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Personal growth ,life-coaching,positive and transpersonal psychology , education for all,INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE. HAPPINESS, WELL-BEING,WISDOM, HARMONY, COMMITMENT TO LIFE MISSION AND VALUES


If you want to shift, make one, if you want a change, be the one you want to live!

How the Conscious Universe Works
by Owen Waters

"The universe only exists when you are observing it," or so
the popular theory goes.
This theory is an offspring of quantum physics. It says that,
because the observer affects the outcome of experiments, the
observer is key to reality. The theory goes on to suggest that
the universe only exists when you look at it; therefore you
must be creating the universe from your consciousness.
This is actually not a new idea. The old Zen riddle, "If a
tree falls in a forest with no one to hear it, then does it
make a sound?" reflects the same style of thinking. It suggests
that nothing happens in the universe without an observer being
There is some validity to this theory in that, at the deepest
level of consciousness, you are Infinite Being. At that deepest
level, you are that which creates the entire universe, and
maintains it in motion. However, at the everyday, human level
of consciousness, the universe exists and runs quite happily
without human intervention, whether or not anyone is watching
it. The tree makes a noise when it falls, whether or not any
human observers are present at the time.
Take, for example, the Pleiades, the star cluster which is
also called the Seven Sisters. Often, on a clear night, you can
see the Seven Sisters twinkling in the sky, even though they
are five hundred light-years distant. Because of that distance,
you are actually observing where the Seven Sisters were five
hundred years ago; it took that long for the light image to
reach your eyes. Basically, you are observing history in the
night sky, not the actual, current position of the stars.
If you were creating the universe by virtue of being its
observer, as the theory goes, then you would actually witness
the Seven Sisters in their current position, and not in the
position that they were five hundred years ago.
Nevertheless, the idea that we live in a conscious universe
has been gaining ground steadily for a number of years. What
does the term, "a conscious universe," actually mean?
The universe consists entirely of consciousness. The fabric of
the universe is consciousness. The objects in the universe are
all made of consciousness. Everything in the universe is
fabricated from aspects of original consciousness, interwoven
and set into motion.
The chair on which you sit is apparently made of physical
material. It appears to be a solid object that exists somewhere
outside of yourself. However, physical matter is composed of
subatomic energy particles, and energy is composed of
compressed consciousness. So, the chair is made up of 100%
consciousness. It only appears to be a separate object outside
of you because it is a projection of consciousness within
Physical objects have their own specific locations in space.
Space, however, is just a projected illusion, a concept
manufactured by consciousness so that the All may be divided
into an infinite variety of apparently separate parts.
Time is also a projection of consciousness. Time is a concept
whereby the infinite parts of the All can engage in the
appearance of movement. The underlying reality is still the
eternal Now, yet time makes change, and therefore an infinite
variety of experiences, to be possible.
An everyday example of projected reality is a movie projected
onto a screen. You know that the movie is just the projection
of a recorded, dramatic scene, but it's easy to forget that as
you become involved in the unfolding drama. The movie appears
like a real-life drama for as long as it absorbs your
Time and space were fabricated within the consciousness of the
universe in order to set the stage for life as we know it.
Because the universe is made of 100% consciousness, all things
are within it, and therefore subjective. Nothing is really "out
there," even though life appears to be an objective experience.
All physical reality is a projection within your consciousness,
not something outside of, or separate from, yourself.
Each and every object in the universe - a table, a chair, a
car, a house, anything - is not only composed of 100%
consciousness, it actually IS conscious!

This article was written by Owen Waters, author of
"The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness"

For more details and articles, please visit: http://www.infinitebeing.com


Education- let's make a better one!

For further details: www.6seconds.org - The Emotional Intelligence Alliance for Research and Practice ( business, education, health, personal life, peace)

"Knowing" is about finding the one right answer. "Learning" is a process of discovery. Which drives you, your school, your business, your family?Is your school, family, or organization about knowing or learning?

A school, family, or organization that focuses on "knowing" will put the emphasis on measuring being right. The "knowing" culture requires that:

The "system of knowing" has a lot of appeal. It is simpler, more linear, we know what to believe, and ultimately one system can meet all the needs. On the other hand, it is inherently stagnant, dehumanizing (mechanistic), and stifles intrinsic motivation.
The "system of learning" has a lot of challenges. It is messy, controversial, the lack of certainty creates discomfort, and there must be hundreds of different systems to meet diverse and changing needs. On the other hand, it is inherently dynamic, self-improving, supportive of human interaction, and automatically builds lasting motivation.

Some people know, some do not.
Those who know more are in charge.
Those in charge must keep some knowledge secret.
There is one right answer.
Authority comes from having the answer.
Challenging the answer means challenging authority.
There is not enough knowing to go around.
If everyone gets an "A," there is a problem.
People demonstrate their excellence by showing they have memorized.
The authority decides if people have done well and rewards them.
Comfort is essential; confusion and challenge are in the way of learning.
Caring and emotions are only important because they help people know more.
The purpose of knowing is to demonstrate that knowledge and be acknowledged for it.
The ideal is perfection.

A system of learning focuses on growth. The emphasis is on measurable progress. The "learning" culture requires that:

No one knows exactly; there are many perspectives.
Those most committed to learning are in charge.
Those in charge must support others to learn as much as possible.
There are many right answers.
Authority comes from relationships.
Challenging the answer means success.
There is plenty of learning to go around.
If everyone gets an "A," there is a success.
People demonstrate their excellence by challenging existing beliefs.
The authority supports people to recognize that they have done well, and they reward themselves.
Consistent comfort is of secondary importance; confusion and challenge are part of learning.
Caring and emotions essential because they are part of what we're learning about.
The purpose of learning is to make a difference in the world.
The ideal is doing your best.

The "system of knowing" has a lot of appeal. It is simpler, more linear, we know what to believe, and ultimately one system can meet all the needs. On the other hand, it is inherently stagnant, dehumanizing (mechanistic), and stifles intrinsic motivation.

The "system of learning" has a lot of challenges. It is messy, controversial, the lack of certainty creates discomfort, and there must be hundreds of different systems to meet diverse and changing needs. On the other hand, it is inherently dynamic, self-improving, supportive of human interaction, and automatically builds lasting motivation.


Lesson one: Just because it is obvious to you does not make it obvious to them -- and just because it is important to you, does not make it important to them.

Lesson Two: People want to belong to something great because it adds meaning and purpose to their lives.

Motivating is about hooking into that inner sense of purpose. It's about connecting the individual's goals and mission with the organization's goals and mission. True motivation is connected to relationships, belonging, purpose, collaboration, challenge, and dialogue.
Obedience is about leveraging fear or greed. It's about ensuring they know who has power to give rewards and punishments, and finding the hooks that they'll respond to. Obedience grows from one-way communication, dehumanization, and threat.

Lesson three: Long-term greatness outweighs short-term discomfort.

These Lessons are essential in Education, Business ( leadership) , personal and social life( community)

For those who want to make a change, the following link is very useful. A teacher for nowadays generations should be a master in emotional management. If the curricula doesn't contain yet these skills, for the teacher, the transmitted knowledge is vicious. For becoming a master in EQ and VQ ( values coeficient), please do not hesitate to contact me or other specialists. This is a borderline field, it's transpersonal psychology, positive psychology, neuro-psychology and the specialists are usually MD's, with spiritual knowledge.


Despre branding Romania- noiembrie 2005

Campanie organizata on-line pe www.brandingromania.com
Mesajele mele de atunci( din arhiva personala)

Brandul unei tari se tine ” in viata”-este un brand viu, prin fiecare din Oamenii care au clara IDENTITATEA nationala, dar nu in mod extremist, sau in sens patriotic, ci prin constientizarea si punerea in practica, in mod constructiv, a ceea ce sunt ei insisi ca valori, a ceea ce pot ei insisi sa aduca drept plusvaloare si a contributiei efective, oriunde ar fi pe glob la crearea, dezvoltarea si mentinerea perceptiei Valorii nationale.Brandul de tara se construieste pas cu pas, clipa de clipa de VALORI UMANE, a caror reflectare este in viata si contributia constructiva civica, produse/servicii ( latura economica) si abia in ultimul rind in deciziile politice.Primul pas este a ne raspunde fiecare la intrebarea: Ce Valoare de brand am eu insumi/insami, apoi Ce valoare de brand avem NOI, la nivel de grup/comunitati/societate si ,conform acestor Valori, considerate in mod real, Valoarea economica si politica sunt efecte si nu cauze.Brandul de tara sta in puterea deplina a OAMENILOR INTEGRI SI RESPONSABILI care se IMPLICA IN MOD CONSTIENT CU RESPECT DE SINE si nu in strategii PLATITE CU BANI GREI.Brandul este rezultatul EDUCATIEI, CULTURII SI RESPONSABILITATII INTEGRE a fiecaruia care are notiunea de VALOARE A PROPRIEI IDENTITATI, inclusa in context social larg, cu viziune si efecte pe termen lung.

Un tanar(presupun!), auto-intitulat El Fugitivo a raspuns: "Romania, tara din care pleaca toti tinerii!"

I-am raspuns: Quod erat demonstrandum!
El Fugitivo , oriunde ai ajunge, tot planeta Pamant se numeste, iar cand te-ai nascut OM ai inceput sa te numesti, acesta este numele pe care oriunde ai ” fugi” iti va reprezenta ceea ce esti.” Omul sfinteste locul” cand are ce oferi, caci doar de cerut si de fugit de greu si de raspundere este usor si comun, incat o sa trebuiasca foarte curand , cu atitia “migratori” sa se populeze o alta planeta.Oare cui vor cere ” mai binele” atitia tineri fugitivi de ei insisi” cind isi vor da seama ca nu s-au intrebat :Ce pot face eu insumi pentru tara, nu doar ce poate face tara pentru mine?”

La o zi dupa...
Imi asum riscul sa fiu contestata in ceea ce voi scrie in continuare, insa , de milenii, aceasta tara , prin pozitia sa geografica a fost atacata, s-a aparat, nu prea sunt dovezi ca ar fi atacat pe altii, oamenii au trait intr-o diversitate culturala, etnica, spirituala neprecizate sau necunoscute de multi; taranul roman, din care ne avem originea si -a pastrat intelepciunea (grass-roots) si bunul simt( chiar daca sunt exceptii), sufletul si omenia.As numi Romania tara tip: common sense, not common practice!In satul romanesc, te mai poti duce sa ceri gazduire sau o bucata de paine, fara sa fii tratat drept un pericol, romanii se mai opresc linga un om cazut pe strada , sa-l ajute, nu trec chiar nepasatori cu totii.Putem oare spune aceasta despre multe locuri ale globului?E foarte adevarat ca impactul de marketing este mai mare daca am promova ca altii, prin elemente comerciale: ciocolata, sarmale, tuica, cowboy ,Dracula, dar daca am face o exceptie si/sau un inceput si am promova subtilitatea Mioritica din sufletul oamenilor de azi, dovedita si de personalitati din trecut ,cunoscute ca Romani, in creatiile lor.Eu vad Romania ca tara baladelor, doinelor si legendelor vii, prin oameni !Iar cuvintul Doina este intraductibil, este pur Romanesc , ca si ” Dor”.Sunt trairi pe care civilizatia nu le-a pastrat vii , iar momentul decaderii unui ciclu de civilizatie corespunde cu disparitia Artei.ARTA n-a disparut vreodata pe aceste meleaguri, caci in fiecare din noi, exista un ” poet”, anonim, dar care a tinut in viata si umorul si un specific romanesc, creativ, deasupra comercialului.E drept ca intr-o campanie de branding sau re-branding grupul -tinta, profiling-ul, pozitionarea mesajului trebuie luate in considerare. Intrebarea este , in aceste conditii: Cui ne adresam si cu ce scop?Cine adreseaza mesajul? Pentru cit timp vrem ca brandul sa fie valabil? De la ce brand pornim?( caci sunt tare multe posibilitati circulante deja, care nu ne reprezinta ca esenta !)Citi bani si ce resurse sunt disponibile pentru campanie de branding? Ce profit este estimat sa aduca aceasta campanie, intregii Romanii, ca tara cu identitate proprie, nu doar parte dintr-un continent geografic ?Cum se va face brandingul intern, un proces complex, daca e vorba despre o tara…Marketingul integrat este in relatie interdependenta cu resursele umane la nivel de corporatii, ceea ce la nivel de tara este intr-adevar o munca sustinuta, a fiecaruia , pe domeniul sensului si apoi al formei.

Este important de citit si de cugetat asupra analizei Dr. Radu Serban, in ceea ce priveste integrarea Romaniei in UE ca al 27-lea stat( sau 26, fiind la pachet cu Bulgaria, doar ordinea alfabetica ne indica drept al 27-lea!)

In the chaos of Growth

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."

Source: Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (Modern Library)
Friedrich Nietzsche

"Chaos is the first step to a new order"- Plato

Stay positive in the face of negativity !

by Lori Radun

Everybody has been around a negative person at least once in life - probably many times. A negative person will bring you down and drain your energy. If you allow them, negative people will make you angry and challenge your ability to remain positive. Whether your child or spouse has an occasional negative day or you deal with a family member, friend or co-worker that is chronically negative, there are things you can do to remain positive in the face of negativity.

Do Not Argue with NegativityWhen you are dealing with a negative person, the worst thing you can do is argue with him. This only adds fuel to the fire. A negative person will feed off any negativity that will reinforce his mood or attitude. I have noticed when my children are in a cranky mood, it is best to avoid trying to convince them that their attitude needs adjustment. As soon as I take the approach of being in opposition with them, they pounce on the opportunity to ensure me that life stinks. Their negativity escalates and the situation gets worse before it gets better. Know when to remain silent and let the negativity pass.

Flood Negativity with LoveA negative person often needs love and attention. The irony of the situation is that a negative person is difficult to love. It is our challenge to rise above the negative behavior and love the injured and often fearful person that is deep inside. How can you show love when someone is negative? You must listen to what she is telling you. Acknowledge the feelings she has by saying something like, "It sounds like you are very upset with your boss". Even if you don't quite understand the person's feelings, know that your reality is different than someone else's. Ask how you might help the negative person. This shows a genuine concern for his happiness. Offer a hug even if you get rejected. Remember not to take a rejection of your love personally. A negative person often has difficulty receiving love from others.

Look for the PositiveThere is always gold to be found in any negative situation. Pretend you are on a treasure hunt and search for anything positive you can highlight. Even a negative person has positive qualities. When a person is drowning in negativity, it can be difficult to see the light. So often my clients share the negative things about themselves, only for me to counter with something positive. I admit that sometimes a negative person doesn't want to see the positive. This might require her to shift her perspective. Negativity can become a person's best friend and no one wants to willingly give up their best friend. Be patient and gently remind your grumpy friend or family member to look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Hopefully, in her down time, she will begin to reflect on what you have said.

Ask Negative People to Be SpecificIf you pay close attention, you'll notice negative people often speak in generalizations. You may hear them say things like: "Men are jerks." "It's wrong to be on welfare." "My job is making me miserable." These kinds of statements are referred to as cognitive distortions. To help a person sort through her distorted thinking, ask for more specifics. Questions like "Which men are jerks?" or "What specifically about your job is making you miserable?" forces a person to evaluate what he or she is really trying to say. A negative person will either give up because it takes too much effort to explain himself, or he or she will get to the bottom of the issue.

Detach and Let Go of Trying to Change the Negative PersonThe more you try to change a negative person, the more he or she will fight to remain negative. Detach from the emotion and let the negative person be negative. You can even try a little reverse psychology and agree with everything she says. I once read a great article about a mother who was exasperated with her son's negative mood. Everything she tried to soothe him and make him feel better backfired. She finally gave up and started agreeing with everything he said. When her son told her he had no friends, she agreed with him. When he complained that his teacher was stupid, she couldn't agree more. After several minutes of this kind of dialogue with her son, his mood suddenly shifted. He declared that he was tired and he went to bed with a smile on his face.

Avoid the Negative PersonI agree that some people are so chronically negative that you have no other choice but to avoid them. If you have negative people in your life that are critically affecting your mental and physical health, you need to evaluate whether or not you want these people in your life. There are certain people like a boss, friend or co-worker that you can remove from your life or at least avoid for long periods of time. Other people, such as children and spouses, may require professional intervention if their negativity is affecting your life. Reinforce very strong boundaries with chronically negative people so you can protect your well being.

Manage Your Own Negative Thoughts and BehaviorIf you do nothing else but focus on managing your own negative thoughts and behavior, you will come a long way towards remaining positive. A negative attitude is infectious, but a positive attitude is contagious as well. Surround yourself with positive people that encourage you to be your best self. Use positive affirmations to combat negative self-talk. Express your gratitude for all the positive things in your life. Take the time everyday to stop and smell the roses, watch children laugh and play, and listen to the birds chirp in the morning. Read inspirational material and listen to joyful music. Seek spiritual connectedness with your God. Do whatever you have to do to remain positive and joyful despite the negativity you face. The world will be a better place because of you and your attitude. And you never know, you just might help a negative person make the transition to a better way of living.

Copyright © 2005 Lori Radun, CECLori Radun, CEC is a certified life coach for moms. To receive her newsletter, other coaching products, and the special report, "155 Things Moms Can do To Raise Great Children," go to True2You Life Coaching.

Creating your best relationship !

By Karinna Kittles-Karsten

Finding fulfillment in relationship, whether it's in terms of meeting that right person or staying happy in a partnership, is often thought to be what is going on between you and those in the dating scene or you and the person you are already with. But that isn't necessarily the case.

When we take a closer look we can start to see that there are thoughts and feelings creating a dynamic within us that is significantly contributing to the process of attracting our true partner and being fulfilled in a love relationship.

Inner ChaosChaotic thoughts and feelings bring mixed results to your love life. There are various voices that exist inside of us. Our mind, heart, body and spirit each have a voice. These voices may agree with each other, but quite often they contradict each other. For instance, if we were to ask each of these inner voices how they feel about our present experiences in intimate relationships they may give us 2 to 4 answers that are at odds.

Example #1: Seeking the OneAn individual seeking the right partner has taken the step to make a discovery list of what they are looking for in an intimate relationship and their mental voice says, "I'm clear about what I want in a relationship." That same person has persistent emotional feelings of a past heartbreak and the heart's voice says, "I am heartbroken, I have been wounded. I don't believe in love." The sexual voice of this person is frustrated. It is saying, "I don't care about being loved, it's been so long I just want to have sex." This same person has a spiritual voice that is incredibly passionate about being with a true partner and says, "I want a soul mate."

This person has clarified what they want mentally but doesn't believe they can really have it emotionally. They may act out with unconscious sexual behavior but still keep yearning for their soul mate inside.

In this example we glimpse the incredible chaos that is taking place inside of this individual who is seeking "the one" that is right for them. There is disharmony in their internal paradigm that manifests itself in their external experience of dating.

Example #2: In RelationshipAn intimate partner is emotionally fulfilled in their relationship. This partner also feels that they have a strong spiritual connection with their significant other. But the mental relationship is a struggle. This individual likes to explore deep and philosophical subject matter while the other person likes to always keep their conversation light. This intimate partner's mental voice is saying, "I am so bored, I need someone that I can really explore ideas with in my relationship." Sexually the partners have chemistry, but this partner finds themselves fantasizing fifty percent of the time about other partners that would share more compelling mental connectivity. This partner feels the couple is losing their sexual chemistry, and so does the other partner who is increasingly becoming sexually frustrated.

Issues arise in this partnership. A generally strong relationship that has the emotional, spiritual and sexual connection to start with is being undermined by the mental voice of the one partner that then sabotages their sexual relationship. Both partners wonder why a once happy union does not feel that great anymore. Discovering your intimate voices and what they have to say is the first step towards your intimate wholeness and the relationship fulfillment you seek.

Creating Harmony Out of Chaos It is important to get to know your internal voices-- your Mind, Heart, Sexuality and Spirit-- to see what kind of messages they are sending you and sending others. Let's get started by examining your reoccurring ideas, feeling and behaviors about a relationship with an intimate partner. What are these voices saying inside of you?

- emotional voice
- sexual voice
- mental voice
- spiritual voice

If they are saying things to you that harmonize with one another then you should have a full dating calendar or a thriving relationship. If these internal voices are saying things that are at odds with one another it can now become easier to identify what is happening in your current intimate experience.

If your inner voices are at war then there is some big work to do on your part. This work involves getting to the root of the negative messaging and discarding conflicting messages that are unconsciously keeping you from the relationship you want. Coaching all your inner voices to harmonize towards the positive develops and strengthens your intimate core, offering a true voice of integrity that is revitalizing to you and that will usher in your best possible relationship.

About the Author: Karinna Kittles-Karsten is an internationally recognized speaker, author, Art of Love Educator, and the founder of Sacred Love, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA. She offers a unique approach to love and relationships based on over 16 years of study of the intimacy wisdom of ancient China, western psychology, and mythology. She has been a guest speaker at such prestigious organizations as New York University, on television shows like NBC's Starting Over, and has given advice on the pages of national magazines like SELF. For more information about Karinna's products and relationship counseling services please go to Sacred Love.com.

Top 10 rules to back-to school Success

FOR PARENTS - The School starts ! Are YOU prepared?

By Gary Ryan Blair

What specifically have you done as a parent, teacher, or coach, to best prepare your kids for success in the new school year? Besides the new clothes and notebooks, what have you done to teach your kids about values, character building, and goal setting? It is the purpose of this lesson to help you in that cause.

The following is a list of of rules to promote success in the new school year. These are lessons for parents, teachers and coaches to share with their children and students. I use them with my own children and I'm confident that they will work for you as well. By the way, these rules apply to children just entering grade school all the way to those entering their senior year in college.

1.Accept Your Power of ChoiceSuccess in school, as in life, is the intentional use of choice and decision. Unless your child chooses–with certainty–what it is they want, from life, friends, and their education, they accept table scraps by default.

Your child must understand that every choice counts. That there are no insignificant choices, no neutral actions. Even the smallest decision has a bottom line consequence, leading your child in a positive or negative direction.

The quality of your child's life is a direct reflection of the quality of the choices they have made and will make throughout their life and if they repeatedly make bad choices, their life will follow an undesirable path.

Task: Look back over your life, identify three decisions you made around your child's age and share the + / - consequences of those decisions. Share your experiences with them and the lessons you learned about making better, more informed decisions.

2.Tell The Truth and Respect RealityAll progress, growth and maturity in your child's life is dependent upon a warm relationship with the truth. They must embrace the fact that the truth is always available, functions as a guide and helps them to maintain peace of mind. Which of course is priceless.

It's imperative that your child know that true and accurate information is and will always be essential to success. They must respect reality as it is, not as they want it to be - as reality is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Your child must never lie to themselves, nor to others, as it negatively impacts the quality of their life and cheapens every relationship.

Task: Look back over your life, identify a specific time that you were less than honest with yourself or someone else. Explain to your child what you learned from that experience and why truthful living is the only way to live.

3.Take Responsibility – Make No ExcusesYour child has the responsibility to be everything that they can be. They are responsible for setting and maintaining high standards, for honoring each promise and following through on every commitment they make to themselves and others.

Explain to your child that excuses are convenient; temporary scapegoats which undermine their character and which contaminate future opportunities. Share with them that sometime, somewhere and somehow, excuses will come back and make things very uncomfortable. Your child must learn that taking responsibility for their actions is the only way to achieve their full potential. Talk about the importance of making a no excuses policy and sticking to it!

Task: Identify three areas where you feel your child should demonstrate greater responsibility. Decide the best way and time to approach the subject and be responsible in enforcing and holding your child accountable for their new behaviors.

Protect Your CharacterThere is no more essential or defining aspect of your child's potential than their character. From the moment they open their eyes each morning until they close again for sleep each night, their character is either complemented or compromised.

When it comes to practicing good character, saying no to vices is not good enough. A quality life is never achieved by focusing on the elimination of what is wrong. True success requires you and your child to focus mental, emotional, and spiritual energies on pursuing that which is right and good.

You child must ALWAYS do the right thing, because having character is much more important than "being a character." When all is said and done, all your child has is his or her character and integrity - nothing else really matters.

Task: The greatest gift you can give your child is the practice of good character. Identify someone you respect, someone with superb character and explain to your child why that person is deserving of your admiration. Share with your child the character traits you admire in them and ask them to explain their thoughts on this important subject.

5.Demonstrate Moral CourageOne of the most virtuous aspects of moral courage is that it can be practiced by anyone regardless of age, gender, physical ability, or surroundings. It is for that precise reason that your child needs to see you demonstrate moral courage so that they will do so in return.

When moral courage is tested in your child, it manifests itself in the form of character, honesty, respect, responsible behavior, and compassion.

Your child either habitually practices moral courage, or moral cowardice. And when moral cowardice is tested, it presents itself in opposite forms to include bad character, dishonesty, disrespect, irresponsible behavior, and lack of compassion.

No gray matter exists when it comes to moral courage, therefore demonstrate for them so that they will demonstrate it for themselves.

Task: Explain to your child that the true heroes in our families, neighborhoods, schools, boardrooms and elected offices are those who habitually practice acts of moral courage. Let them know that when we do that, when we uphold and celebrate that which is right and virtuous, we are truly living a good life.

6.Practice Self-DisciplineThere will never be a day in your child's life that will not require self-discipline and self-control. Success in any endeavor consists of a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. It is the accumulative weight of your child's self-discipline and judgment that leads them to either excellence or mediocrity.

Your child needs to know that their life will serve as a prophesy of excellence or excuses of what could have been. Their life can be seen as the sad consequence of neglect, self-pity, poor character, lack of direction and ambition, or it can be an example of talent put to use, of a disciplined life spent in the intense pursuit of clearly perceived objectives. It's all a matter of self-discipline.

Task: Talk to your child about the importance of self-discipline and delayed gratification. Share with them a personal experience on self-disipline and how it has positively affected your life. Passionately explain that self-disipline is the path less traveled, but also the most prosperous path they can choose.

To enjoy the remaining Top Ten Rules for Back-to-School Success and for more resources to prepare your child for success in school and life, click here now: A Goal Setting Guide for Kids and Teens.

Future is HOW we build our Reality each moment

Choose your REALITY and CREATE your FUTURE
by Roger Ellerton

Each and every one of us forms mental models as to what we believe is real and what is not. These models establish how things should or shouldn't be done and what is possible or not possible for us. For some of us, these mental models severely restrict our potential, our enjoyment of life and our ability to connect with others. Yet, others have mental models that provide all sorts of positive opportunities. We call these mental models "reality" and often stead
fastly hold on to them even when there is significant evidence to the contrary.
How did these models come to be? As we grow up, we attempt to make sense of the world based on: our interpretation of our experiences, what we are told by others - particularly those in authority or those we respect (parents, teachers, religious leaders) - and what we tell ourselves.
Interpretation of Our ExperiencesAs children, we make decisions that will in some way keep us safe - avoid or minimize being abused (physically or verbally) or being abandoned. And often, we assume we are the cause of whatever happened - e.g. a family argument, abusive situation, the untimely death of a loved one - and in so doing, vow at an unconscious level to never do that again. We establish mental models of the world that are intended to protect us from causing such upset in the future. As a result, we put ourselves at the effect of whatever happens and on the path of being a victim. As children, these mental models may serve us well. Yet, some of us carry these models, which operate at an unconscious level, into adulthood and wonder why we get the results we do and are not living the life we desire.
What We are Told by OthersGenerally, parents or other adults are well-meaning in their disciplining or teaching of children. However the behaviors they select and words they use are often inappropriate and when interpreted through the eyes and ears of a young child take on a different meaning. Consider the parent who desperately wants to see their child succeed and says to their child, for example: "If you keep acting this way, you will grow up to be no good." This type of motivation may satisfy the parent's need; however the child may hear and begin to develop a mental model of "I am no good." A recent study by researchers at Iowa State University found in a typical family with children aged two to eight that the ratio of negative to positive comments said by parents to their children was 13:1. That is, for every positive comment children heard thirteen negative comments. If as a child, you lived in this type of environment, what mental model did you form about yourself, others and the world around you?
What We are Told by OthersGenerally, parents or other adults are well-meaning in their disciplining or teaching of children. However the behaviors they select and words they use are often inappropriate and when interpreted through the eyes and ears of a young child take on a different meaning. Consider the parent who desperately wants to see their child succeed and says to their child, for example: "If you keep acting this way, you will grow up to be no good." This type of motivation may satisfy the parent's need; however the child may hear and begin to develop a mental model of "I am no good." A recent study by researchers at Iowa State University found in a typical family with children aged two to eight that the ratio of negative to positive comments said by parents to their children was 13:1. That is, for every positive comment children heard thirteen negative comments. If as a child, you lived in this type of environment, what mental model did you form about yourself, others and the world around you?
What We Tell OurselvesWe are talking to ourselves all of the time often at an unconscious level. We tell ourselves how wonderful we are or how badly we messed up. For many of us, negative thoughts are far, far more frequent than positive thoughts. Although each thought by itself is insignificant, these thoughts can build up over time - just like the insignificant tiny coral polyps that come together to form massive coral reefs - thus forming barriers to what we truly want and desire in life.
To overcome this conditioning, we need to become consciously aware of our mental models and explore the origins of our thoughts and the beliefs and values (which are often not ours but someone else's) that we assumed during our childhood. Begin by paying attention to your daily thoughts and judgments about yourself and about others. As you do, get curious about the underlying beliefs and values that you are operating from, especially their origin, and explore the possibility that these thoughts, judgments, beliefs and values may be incorrect.
You can also explore the positive intention behind these beliefs and values (e.g. safety) and consider if the positive intention is still relevant (e.g. worked for you as a child but not as an adult) or if it can be obtained in a different manner - a manner that delivers fewer negative side-effects and more positive benefits. On a daily basis, you may wish to experiment with new behaviors that are not dictated by your old thoughts - and notice the changes you can make in your interpretation of what is and isn't possible for you. As you implement new behaviors, you may not always be successful. At these times, remember the words of Thomas Alva Edison: "I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Copyright © 2005, 2006 Renewal Technologies IncRoger Ellerton is a certified NLP trainer, certified management consultant and the founder and managing partner of Renewal Technologies Inc. This article is an extract from his book 'Live Your Dreams - Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You.'

Are God,Happiness or Change realities in our "head" to be put in practice ?!

Raspunsul este DA! Fiecare doarme dupa cum isi face asternutul si culege dupa cum seamana!

O sinteza de articole de psihologie, stiinte, filozofie, o viziune integrala a lumii actuale, in sensul indemnului Socratic : Cunoaste-te pe tine insuti si-L vei cunoaste pe Dumnezeu!"

Pentru cei cu " out of the box " thinking





The New Solar System


Explanation: Is Ceres an asteroid or a planet? Although a trivial designation to some, the recent suggestion by the Planet Definition Committee of the International Astronomical Union would have Ceres reclassified from asteroid to planet. A change in taxonomy might lead to more notoriety for the frequently overlooked world. Ceres, at about 1000 kilometers across, is the largest object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Under the newly proposed criteria, Ceres would qualify as a planet because it is nearly spherical and sufficiently distant from other planets. Pictured above is the best picture yet of Ceres, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope as part of a series of exposures ending in 2004 January. Currently, NASA's Dawn mission is scheduled to launch in 2007 June to explore Ceres and Vesta, regardless of their future designations.


Explanation: How many planets are in the Solar System? This popular question now has a new formal answer according the International Astronomical Union (IAU): eight. Last week, the IAU voted on a new definition for planet and Pluto did not make the cut. Rather, Pluto was re-classified as a dwarf planet and is considered as a prototype for a new category of trans-Neptunian objects. The eight planets now recognized by the IAU are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Solar System objects now classified as dwarf planets are: Ceres, Pluto, and the currently unnamed 2003 UB313. Planets, by the new IAU definition, must be in orbit around the sun, be nearly spherical, and must have cleared the neighborhood around their orbits. The demotion of Pluto to dwarf planet status is a source of continuing dissent and controversy in the astronomical community.


Total Solar Eclipse of the Millenium-August 11,1999

To be or Not to be...illterate

Renowned futurist Alvin Toffler writes, "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."


To be or Not to be...in REALITY!

The nature of reality

I am delighted by the recent wave of media that beautifully illustrate what Einstein and the quantum physicists of late have uncovered. "The Secret," "What the Bleep Do We Know?!" and "The Elegant Universe," in particular are three movies that help us understand the real-life implications of quantum physics.
"The Elegant Universe," narrated by Columbia quantum physicist, Brian Greene, is a docu-series published by NOVA and was first shown on PBS. This series is the no-nonsense science-based exploration of quantum physics. It is illustrated artfully with graphics and layman's English. It leaves the viewer with an understanding of the true fluidity and dynamism of reality, informed by quantum theory.
"What the Bleep" goes one step further to help the audience understand that quantum physics is not something created solely for the intellectual delight of academics, but something to be understood by everyone, as it is as integral to our experience of reality as is gravity, respiration, etc. The movie interviews leading physicists and spiritualists to explain how reality is much more different and complex than what we currently perceive. "What the Bleep" is really just a clearer articulation of the possibilities that are uncovered by these physicists, specifically in that thoughts create things. Our inner state determines what our being attracts to it - like attracts like, the Law of Attraction. "What the Bleep" explains the ramifications of this principle, specifically that we are in complete control of our inner state, the thoughts, moods and feelings within us, and thus are in total control of our reality and future. Welcome, Jedi.
"The Secret" touches even more lightly upon the science, focusing instead upon how we can take these principles to create our ideal life using the Law of Attraction, aka quantum physics, aka Wayne Dyer's Power of Intention. Whatever name you want to give it, it remains the single most, if not only, effective tool for creating our ideal realities. The movie interviews a variety of physicists and personalities in the human potential revolution like Jack Canfield, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, etc. Briefly it is setting a clearly defined vision for yourself and finding ways to keep this vision everpresent in your consciousness through gratitude, visioning, etc.
Each of these movies gently guide us down the rabbit hole towards examining the two major assumptions underpinning virtually everything we think we know about the world. These two assumptions are:
Matter exists
Facts exist
If you are a woman/man of this world, it is likely you believe that matter exists, because we can own it, build it, steal it, modify it, move it around, etc. It is also likely that you believe facts exist, for we can empower ourselves with these facts and employ them to determine how said matter is utilized. We have become used to thinking in terms of stuff and facts about this stuff. We create technological and economic disciplines to study the manipulation and allocation of matter, employing and creating more facts in the process.
The implications of this sort of objectivist mechanism are wide-ranging and include classism, separateness, man's inhumanity toward man, war, genocide, violence, hunger, disease, etc. Simply put, the belief in matter and facts allows us to believe we are not connected to the outside world, since we can see other bodies, defined as not us through observation-based facts. The most severe of these however is the belief that we have no control over our fortune or environment and that our inner mental and outer physical states are not correlated, since we cannot yet prove this through reasoning. [At least not without quantum physics!] Despite the widespread prevalence of matter and fact based thinking, a true appreciation of quantum physics will undermine such thinking completely.
What we think of as matter is really just energy operating in a predictable and low frequency vibration. As Einstein so aptly put it, E=MC2, or energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. So mass is an accumulation of energy - energy of lower vibration. Matter is just a relatively predictable set of possibilities, but possibilities nonetheless, and not concrete by any means! As it turns out, mass is really just an effect realized through gravity, a pull of one grouping of energy towards another. The illusion of matter is created because of this assigned predictability of low vibration energy, such as that of a rock or a couch. The physical world is an illusion; it is only an expression of bonded energy which can be easily manipulated with the right energy releasing tools ranging from the common butter knife to the atomic bomb.
Thus, all is essentially energy. What then pray tell is all the fuss about? What are we doing with our lives if all we are doing is consuming energy (food and water for its chemical breakdown and energy release) to expend this energy (through physical and intellectual pursuits) to acquire energy (financial resources which act as energy containers to be expended at a later date when traded to an individual who also values stored energy)? Is this the grand plan for humanity? To create an endless Monopoly game with ever increasing complexity for our own amusement?
Whether we choose the profession of aid worker or investment advisor, what is it that we are actually doing? Are we not just moving energy around? To what end? To increase our store of potential energy (bank account) or to empower others to seek out and manipulate energy themselves (philanthropy, education, healthcare)? What is a human? Is it more than its electric charges? Is there a soul or a spirit inside or associated with it? Where is it? What is art? What is God?
These are just a few of the questions unleashed by understanding that matter does not really exist, it's actually energy. The notion of intelligent design should also be considered in an exploration of matter, because without evaluating the consideration of an overarching organizing principle, we would quickly devolve into a world of hedonism and violence. Does the universe have meaning? If all is energy, then why have ever more complex forms of it emerged throughout the course of life on earth? Is it a grand accident? Or perhaps a vehicle for the revelation of meaning or higher spiritual reality?
Are we not moving towards a more complete and integrated understanding of things? Is awe and amazement not the effect of true knowledge? More importantly, the factors which allowed life and complexity to exist could not have been more precise. Specifically, if the rate of expansion of the universe were one-billionth of a percent faster or slower, the creation of life would have been impossible, i.e. any faster and the energy of stars would not reach the planets or any slower and the stars themselves would not have formed.
A world without factsThe second important implication of quantum physics is that facts do not exist, at least not as we think they do. Quantum physics has revealed that the observer and the observed are one. That is, once our attention is focused upon something, it exists. Prior to this attention, said object is merely a set of possibilities. All we see is informed not just by attention, but our own individual attention that is informed by - you guessed it - expectation. We see what we believe can exist, and nothing to the contrary. Actually, this is really just an extension of the first paradigm-busting revelation that matter is comprised only of a set of possibilities. Since the underlying premise of the scientific method, detached observation, is an actual impossibility, the entire structure of knowledge we have created is in question.
Everything is affected by the attention of the observer, thus the placebo effect, spontaneous meditative healing, power of positive thinking, unreplicable experimental results, etc. Quantum physics is the science of possibilities, however it is not a distinct discipline that can be relegated to the obscure backwaters of academia; rather, when taken together, it is an integral principle of life. If any world view or assertion is to be taken seriously, it must go forth only with the understanding that any observation or judgment cannot be taken as fact, rather only as a proposed trend in possibilities and nothing else, as it is subject to each of our own prejudices.
The scientific method itself is premised on this with its degrees of certainty, margins of error, etc. There is no such thing as complete causality as every event, though demarcated as having occurred at a point in time, is part of a much greater web of existence. Saying A causes B is like saying a particular wave was generated by one gust of wind, neglecting the currents below, all prior and subsequent gusts, air temp, water temp, biological activity, etc. This does not mean that all science is a worthless endeavor, just that perhaps the majority of conclusions drawn from said experiments are as artful and subjective as any fantasy an artist conceives.
The effect of a world without facts can manifest itself in two ways:
A world of lethargy and confusion.
A world of compassion and identity. Quantum physics prevents us from making judgments about others - this is the great lesson of quantum physics! It up-ends the entire basis of reasoning!
This implies that unless otherwise posited as a trend in possibilities, we ought to see ourselves and the world as a connected, tangled, marginally differentiated and therefore unified mass of energy. Quantum science is blazing the trail for the re-emergence of wisdom embodied in ancient spiritual traditions. All is One.
There are thousands of other implications of quantum physics, in matters relating to time, memory, superpositioning, etc. but it is a true understanding of matter and fact which first and foremost changes everything. Our manner of being, chosen profession, goals - everything is affected by understanding the realities brought forth by quantum physics.
I cannot recommend these resources any higher, as they will confuse you to no end. They collectively represent the Red Pill, talked about in "The Matrix." The process will uncover a great deal of uncomfortable truths, but please just think of them as a long overdue system upgrade. It's just a new rule book. Our old rule book delivers only a suboptimal experience of life. This new rule book will help us understand not only the nature of reality and the objective of the game, but how to achieve it. The new rules are matched in their radical departure from common perceptions only by the new capabilities afforded to the players. Ready to get your Jedi on?
Brandon Peele is Founder of blissquest, a curriculum and community for discovering your purpose in life, and Namaste Economics, a set of economic principles defining the path of conscious business. You can find more articles like this on his blog, Generative Transformation.