Great minds and souls whose quotes can inspire ...
Some quotes to follow:
Personal growth ,life-coaching,positive and transpersonal psychology , education for all,INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE. HAPPINESS, WELL-BEING,WISDOM, HARMONY, COMMITMENT TO LIFE MISSION AND VALUES
Some quotes to follow:
The Actualization of Divinity
by Audrey Kitagawa
Audrey Kitagawa is the advisor at the Office of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict. She is also the spiritual leader of a worldwide community based in Honolulu. The following remarks were made at a panel presentation on global consciousness at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Barcelona, Spain, in July 2004.
"I believe that in each of us, there is the voice of advocacy and there is the voice of inspiration. The voice of advocacy helps us to be aware of what exactly is going on in the global landscape, because we cannot live in this modern world ignorant of the suffering of our brothers and sisters. We must do what it takes to raise the awareness all over the world that suffering has a human face and that we cannot live independently of each other but must be fully engaged in all of the issues that concern our human family. Ultimately, we do belong to one human family, and we do live in one home, and that home is the Earth. So we must fully understand that we do not live separate lives; that we are all intertwined and interconnected; and that your suffering is my suffering, your joy is my joy, the upliftment of one person is the upliftment of all persons, and the degradation of one human being is the degradation of all of us.
I'd like to call attention to the fact that between 1986 and 1996 alone, we had well over three hundred thousand children involuntarily conscripted to fight in adult wars. If ever you want to decimate a people and a culture, what you will do is decimate its children. Using our children as commodities of war is reprehensible, and we must do our best to protect and save them, because they are our treasures and the progenitors of our future. If we want to see how civilized any culture is, we must study how it is treating its children. And when we understand that half of the refugees in the world are children, we have to seriously examine how we, as so-called civilized people, are allowing such situations to occur.
At the same time, the voice of advocacy must ultimately be rooted in the voice of inspiration. And the voice of inspiration finds as its source and its wellspring our intimate individual and collective connection to the divine source. We must come to understand that the realization of that divinity is not somewhere far away in the heavens but right here within the sacred chamber of our own hearts. And the actualization of the divine in daily life comes from our ability to love and live love in our own lives, as a daily discipline in our thoughts, in our speech, and in our actions. We need to turn the searchlight inward and undertake a ceaseless, fearless self-examination to see how we must change. We have to be able to expunge all arrogance and egoism, to come to that humble state of "not I but Thou," "not my will but Thy will." We must be in that state of surrender where we will receive wisdom from the still, small voice of God that is already within our heart and is speaking to us every moment that we live. And when we talk about realizing God, we must realize that God is in the magnificence of the ordinariness of daily life. God is in how we share our love, heart to heart, with our brothers and sisters, in our own families, within our own communities. Are our thoughts kind and loving? Is our speech kind and loving? Are our actions kind and loving? For we cannot talk about all that is going on in the global landscape, we cannot talk about love as a philosophy, and not be able to bring that love into how we are living our daily lives.
So for all of us, this speaks to a profound personal responsibility. Each of us has value, each of our lives counts, and what we do in the world has an impact upon the collective. Therefore, we must never abdicate our personal responsibility to do our best to live rightly, to be in union with the divine, to actualize the divinity in our daily lives, by living love. "
"Integral" means "inclusive, balanced, comprehensive." The Integral approach may be contrasted to other methods—mythic, rational-scientific, pluralistic—which, as they themselves announce, exclude other approaches as being inferior. They are thus, by definition, partial and incomplete. These latter methods, although widely accepted and dominant in the world's cultures, tend to generate partial analysis and incomplete solutions to problems. As such, they appear less efficient, less effective, and less balanced than the Integral approach.
Like any truly fundamental advance, the Integral approach initially seems complicated but eventually is understood to be quite simple and even straightforward. It's like using a word processor: at first it is hard to learn, but eventually it becomes incredibly simple to use.
The easiest way to understand the Integral approach is to remember that it was created by a cross-cultural comparison of most of the known forms of human inquiry. The result was a type of comprehensive map of human capacities. After this map was created (by looking at all the available research and evidence), it was discovered that this integral map had five major aspects to it. By learning to use these five major aspects, any thinker can fairly easily adopt a more comprehensive, effective, and integrally informed approach to specific problems and their solutions—from psychology to ecology, from business to politics, from medicine to education.
What are these five aspects? Technically they are referred to as "quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types." Of course, unless one has already learned the "word processing system," as it were, then these aspects won't make much sense. But they are indeed very simple and easy to use once one gets the hang of it.
There is an important point about these five aspects. Because the integral map that they were drawn from was created by an extensive cross-cultural comparison of human capacities, these five aspects appear to be potentials available to all human beings. (We will see examples of this in a moment). Thus, the integral approach does not ask a person to adopt anything that they do not already have available to them. This is not some "outside" philosophy that people are asked to believe, but a pointer to potentials that they already possess but perhaps are not fully utilizing or expressing.
For example, one of the five aspects—called quadrants —refers to the fact that all major human languages have first-, second-, and third-person pronouns (for example: I, you/we, and it). These three dimensions of reality (I, we, and it) often show up as art, morals, and science (or the aesthetic expression of "I," the morals of "we," and the objective "its" of science)—the Beautiful, the Good, and the True is another version of these dimensions.
If we realize that "it" can appear in plural, or "its," then we have the "four quadrants" or dimensions that are present in all major human languages: I, we, it, and its—or the intentional, cultural, behavioral, and social dimensions of all human beings.
Notice some of the major and extremely influential modes of inquiry that are based in each of the quadrants:
Upper Left: phenomenology, psychotherapy, meditation, emotional intelligence, personal transformation
Upper Right: empiricism, scientific analysis, quality control, behavioral modification
Lower Left: multiculturalism, postmodernism, worldviews, corporate culture, collective values
Lower Right: systems theory, social systems analysis, techno-economic modes, communication networks, systems analysis
Which of those approaches is right? All of them, according to Integral theory.
The Integral approach simply points out that these dimensions of reality are present in all cultures, and therefore any truly comprehensive or integral approach would want to touch bases with all of those important dimensions, because they are in fact operating in people in any event, and if we do not include them in our analysis, we will have a partial, fragmented, and broken approach to any proposed solution.
Likewise with the other major aspects (levels, lines, states, and types). Most natural organisms show a capacity for development—an acorn grows into an oak through various levels or stages of growth. Human beings likewise show various stages of growth, which can occur in many of their innate capacities or functions: humans can evidence cognitive development, moral development, psychosexual development, interpersonal development, and so on. In short, human beings seem to have many developmental lines (cognitive, moral, psychosexual, etc.) that unfold in various levels or stages of development—what we call levels and lines.
The Integral map simply includes as many of these levels and lines as possible, because they seem to be operating in people in any event, and taking them into account would thus appear crucial in any truly comprehensive or integral approach to the world's problems.
Finally, we have "states" and "types." Types: there appear to be different types of awareness. For example, one of the most commonly discussed is that of masculine and feminine ways of knowing (where the masculine type appears to be more autonomous and analytic, and the feminine type more relational and embodied). The important point is: are we acknowledging and taking into account the fact that there might be different types or ways of looking at a problem, or are we trying to take one way and force it on others?
The same with "states": Not only do human beings appear to have various types of consciousness and various stages of consciousness, they also seem to have many different states of consciousness. Many of the major states are well-known—waking, dreaming, and sleeping, for example—and once again, these major states are clearly potentials that are present in all human beings.
Thus, to briefly summarize: the Integral approach looks at any problem—personal, social, ecological, international—and attempts to identify all of the important variables that are contributing to the problem in each of the five major domains (quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types). A truly Integral approach might draw equally on systems theory and meditation, technological innovations and emotional intelligence, corporate culture and behavioral modification—the full spectrum of potentials in all of the quadrants, all of the levels, all of the lines, all of the states, all of the types.
The Integral approach thus elicits solutions that acknowledge and incorporate all of these important factors, without excluding or denying any of them—because all of them are clearly affecting the present situation and the problems being generated, and anything less than a truly Integral approach might actually make matters worse, not better.
Combating Absolutisms for More Effective and Balanced Solutions
By contrast, the methods of the other major approaches now widely used—mythic-religious, rational-scientific, and pluralistic—appear to have major biases built into them, because they advance their truth as the only fundamentally correct approach while condemning the others as inferior or even dangerous.
An obvious example is the rational-scientific method in its exclusive form. It focuses problem analysis (and solution) on systems and processes, and for the most part excludes issues associated with individual meaning, aesthetics, and group culture. Even systems theory, which claims to be "comprehensive" and "all-inclusive," in fact privileges the "it" and "its" domains—and explicitly denies irreducible reality to all of the "I" and "thou" and "we" domains of aesthetics, morals, and culture. In other words, science and systems theory absolutize their own favorite quadrants (the "it" and "its" dimensions).
Likewise, postmodern pluralism often grants reality to the social or cultural dimension (we), but it tends to deny any sort of objective reality. Pluralism tends to absolutize the "we" dimension and deny reality to objective "it" and "its." All science is therefore looked upon as a mere interpretation, much like poetry. But clearly, a diamond will cut a piece of glass no matter what culture it appears in. In other words, there are important objective truths (or "its") that need to be honored if any enduring solutions to the world's problems are to be discovered.
Thus, the Integral approach accepts the partial truths of both science and pluralism—they are each correct when dealing with their own quadrant or dimension— but denies that they alone have the only truth. By combining all of their important contributions, the Integral approach is able to offer fresh, comprehensive, and exciting approaches to resolving some of the world's recalcitrant problems.
Specific Applications
The value of a more comprehensive or integral map lies in the fact that it can be fruitfully applied to virtually any human endeavor, thus significantly increasing the probability that specific issues and problems can more effectively and efficiently be addressed and resolved.
These include such pressing issues as:
Educational Problems and Solutions
Business and Organizational Leadership
Environmental and Ecological Problems
Health and Medical Issues
Political Problems and Solutions
International Political and Military Issues
Personal Transformation and Integral Spirituality
Change Initiatives in Organizations: An Example from Business
The Integral Approach has many practical applications. It suggests that every transformational change effort needs to address all five of the major aspects of human beings. To do less than that is to leave out crucial variables that will seriously hobble effectiveness—whether the change effort involves helping individuals, creating personal meaning, addressing ecological issues, or managing sound and effective government and business leadership.
These insights can be applied to peak organizational as well as individual issues. Installing a new systems or process initiative without assuring an integrated balance of all relevant functions is a recipe for underperformance and in some cases disaster. Yet most leadership practices (in business, government, ecology, education) leave out some major aspect of human reality—they focus on only one quadrant, or only one level, or only one line, and so on—thus severely limiting their overall effectiveness.
This dangerous inadequacy returns to haunt the proponents of these partial models, as their very partialness tends to hobble truly effective change. Let's give a few well-documented examples of how such partialness can cripple business management and leadership theories and practices.
We have seen that all human beings have access to at least four major quadrants or dimensions: "I" or intentionality, "we" or culture, "it" or individual behavior, and "its" or systems behavior. In practice we find that most change agents (whether working with individuals, groups, or organizations) tend to focus on one of those quadrants at the expense of the others.
For example, behavioral modification focuses exclusively on the Upper-Right quadrant by attempting to directly change personal behavior. (In business, this includes such approaches as Total Quality Management and Theory X). Although they possess an important part of the puzzle of effective change, such methods do not address Upper-Left quadrant issues relating to individual psychological development and values-based motivations. Nor do they perform their interventions in the context of a supporting culture (Lower-Left quadrant) or organizational systems (Lower-Right quadrant). In effect, they leave out three-fourths of the factors required for a successful intervention.
Emotional intelligence training is one example of the methods (such as "Theory Y") that point out that productivity is often a product of the emotional and subjective wellbeing of the people involved. In other words, it focuses on a particular line of individual development in the Upper-Left quadrant, which can be very helpful, but it leaves out crucial factors in the other three quadrants (which usually return to sabotage any real change).
Likewise, corporate and organizational culture consultants focus on the Lower-Left quadrant, pointing out that extensive research has shown that much of an organization's performance depends on cultural values in the organization itself—an important piece of the integral puzzle, but one that, by itself, leaves out vital factors in the other quadrants.
Systems theory experts and systems managers focus on the networks of dynamic flows of products and information in vast systems of interaction. Again, this is another important piece of the integral puzzle, but one that leaves out the important interior dimensions of the I and we domains (which usually return to sabotage the system). In other words, systems experts tend to work the Lower-Right quadrant, neglecting or even excluding the other three. And so on.
What makes the Integral Approach so innovative is that, by using a more comprehensive map employing all four quadrants, the important contributions of all of those methods can be incorporated into a truly effective approach that covers all the bases. Each of those methods is addressing an important dimension of human existence, and by seeing how each of them fits together into a larger picture, they can all be used synergistically to significantly enhance effectiveness.
Including All Quadrants, All Levels, All Lines
Let's give a specific example of this using one of the quadrants—that of interior individual development (the "I," or Upper-Left quadrant). Dr. Robert Kegan of the Harvard Graduate School of Education (and a founding member of Integral Institute) is one of the world's leading psychologists and a pioneer in applying developmental theory to adult life and work challenges. In his book In Over Our Heads, Kegan documents how modern culture places implicit developmental demands on the average citizen that extend beyond the developmental levels that most other theorists document in today's developmental literature.
Kegan identifies five developmental levels or "orders of consciousness" that define how a person knows the world or constructs reality. The first three levels are similar to those found in today's child and adolescent development texts: impulsive (ages 2-6 yrs), egocentric (6-teens), and socialized or conformist (teens and beyond). Most adults (>80%) in developed nations reach at least the conformist or 3rd order of consciousness, where a person is able to internalize a value system, understand and respect the needs of others, and think abstractly.
In addition to the three commonly accepted stages or orders of consciousness development, Kegan adds two others—autonomous and integral. At the autonomous or 4th order of consciousness, a person becomes "self-authoring"—that is, they become capable of constructing their own value systems as opposed to operating within the value systems given to them by their culture, family, or place of work. And at an integral or 5th order, they begin to bring together and synthesize many different value systems into coherent and meaningful wholes.
The massive shift in the last 30 years from command-and-control corporate cultures to decentralized organizations—where business units, managers, and individual employees are given greater and greater latitude to design their own work in response to rapidly changing market conditions—reflects an implicit demand for 4th order consciousness in the workplace.
The idea of "levels and lines"—the notion that a person can be highly developed in some lines, medium in others, and poor in yet others—becomes crucially important, for example, when it comes to business leadership. Is the individual leader an "integral leader," well developed in many important lines? Or does he or she excel in one line (such as cognitive brilliance) and yet lag in others (such as interpersonal skills), so that the advances made in some areas are all but wiped out by the damage caused in others? An integral coach or trainer could help this person spot which areas need development in order to become an even more effective and successful leader.
Perhaps the foregoing examples are enough to suggest that an Integral Approach to leadership (in business, politics, ecology, education) would include a comprehensive perspective covering all the major bases. Are all the quadrants being included in the assessment and suggested interventions? Are all the developmental stages and levels being included? Are all the important developmental lines and capacities being engaged? (As well as all states and types of consciousness?)
Applying the Integral Method to Organizational Change Initiatives
The Integral approach is sometimes called AQAL (pronounced ah-qwal), short for "all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states, all types." It is also called an Integral Operating System (IOS), using a computer analogy, because once IOS is installed, you can run any applications software on it that you want (i.e., applications to organizational issues; leadership development; political, health, and environmental problems; personal psychological and spiritual transformation, and so on.)
The IOS simply checks to make sure that you are including all of the major dimensions of human existence in order to insure that whatever program you are running is as comprehensive, effective, and productive as it can possibly be—not because this is an "outside" philosophy, but because it is one that engages the potentials already present in each and every human being in the most positive fashion.
IOS can therefore serve as an invaluable tool to practitioners in their assessment and creation of a change initiative in virtually any area. The Integral Approach does not herald the development of yet another set of models and techniques that claim to solve all business problems. Instead, the Integral Approach contextualizes and shows the interrelationships between existing and future assessment and change management tools, helping practitioners call on those best for the situation at hand, leading to more effective, balanced, and sustainable change interventions. The Integral Approach to leadership in any area implies that there is no "one right way" of approaching change, but that all tools need to be carefully brought to bear on crucial issues. It is the change practitioner, in particular, that is the vital link translating theory into effective action.
An Integral Approach takes all of those factors into account, especially when researching—and then designing solutions for—recalcitrant problems such as world hunger, political turmoil, cultural clashes, educational and medical deficiencies. The Integral approach does not advocate one particular value system over another, but simply helps leaders assemble the most comprehensive overview available, so that they can more adequately and sanely address the pressing issues now facing all of us.
Likewise with issues ranging from ecological sustainability to education for a global tomorrow, from personal transformation to integral spirituality, from integral law to integral transformative practice: by becoming an integrally informed individual in any of those areas, one can leave the world just a little bit more whole than one found it.
This is published on the website:, led by Ken Wilber and any interested person can contribute as a researcher to the worldwide issues.
Nothing can be let out being integrated, each model , in each field brings an added value to other field.
All structures and infrastructures depend on TIME, SPACE ( as geography), Cultures, Spiritualities, all those being a dynamic spiral, in permanent change, usssually cyclic visible changes , as a result of human evolutionary continuous process.
In health, personal, collective , mankind health the subject is of so high interest, because, LIFE is everything we LIVE and BUILT for, so, on human beings, the reflection of all the other firlds is felt, helping or affecting.
All systems exists through 3 major synergic processes: creation, distruction and settlement.
We tend to focus on one or two, but there are always three...
For integrated health model and my work, research and practice on it, I'll continue on other messages.
Anyway, the idea is that integrated health means: mind-body-consciousness-spiritual-cultural integration of value system, of a person and the group(family, job, friends, community, society, mankind). It involves politics, administration, environment, education, culture, religion, psychology, medicine, personal growth and development.
In other words, integrated , subtle and pragmnatic karma ! We are what we work to be...
It makes a great difference and a suitable mind-shift:
It sounds better, doesn't it?
The Axioms:
The symptoms of awakening spirituality.
The 10 stages of human consciousness:
The 7 major mistakes parents make with their children:
How psycanics and Life work together:
Happiness and Love:
You live in two universes:
The cause of your emotions:
The negative emotions and how to end them:
Your life destiny:
You are the Creator of your life:
Emotions, Love & Happiness
How to eliminate your negative emotions:
If you want to live your own transformation and need some support, you can have it from USA or from myself( just drop an e-mail!)
From my friend who researches this subject:
It is the clinging attachment for material comfort and physical security…that enslave us through our false sense of security. So thosewho are free in spirit are not chained to their comfort, money, status, social expectations, dogmas and belief systems. May be in your free time you can read my article….the purpose of this discussion threads here.I really like to get the entire planet of the sucidal treadmill of mindless money machine maintained by centralized bankasaurs that is called free-market capitalism for democracy…which is an illusion we have been conditioned to accept. A big mind shift needs to happen among people who dare to dream and take mindful action. So join in.
There are 2 main Gifts I was born with which help in being the way I am: to be able to have a Vision and to be able to be foolish enough to stand up for it.
This ” being foolish” is a positive fact; I am aware that for my vision it takes many lifes to become reality in practice, but TIME is relative. Someone has to start and be foolish enough not to expect to live the concrete results.I am foolish enough to believe that people are or will be less coward; I am foolish enough to believe that LIFE IS BEYOND ANY PRICE, I am foolish enough to go on deeper for the truths (obvious for a lot), to believe that MONEY won't buy people to chase me, to threaten me, to stop me; I am foolish enough to believe that there will be a time when people will produce goods for the benefit of their lifes and not to kill and distroy their life or others; I am foolish enough to believe that integrity will be a respected VALUE and will be applied instead of corruption, which buys with Money people to lie, people to make harm to others, people to discriminate others; I am foolish enough to believe that THE HUMAN RIGHTS TREATEE, UN, WHO etc. are DOING WHAT THEY SAY AND MEANING WHAT THEY VALUE, NOT VICEVERSA; I am foolish enough to believe that man-made “diseases”, treatments, are not weapons to distroy people or experiment on lifes…. being foolish helps. I was born Gifted and I realized HOW difficult this burden is to bear. But The Universal Spirit doesn't make mistakes; IT EMPOWERED ME WITH GIFTS AND THE MAIN ONE IS FOOLISHNESS TO TRUST THAT LIVING IN ITS LIGHT AND TRUTH, IS MY MAIN SUPPORT TO LIVE MY VISION IN PRACTICE, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS IN THE LIFETIME.Being MORE THAN ONE, WE can make a difference for the TIMES TO COME!There is no other way, it's a one-way street!
HOW much MORE TIME mankind needs to wake up? For realizing that people who make a difference shouldn't be put first in prison, then offered a Nobel Prize for peace...and in between a lot of deaths?
HOW much TIME mankind needs to realize the LIES is living in, producing and maintaining, with and without awareness, and/or with a lot of money, transffered from those that produce something useful to those that produce the opossite?
HOW long we are going to live in a non-value LIFE system? We moove drugs from a place to another, we create NGO's , we so-call treat the addiction, we sell again...we buy again ...What's that? The same in cancers, in Aids, in so called threatening mankind diseases? !
Are we aware that all these we produce, we false-treate, we fear, we die, we keep the LIE alive, to keep money moving from a place to another, from a group to another group?
I don't know WHO is the FOOL in all this BIG picture? One like me, or all the rest?
At least I die for a noble cause, I die with awareness and integrity, not like a fool who doesn't make any difference in a lifetime, like "dust" in the wind.
We all are " dust", but I chose to be a spiritual one, a cosmic dust!
My speciality is "diving" deeper and deeper...
Maybe that's why my medical one is oncology, which needs spiritual identity to be understood and then, cured.
A part of the "library" to be studied, in the spare time...
EDUCATION and awareness of being spiritual entities, not limited dogmatic robots responding to commands are the KEY LIFE ISSUES of HOMO NOETICUS.
Stay tuned to the WHOLE PICTURE ! LIFE, society, democracy, health, welbeing... since ever, for ever
Diversity , the step to unity, topic developed by Plato
Democracy and the Intelligence of the society
Everything works like in a human body: a wise, almost perfect system, where each cell is responsable for its own duty, integrated with intelligence in a larger system and in the consciousness of the WHOLE system, which is : mind-soul-body-conscious HUMAN BEING.
As long as we want to treat diseases and we consider that this way we care about HUMAN health, we are WRONG.
Health means the integrated care, all the time, through the way of life, with the integrity and responsability for each and all smaller systems, for the whole mindsoul-body-consciousness to be maintained with its own powers, feelings, emotions, values, the operational ones, not only the intelligent one.
The same way a society, a community, mankind works.
As a healthy or as an unhealthy system...
We live times when political and social leaders should be Visionaires, wise, with holistic, integrated view, not only positionary, intelligent, good.
This is the part of the shift mankind is living now.
Each day, each person, each event are life lessons: our " teachers" in this trip, called conscious LIFE.
HOW to be our own leaders, WHAT to know more about WHAT and HOW LIFE/things happen or not... WHO is responsable for the quality of our own LIFE, for the happiness/sufference...
Some of the questions can be answered reading the following article:
By The Enneagram Institute-
A great article and for a GREAT way of living:
The Three Most Powerful Principles I Have Learned from Millionaires
By Dr. Robert Anthony
Over the years I have had the privilege to spend time with some very financially and spiritually enlightened people. As a result, my personal life and the way I do business has changed...
In listening to these people talk and observing how they handle their personal and business lives, three very distinct and powerful traits came to my attention. I believe if all these three traits were applied to your life, they would make such a dramatic change, that in a short time all the things you desire would show up in your life... including as much money as you desire.
I don't say that lightly, I really have been influenced by these three Spiritual Principles and their power. I believe - no, I KNOW, you will be too, if you apply them in your life.
Principle Number 1: They KNOW They Can Create Whatever They Desire...Spiritual Millionaires choose what they want instead of focusing on what they don't want. They never spend time thinking about what is "missing" from their life. Rather, they make a choice about what they want in their life.
Spiritual Millionaires have 100% confidence in the Law of Attraction. They have no doubt about their ability to create what they desire. They don't "believe" it - they KNOW it... There is a world of difference between "believing" and "knowing". When you "know" the truth about anything, there is no doubt. You have 100% confidence...
Knowing is about trusting that you are the only one who knows what is right for you, that you are capable of handling whatever comes to you, and that you are clear on your intentions or the outcome you choose to create. I've seen the power of being absolutely clear on my intentions for my life: They come true! They have for me, and I watched the Spiritual Millionaires as their intentions came to reality for them as well.
Being clear on your intentions is a good first step. However, a more powerful and life-changing step is trusting that those intentions are ALREADY a reality on the non-physical plane of consciousness, and that they must manifest in your physical reality if you do not hold any opposing thoughts. And then, "Act As If..." your intentions are reality, now. Not dishonestly, or outside of your true beliefs. But, to feel it, sense it, imagine how it's going to "show up" in various situations once it manifests in your life.
Principle Number 2: They Take Action...As I observed Spiritual Millionaires, I noticed that they didn't hesitate to move on their ideas and respond to situations that called for action in order to keep the momentum going.
Do you get the power of what this Principle is about? If you're sitting waiting for something to happen, doing other "important" tasks rather than those that you know will produce the results you desire, you are wasting time and you are no closer to your desire. Trust me on this one, I've waited for so many things in my life that never showed up!
Acting on your desire is habit that you desperately need to cultivate in order to get to where you want to be... Waiting will not do it... I watched these Spiritual Millionaires, one after another, take immediate action, not out of fear or to 'force' things to happen, but because the next action they took brought them one step closer to their desire. And, I saw tremendous results come into their lives... They don't take unnecessary action. Instead, they use the leverage of energy, the same leverage of energy that creates everything in the universe.
I have seen these Spiritual Millionaires step into spaces of discomfort, and have courage to take action. It was also evident that they were as scared to take those steps as you and I are when we're faced with the choice of moving out of our comfort zone.
It's time to "Get Moving", trust your intuition, your sense of knowing what the next step is, and take action... We often wait for the "feeling to be right" first, before we take the action we know will bring us satisfaction. That's all back-to-front... The feeling of satisfaction only comes from ACCOMPLISHMENT, not from pondering and procrastinating. (You knew that one, too, didn't you...)
Never try to force things to happen because you are afraid of what will happen if you don't take a certain action. Instead, choose 'inspired action' that moves you toward what you want, not away from what you don't want. Acting on your intentions without trying to force things to happen will magnetize your desires by attracting people, places and opportunities into your into reality that you never would have even seen if you hadn't done so.
Principle Number 3: They Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude...Spiritual Millionaires maintain an "attitude of gratitude"... Gratitude does not need explanation - you know how to be grateful. But did you know that gratitude brings you more of what you appreciate? Gratitude speeds along the manifestation of your desires.
When you find things that you appreciate and you use them as your point of focus, your world has to get better in every area of your life. Spiritual Millionaires know that every time they flood their mind with appreciation or gratitude they attract more of what they desire.
Look around you right now. What can you be grateful for? Make a list. Get into the authentic feeling of true gratitude... Find something, anything, to be grateful for right now. When you are grateful, you're in a high energy vibration that will attract more things to be grateful for and more good things will come to you magically, drawn in by your feelings of gratitude.
Dr. Robert Anthony is the author of 15 books including the million copy best sellers "The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self Confidence" and "Advanced Formula for Total Success". His latest creation is the comprehensive 6-CD training program, The Secret of Deliberate Creation.
De minimum 30-35 000 ani suntem pe aceste meleaguri ca Homo Sapiens.
Cei din urma... integrati, vor fi fost cei dintai, caci fiii isi uita uneori originea.
Cum ar arata o lume fara naturalul romanesc?! Ar fi o lume neospitaliera, artificiala, fara umor si fara Dumnezeu !
Ce ar trebui sa-i invatam pe copiii nostri? Esentialul, prezentat metaforic in materialul video urmator: