Healing Properties of Herbs
reference: Way of Herbs, by Michael Tierra
1. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) - 1 oz
Above Ground, Stomach, blood, sweet, vitamins & minerals, nutritive yin tonic, alterative, diuretic
Used for: wasting, digestion, weight gain, cystitis, prostate inflammation
2. Angelica (Angelica archangelica) - 5 g
Root, spicy, warm, lungs, stomach, intestines, blood, carminative, stimulant, emmagogue, diaphoretic, expectorant
Used for: coldness, rheumatism, digestion, menstrual irregularity, alcohol addiction, colds & flu, appetite, gout, cramps
3. Aniseed (Pimpinela anisum) - 5 g
Seeds, spicy, warm, stomach, lungs, liver, kidney, stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic, expectorant, emmenagogue,
Used for: gas nausea, abdominal pain, colds
4. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Leaf & berries, liver, astringent, refrigerant
Used for: vision, macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, adult diabetes
5. Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) - 5 g
Root, sweet, slightly bitter, cool, liver, spleen, stomach, large intestine, nervous system
Used for: nervousness, spasms, neuralgia, labor, asthma, coughs
6. Blessed Thistle (Cincus benedictus) - 15 g
Aerial portion sweet, bitter, cool, liver, spleen-stomach, alterative, stomachich, astringent, antiseptic, homostatic, vulnerary
Used for: liver congestion stomach, appetite, fevers, dyspepsia, bleeding, hepatitis, jaundice, fevers, blood clots
7. Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalicroides) - 3 g
Rhizome, acrid, bitter, warm, liver, emanogogue, antispasmodic, diuretic, diaphoretic
Used for: menstrual irregularities, genito-urinary tract, worms, blood mover
8. Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) - 1 g
Above ground, cool, bitter, liver, lungs, diaphoretic, expectorant, laxative
Used for: Fever, cold, liver, abdomen, muscle relaxant, uterus, skin, thirst, rheumatism
9. Buckthorn (Rhamnus chatarctica) - 1 teaspoon soaked 12 h
Bark, cold, bitter, laxative, alterative, diuretic
Used for: Constipation, dropsy, hemorrhoids, obesity, toxins
10. Burdock (Arctium lappa)
Root, seeds, leaves, bitter, cool, alterative, nutritive
Used for: Skin blood, urinary tract, minerals, arthritis, lumbago, kidney
11. Calamus (Acorus calamus) 1 teaspoon/cup
Rhizome, acrid, aromatic, heart, liver, spleen-stomach, stimulant, expectorant, emetic
Used for: focus, stomach, acidity, quitting smoking, nerves
12. Calendula (Calendula oficinalis) - 2 g - pregnancy
Flower, spicy, bitter, liver, heart, lungs, vulnerary, diaphoretic, alterative, astringent
Used for: Bruises (Salve), injuries, shingles, skin, fever, ulcer, ear
13. Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) 1 oz
Flowers, bitter, aromatic, liver, stomach, lungs, nervine, diaphoretic, carminative
Used for: Nervousness, digestion menstruation, back pain, flu, diarrhea, insomnia, gout, calcium, hair
14. Catnip (Nepeta cataria) 20 g
Leaves, spicy, cool, lungs, liver, nerves, sedative, nervine
Used for: insomnia, fever, diarrhea, bowels
15. Cleavers (Calium aparine) 1oz
Aerial portion, bitter, cool, bladder, gallbladder, diuretic, alterative, astringent
Used for: urinary tract, venereal & skin disease, hepatitis, burns, blood, lymph
16. Coltsfoot (Tusilago farfara) 1 oz
Leaves, flowers, bitter, neutral, lungs, expectorant, demulcent, astringent
Used for: lungs, coughs, emphysema
17 Comfrey (Syogttyn oficinale) 15 g
Leaf, root, bitter, cool, lungs, stomach, kidneys, bones, muscles, tonic, expectorant, astringent
Used for: healing, lungs, bones, diarrhea, blood, protein, blood sugar
18. Damiana (Turnera diffusa)
Leaves, spicy, warm, kidney, yang tonic, aphrodisiac, nervine
Used for: libido, depression, mucus, digestion
19. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinate) 20 g
Whole plant, bitter, cool, liver, spleen, stomach, kidney, bladder, alterative, diuretic, tonic
Used for: liver, urinary tract, skin, stomach, breast cancer, blood, minerals, spleen, pancreas, intestines, assimilation hepatitis
20. Echinacea (Echinacea augustifolia) 15 g
Root, leaves, bitter, cool, lungs, stomach
Used for: liver inflammation, sores, venomous bites
21. Elecampane (Inula helenium) 20 g
Root, sweet, bitter, warm, tonic, expectorant, diuretic, antiseptic, astringent, stimulant
Used for: Respiration, digestion, bronchitis, asthma, mucus, assimilation
22. Ephedra (Ephedra gerardiana) 3 g
Stems, pungent, warm, lungs, bladder, diaphoretic, stimulant, decongestant, astringent
Used for: Asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, allergy, hay fever, cough
23. Evening Primrose (Oenothera bienius)
Leaves, sweet, cool, liver, kidney,
Used for: Yin Tonic, inflammation, anxiety
24. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) 40 mg x 3
Leaves & Nut, bitter, astringent, lungs, kidneys, brain
Used for: circulation, coldness, senility, arthritis, congestion
25. Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) 1 teaspoon/cup
Rhizome, root, bitter, cold, heart, liver, stomach, colon, alterative, antinflamatory, astringent
Used for: Digestion, female reproductive tract, skin
26. Irish Moss (Chondrus crispus) 7 g
Seaweed, sweet, salty, cool, lungs, stomach, demulcent, nutrient, emollient
Used for: Lungs, tuberculosis, ulcers
27. Juniper (Juniperus communis) 1 teaspoon/cup (Pregnancy)
Berries, spicy, sweet, warm, kidneys, stomach, diuretic, carminative, antiseptic, stimulant
Used for: Urinary tract, gout, arthritis & rheumatism
28. Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla xanthochlora) 5 g/cup
Aerial portion, bitter, cool, uterus, spleen, kidney, astringent
Used for, Menstruation diarrhea, wounds, bleeding
29. Lavender (Lavendula augustiflia) 20 g
Flowers, spicy, cool, lungs, liver, aromatic, carminative, antispasmodic, antidepressant
Used for: Insect repellant, nervine
30. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) 1 oz
Leaves, spicy, cool, lungs, liver, diaphoretic, carminative, emanogogue
Used for, Fever, melancholy, digestion, depression, gas, herpes (balm)
31. Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) - 3g
Leaf, seed, bitter, neutral, liver, nerves, expectorant, stimulant, emetic
Used for: Asthma, spasm, food poisoning, catalyst
32. Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Seeds, aerial portion, bitter, cool, liver, spleen, tonic, demulcent, antidepressant
Used for: mushroom poisoning (seed extract), Hepatitis A & B
33. Motherwort (Leonorus cardiaca) 1oz
Leaves, spicy, cool, pericardium, liver, cardiac tonic, diuretic, nervine, antispasmodic
Used for: Menstruation, heart, insomnia, blood clots
34. Mugwort (Artemsia vulgaris) 1 oz
Leaves, bitter, warm, emanogogue, narcotic
Used for: shaking, insomnia, smoke, liver, bronchitis
36. Nettle (Urtica urens) 1 oz
Leaves, bitter, cool, intestine, bladder, lungs, diuretic, astringent, tonic, expectorant, nutritive
Used for: lungs, stomach, urinary tract, anemia, bleeding (powder), hair, diarrhea
37. Oak (Quercus) 1 teaspoon/cup
Bark, bitter, neutral, spleen, stomach, intestines, astringent, antiseptic, homeostatic
Used for: Diarrhea, bleeding
38. Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia aquifolum) 20 g
Rhizome, root, bitter, cool, liver, gallbladder, alterative, antinflamatory
Used for: liver, menses, skin, arthritis, cancer
39. Parsley (Petroselinum sativum) 1 oz
Leaves, seeds, fruit, root, lungs, stomach, bladder, liver, diuretic, carminative, antiseptic, expectorant, sedative
Used for: Urinary inflammation, congestion
40 Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) 1 oz
Leaves, fruit, bitter, cool, heart, liver, sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic
Used for: insomnia, nerves, Parkinson's, epilepsy, hypertension
41. Pau D'Arco (Tabebuia haptaphylla) 1oz
Inner Bark, bitter, cool, blood, liver, lungs, alterative, antifungal, tonic, antibacterial
Used for: cancer, skin, leukemia, diabetes, rheumatism, ringworm
42. Plantain (Plantago) 1 oz
Leaves, seeds, blend, cool, bladder, small intestine, gallbladder, diuretic, antinflamatory
Used for: urinary tract, hepatitis, stings, wounds, bleeding
43. Prickly Ash (Zentoxylum americanum) 1 oz
Bark, berries, spicy, warm, blood, lymph, spleen, stomach, kidney, stimulant, diaphoretic, carminative
Used for: Circulation, arthritis and rheumatism, toothache & gum
44. Red Clover (Frifolicum pratense) 10 g
Blossoms, sweet, cool, blood, liver, heart, lungs, alterative, expectorant
Used for: cancer, skin, fevers, colds, degeneration
45, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) 1 teaspoon/cup
Leaves, spicy, cool, liver, stomach, spleen, antinflamatory, nervine, astringent antiseptic
Used for: headaches, indigestion, colds, hair46. Sarsaparilla (Smilax medica) 10 g
Root, rhizome, sweet, cool, liver, stomach, kidneys, alterative, heat clearing, antinflamatory, tonic
Used for: skin, syphilis, liver, jaundice, hepatitis, gout
47. Saw Palmetto ( Serenoa repens) 7 g
Fruit, sweet, warm, kidney, spleen, liver, yin tonic, diuretic, expectorant, sedative, aphrodisiac, anabolic
Used for: wasting, underweight, prostate, impotence
48. Skullcap (Scutelaria lateriflora) 5 g
Aerial portion, bitter, cool, sedative, nervine, antispasmodic
Used for: Insomnia, withdrawal, epilepsy, nerves, detoxify
49. Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) 15 g
Inner Bark, sweet, neutral, lungs, stomach, demulcent, yin tonic, expectorant, astringent
Used for: throat, ulcers, survival food
50. Spearmint (Mentha spicata) 1 oz
Leaves, cool, spicy, lungs, liver, diaphoretic, aromatic, alterative
Used for: fevers, cold, gas, depression, cramps
51. Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana)
Leaves, cool, sweet, spleen, pancreas
Used for: Sweetening
52. St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatus) 20 g
Herb, bitter, cool, liver, nervous system, sedative, astringent, antidepressant
Used for: nerve pain, neuralgia, depression
53. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Leaves, flowers, spicy, warm, lungs, liver, stomach, carminative, antiseptic, expectorant
Used for: cough, colds and flu, indigestion, nightmares
54. Valerian (Valeriana officilinis) 15 g
Rhizome, bitter, warm, liver, heart, nerves, sedative, hypnotic, nervine, carminative
Used for: insomnia, stress, nervousness, menstruation, pain relief, gas
55. Vervein (Verbena ofininalis) 20 g
Aerial portion, bitter, cold, liver, spleen, nervous system, nervine, emanogogue, tonic
Used for: Liver, irregular menses, cold, mother's milk
56. Wild Yam (Dioscorea paniculata) 5g
Root, sweet, bitter, warm, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen-pancreas, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, expectorant
Used for: gallstones, menstrual cramps, arthritis, abdomen, gas
57. Willow (Salix alba) 1 teaspoon/cup
Bark, bitter, cold, liver, kidneys, heart, alterative, analgesic, astringent
Used for: Aspirin, fevers, headache, arthritis, neuralgic pain
58. Wormwood (Arthemsia absinthum)
Aerial portion, bitter, cold, liver, gallbladder
Used for: Fever, Hepatitis, worms
59. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) 1 teaspoon/cup
Herb, warm, bitter, spicy, lungs, liver, diaphoretic, antiflamatory, astringent, antispasmodic
Used for: colds, menses, bleeding
60. Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe)
Bark, bitter, warm, kidneys, adrenals, aphrodisiac
Used for: aphrodisiac
Way of Herbs, by Micheal Tierra