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What one should know when using essential oils!

Essential Oils: The Hidden Dangers for Well-Meaning Animal Lovers

Sunday, March 30, 2008 by: Mel Possehl

As Aromatherapy is becoming more widely accepted in the mainstream, more people are using essential oils on their own, at home. Unfortunately, as some people are finding out, this is not always having a positive affect on the animals in their lives.

There have been many reports of animals harmed, even dying, from essential oils. Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia, has received a bad rap lately, most likely stemming from the fact that it is so widely available. Well meaning owners have used this oil to treat dermatological afflictions such as bites and scratches, only to end up at the veterinarian's office with an animal exhibiting signs of toxicity, such as ataxia, in-coordination, weakness, tremors, vomiting or depression.

Misinformation is an enormous problem in this area as well. As an increasing amount of people turn to a more natural approach at life, companies are jumping to cash in. Thousands of products include essential oils in their ingredients; pet products are no different. The average person, unaware of the dangers, can easily think these products would be completely safe when in fact they are not.

Pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides), for instance, is widely used as flea control. This oil is a known abortifacient in humans, and considered a toxin to the liver and the kidneys. Not exactly a strong selling point, although it is very good at keeping fleas at bay!

Many products for cats also contain essential oils. Unfortunately for the cats, many cat owners are unaware that by using these products, they can slowly cause toxins to build up in the feline's system, causing a slow onset of organ failure. A cat's liver cannot process toxins as a human's or even a dog's can, and the chemical constituents of the oils, such as terpenes, phenols, and ketones, are no exception. The effects of these can be immediate in showing up, or can take years.

Birds are well known for being sensitive to scents and particles in the air, and essential oils are no different. Gillian Willis, a toxicologist in Vancouver, has seen many cases of avian poisoning, including a well-meaning cockatiel owner who, upon seeing an abrasion on her bird's foot, applied a drop of Tea Tree oil. The bird became depressed and even with veterinary intervention, died within 24 hours of respiratory failure. Even diffusing oils around a bird can produce dire consequences.

Not All Is Lost

While this may all seem daunting to an animal lover who also enjoys the benefits of aromatics, all is certainly not lost. A little knowledge can go a long way while incorporating essential oils in and around your animals.

Choosing Essential Oils:

Purity can be an issue when it comes to essential oils (EO's). For example, it takes approximately one hundred pounds of plant material to produce one pound of Lavender Lavandula angustifolia. Due to the expense, many essential oils are diluted in other substances. These can range from carrier oils, such as Jojoba, to synthetic fragrance, even chemicals. When you are choosing essential oils to use therapeutically for yourself and your pets, you want only the purest available. To determine this, there are a few key things to look for:

* EO's should not be oily or leave a greasy residue.

* Packaging should include the common name (Lavender), the Latin binomial (Lavandula angustifolia), the country of origin, the method of distillation, the part of the plant used, lot number, amount of oil in bottle, contact information of the company, how the plant was grown, and the words "100% pure essential oil" or the ingredients, if in a carrier or blend.

* Price usually dictates quality.

* Not all bottles of the same size yet of different oils should be priced the same. In other words, if they carry 50 different types of oils, yet every 5ml bottle is $7.40, there is something wrong, and you can guarantee these oils have been adulterated in some way.

Using Quality Oils in Homes With Pets:

Once you have your essential oils and are satisfied with the quality, the task then becomes using them correctly. While they can be very therapeutic and helpful, they can also do harm. Remember, just because a product is natural, does not mean it is safe.

There are some essential oils that should never be used for animals: Anise, Clove Leaf/Bud, Garlic, Horseradish, Juniper, Thyme, Wintergreen, or Yarrow, to name a few.

Some that can be used include: Cedarwood Atlas, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Lavender, Myrrh, Ravensare, Rose, and Valerian (note that these lists are not exhaustive and further research from the pet owner should be done).

For dogs, essential oils can be used in a variety of ways, from bathing to calming the nerves through diffusion. Some points to remember:

* Dogs cannot tell you what is or is not working. As such, you must closely watch their reactions. Excessive scratching, sniffing, nervousness or whining are all signs to watch for.

* Always dilute the oils. A common acceptable dilution is 25% of the adult human formula.

* Giving essential oils internally is not generally recommended.

* Do not use any oils on medium-large breed puppies under 8 weeks, and small or toy breeds under 10 weeks. Hydrosols are a much better choice.

* Gradually introduce the oils.

* What is good for a large dog is not good for a small dog. Size matters, and less is definitely more when working with oils, for animals or humans.

* Sick, frail, older, or pregnant dogs have special considerations, just as in humans. Do not administer the same dose to them as you would to a healthy animal of the same size.

* Never use oils near the eyes, mouth, nose, or genital area.

Felines are especially sensitive, as previously mentioned. Even dispersing oils in the air or using them as cleaning agents around the house can be detrimental. Make sure that the cat has a way to go into another room, with fresh air to 'escape'. Oils should never be used topically because of their liver's inability to process them. Hydrosols, also known as hydrolats or floral water, are a much safer option with many of the same benefits. For smaller animals, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, and rabbits, hydrosols are also the best option, at a 50% dilution of what is used for felines.

Birds should never be exposed to oils, whether topically or in the air due to their extreme sensitivity. Hydrosols can be used, but in very minute amounts, much like in homeopathic remedies.

Fish cannot tolerate oils or floral waters. The oils, not being water-soluble, would end up sticking to the fish, causing a host of problems, up to and many times, including death. Hydrosols each have their own pH levels, and have the possibility of wreaking havoc on the pH levels within the tank, also causing harm to the fish.

An animal lover's best bet, for the sake of their pet, would be to educate themselves even further. One must be cautioned about searching the net, however, as misinformation is everywhere. Be sure to check the credentials of the writer before following the advice of any site. There are a few good books on the subject, one of my favorites, and the reference for this article, is Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals by Kristen Leigh Bell.

Remember, with a little love and research, aromatherapy can be highly beneficial to humans and animals alike!


Bell, Kristen. Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals. Findhorn-Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Press, 2002.

About the author
Mel Possehl is a Nutritional Consultant working towards dual diplomas in Herbalism & Holistic Health, and is studying for the Registered Aromatherapist certification.

She has two blogs on natural health:

Mobile phones,more dangerous than smoking

Mobile Phones More Dangerous Than Smoking


Mobile phones could kill far more people than smoking or asbestos, a study by an award-winning cancer expert has concluded. He says people should avoid using them wherever possible and that governments and the mobile phone industry must take "immediate steps" to reduce exposure to their radiation.

The study, by Dr Vini Khurana, is the most devastating indictment yet published of the health risks.

It draws on growing evidence – exclusively reported in the IoS in October – that using handsets for 10 years or more can double the risk of brain cancer. Cancers take at least a decade to develop, invalidating official safety assurances based on earlier studies which included few, if any, people who had used the phones for that long.

Earlier this year, the French government warned against the use of mobile phones, especially by children. Germany also advises its people to minimise handset use, and the European Environment Agency has called for exposures to be reduced.

Professor Khurana – a top neurosurgeon who has received 14 awards over the past 16 years, has published more than three dozen scientific papers – reviewed more than 100 studies on the effects of mobile phones. He has put the results on a brain surgery website, and a paper based on the research is currently being peer-reviewed for publication in a scientific journal.

He admits that mobiles can save lives in emergencies, but concludes that "there is a significant and increasing body of evidence for a link between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumours". He believes this will be "definitively proven" in the next decade.

Noting that malignant brain tumours represent "a life-ending diagnosis", he adds: "We are currently experiencing a reactively unchecked and dangerous situation." He fears that "unless the industry and governments take immediate and decisive steps", the incidence of malignant brain tumours and associated death rate will be observed to rise globally within a decade from now, by which time it may be far too late to intervene medically.

"It is anticipated that this danger has far broader public health ramifications than asbestos and smoking," says Professor Khurana, who told the IoS his assessment is partly based on the fact that three billion people now use the phones worldwide, three times as many as smoke. Smoking kills some five million worldwide each year, and exposure to asbestos is responsible for as many deaths in Britain as road accidents.

Late last week, the Mobile Operators Association dismissed Khurana's study as "a selective discussion of scientific literature by one individual". It believes he "does not present a balanced analysis" of the published science, and "reaches opposite conclusions to the WHO and more than 30 other independent expert scientific reviews".

Radical NEW gas alternative for energy

By Darshan Goswami, M.S., P.E.

Hydrogen, produced from tap water, could become the forever fuel of the future, generating power for homes, industry, and cars.

A new day is dawning for a revolutionary way to generate electric power from renewable energy sources. Imagine a future where the electrical power needed to run your computer, TV and DVD is generated from a small appliance about the size of a dishwasher located in your home. Envision generating electricity without combustion, and producing heat and pure drinking water as by-products.

Imagine being able to drive your car more than 500 miles between fill-ups. The car you drive could become a “power station on wheels” producing about 30 to 50 kilowatts of electricity. At work the parked car in the parking lot could be making money for you by supplying energy to the power grid during peak hours. The same fuel cells in the car parked in your garage could provide power for your home use.

In the new age of hydrogen, each individual could become the producer as well as the consumer of energy. Automobile, oil, and utility companies are spending billions to make this dream come true.

Renewable energy sourse

Hydrogen is “a renewable, versatile, simple sustainable domestic energy” and there is no danger of running out of hydrogen because it is the most abundant element in the universe. Hydrogen can be produced through a thermal, electrolytic, or photolytic process from fossil fuels, biomass, or water. Renewable and nuclear systems can produce hydrogen from water using a thermal or electrolytic process. People can even produce it in their homes with relatively simple apparatus.

The Hydrogen Economy is the term used to mark the shift from fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas to hydrogen. The vision of a Hydrogen Economy is one of an unlimited source of fuel that would be used to generate energy without releasing carbon and other pollutants into the air.

Hydrogen has the potential to do for the energy revolution what the computer and the Internet have done for the information revolution. Fuel cells are considered the “microchip of the hydrogen age,” the key to abundant energy from secure, renewable resources. Ultimately, fuel cells supplying homes, businesses, and industries could be linked to a national power grid allowing surplus power at one location to be transferred to areas experiencing power shortages.

Hydrocarbon economy

Some cities, such as Chicago and Vancouver, already have buses powered by hydrogen fuel cells. Ford, GM, BMW, Toyota, and Honda have prototype cars powered by hydrogen. Ford chairman William Clay Ford Jr. has declared that the fuel cell will “finally end the 100-year reign of the internal-combustion engine.” Such efforts are leading the world toward the “Hydrogen Economy.”

The present fossil fuel economy has created significant environmental problems worldwide. The Hydrogen Economy promises to eliminate all of the problems created by the fossil fuel economy. The advantages of the Hydrogen Economy include greater fuel efficiency, elimination of pollution caused by fossil fuels, elimination of greenhouse gases, and elimination of economic dependence on Middle East oil reserves.

Good for developing countries

The Hydrogen Economy could produce total decentralization of the global energy market controlled by giant oil companies and utilities, and result in vast redistribution of wealth and power. In a Hydrogen Economy utility companies will become obsolete.

“World Hydrogen Energy Roadmap” must be developed to address hydrogen production, delivery and transportation, storage, conversion, public-private partnerships, research, codes and standards, testing, public education, and end use products. This effort must include government, industry, universities, and research laboratories.

Government subsidies and tax incentives could be used to encourage put the Hydrogen Economy on a fast track. The goal of the program should be to develop technologies to safely produce, store and transport hydrogen from water, nature’s abundant and virtually free source of hydrogen.

The ultimate goal is to use the renewable energy of the sun to split water into its basic components of oxygen and hydrogen.

About the Author: Darshan Goswami has over 35 years of experience in the energy field. Until recently, he was the Chief of Energy Forecasting and Renewable Energy at the Rural Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, DC. Earlier, he worked for 30 years at Duquesne Light, an electric utility company in Pittsburgh, PA.


Autism: the next epidemic bomb

The Next Big Autism Bomb: Are 1 in 50 Kids Potentially At Risk?

Posted March 26, 2008 | 09:30 PM (EST)

On Tuesday, March 11, a conference call was held between vaccine safety officials at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, several leading experts in vaccine safety research, and executives from America's Health Insurance Plans, (the HMO trade association) to discuss childhood mitochondrial dysfunction and its potential link to autism and vaccines.

It was a sobering event for all concerned, and it could soon become known as the Conference Call heard 'round the world.

The teleconference was scheduled by a little known CDC agency called the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Network, a consortium of six research centers working on "immunization-associated health risks," in conjunction with the CDC's Immunization Safety Office and the health insurance lobby -- whose companies cover some 200 million Americans.

The hot topic of the day was mitochondria - the little powerhouses within each cell that convert food and oxygen into energy for use by the body. Recent news events have implicated mitochondria in at least one case of regressive autism, following normal development.

Some researchers on the call reported that mitochondrial dysfunction is probably much more common than the current estimate of 1-in-4,000 people. The potential implications for autism, then, are staggering.

"We need to find out if there is credible evidence, theoretically, to support the idea that childhood mitochondrial dysfunction might regress into autism," one of the callers reportedly told participants.


One person on the call (those interviewed for this article asked to remain anonymous) told me that, "the CDC people were informed, in no uncertain terms, that they need to look into this issue immediately, and do something about it." The clock is ticking, they were told, and if they don't respond, the information will be made public.

Still, the doctor said, he was enormously impressed by the "seriousness" with which CDC officials treated the possibility of a link between mitochondria, autism and possibly vaccines as well.

In the recent landmark Hannah Poling case, filed in Federal "Vaccine Court," officials conceded that Hannah's underlying mitochondrial dysfunction was aggravated by her vaccines, leading to fever and an "immune stimulation that exceeded metabolic reserves."

But on March 6, CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding claimed that Hannah's case was a rare, virtually one-of-a-kind incident with little, if any relevance to the other 4,900 autism claims currently pending in the court -- or to any other case of autism for that matter.(There were conflicting accounts about whether Gerberding was on the call or not).

Since then, however, Dr. Gerberding and other CDC officials were made aware of a Portuguese study, published last October, which reported that 7.2% of children with autism had confirmed mitochondrial disorders. The authors also noted that, "a diversity of associated medical conditions was documented in 20%, with an unexpectedly high rate of mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders."

"Apparently, the Portuguese study really got their attention," one of the participants said. "It's a highly significant finding. And it's worrisome enough to definitely look into. I think the CDC people know that."

They also know that some reports estimate the rate of mitochondrial dysfunction in autism to be 20% or more. And the rate among children with the regressive sub-type of autism is likely higher still.

Vaccine safety officials on the March 11 call may have been open to discussing mitochondria and autism, but they were probably highly unprepared for what was to come next.

One doctor reported his findings from a five-year study of children with autism, who also showed clinical markers for impaired cellular energy, due to mild dysfunction of their mitochondria.

The biochemistry of 30 children was studied intensively, and in each case, the results showed the same abnormalities as those found in Hannah Poling, participants said. Each child had moderate elevations or imbalances in the exact same amino acids and liver enzymes as Hannah Poling.

All thirty children also displayed normal, healthy development until about 18-24 months of age, when they quickly regressed into clinically diagnosed autism (and not merely "features of autism"), following some type of unusual trigger, or stress, placed on their immune system.

Researchers explained on the call that some data show that mitochondrial dysfunction can convert into autism "in numbers that make it not a rare occurrence," one participant told me. They explained this as "a distinct syndrome; not a mixed bag at all. Every kid had mild mitochondria dysfunction and autistic regression."

Another surprise came when one researcher announced an "inheritance pattern" that linked each case through the genetics of the father: In families where two cousins had autism, the genetic link was always through the father.

This unexpected discovery would clearly implicate nuclear DNA inheritance, and not mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited only through the mother.

Gerberding and others had previously insisted that Hannah and her mother, Teri Poling, both had the same single point mutation in their mitochondrial DNA. CDC officials asserted that Hannah had a pre-existing disease, a rare genetic glitch in her mitochondria, that may well have manifested as "features of autism" on its own, perhaps even without an environmental trigger.

"It's not in the mitochondrial DNA, and it's not rare," one participant confirmed. In fact, he said, many people probably carry the nuclear DNA mutation that confers susceptibility to mitochondrial dysfunction, they just don't know it.


On the call, speculation on the prevalence of a genetic mutation that could confer mild mitochondrial dysfunction in the general population ranged from about 1-in-400, to a staggering 1-in-50, or 2% of all Americans.

There was talk about the urgent need to do mapping studies, and find the locus of this gene. Some of the researchers said they want to test all 30 children for the actual DNA mutation. There was some expectation that they might discover that the mutation goes back generations, so parents and grandparents might be tested as well.

One belief is that a particular mutated gene may have become prevalent over the centuries, because of selective advantage. Mild mitochondrial dysfunction reportedly has been associated with intelligence, because it can increase activity of the brain's NMDA receptors. A large number of receptors can produce increased intelligence, but it can also increase risk of brain disease, one doctor explained to me. It's possible that increased receptor activity acts in same way.

But not everyone agrees that mitochondrial dysfunction is a purely inherited affair. Some researchers believe that, while a susceptibility gene for mitochondrial problems certainly exists, some type of environmental trigger, or "adversity," as one doctor put it, is needed to turn the mutation into a dysfunction.

The medical literature is replete with studies on mitochondrial health and the adverse impact of mercury, aluminum and other toxins. Even AIDS drugs like AZT and prenatal alcohol consumption can damage mitochondria and impact cellular energy.

The mercury-containing vaccine preservative, thimerosal, for example, "can definitely kill cells in vitro through the mitochondria," one teleconference participant told me. "And some people are beginning to suspect that the dose of hepatitis B vaccine given at birth might be interfering with proper mitochondrial function in certain children."

While the cause of mitochondrial dysfunction is up for the debate, so too is its potential effect on regressive autism.

All the researchers I spoke with agreed that, in many cases, there was an underlying, asymptomatic mitochondrial dysfunction, aggravated by some other stressful event imposed on the child's immune system, resulting in autism.

Such "metabolic decomposition" occurs when a child's system simply "cannot meet the energy demand needed to fight the stress of illness," one doctor explained.

But what causes the stress? That is a very big question.

Apparently, in only two of the 30 cases, or 6%, could the regression be traced directly and temporally to immunizations, and one of them was Hannah Poling. In the other cases, there was reportedly some type of documented, fever-inducing viral infection that occurred within seven days of the onset of brain injury symptoms.

All 30 of the regressions occurred between one and two years of age, at a time when the still-developing brain is particularly vulnerable to injury.

But if a significant minority of autism cases was caused by mitochondrial dysfunction aggravated by common childhood illnesses, then shouldn't we see fewer cases today than, say, at the beginning of the 20th Century? And wouldn't developing countries likewise show far more prevalence of autism than the United States?

Not necessarily, some experts said. They noted that many viral infections are still quite prevalent in modern-day America, and many children still get these types of viral infections about once a month, on average.

If that is the case, then why doesn't every child with "mito" dysfunction regress into autism? Surely, they must encounter viral infections during their yearlong window of neurological peril.

Again, not necessarily: Some doctors said it would depend on the severity of the dysfunction, the type of virus encountered, and perhaps other factors that are still not understood.

But at least two of the 30 kids with mito deficiencies were pushed over the edge into autism by their vaccines, and some researchers feel the number is probably much higher than that in the larger population.

"Vaccines, in some cases, can cause an unusually heightened immune reaction, fever, and even mild illness," one participant said. "A normal vaccine reaction in most kids would be very different in a kid with a metabolic disorder. We know it happened to at least two kids in this study, and I'm certain there are many more Hannahs out there."

One theory currently in circulation about what happened to Hannah and other children like her, is an apparent "triple domino effect." According to this hypothesis, it takes three steps and two triggers to get to some types of autism, and it goes like this:

STEP ONE: Child is conceived and born healthy, but with an underlying nuclear DNA genetic susceptibility to mitochondrial dysfunction, inherited from dad.

TRIGGER ONE: An early environmental "adversity" occurs in the womb or during the neonatal period, perhaps caused by prenatal exposure to heavy metals, pollutants, pesticides and medicines. Or, it occurs in early infancy, through environmental toxins, thimerosal exposure, or even the Hepatitis B vaccine "birth dose." This trigger results in:

STEP TWO: Child develops mild, usually asymptomatic mitochondrial dysfunction (though I wonder if the ear infections and eczema so common in these cases might also be symptoms of mito problems).

TRIGGER TWO: Child, now with an underlying mitochondrial dysfunction, suffers over-stimulation of the immune system beyond the capacity of his or her metabolic reserves. This stress is either via a viral febrile infection, or from multiple vaccinations, as in the Poling case. This trigger results in:

STEP THREE: Acute illness, seizures, encephalopathy, developmental regression, autism.

Such a scenario might help explain why autism has increased right along with the addition of more vaccines to the national schedule.

And it might help explain why autism rates are not plummeting now that thimerosal levels have been significantly reduced in most childhood vaccines.

It's possible that exposures from the flu shot, and residual mercury left over in other vaccines -- perhaps in synergistic effect with aluminum used as an "adjuvant" to boost the immune response - might "contribute to the toxic mix that causes childhood mitochondrial dysfunction in the first place," one of the doctors said.

But like many hypotheses, this one has competition. Some researchers believe that the modern American diet is largely to blame for an increase in the number of children whose underlying mitochondrial dysfunction is "triggered" into autism by febrile infections.

The answer, they hypothesize, is corn.

The American diet has become extraordinarily dependent on corn oil and corn syrup used in processing, these experts contend. They say that corn oil and syrup are inflammatory, whereas fish oil is anti-inflammatory. Could our diet be a factor in making this mutated gene become more pathogenic? It's a biochemical defect that leads to biochemical disease, supporters of this theory say: The gene itself becomes more of a problem.


This information raises so many questions it makes your head swim.

First and foremost among them: What to do about vaccinating children with known mitochondrial dysfunction?

In many respects, these kids should be first in line for vaccination, to prevent some illnesses that might trigger an autistic regression during the window of vulnerability. On the other hand, with multiple vaccinations, such as the case with Hannah, there is also a risk of overtaxing the immune system, and likewise triggering regression into autism.

What's needed most urgently, if possible, is a quick, affordable and efficient method of testing children for low cellular energy, perhaps before vaccination even begins.

There was some discussion on the conference call about altering the vaccine schedule in some way, to lower the risk of immune over-stimulation in susceptible children. Certainly, pressure will grow for a change in the schedule - the question is how, when, and if such changes will be made.

Some of the suggestions may not be popular among public health officials. They include:

1) Establishing a maximum number of vaccine antigens to which any child could be exposed on any given day.

2) Permitting the option of separating out the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) live virus combination vaccines into three distinct "monovalent" shots.

3) Not giving the varicella vaccine (chicken pox) on the same day as the MMR injection - the CDC recently withdrew is recommendation for the Pro-Quad MMR+Varicella vaccine because it doubled the risk of seizures.

Another option is to create new "recommendations for administering multiple vaccines to children who have fallen behind in the recommended childhood immunization schedule," according to the website of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Hannah had missed some shots and her doctor decided to "catch up" with the schedule by administering five shots, containing nine vaccine antigens, at once. But some autism activists have pointed out that giving five shots in one day is not that uncommon.

Moreover, they claim, many children regressed into autism following normal vaccination, when the parents religiously adhered to the official schedule.

According to the Johns Hopkins site, "Additional research is needed to determine if other children with autism, especially those with 'the regressive form' of autism, have the same or similar underlying mitochondrial dysfunction disorders."

It adds that, "the advisory groups who make recommendations regarding vaccines will undoubtedly examine this case carefully and make decisions regarding the potential need for changes."

That day may come sooner than you think. It was just announced that, on April 11 in Washington, DC, the National Vaccine Program Office at HHS will convene a meeting of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee's Vaccine Safety Working Group. The Working Group was established to go over the CDC's Immunization Safety Office draft research agenda, and to, "review the current vaccine safety system."

The meeting is open to the public, and I have my seat reserved. But I honestly don't envy the Working Group's very tricky task at hand.

It remains to be seen how all this plays out. And many important questions still lie ahead.

For example, if mitochondrial dysfunction turns out to be as common as 200-per-10,000, and autism is now at 66 per 10,000, did anything bad happen to any of the other 134-per-10,000 children, apart from autism (i.e., ADD, ADHD, speech delay, etc.)?

Moreover, if 10-20% of autism cases can actually be traced to an underlying mitochondrial dysfunction, then what about the majority of autism cases where this did not come into play?

And, if 20% of autism cases are mito related, and 6% of those cases regressed because of vaccines, that would mean that at least 1% of all autism cases were vaccine related. Some estimates of autism go as high as a million Americans - that would mean 10,000 people with vaccine-triggered autism, and billions of dollars in the cost of lifetime care.

(While we are on the subject, isn't it time to fund a study of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, to settle this debate once and for all?)

Finally, the goals of the CISA Network, (which convened the teleconference) are rather progressive and far reaching. It remains to be seen how well the Network fulfills its stated mission, which includes:

Conduct research into "the role of individual variation" on vaccine injury;

"Empower individuals to make informed immunization decisions;"

Help policy makers "in the recommendation of exclusion criteria for at-risk individuals," and;

"Enhance public confidence in sustaining immunization benefits for all populations"

Let's see how much it takes for these measures to be applied in practice !

Pesticides and children nervous system

(NaturalNews) If a child eats conventionally grown produce, will it affect his or her health? Recent research revealed that pesticides do show up in the urine of children after consuming non-organic foods. Though the study did not look at whether or not some of the chemicals stay in the tissues and cause damage, other research says they do.

Researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle and Emory University in Atlanta, headed by Chensheng Lu, tested urine samples from 21 children in the Seattle area who ate conventionally grown foods and then ate similar organic varieties for five days, before returning to seven more days of conventional foods. To be extra certain, the organic foods were tested and found to be free of chemicals.

Urine samples were collected twice daily for a period of 7, 12, or 15 consecutive days during each of the four seasons. It was found that levels of organophosphates, a family of pesticides resulting from the creation of nerve gas agents in World War II, could be identified in the urine during the time conventional produce was eaten. Within eight to 36 hours after switching to organic versions, the pesticides in the urine disappeared.

Previous studies have found a correlation between pesticides and neurological problems in the brains of rats. Dr. Theodore Slotkin of North Carolina's Duke University has written up the results of several such studies. He found that brain development and behavior were both negatively impacted after exposure to organophosphates, especially chlorpyrifos, one of the pesticides in the recent study.

Andrew Schneider, writing in the Seattle P.I. quotes Lu, who says "more research must be done into the harm these pesticides may do to children, even at the low levels found on food... In animal and few human studies, we know chlorpyrifos inhibits an enzyme that transmits a signal in the brain so the body can function properly. Unfortunately, that's all we know.

"It is appropriate to assume that if we - human beings - are exposed to (this class of) pesticides, even though it's a low-level exposure on a daily basis, there are going to be some health concerns down the road," said Lu, who is on the Environmental Protection Agency's pesticide advisory panel.

We do know that toxins affect children differently than adults, as they are still developing and are thus more fragile neurologically. Some pesticides contain potent neurotoxicants, which work by disrupting an organism's nervous system. There are studies which have found that exposure to pesticides affects growth and neurological development. So it would seem very likely that ingestion of pesticide residue in young children especially would lead to negative effects on health and development. At the very least, there must be an effect to the liver and kidneys for the extra work they are forced to do.

Consider what a teacher's curriculum guide from Yale University states:

"-A young child's renal system is not fully developed. For example, a newborn's kidneys are immature compared to an adult's, making it more difficult for the infant to eliminate toxic waste. This can lead to a greater buildup and increases their vulnerability.

-A young child's brain, nervous system, immune system, and other organ systems are still developing and are therefore most susceptible to abnormalities and malfunctions.

-When children are exposed to toxins, there is more time for resulting damage to occur than when adults are exposed. To elaborate, if a series of events have to occur before the toxic effects of chemicals present, then it is more likely that those events will occur someday if the children are exposed early in life as opposed to exposure much later.

-Due to the rapid cell growth in children, they appear to be more susceptible to some carcinogens than adults are."

Because of such concerns, the Food Quality Protection Act required that by 2006, the EPA was to complete a comprehensive reassessment of the 9,721 pesticides permitted for use. They were to determine safe levels of pesticide residues for all food products.

Even though this law's passage resulted in a lowering of pesticide amounts applied to foods intended for children, many critics still consider the levels too high for safety. The other concern is that there are no restrictions on imported foods.

This effect was born out by the study, as higher levels of pesticides were found in the children's urine in the fall and winter, when consumers rely more on imported fruits and vegetables.

Other critics point out that because of this and the EPA's too lenient restrictions, more needs to be done. They state that it only makes sense to strengthen the limits on such exposure to pesticides at a time when children are evidencing more behavior, learning and neurological problems.

According to Schneider, Lu does not believe children should only eat organic. For Lu's family, which includes two sons, about 60 percent of the diet is organic. "'Consumers,' he says, 'should be encouraged to buy produce direct from the farmers they know. These need not be just organic farmers, but conventional growers who minimize their use of pesticides.'"

To help consumers make choices as to which foods to buy as organic, the Environmental Workers Group produced a ranking. In this list, the higher the number, the lower the amount of pesticides found in that item. So if a family can only buy some organic produce, the priority would be peaches, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines and strawberries, etc.

The Full List: 43 Fruits & Veggies


1(worst) Peaches 100 (highest pesticide load)

2 Apples 96

3 Sweet Bell Peppers 86

4 Celery 85

5 Nectarines 84

6 Strawberries 83

7 Cherries 75

8 Lettuce 69

9 Grapes - Imported 68

10 Pears 65

11 Spinach 60

12 Potatoes 58

13 Carrots 57

14 Green Beans 55

15 Hot Peppers 53

16 Cucumbers 52

17 Raspberries 47

18 Plums 46

19 Oranges 46

20 Grapes - Domestic 46

21 Cauliflower 39

22 Tangerine 38

23 Mushrooms 37

24 Cantaloupe 34

25 Lemon 31

26 Honeydew Melon 31

27 Grapefruit 31

28 Winter Squash 31

29 Tomatoes 30

30 Sweet Potatoes 30

31 Watermelon 25

32 Blueberries 24

33 Papaya 21

34 Eggplant 19

35 Broccoli 18

36 Cabbage 17

37 Bananas 16

38 Kiwi 14

39 Asparagus 11

40 Sweet Peas-Frozen 11

41 Mango 9

42 Pineapples 7

43 Sweet Corn-Frozen 2

44 Avocado 1

45 (best) Onions 1 (lowest pesticide load)

Note: A total of 44 different fruits and vegetables were ranked, but grapes are listed twice because they looked at both domestic and imported samples. - Pesticides in Produce by Environmental Working Group

As is often the case, moderation and balance are the best policies. Whether your family can afford to go 60-40, 70-30, or 50-50, the above chart can help determine how you spend your precious organic dollars. Whatever the case, the move toward organic can be shown to result in lower levels of pesticides entering our bodies and those of our children.


Chensheng Lu, Dana B. Barr, Melanie A. Pearson, and Lance A. Waller; Dietary Intake and Its Contribution to Longitudinal Organophosphorus Pesticide Exposure in Urban/Suburban Children.

Schneider, Andrew: "Harmful Pesticides Found In Everyday Food Products". Seattle P.I., January 30, 2008. ((http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/349...)

Robinson, Kelley N.: "Food Pesticides and Their Risks To Children".

Environmental Working Group Shopper's Guide: (http://www.foodnews.org/index.php)

The living clay- for a living healthy human being

(NaturalNews) The following bits of research and information were gathered by Perry A~, author of Living Clay: Nature's Own Miracle Cure (www.LivingClayBook.com), in an attempt to explain many of the mysteries about clay and why its workings are so hard to define and understand. The simple response is this: Clay is a living substance and is subject to constant change. Its primary functions are to adsorb, absorb and balance. As it goes about its primary functions, it opens the pathway for healing and the natural restoration of health. The references below apply to the Smectite/Montmorillonite family of clays commonly known as calcium Bentonite clays, that have the ability to both absorb and adsorb, and are often referred to as "Living Clay."

Disease happens when the body gets out of balance. Clay helps bring the body back into its natural state of balance.

Clay is formed from ash spewed from a volcanic eruption which landed in an inland sea or lake bed and evolved over millions of years. Every piece of clay retains a considerable amount of energy from the large and powerful magnetic entity of the Earth. Raymond Dextreit says on the subject, "Among the properties to which we can attribute the effect of clay is radioactivity." Not radioactivity as we know it. He says that clay is radioactive to a degree but this radioactivity is generally imperceptible to the testing apparatus used in laboratories at present. Scientists differ widely as to the significance of the radioactivity in clay. It seems that clay has, among other properties, the ability to either stimulate a deficiency or absorb an excess in the radioactivity of the body on which it is applied. On an organism which has suffered and still retains the radiations of radium or any other intensive radioactive source, the radioactivity is first enhanced and then absorbed. Clay could, in this way, ensure the protection of an organism overexposed to atomic radiations.

Through energetic action clay transmits an extraordinary strength to an organism and helps to rebuild vital potential through liberation of the latent energy. It is a catalyst more than an agent. As a catalyst, clay favors the transformations and operations of synthesis, thus allowing better use of the absorbed elements, i.e. vitamins and minerals we take or get from the food we eat. As a powerful agent of stimulation, transformation and transmission of energy, clay stimulates energy and revitalizes the body.

One can only marvel at what clay can do. "The same teaspoon of clay can cure an obstinate carbuncle and tenacious anemia equally well. Curing the carbuncle is explained by clay's absorbent power... but anemia?!" questioned Raymond Dextreit, author of Our Earth, Our Cure. Well, it seems that clay is particularly rich in certain diastases and enzymes. Some of these diastases, the oxidases, have the power of fixing free oxygen, thus making it a powerful antioxidant.

Clay's amazing abilities to adsorb and absorb make it one of the most powerful methods of cleansing the body by detoxing. Michel Abehsera, author of The Healing Clay, tells us that when used internally, whether taken orally, anally or vaginally, clay goes to the place where the harm is found. There it lodges, perhaps for several days, until finally it draws out the toxins or diseased tissue with its evacuation.

Clay has high alkaline pH. Acidity is the breeding ground for disease. Clay brings pH into balance.

Clay is a natural analgesic. It immediately reduces or eliminates pain when applied topically.

Clay stimulates lymphatic glands, blood flow and circulation. A natural chelator and detoxifier, clay pulls toxins and impurities. French homeopaths documented that a system-wide detoxification effect occurs within seconds of placing Montmorillonite-type clay in the mouth, which demonstrates that the clay acts as a catalyst.

A recent article on NaturalNews.com (www.naturalnews.com/022674.html) tells us that clay baths have become increasingly popular as a safe and effective means of detoxing heavy metals from the body through the pores of the skin.

One of clay's peculiarities is based on its physical-chemical domination. From a thermodynamic point of view, clay cannot be the sole source of the energy of the phenomena it produces. Clay's effect as a dynamic presence is far more significant than the mere consideration of the substances it contains. It is much more than its chemical analysis shows it to be. Jason Eaton (www.eytonsearth.org) said, "In fact, I do not believe it is possible for a clay bath to literally pull out toxins in the body; not to the extent that it does. I believe that the clay reaction enables the body itself to let go of the toxic waste accumulated, and the clay provides the path to elimination."

Louis Kervran, the French scientist, world-famous for his provocative work on Biological Transmutations, writes about a shrimp that lives in clay: "It has been known for a long time that living organisms inhabit clay without any organic supply of food from the outside. The Niphargus shrimp lives in the clay of caves. Experiments have shown that it grows normally in pure clay to which nothing has been added. Research workers therefore thought that the shrimp lived on clay and nothing but clay, an impossibility according to the laws of biochemistry. Actually, it cannot live thus in clay alone, but this clay contains microorganisms which work for the shrimp, making vitamins, various mineral products, nitrogen, phosphorous, and calcium, etc." Therefore clay is a live medium which helps generate and maintain life.

Raymond Dextreit wrote he was certain of the antiseptic and antibiotic powers of clay but it puzzled him. Clay does not act specifically on one or several bacteria varieties; rather it prevents their proliferation by reinforcing the defenses of the organism. Thus again we see how clay brings the body into balance.

In general, clay has remarkable resistance to chemical agents and only the most energetic ones can attack it. As a bacteria-absorbing agent it can render contaminated water innocuous. The nutritionist Linda Clark mentions in her recent book, The Best of Linda Clark, that a European doctor, Meyer-Camberg, recommends clay for neutralizing poisons. According to Dr. Meyer-Camberg, clay takes care of any bad poisoning such as arsenic. It suffices to take 1 teaspoonful of clay mixed in a glass of water every hour for six hours to be out of trouble.

According to information found at Shirley's Wellness Cafe (www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com), myths about clay and the elements that make up a clay molecule are rampant. One deals with aluminum. Clay is a super stable compound. All of the elements that make up clay are bound together and act as a whole. Aluminosilicates are crystalline compounds, usually made up of silicon, aluminum and oxygen. They are tightly bound together. As long as the aluminum is bound in this form, it poses no health risk. The aluminum in clay is never in an isolated form, and is not adsorbed into the body. This refers to all metals in clay. They are in an oxide form tightly bound together.

Clay is interactive with each person's individual specific chemical makeup. It adapts to your needs. As the Native American Indians said of clay, "It has a wisdom of its own." From helping to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic germs and parasites to aiding with rebuilding of healthy tissues and cells, clay is a 'living' cure.

The role of testosterone in women's health

(NaturalNews) Testosterone is known as the personality hormone. It gives us motivation, assertiveness, a sense of power, feeling of well being and enhanced sex drive. When we have an adequate level of testosterone we are able to take risks and live our lives with zest. Without testosterone we exist as if in black and white. It is testosterone that brings us into full living color.

Testosterone conveys powerful anti-aging effects. It turns fat into muscle, keeps skin supple, increases bone mineral density, gives us positive mood, and boosts our ability to handle stress. It supports cognitive functioning, and keeps the liver and blood vessels clean. Low testosterone levels have been associated with heart attack, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and depression. If you are freezing cold all the time and your thyroid levels are adequate, you are probably low on testosterone. For women, a little bit of testosterone can go a long way in improving looks, figure, energy level, outlook on life, enjoyment of living, sex appeal and sexual fulfillment.

Women produce increased amounts of testosterone during puberty. Levels of testosterone peak for women in their early twenties. The decrease in sex drive through the twenties, thirties and forties is often exacerbated by oral contraceptives which suppress all sex hormone production (testosterone, estrogens and progesterone). By the time a woman has reached natural menopause, she may have only half of the level of testosterone she once had.

Since the results of the Women's Health Initiative Study, women have been reluctant or even fearful of supplementing falling hormone levels. If a woman does choose hormone therapy, she finds that the replacement of estrogen alone does not correct an absent sex drive, loss of muscle tone or general lack of mental "get-up and go". The good news is that several recent studies have documented the safety and efficacy of testosterone replacement. In fact, studies have shown that testosterone may be protective of breast tissue.

Studies and Results

As published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, February 25, 2008, researchers designed a study to determine the role of progesterone and testosterone in mammary carcinogenesis. Ovariectomized (ovaries surgically removed) rats were continuously exposed to low and high dose estrogen plus progesterone, and with high dose estrogen plus progesterone plus testosterone. The results indicate that continuous exposure to high concentrations of estrogen alone did not induce mammary carcinogenesis in the rats. Mammary carcinogenesis in these rats required continuous exposure to high concentrations of estrogen and progesterone. The addition of testosterone propionate did not affect tumor incidence in the rats.

According to Menopause, March-April, 2007, researchers suggest that androgens such as testosterone may counteract the proliferative effects of estrogen and progestogen (synthetic progesterone) in the mammary gland. Their study was designed to assess the effects of testosterone addition on breast cell proliferation during postmenopausal estrogen/progestogen therapy. In this 6 month prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 99 postmenopausal women were given continuous combined estradiol/progestogen and were equally randomly assigned to receive additional treatment with either a testosterone patch or a placebo patch. Breast cells were collected by needle biopsy at baseline and after 6 months. Results indicate a total of 88 women, 47 receiving active treatment and 41 in the placebo group, completed the study. In the placebo group there was a more than five fold increase in total breast cell proliferation from baseline to 6 months. With testosterone addition, no significant increase was recorded. The different effects of the two treatments were apparent in both epithelial and stromal cells. Researchers concluded that the addition of testosterone may counteract breast cell proliferation as induced by estrogen/progestogen therapy in postmenopausal women.

From The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2006, comes a study that concludes that hormone-deficient women who tried a testosterone patch for a year grew stronger bones, bigger muscles, and a more robust libido. In the double-blind investigation, 51 premenopausal women were divided. Half received the testosterone patch while the other half received a placebo. The women were evaluated at intervals during 12 months. After one year, x-ray absorptiometry revealed significantly improved bone mineral density in the testosterone group. Hip density improved by an average of 1% compared to a 1% loss in the placebo group. Muscle mass grew by 7% in the testosterone group compared to a 1.5% loss in the placebo group. Women in the treatment group reported significantly better overall mood and sexual functioning including increased arousal and overall better sexual experiences. A dose of testosterone was just 6% of a standard male dose.

The FASEB Journal, September 2000 edition reports a study investigating the effect of sex steroids on primate mammary epithelial proliferation and steroid receptor gene expression. Ovariectomized rhesus monkeys were treated with placebo, 17beta estradiol alone or in combination with progesterone or testosterone. Estradiol alone increased mammary epithelial proliferation by approximately sixfold and increased mammary epithelial estrogen receptor expression by approximately 50%. Progesterone did not alter estradiol's proliferative effects, but testosterone reduced estradiol proliferation by approximately 40%, and entirely abolished estradiol induced augmentation of estrogen receptor alpha expression. Androgen receptor levels were not altered by estradiol alone but were significantly reduced by the estradiol/testosterone treatment. Researchers concluded that androgen induced down-regulation of mammary epithelial proliferation and estrogen receptor expression suggests that combined estrogen/androgen hormone replacement may reduce the risk of breast cancer associated with estrogen replacement.

Treatment Alternatives

In healthy young women, testosterone is secreted all day long with a peak in early morning, indicating that ideal replacement would follow this pattern. The two common delivery systems for bio-identical testosterone are oral and parenteral, meaning through the skin or by injection.

While oral tablets are easy to use, they may dramatically raise the testosterone level, only to have it drop a few hours later. Oral testosterone is absorbed and sent directly to the liver to be metabolized. There it is able to affect enzyme systems and raise the potential for liver dysfunction. Much of this testosterone is deactivated by liver cells. Oral testosterone is only allowed in Canada and the US, and research on it continues.

Another delivery method is testosterone lozenges that slowly dissolve in the mouth. The idea is to have the hormone absorbed through the lymphatics (under the tongue) and not swallowed, so that much of the negative effects of liver metabolism are avoided. Lozenges are available through compounding pharmacies.

There are intramuscular injections of testosterone, usually given monthly. A testosterone patch is also available as well as testosterone gel.

These delivery systems provide an acceptable dosing with testosterone at a fairly economical level. If you have a good amount of money to spend, you might want to try testosterone pellets.

Pellets made by a compounding pharmacy are inserted under the skin of the hip or abdomen. The testosterone is release over a period lasting up to 120 days, and most closely mimics the natural release of testosterone into the body. Aside from the five minutes required for the insertions, this is the most hassle free method of supplementation.

Non-toxic cleaning-house and body

(NaturalNews) Feel overwhelmed by cleaning tasks? There's one way to actually take control over the toxins that may be stressing out your nervous and detoxification systems – stop using chemicals on your body and in your house. You'll also be doing your family, friends, neighbors and the environment a favor by not putting chemical fumes in the air.

Smelly chemical cleaners leave behind a film which can make a person ill, even if they're not the one using them. Second-hand cleaning chemicals, perfumed detergents and fabric softeners can be compared to second-hand smoke – they can affect others negatively too.

Most modern cleaning formulas are concoctions of chemicals, many of which are toxic. A 1991 EPA study of 31 fragrance products found toluene; a neurotoxin, carcinogen and a chemical designated as Hazardous Waste, in all of them. Other petroleum derivatives were also found in fragrances, including known toxins capable of causing birth defects, thyroid and central nervous system disorders in addition to allergic reactions, according to a report to the legislature by a Committee on Science & Technology.

I and my chemically-sensitive partner have banned such cleaning chemicals from our house, replacing them with non-toxic cleaning supplies, some which were our grandmothers' favorites and others new to the market, such as a botanical soap which can be used for everything from brushing your teeth to doing your laundry.

Recently, my partner and I were enjoying the morning sunrise from our deck when our neighbor cranked up her fabric softener-filled dryer, which exhausted the "spring breeze" fragrance into the neighborhood air. My partner contracted a headache and dizziness and had to retreat indoors to "fresher" air. One look at the ingredients in fabric softener helps us to understand why fabric softener can cause a toxic assault.

What's In Those Dryer Sheets?*

* Benzyl Acetate: Linked to pancreatic cancer

* Benzyl Alcohol: Upper respiratory tract irritant

* Ethanol: On the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Hazardous Waste list and capable of causing
central nervous system disorders

* A-Terpineol: Can cause respiratory problems, including fatal edema, and central nervous system

* Ethyl Acetate: A narcotic on the EPA's Hazardous Waste list

* Camphor: Causes central nervous system disorders

* Chloroform: Neurotoxin, anesthetic and carcinogen

* Linalool: A narcotic that causes central nervous system disorders

* Pentane: A chemical known to be harmful if inhaled

Natural Solutions

To help ourselves and the neighbors breathe more easily, we've ordered an amazing new alternative - Static Eliminator™ woven sheets - which take static cling out, and soften fabric without any toxic chemicals. Author and long-term advocate of natural cleaning methods, Annie Berthold-Bond, suggests making your own dryer sheet by placing a teaspoon of a natural, fragrance-free hair conditioner on a cotton cloth that you throw in with your dryer load. Since we often line dry our clothes, we use a little baking soda to soften and deodorize them in the wash.

For the washer, there are now many fragrance-free, chemical-free laundry soaps available although old-fashioned Borax works well on its own, or to boost other detergents. Or simply opt out of laundry soap altogether by using Laundry Disks or natural "Soap Nuts."

Don't be fooled by national detergent brands that say they are "unscented." They usually contain masking fragrance that can be just as irritating to your skin, lungs and nervous system.
According to the Hawaii Department of Health's Alternatives to Household Hazardous Products guide, "Detergents are derived from scarce petroleum, are non-biodegradable and usually contain chemical additives such as fragrances and colors. Dish detergents cause more child poisonings than any other household product. Automatic dishwashing powders contain high concentrations of phosphates which, when released into streams and storm drains, kill fish and other aquatic life."

Seventh Generation now makes a Free & Clear (no dyes or fragrances) version of its biodegradable, non-toxic soap for the sink and automatic dishwasher. Or you can use the old favorites, Borax or baking soda, which work especially well in hard water because of their alkalinity.

Grandma's staple, baking soda, can not only be used as a deodorizer in the laundry as well as in the refrigerator, but as an all-around household cleanser too. A little on a sponge can be used to wash your dishes, as a non-abrasive scrub for your ceramic cook-top surface, and to clean spills from the inside of your oven. For baked-on goo, just sprinkle some baking soda and hot water on the mess, leave overnight, and wipe off with a scrub sponge in the morning.

To kill mold, our favorites are vinegar, Borax, Bon Ami cleanser, or the strong hydrogen peroxide solution in Ecover Bleach, available at our local health food store.

To clean windows, a small amount of vinegar and a squeeze of dish soap in a bucket of water will replace those blue, ammonia-based window cleaners, and newsprint will wipe the glass streak-free.

Opt For Fresh Air

My partner and I are lucky to live in Hawaii because we don't need air fresheners as warm trade-winds usually blow in our open windows 24-hours-a-day. But for those of you who can't always leave the windows open, turn on your exhaust fan and put out a bowl of baking soda, vinegar or organically grown flowers instead of reaching for commercial air freshener.

Last fall, a group of environmental organizations - the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Alliance for Healthy Homes and the National Center for Healthy Housing - asked the federal government to begin regulating air fresheners. Scientific studies show that air fresheners coat our nasal passages and "freshen" by deadening our nerves with harmful chemicals linked to asthma, developmental problems in babies (fragrances cross the infant's blood brain barrier unimpeded), and cancer in laboratory animals, according to the petition sent to two federal agencies.

The environmental groups complained that in houses, offices and restrooms, Americans suffer significant exposure "to a veritable cocktail of dangerous and potentially dangerous volatile organic compounds. In cases of mold and damp indoor environments, air fresheners may hide an indicator of potentially serious health threats to the respiratory system."

One inventive alternative developed by a chemically sensitive individual to freshen the air and reduce mold is the Hygenaire® device, which fans out a small amount of citrus seed extract into the room. Since mold can be a huge problem in humid areas, we put one in our bathroom as well as our closet.

So to reduce your body's toxic load, clean, disinfect and deodorize with the simple, natural, non-toxic standbys of your grandmother. Or shop wisely and explore the "green" offerings of responsible companies that are defining the future of the marketplace and the health of your home.


* Par a 1991 EPA Study, and the possible effects of exposure.

About the author

Roger Harris is a writer and environmental advocate living on the Big Island of Hawaii. He has formed a network to provide alternatives to pesticides and chemicals, www.GreenerWorld.net to help the citizens of Hawaii and the world choose a healthier future.


Romania: say NO to that poison!

Romania reconsiders its welcome of biotech corn

By James Kanter
Published: March 26, 2008

PARIS: Romania, which has been one of the most receptive markets on a skeptical Continent for genetically modified crops, is moving toward a reversal of its stance, in what would be another setback for the beleaguered biotechnology industry in Europe.

Attila Korodi, Romania's environment minister, said he would ask a committee of experts Thursday to revaluate a gene-altered version of corn, MON810, the only modified crop that has been approved for commercial planting in the European Union.

During an interview, Korodi said not enough studies had been done to gauge the effects of the corn on ecological systems in Romania, including in the Black Sea area.

In addition, he said, banning biotech crops could increase rural prosperity by allowing farmers to take advantage of a growing global demand for organic feed and foodstuffs, which, in addition to being unaltered, are grown without chemical pesticides or fertilizers.

Such products can command higher prices - although experts question whether farming practices in much of Eastern Europe are developed enough for such a specialized market.

"I think becoming an organic country is a good thing," Korodi said. "We have to analyze the true costs of growing GMOs," he added, since the technology was potentially harmful to the environment and had become widely unpopular in Romania.

An actual ban would still be some ways off and could require parliamentary support, he said.

But its consideration, coming a month after France imposed a similar ban on the corn variety, would be another obstacle for the industry in Europe, where there is widespread skepticism about biotech foods. Specifically, it would hurt the U.S. seed company Monsanto, which produces MON810.

Romania, the biggest corn grower in the 27-member EU by hectares under cultivation, represents a vast potential market for Monsanto and other biotechnology companies. MON810 is designed to combat pests and enhance yields.

"We would be very disappointed to see Romania following France even in attempting to ban such a product, which has proved its benefits to farmers in Romania," said Cristina Cionga, the manager for public and government affairs for Monsanto Romania. "Our products are completely safe for planting and consumption."

EU authorities approved MON810 for cultivation a decade ago, but since then four EU countries - Austria, Greece, Hungary and, most recently, France - have imposed bans. Poland operates restrictions on the sale and import of gene-altered seeds, and very little cultivation takes place there.

Most of these countries, including France and Hungary, which are the second- and third-biggest corn growers in Europe, justified the bans on the grounds that the crops potentially could harm soils and reduce biodiversity.

Even in countries that do not operate formal bans, there are impediments.

Italy, which grows roughly the same amount of corn as Hungary, has delegated decisions on biotech crops to its regions, many of which operate de facto bans. In Tuscany, for example, the supply of gene-altered produce is prohibited in catering for schools, hospitals, convalescent homes and in local and regional government offices.

Romania planted only about 325 hectares, or 800 acres, of MON810 in 2007 and this year is expected to plant about 10,000 hectares. That still represents just a fraction of the roughly 2 million to 3 million hectares of corn planted each year in Romania.

Even so, Korodi's strategy would mark a major change for Romania.

Over the past decade, Romania became the largest producer of gene-altered crops in Europe because of large amounts of modified soy, mostly produced by Monsanto and Pioneer, a unit of DuPont. That crop was approved for use by farmers in Romania but not in the EU, and the government had to pledge to stop growing the crop when Romania joined the bloc in 2007.

In the future, Korodi said, farmers - particularly those with small plots in mountainous areas - could prosper from selling smaller quantities of unmodified produce, as it would command higher prices on local and international markets.

"GMOs mean crops are cheaper to produce," Korodi said. "But if we look at the market price that GMO-free crops earn, and we look at the costs to biodiversity of using GMOs, then non-GMO crops are better," he said.

Early this month the Hungarian agriculture minister, Joszef Graf, said his country's seed industry earned 25 percent more by selling seeds that had not been cross-pollinated with altered crops.

But Nathalie Moll, a spokeswoman for Europabio, a group representing the biotechnology industry, said seed companies had disputed the minister's statement.

Klaus Reinsberg, a senior researcher at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, said growing nonbiotech crops was often more expensive, requiring more manual labor to remove weeds and to control pests. But labor costs in Romania remain low compared to other parts of the EU, potentially giving the country a competitive advantage.

Even so, Romania would still have to prove it could grow produce to high standards for specialized markets and finicky consumers, and deliver those goods to markets on time.

"Countries like Romania and Ukraine are dreaming of producing organic products and to export them for the profits they can bring," Reinsberg said. "But organic products can have diseases and fungus." He also said that a big problem for countries like Romania was a "lack of logistics."

Despite such hurdles, environmental groups welcomed signs of a change of heart in Romania.

"It marks a seismic change," said Geert Ritsema, who campaigns against genetic engineering for Greenpeace International in Amsterdam.

The dangers of skin whitening creams(and not only)!

The Dangers of Using Skin Lightening Creams

Thursday, March 27, 2008 by: Lynn Berry

Doctors in the UK were confused by symptoms presented by a woman when no reason for her weight gain, stretch or stripe marks and inability to conceive could be found. It was only after further questioning that she admitted to using a skin lightening product (1).

The product, which is illegal in the EU, was clobetasol. This is a cream containing high levels of the steroid corticosteroid. Typically this cream is prescribed for skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis, and is only to be used for up to two weeks at a time.

The UK doctors reported that the woman far exceeded the recommended usage, using two tubes of clobetasol a week for over seven years.

Such products are being increasingly used by people in a number of countries in an attempt to lighten the skin. Older people as well use skin lightening to remove age or liver spots and other skin darkening conditions.

However few people are warned of the dangers of the toxic ingredients which, as well as containing steroids, includes hydroquinone. While hydroquinone is allowed in the US by the FDA, it is banned in Europe because of the potential to cause cancer.

The list of side effects of the steroid corticosteroid is long. The most serious is Cushing's disease, a malfunction of the adrenal glands leading to an overproduction of cortisol. Other side effects include:

* increased appetite and weight gain

* deposits of fat in chest, face, upper back, and stomach

* swelling

* slowed healing of wounds

* osteoporosis

* cataracts

* acne

* muscle weakness

* thinning of the skin

However, there are other skin lightening creams containing equally toxic chemicals. In 2003, Dr S. Allen Counter of Harvard Medical School reported that the high levels of mercury found in people, but particularly women, from Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, West Africa, and in Tanzania in East Africa related to the use of skin lightening creams.

He states that 96% of over 300 patients in the Southwestern United States that have higher than normal mercury levels were female and all had used skin lightening products; likewise 90% of women tested in clinics in Arizona who were Mexican-American had been using the same products (2).

Women more often try to whiten their skin and as a consequence poison their bodies. These lightening creams such as 'Crema de Belleza-Manning', which is made in Mexico, contain mercurous chloride and is easily absorbed through the skin.

Toxic levels of mercury lead to mercury poisoning which causes neurological and kidney damage, and may also lead to psychiatric disorders. In addition, it can lead to severe birth defects.

Fairer, lighter skins is highly valued in some countries such as Asia and India. And even in countries where traditionally a tanned skin is seen as healthier, some women are using skin lightening products to achieve the flawless look of stars, such as Cate Blanchett.

Skin lightening products reduce the amount of melanin which makes the body more vulnerable to UV rays and thus to skin cancer and ageing. It is then necessary to protect your skin from the skin.

Given that chemical skin lightening has a range of serious side effects, the best advice would be to stay clear of such products and be happy to be in your skin.


1. ((http://www.cosmeticsdesign-europe.com/n...)

2. ((http://www.boston.com/news/globe/health...)

3. ((http://arthritis.about.com/od/steroids/...)

About the author
Lynn Berry loves good food and cooking and is passionate about nutrition and natural health care. She has a website promoting healthy eating at www.low-calorie-vegetarian-recipe.com.

The safest chocolate to enjoy!

Should be the highest Cocoa percentage available and WITHOUT sugar.

CocoaVia dark chocolate lowers blood pressure and cholesterol level

03/27/2008 16:10 Source:

At first sight chocolate has nothing to do with healthy heart, low blood pressure and low levels of cholesterol, but a dream comes true.

The University of Illinois and Mars Inc. created a special chocolate that is safe for your health and even may improve it. It’s called CocoaVia dark chocolate and should be used as a balanced, low-fat diet.

What makes these bars so special? The answer is the ingredients. They contain cocoa flavanol and plant sterols or natural plant extracts.

49 people with high levels of cholesterol took part in the study. In comparison with ordinary dark chocolate, CocoaVia has excited significant decrease of cholesterol levels – total number is 2 percent, while "bad" cholesterol figures are 5.3 percent.

The consumption of Flavanol-rich chocolate also showed the reduction of blood pressure by 5 percent after eight weeks.

Pesticides and Parkinson disease

Pesticide Parkinson's link strong

13:10 GMT, Friday, 28 March 2008

There is strong evidence that exposure to pesticides significantly increases the risk of Parkinson's disease, experts believe.

It comes as another study, published in the BMC Neurology journal, has made the link to the neurological disease.

The US researchers found those exposed to pesticides had a 1.6 times higher risk after studying 600 people.

Experts said it was now highly likely pesticides played a key role - albeit in combination with other factors.

The disorder, which normally develops later in life and can affect movement and talking, is also influenced by genetic factors.

Several gene defects have been identified, but these are thought to be rare and only account for a small proportion of the 120,000 people affected by the disease in the UK.

The US team, which involved scientists from Duke University, Miami University and the Udall Parkinson's Disease Research Center of Excellence, quizzed 319 patients about their pesticide use.

The answers were compared to over 200 family members and other controls who did not have the disease.

Related individuals were chosen as they would share many environmental and genetic backgrounds in a bid to isolate the impact of the pesticides.

They found those exposed to pesticides had a 1.6 times greater risk of developing the disease.

Heavy use, classed as over 200 days exposure over a lifetime, carried over double the risk.

And the study also revealed herbicides and insecticides were the pesticides most likely to increase risk.

Key role

Lead researcher Dana Hancock said: "I think there is very strong evidence now linking the two. What we need to find out how - the biological process.

"What we noticed in our research was that recreational pesticide use in the home and garden was more of a source of exposure than occupational use."

Kieran Breen, director of research at the Parkinson's Disease Society, said the link had been recognised by earlier studies, but this study "strengthened the fact that pesticides play a key role".

However, he added: "We still don't know exactly what causes Parkinson's. It's most likely to be a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors."

He pointed out a survey of 10,000 patients by the charity had revealed only one in 10 had had long-term exposure to pesticides.

Mercury fillings baned in Norway!

Amalgam Fillings: Norway is first to ban mercury in teeth

27 March 2008

Mercury has been banned from all dental fillings in Norway. Dentists in the country had to start using safer alternatives as a matter of law from the beginning of this year. The metal has also been banned from all products, including measuring instruments.

The country had previously restricted the use of amalgam fillings, especially in children and pregnant and nursing women, but is the first in the world to enforce a complete ban.

Announcing the ban, Norway’s Minister of Environment and Development Erik Solheim said: “Mercury is among the most dangerous environmental toxins. Satisfactory alternatives to mercury in products are available, and it is therefore fitting to introduce a ban.”

Norway is concerned that mercury in our teeth and in the environment is extremely dangerous, and can harm the development of children. Unfortunately for Norway, most of the mercury in its environment comes from other countries that take a more relaxed view to one of the most toxic substances known to man.

Don’t expect our dental guardians in the UK and the USA to follow their lead any time soon.

(Source: Townsend Letter, 2008; 297: 33).


News about Vitamin D intake needs

The Healing Benefits of Sunlight and Vitamin D

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 by: Teya Skae

Whilst avoiding the harsher elements of direct sunlight is not only wise but is necessary, avoiding the sun all together and as the result, not getting enough direct sunlight on our skin, is even more problematic. So, let's examine the benefits of healthy sun exposure without getting burnt or promoting sun damage.

Did you know that according to a June 2007 study (1), not getting enough direct sunlight increases our chances of cancer by at least 70%? Why? Because our bodies need natural sunlight to synthesize adequate amounts of vitamin D in order to keep our bones strong and healthy, as well as support the immune system.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D, in the form of calciferol (vitamin D3) is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is found in food, but also can be made in your body after exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Vitamin D exists in several forms, each with a different function. Some forms are relatively inactive in the body, and have limited ability to function as a vitamin. The liver and kidneys help convert vitamin D to its active hormone form known as calcitriol; so, in actual fact, vitamin D technically is sunlight derived pro-hormone calcitriol. Vitamin D in its active pro-hormone form of calcitriol is important in determining how our cells express themselves and is vital in the production of various hormones and neurotransmitters (messengers in the brain). For the purpose of more clarity and understanding we will refer to calcitriol as vitamin D.

The major biological function of vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D helps us absorb calcium, and thus helps to form and maintain strong bones and teeth. It regulates bone mineralization in unison with a number of other vitamins, minerals, and hormones. In short, without vitamin D, bones start to become thin, brittle, soft, or misshapen. Vitamin D prevents rickets in children, osteoporosis and osteomalacia in adults.

What does the latest research on Vitamin D offer us?

It offers us practical advice in preventing some serious health issues.

Exciting new research conducted at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Nebraska has revealed that supplementing with vitamin D and calcium can reduce your risk of cancer by at least 60 percent. This includes breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer and other forms of cancer. This research provides strong new evidence that vitamin D is the single most effective medicine against cancer, far outpacing the benefits of any cancer drug known to modern science.

The Nebraska 4-year placebo-controlled study has revealed that the group receiving the calcium and vitamin D supplements showed at least 60 percent decrease in cancers. Note that these astonishing effects were achieved on what many nutritionists consider to be a low dose of vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight, which creates even more vitamin D in the body, was not tested or considered, and the quality of the calcium supplements was likely not as high as it could have been (it was probably calcium carbonate and not high-grade calcium aspartate, oratate or citrate).

So what is the bottom line of all this?

The bottom line is that if you take good-quality calcium supplements (for better health avoid pasteurized milk) and get adequate natural sunlight exposure or supplement with a good source of vitamin D (such as high quality cod liver oil), you could easily improve on the 60 percent reductions recorded in this study... but why is it better to get vitamin D from the sun?

Vitamin D, as calciferol (D3) is found in the foods listed below. Most people would not eat these foods on a daily basis all year round and, for this reason would need to get the active form of vitamin D with careful exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Please note it has to be ultraviolet rays of the sun (UV) as these are the only ones that actually trigger the synthesis of vitamin D in our body. So if you rely on solariums or sun tan beds to get your natural sunlight, check if they radiate some ultraviolet rays.

Foods that contain Vitamin D3 and the amount in International Units (IU):

* 1 Tablespoon Cod Liver Oil - 1,360 IU

* 100gr Salmon, cooked - 360 IU

* 100gr Mackerel, cooked - 345 IU

* 100gr Sardines, canned in oil, drained - 270 IU

* 250ml Milk, nonfat, reduced fat, and whole, vitamin D fortified - 98 IU

* 1 whole Egg soft boiled, (vitamin D is present in the yolk) - 25 IU

Source: (http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/982088787.html)

It is interesting to note here that one would need to drink at least a litre of milk a day to get the minimum requirements of vitamin D, which is around 400 IU. If we were to expose at least 20% of our skin to sunlight all year round for up to 10 minutes a day without any SPF, then we would ensure adequate amounts of vitamin D. The fairer your skin the less direct exposure is needed to activate vitamin D synthesis. For people with very fair skin, just a short burst of sunshine on their skin would also be enough.

As we know the liver and kidney help convert vitamin D to its active hormone form. If anyone has impaired liver or kidney functions then they would require more vitamin D synthesis either from direct sunlight or good quality supplements.

It is imperative to have a simple blood test that a General Practitioner can request, to check your current levels of vitamin D before considering any supplementation. This is because over supplementing with vitamin D could have serious consequences, such as bone resorption (breaking down of the calcium) and soft tissue calcification (hardening). It is very important to know this before considering taking any cod liver oil or other vitamin D supplements. It is very wise to have your vitamin D levels checked 3-4 months after initial supplementation to see if a deficiency is still present.

Deficiency or insufficiency of natural sunlight and vitamin D has been associated with the following conditions:

* adrenal insufficiency

* Alzheimer's

* allergies

* autoimmune disorders including multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis

* cancers of the colon, breast, skin and prostate

* depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

* diabetes, Type 1 and 2

* gluten intolerance, lectin intolerance

* heart disease, hypertension, Syndrome X

* infertility, sexual dysfunction

* learning and behavior disorders

* misaligned teeth and cavities

* obesity

* osteopenia, osteoporosis, osteomalacia (adult rickets)

* Parkinson's


* psoriasis

source: Krispin Sullivan (http://www.sunlightandvitamind.com)

Here is an overview of some obvious health related issues from Vitamin D deficiency

* Vitamin D and Bone Health: Having adequate levels of vitamin D in your body helps keep your bones strong and helps prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D deficiency (which often masquerades as calcium deficiency) has been associated with greater incidence of hip fractures. A greater vitamin D intake from diet and supplements has been associated with less bone loss in older women. Since bone loss increases the risk of fractures, vitamin D supplementation may help prevent fractures resulting from osteoporosis.

* Diabetes: Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with insulin deficiency and insulin resistance. In fact it was shown in a 2001 study (2) that vitamin D deficiency is likely to be a major factor contributing to the onset of type 1 diabetes in children, as human milk often lacks vitamin D.

* Infertility and PMS: Infertility is associated with low vitamin D, and PMS has been completely reversed by the addition of calcium, magnesium, boron and vitamin D.

* Fatigue and Depression: Activated vitamin D as calcitriol, in the adrenal gland regulates tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme necessary for the production of dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline. The adrenal glands pump these hormones to help us cope with daily stress. Hence, when adrenals have been pumping these powerful hormones for some time our bodies begin to experience constant exhaustion which leads to chronic fatigue. Not having adequate levels of vitamin D may contribute to chronic fatigue and depression.

* Syndrome X: Vitamin D deficiency has been clearly linked with Syndrome X – fat gain around the middle section (3). Syndrome X results from insulin resistance (the inability to properly deal with dietary carbohydrates and sugars), abnormal blood fats (such as elevated cholesterol and triglycerides), overweight, and high blood pressure. Syndrome X condition requires a complete lifestyle and dietary change, focusing on reducing stress levels, which activate these adrenal hormones and promote weight gain, for improvement and long term management.

Vitamin D and Steroids

Steroids, like prednisone, are often prescribed to reduce inflammation related to a variety of medical problems. These medicines may be essential for a person's medical treatment, but they have potential side effects, including decreased calcium absorption.

There is some evidence that steroids may also impair vitamin D metabolism, further contributing to the loss of bone and development of osteoporosis associated with steroid medications. For these reasons, individuals on chronic steroid therapy should consult with their physician or nutritionist about the need to increase vitamin D intake through carefully monitored dietary supplements.

The World Health Organization states that 70% of all cancers are easily preventable through dietary and lifestyle changes. The latest Nebraska research shows us that sunlight and calcium supplements can reduce cancer risks by 77% in women. The question is why won't conventional medicine embrace this low-cost, safe and highly effective method for preventing cancer?

Another question we might ask is why do we not hear as much about the importance of vitamin D as we hear about calcium? The reasons for this, as most would already know, there are no profits in promoting natural sunlight, not for the cancer council or for the pharmaceuticals industry.

In conclusion of the safest way of ensuring adequate vitamin D, getting at least some early morning direct sunlight is very beneficial for all of us. The best sun exposure during summer would be 10 minutes approximately of early morning sun before 9 am or late afternoon after 5 pm.

If planning to stay out longer then applying some natural, chemical-free SPF 15 + sunscreen (you can find these in some health food stores as they are becoming more popular) would be safe for your skin. During winter, 20 minutes of direct sun even during the day on hands, neck, feet, and legs would be ideal. If direct sunlight is not possible in the winter then carefully supplementing with cod liver oil, only if the blood tests reveal a vitamin D deficiency would be beneficial. It is important to understand that the darker your skin, the more sunlight is needed to activate vitamin D synthesis.
For the albino population (people with very sun sensitive skin as they lack pigment), the good news is that less direct sun is required, even a short burst of early morning sun would be enough to stimulate vitamin D activation in their system.

In addition, having a diet high in antioxidants - the good guys that prevent premature ageing (antioxidants from super-foods like Wolfberries, blueberries and pomegranates) - is known to help protect the skin from rapid sunburn and premature ageing. In fact, some natural chemical-free sun tan lotions contain fair amounts of antioxidants such as vitamin A and E. The amount of antioxidants that we would require daily would be quite high and probably unachievable for most people. The ideal amount would be more than just a punnet of blueberries; more like 3 or 4 punnets of organic blueberries daily. Yet, if we take super-foods such as Ningxia wolfberries then we might get closer to the ideal antioxidant intake. So, enjoy some fun in the sun and ensure that you have adequate amounts of Vitamin D in your system all year round for optimum health, vitality and longevity.


1. Lappe JM, Travers-Gustafson D, Davies KM, Recker RR, Heaney RP. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Jun;85(6):1586-91.

2. Ortlepp JR, Lauscher J, Hoffmann R, Diabet Med. 2001 ct;18(10):842-5

3. Henendez C, Lage M, Peino R, J Endocrinol. 2001 Aug;170(2):425-31

McMichael AJ, Hall AJ. Multiple sclerosis and ultraviolet radiation: time to shed more light.Neuroepidemiology. 2001 Aug;20(3):165-7.

Wortsman J, Matsuoka LY, Chen TC, Lu Z, Holick MF. Decreased bioavailability of vitamin D in obesity. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Sep;72(3):690-3)


About the author
Teya Skae M.A., B.A.,Dip Health Sciences, Dip Clinical Nutrition
Health/Life Coach and Educator
Teya is the founder of Empowered Living
specialising in Neurologically Balancing busy people for chronic fatigue, corporate burnout, physical/emotional stress, Emotional Freedom Technique to resolve energy blocks, Metabolic Typing Nutrition and Results Fat Loss. Teya writes article for various publications and runs empowering educational courses in the area of balancing your health, physical body,emotions, and how to have more energy to enjoy your Life!

Post-surgery acupuncture

Acupuncture Reduces Post-Surgery Pain While Reducing Need for Pain Drugs

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 by: David Gutierrez

Acupuncture may reduce the pain experienced by patients after surgery, and decrease their need for pain-killing drugs, according to a new study conducted by researchers from the Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina and presented at an American Society for Anesthesiology conference in San Francisco.

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into certain key (predetermined) points in the body. There is evidence of the practice existing in China anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 years ago.

"The use of acupuncture is still very under-appreciated," said Dr. Tong-Joo Gan, vice chairman of Duke's anesthesiology department. "Western doctors are typically not trained [in acupuncture], and they really are not familiar with how it works. I think practitioners such as surgeons and anesthesiologists need to have an open mind."

Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 15 different clinical trials in which patients had received acupuncture treatment either before or after an operation. The analysis showed that regardless of whether acupuncture was done before or after the surgery, such patients experienced significantly less pain after their operation than patients who had not had acupuncture. These same patients also used less pain medication, and as a result they suffered fewer negative side effects, such as nausea and vomiting.

Patients who had not received acupuncture were 1.5 times more likely to experience drug-related nausea, 1.6 times more likely to experience drug-related dizziness and 3.5 times more likely to experience drug-related urinary retention problems.

According to the National Institutes of Health, studies have also shown acupuncture to reduce the nausea caused by chemotherapy.

Gan believes that acupuncture should become a common part of surgery. "I do it all the time," he said. "You give patients the acupuncture about half an hour before surgery and continue during surgery. It can reduce post-operative pain."


Essential oils extracts and health

Raise Your Immunity Frequency With Essential Oils to Beat the Common Cold

Monday, March 24, 2008 by: Teya Skae

The humble cold is one of the most common illnesses, leading to more doctor visits and absences from school and the workforce than any other illness every year. So what causes you to catch colds? Technically you do not "catch" colds but, rather, become infected with a cold/flu bacteria or virus.

Whether you come down with a cold is due to the fact of whether your immune system is working at its best to ward off invaders. When we function at our optimal level, our immune system – which protects us from invading bacteria and other micro-organisms – can cope. However, when we are stressed our immune system is greatly challenged and that is when we spiral downwards because our healthy body frequency range is lowered, allowing the invading microbes to take over our system.

What is meant by Healthy Frequency Range?

Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. Every living thing has a frequency, including our brain and our bodies. Electrical frequency is measured in hertz (Hz), kilohertz (kHz), and megahertz (MHz). The average frequency of a healthy human body is between 62 - 78 Hz.

How is all of this known?

In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, a division of Eastern Washington State University, developed new equipment to measure electrical frequency in humans and foods. This equipment was used in a research study at Johns Hopkins University to determine the relationships between frequency and diseases. Tainio found the average frequency of a human body is between 62 - 78 Hz, the upper body being between 70 - 78 Hz and the lower from 62 - 70Hz.

Further support for these findings is given by Dr. Robert O. Becker M.D. in his book, The Body Electric, who also explains that a person's health can be determined by the frequency of the person's body.

Another doctor and scientist, whose research has been buried for some time but has managed to resurface due to the work of avid supporters, is Dr. Royal Raymond Rife M.D. who developed a frequency generator in the late 1920's. In brief, Rife successfully treated 1,000 patients diagnosed with incurable cancer in the 1930's. He was honoured with 14 awards and an honorary doctorate. After the unsuccessful attempt by pharmaceutical companies to buy out his research and equipment, his office was ransacked, his research paperwork was stolen and the machine that healed all those 1,000 "incurable" cancer patients was destroyed.

In 1934, before this destruction occurred, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife's San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. The team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients - if still alive - in 90 days.

After the 90 days of treatment, the Committee concluded that 86.5% of the patients had been completely cured. The treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 13.5% of the patients also responded within the next four weeks. The total recovery rate using Rife's technology was 100%, (http://www.rife.org) .

What Rife had developed was a 100% effective cure for many forms of cancer. So why do we not know about this and why are there so many cancer research foundations in existence? Put simply, it is due to the economic motives of the orthodox medical community, which relies on funding for cancer research - such funding often coming from pharmaceutical companies - and whose fortunes would be damaged if a cure for cancer was found. (That is, it's OK to search for a cure but not really find one!)

"In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy." - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1937)

What Rife proved is that every health disorder has a frequency, which in turn responds (resonates) to a specific (optimal) frequency for its dissolving/healing in the body. People who maintain their optimal frequency, at least of their immune system, would prevent development of symptoms and illnesses associated with the common cold. Of course, in practise this does not work for most of us because, being human, we experience stress and emotional challenges on a daily basis, which lower our body's frequency. Hence, we need to raise our body frequency regularly/daily with the right substances that are compatible at the cellular and energetic level of our being, rather than wait until our body frequency has dropped so low that it becomes a friendly host for microscopic invaders.

How can this be proven?

According to a report (Epidemiology, May 2001; 11:345-349), psychological stress - particularly the chronic type that may accompany a personality with a negative outlook - is a risk factor for contracting colds. An optimistic outlook and outgoing personality seemed to protect individuals, researchers found.

The findings indicate that high levels of psychological stress are closely associated with contracting the common cold. While the common cold is rarely a serious health hazard, it is responsible for about 30 million days of lost work in the U.S. alone each year.

To investigate whether stress increased the likelihood of developing a cold, the researchers surveyed more than 1,100 Spanish university staff and students at regular intervals over a one year period. The study focused on different types of stress, including stress from life events, perceived stress, having a generally negative outlook, anxious or compulsive personality, compared with having a positive outlook/attitude to life.

Individuals with a negative outlook were at greatest risk of developing colds - regardless of their intake of vitamin C and zinc or their smoking and drinking habits.

The next highest-risk individuals were those who believed that they were under stress. These people were nearly three times as likely to develop a cold, according to the report.

Why should Antibiotics be avoided?

Colds can be contracted as the result of contact with more than 200 different viruses. However, among all of the cold viruses, the rhinovirus and the coronavirus cause the majority of colds. Each time you have a cold, it is caused by a distinct virus - e.g. adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus, and coronavirus. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria. They are tiny clusters of genetic material surrounded by a protein 'wrapper'.

Medical science currently does not have any drugs that can kill these viruses. Antibiotics, including penicillin, do not have any effect on viruses. They are only used to treat secondary bacterial infections that can further complicate the effects of a cold.

How Are Colds Actually Contracted?

The most common source of infection is not from coughing or sneezing, or walking barefoot in the rain, but from hand-to-hand contact. That is why, when you have a cold, washing your hands frequently is very important. The likelihood of contracting the cold virus increases, however, if one is overtired and physically exhausted.

Most uncomplicated colds last eight to nine days; about 25% last two weeks; and 5-10% last three weeks.

As long as one's temperature remains below 38.8 degrees Celsius, there is no need to lower it. Cold viruses do not reproduce at higher body temperatures. In fact, a slight fever should help us get rid of the virus quicker and feel better much sooner. It is our body's own way of ridding itself of toxins.

Why are Aspirin and Tylenol counterproductive?

A study (J Infect Dis, Dec 1990; 162(6):1277-82) showed that people who take aspirin and Tylenol (acetaminophen) suppress their body's ability to produce antibodies that destroy the cold virus. This actually causes the body to take longer to fight the cold and it accounts for any secondary infections and post-nasal drip.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Getting the Common Cold?

While orthodox medicine does not have the answer for colds and 'flu', nature does - it comes in the form of pure organic unadulterated Therapeutic Essential Oils. Why? Because they are made up of very high frequency molecules (ranging from 52MHz to 320MHz) and contain nature's wisdom and power to raise the body's frequency and to assist our immune system in fighting viral invasions.

For greater clarity, organic Therapeutic Essential Oils are not the same as everyday aromatherapy oils, which are produced for fragrance and other purposes.

We now know that, in order to prevent colds, we need our immune system to be working in top gear and our overall body frequency to be in its optimal range. Our optimal range of body frequency can be lowered by negative thoughts/emotions, stress, blood chemistry imbalance, and ingested chemicals, which allow us to contract colds and viruses in the first place. Research has found that the high frequency of essential oils creates an environment where bacteria, fungi and viruses cannot survive. Essential oils provide a high frequency environment for the body.

Researchers have found that some essential oils - oregano, thyme and rosewood oils, in particular - create an autolytic (destruction of cells and tissues by enzymes produced by the cells, themselves) reaction in organisms, including streptococcus pneumonia. Dr. Diane Horne of Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, told the 98th general assembly of the American Society of Microbiology about the serendipitous discovery of the impact of essential oils on cells such as streptococcus pneumonia (bacteria that causes a very serious type of pneumonia in children with sickle cell disease).

When Dr. Horne's co-researcher was spraying aromatic oils in the laboratory, Dr. Horne looked at the streptococcus pneumonia bacteria that she was preparing for another experiment and noticed that its cells were literally falling apart. Dr. Horne and co-worker Sue Chao, of the Young Living Essential Oils Company of Payton, Utah, tested the autolyzing properties of 74 essential oils and discovered that the best results occurred with oregano, thyme and rosewood and that intermediate inhibition of the pathogens was achieved with cinnamon oil and clove oil. Dr. Horne pointed out that the oils also proved to be a powerful remedy against E. coli (a bacterium and virus in one) and several species of fungi.

What these tests revealed is that essential oils, such as oregano, clove, cinnamon, rosewood and rosemary, are so powerful that viruses and bacteria cannot survive in their presence. That is, the viruses and bacteria are destroyed when they come into contact with these therapeutic essential oils.

Dr. Horne and the Young Living Essential Oils company are not the only ones who now use therapeutic essential oils for destroying viruses and bacteria. Up until a decade ago, France was the forerunner of medical aromatherapy, where essential oils are encapsulated and prescribed to be taken orally or as suppositories by the patient.

French aromatherapy doctors employ the aromatogram, where a sample is taken from the infected area of the patient, cultivated in a laboratory, and then subjected to various essential oils to find the most effective oil to treat the infection for the specific patient.

They have found that different oil combinations work better when the oil combination is specifically blended for a patient. Even if various patients suffer from the same strain of bacteria, some oils seem to work better on certain people than on others.

While this is an over-simplification of the serious medicinal aspects of aromatherapy, it is helpful, nevertheless, in demonstrating the effectiveness of therapeutic essential oils in the medical arena.
In this particular field of essential oil therapy, there are some prominent medical doctors, such as Dr. Lapraz and Dr. Duraffourd of Paris, who have undertaken thousands of clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of essential oils in medical applications.

How Do Essential Oils Exert Such Powerful Effects In Our Bodies?

Chemically, essential oils' cell structure is very similar to the human cell structure. The essential oil of a plant and the human blood share several common properties.

The 4 primary elements in both human beings and essential oils:

* Plant Cells - carbon hydrogen nitrogen oxygen

* Human Cells - carbon hydrogen nitrogen oxygen

This shared chemistry makes essential oils one of the most compatible of all plant substances with human biochemistry. In addition, essential oils have a protein-like structure that is similar to that found in human cells and tissues, which allows the human protein cell structure to readily identify and accept the chemical constituents (powerful healing properties) of essential oils.

Essential oils have been proven to fight infection, improve the immune system and, because they contain hormone-like compounds, are very effective in initiating cellular/tissue regeneration. Why do they do this? Simply, because it is their job; because Mother Nature intended them to do so in order to protect the plants, themselves. Let's examine how...

Working as the chemical defence mechanism of the plant, essential oils possess potent antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties. Essential oils are the plant liquid containing the Life Force of a plant. Analogous with the human body, essential oils are the blood plasma of a plant. They are volatile liquids distilled from various parts of plants, including seeds, bark, leaves, stems, roots, flowers and fruit (essential oils are sensitive to heat and should not be burned, as that destroys their therapeutic properties).

If a leaf or any part of a plant has been cut or damaged for some reason, the plant releases a liquid substance that protects it from further damage from microbes, bacteria, and viruses, and helps the plant to regenerate itself. This liquid is the essential oil that helps the plant to survive, which is why essential oils are called essential. Put simply, without it, the plant can't survive. This same principle works in a very similar way in the human body, due to the fact that essential oils can permeate our tissues by being so highly compatible with our cell structure. How can this be possible?
It is possible because essential oils are complex substances, each containing 80 – 300 compounds of different chemical constituents, and all these compounds work synergistically. Hence, nature's wisdom is encoded in the life force of a plant. Because essential oils are the life force of a plant, they need to be treated with the utmost professional respect and understating in order to retain their powerful healing properties.

So, how therapeutic are they?

Just follow your nose! The smell of the oil reveals how pure and potent it is. For example, when inhaling any oil - particularly peppermint, lavender or rosemary - the smell should linger on in the brain and have a very fresh smell. If it has a very sharp tinge to it or causes a sudden sharp sensation in the any part of the head, it contains chemicals which are 'playing' with the neurotransmitters and receptor sites in your brain. It also helps if you ask the company where and how they distill the oils and what chemicals are used. Many essential oil companies still use solvents in the process of distillation. You can tell by the smell. Why do they do it? Because distillation is a very expensive process, which requires time, care and integrity.

A brief look at some essential oils and the results of research so far:

Oregano is very aggressive against all microbes and it helps with digestive problems and is anti-inflammatory. Oregano and cinnamon tested at 95% efficiency against candida, E. coli and streptococcus strains.

Thyme oil is very powerful oil on viruses and has demonstrated protective properties for liver, kidneys and the heart due to its very high antioxidant properties.

Fennel oil, strengthens digestion, expels parasites and supports and raises overall metabolism.

Fennel and Juniper together exert a warming effect on the kidneys; very helpful during winter.

Cinnamon is 99.9% effective against all viruses. Ebola virus cannot survive in the presence of pure unadulterated cinnamon.

Rosemary is effective for parasites, fungi and, therefore, candida.

Clove is highly protective, and is the most powerful antioxidant in nature.

In summary, orthodox medicine has no cure for the common cold and the latest mainstream advice for preventing colds comes from studies on stress, stating to just avoid stress. This is neither possible nor realistic for the majority of the population as stress is always there in some way, emotional or just the demands of the 21st century. Extensive scientific research has proven that essential oils are quite capable of fighting the common cold because they are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory.

Using Grade-A organic therapeutic essential oils may help your immune system to ward off the attacks of the common cold as well as destroy other microbial invasions, such as candida infections, viruses and parasites. As essential oils are very high frequency molecules, ranging from 52MHz - 320MHz, they are able to raise our overall body frequency (which is 62-78 Hz when in its healthy range) every time we use them. This way, essential oils are the best ammunition against the common cold as well as destroying unwelcome microbial invasions, along with the daily dose of genuine positive thinking.


(http://sfpa.club.fr/statutsus.html) Zheng GQ, et al. Sesquiterpenese from clove as potential anticarcinogenic agents. J.Nat Prod. 1992 July;55(7):999-1003.

Chao, et al. Screening for Inhibitory Activity of Essential Oils on Selected Bacteria, Fungi, and Viruses. Journal of essential Oil Research, 1997.

Chao, et al., Antimicrobial Effects of Essential Oils on Streptococcus pneumonia. Journal of essential Oil Research 2001.

Essential Oil Desk Reference, Essential Science Publishing, USA. 3rd ed. 2004




Robert O. Becker. The Body Electric New York, Marrow 1985.

About the author
Teya Skae M.A., B.A.,Dip Health Sciences, Dip Clinical Nutrition
Health/Life Coach and Educator
Teya is the founder of Empowered Living
specialising in Neurologically Balancing busy people for chronic fatigue, corporate burnout, physical/emotional stress, Emotional Freedom Technique to resolve energy blocks, Metabolic Typing Nutrition and Results Fat Loss. Teya writes article for various publications and runs empowering educational courses in the area of balancing your health, physical body,emotions, and how to have more energy to enjoy your Life!