://www.ehjournal.net/content/8/1/2) was 0.57 micrograms of mercury per gram of HFCS. The EPA says that an average-sized woman should consume no more than 5.5 micrograms per day of mercury, meaning that the average American consumer may be eating five times the upper safety limit of mercury every day due to high-fructose corn syrup consumption if they consume the foods tested in the study.

That's because the average American consumes 12 teaspoons of HFCS every day! So just by eating the standard American diet of processed foods, consumers are right now potentially exposing themselves to exceedingly high levels of mercury that far surpass the safety limits set by the EPA.

Buy groceries, get free mercury !

High-fructose corn syrup is used in almost everything, it seems. A second study conducted by David Wallinga, M.D., entitled "Not So Sweet: Missing Mercury and High Fructose Corn Syrup" (http://healthobservatory.org/librar...) reveals that nearly one-third of all grocery items sweetened with HFCS were contaminated with mercury.

Eating some sweetened yogurt? Mercury!

How about some salad dressing with HFCS? Mercury!

Want some ketchup on that burger? Mercury!

In fact, mercury is found in thousands of grocery products sold across the world right now. And it's no exaggeration to say that mainstream consumers of popular food items are likely suffering from widespread mercury poisoning (especially if you add in the mercury exposure they're getting from dental fillings).

Where does mercury come from?

Most people don't know how high-fructose corn syrup is really made. One of those processes is a bizarre chemical brew involving the creation of caustic soda by exposing raw materials to pools of electrified mercury in a large vat. Through this process, the caustic soda gets contaminated with mercury, and when corn kernels are exposed to this caustic soda to break them down, that contamination is passed through to the HFCS.

Another toxic chemical, glutaraldehyde, is also used in the production of HFCS. It's so toxic that consuming even a small amount of it can burn a hole in your stomach.

But don't worry: The Corn Refiners Association insists that HFCS is a "natural" ingredient, and their Chicago-based PR firm Weber Shandwick is now also claiming that HFCS has been declared "natural" by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It hasn't really, of course, but that doesn't stop the press releases from claiming it has. (If you think a liquid sugar processed with glutaraldehyde and contaminated with mercury is "natural," then you've been duped. There's nothing natural about a processed food ingredient made with toxic chemicals.)

A Weber Shandwick representative calls me every time I post an article about HFCS, by the way, usually with demands that I remove the entire article. I've invited the Corn Refiners Association to a phone interview to defend their position that HFCS doesn't cause diabetes or obesity, and to answer questions about whether HFCS is really "natural." So far, they have declined to be interviewed. It seems they don't want to face real questions from an honest journalist who refuses to be censored by powerful corporations.

One thing I've got to say about the Corn Refiners Association is that they have a well-funded PR machine running around the internet trying to make everybody remove stories that say anything negative about HFCS.

I've noticed that the Corn Refiners Association is a master at spinning the truth. For example, the president of the CRA, Audrae Erickson, said this in a statement responding to the mercury findings: "Our industry has used mercury-free versions of the two reagents mentioned in the study, hydrochloric acid and caustic soda, for several years."

Well sure, that's true. But what is Erickson NOT saying? She's not saying that ALL the HFCS is made without mercury. She just says that somewhere in the industry, somebody is using a mercury-free version of the caustic soda. That doesn't mean all the HFCS is mercury free, yet if you don't read her statement carefully, you might be misled into thinking that. Her statement, in fact, leaves open the possibility that 99% of all HFCS might still be manufactured using mercury.

Note carefully that Erickson does not say all HFCS sold in the U.S. is free from mercury. Instead, she makes a clever statement that results in most readers assuming that's what she means. The CRA is well known for using this kind of language spin tactics.

NaturalNews challenges the CRA to state that all HFCS is free from mercury (see below).

The mercury fairy tale

The CRA isn't just in the business of pushing HFCS, by the way. It's also in the business of denial. For example: Virtually everyone who understands holistic nutrition agrees that HFCS promotes diabetes and obesity. But in much the same way that Big Tobacco executives once swore that "nicotine is not addictive," the Corn Refiners Association insists that high-fructose corn syrup does not promote diabetes or obesity.

So don't worry about the mercury in your HFCS. Or the other toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing process. That's all natural, we're supposed to believe. And high-fructose corn syrup is a healthy, wholesome, all-American sweetener grown without pesticides by poor Midwestern farmers who have given their lives and souls to create a sweeter, happier America.

Or at least that's the fairy tale version of the story. In reality, HFCS is created by corporate agriculture giants using toxic pesticides and herbicides on the crops who subject their corn to numerous toxic chemicals in the creation of this potentially mercury-contaminated processed sweetener that promotes tooth decay, obesity, diabetes and possibly even neurological disorders thanks to the mercury.

Yum. I can't wait to gobble down another chocolate candy bar sweetened with this stuff...

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Unhappy marriages-higher risk for breast cancer

(NaturalNews) Are you in an unhappy marriage? If so, please take note - a recent study on women has found that problems in marriage result in poor outcomes for breast cancer sufferers.

Details and Findings of Study

The findings of this study, which was conducted at the Ohio State University, will be published in the journal Cancer. The study had looked at some 100 women who were either married or residing with a partner when the study commenced, and who remained in the relationship in the 5-year follow-up period. Of the 100 subjects, 72 reported being in good marriages, with the other 28 reporting marriages in distress.

The study found that women who were in distressed marriages underwent less physical activity, had higher levels of stress, were slower to recover and also suffered more signs and symptoms of sickness as compared to the women who were in happy marriages. And these findings applied even after the study team accounted for factors such as the female subjects' depression levels, stage of cancer, cancer treatment as well as other factors which could influence their state of wellbeing.

"The quality of the marital relationship may not be the first thing women worry about when they get a cancer diagnosis. But it may have a significant impact on how they cope physically and emotionally. Our results suggest that the increases in stress and other problems that come with a distressed marital relationship can have real health consequences and lead to poorer recovery from cancer," said Hae-Chung Yang, a research associate in psychology at Ohio State University and co-author of the study.

Women in happy marriages also suffer trauma arising from their diagnoses; significantly, they recover better

The study also revealed that even the women in the better marriages would initially go through a period of high stress levels after their cancer diagnoses, as high as those who were in unhappy marriages. But, the key thing was, those in the happy marriages would experience a steady decrease in such stress.

"When you're diagnosed, that's devastating for everyone, regardless of the quality of your marriage. But women in good marriages saw steady reductions in their cancer-related stress, while women in distressed marriages had a much slower recovery," added Yang.

Relationships do not seem to improve after diagnosis

Another sad thing for those in the reportedly bad marriages - even being hit with such a serious illness, most of them do not experience any improvement in the quality of their marriages, a finding which is consistent with those of previous studies. You would think that, perhaps the husbands of these women would become more loving or caring after their partners take ill, but apparently, that does not happen.

"Whether you have a good or bad relationship before being diagnosed with cancer, that is not likely to change afterwards," said Yang.

Bottom line

A holistically natural and healthy lifestyle goes beyond the physical elements of nutrition and exercise. The great natural healer Dr John Christopher was said to have once remarked that the best healing element is love. On the flip side, others have said that there is nothing more toxic than strained relationships. And, of course, profiling work done on cancer patients has revealed the frequent presence of underlying emotional issues.

"Clearly, marital distress is a risk factor for numerous poorer outcomes, and it is never too late to work to improve your marriage, not only for your emotional well-being but also for your health," added Yang.

Sounds like good advice to me.


Marital Distress May Affect Breast Cancer Recovery (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dy...)

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Restrictions on painkillers containing codeine

Restrictions urged on painkillers

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Painkillers containing codeine should be sold in smaller packets and available only after consultation, a parliamentary report has recommended.

The cross-party inquiry into painkiller dependency said drugs such as Nurofen Plus and Solpadeine Plus should come with a warning about addiction risks.

Any advertising of this class of painkiller should stop, it recommended.

The report also urged better monitoring of patients on prescription painkillers and anti-depressants - and their GPs.

The Department of Health needed to set up procedures to ensure that GPs were not prescribing opiates and tranquilisers without good cause, the All Party Parliamentary Drug Misuse Group concluded after a year-long inquiry.

Pharmacists should be encouraged to report GPs who appeared to be prescribing outside of guidelines to the local Primary Care Trust.

Fewer tablets

The group conceded there was a lack of information about the scale of addiction to either prescription-only or over-the-counter drugs, and said the Department of Health should start collecting these figures.

A further pack size reduction to 18 tablets would cause inconvenience and have no effect on addiction

Sheila Kelly

But it did say it had heard from individuals who had taken anti-anxiety medication for 30 years, despite guidance that it should not be prescribed for longer than four weeks at a time.

Concerns have been raised in recent years about the number of people regularly taking drugs containing codeine, an effective analgesic which is combined with other painkillers such as paracetamol, ibruprofen or aspirin for over-the-counter sale.

Withdrawal after prolonged-use can result in flu-like symptoms, with joint pain and restlessness. In many countries, including the US, it is banned in non-prescription drugs.

Dr Brian Iddon, the MP who chaired the group said he was "shocked by evidence that a considerable number of people in the UK are addicted to over-the-counter products containing codeine.

"The issue cannot be ignored any longer. We must establish the scale of the problem and provide proper diagnosis and treatment for those affected."

The inquiry wanted to see a reduction in the size of packets - which can currently contain up to 32 tablets - to 18 and said that they should only be available after consultation with the pharmacist about the problem.

The Proprietary Association of Great Britain, which represents manufacturers of over-the-counter medicines, stressed drugs containing codeine were very effective in treating pain, and that much of the information available on addiction was anecdotal.

Misuse of medicines is difficult to control, especially when customers can go from pharmacy to pharmacy to make purchases

Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

"The PAGB is happy to discuss whether the warnings can be improved, but believes a further pack size reduction to 18 tablets would cause inconvenience and have no effect on addiction," said chief executive Sheila Kelly.

There is no legal restriction in any event on the number of packets a single person can buy, the PAGB added, and noted that they already carried warnings about the risk of addiction.

David Pruce, director of policy at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, said pharmacists were working hard to spot the abuse of painkillers.

"However, misuse of medicines is difficult to control, especially when customers can go from pharmacy to pharmacy to make purchases," he said.

"Systems to share information on local patterns of misuse should be developed, involving all health professionals to help the situation."

The charity DrugScope, which helped with the inquiry, said it hoped "the report will be the catalyst for much greater awareness of the potential harms that prescription and over-the-counter drugs can cause".

Other recommendations in the report included making all information from clinical trials available - including those which are abandoned - amid concerns that drug companies only publish favourable data.

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