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Heal the wounds naturally

(NaturalNews) No matter how careful we are, we all get an occasional cut from time to time, and sometimes those cuts can be bad ones. Though serious cuts may require prompt medical attention, there are many good natural ways to disinfect and help heal cuts as well as stop them from bleeding.

One of the very best remedies for cuts is raw honey. Raw honey has been used for over 2,000 years to prevent and heal infections. The sugar solutions of honey interact with water molecules and inhibit the growth of microorganisms. When wound exudates mix with honey, hydrogen peroxide is produced and released slowly via a glucose oxidase enzyme reaction. As a result, the hydrogen peroxide provides antibacterial activity but does not damage tissue. The best honey for healing is honey from the Manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium).

Apply raw honey and cover with a bandage. With a small cut, the pain from the cut is gone after about 30 minutes, but leaving the honey on overnight is even better.

Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic, germ killing, antiseptic that causes speedy healing and helps rebuild tissues. Apply the silver to cuts and scrapes. The application causes no more pain than plain water. For best results apply frequently and keep the cut area moist with the silver solution.

Two other excellent items for healing cuts and scrapes are lavender oil and tea tree oil. Both lavender and tea tree oils speed healing and kill germs. Apply lavender oil or tea tree oil to cuts and scrapes. Application usually causes no pain, and any existing pain from the wound should disappear quickly.

Hydrogen peroxide is good for cleaning cuts and has strong antiseptic qualities. It is also good for cuts inside the mouth. Mix 50/50 with water and apply to external cuts with a cotton swab or swish in the mouth for several seconds for cuts inside the mouth. Be sure to apply a topical remedy such as the ones listed here afterward for external cuts.

An effective home remedy for cuts can be made by mixing one part powdered echinacea, one part powdered slippery elm and one part powdered cranesbill. Add water to make a paste. Rub on the affected area and cover with a bandage or gauze.

The antioxidant power that makes vitamin E beneficial for your heart also speeds the healing of minor cuts. A good way to use vitamin E is to prick a vitamin E capsule with a sterile needle and squeeze the oil onto your cut at least three times a day. Cover more serious cuts with a bandage. Be sure to choose natural vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol), as it has more antioxidant power than synthetic vitamin E.

Two other items which can help heal cuts are garlic and bromelain. Garlic is a natural antibiotic which can be rubbed on minor cuts. Bromelain is a natural extract of the pineapple plant which has been found to speed healing tremendously when taken internally.

To stop cuts from bleeding, apply pressure to the cut to help the blood clot. An extremely effective way to stop bleeding is to sprinkle cayenne pepper liberally on the cut. Usually the bleeding will stop in only minutes.

Another natural item that can help stop bleeding is tea bags. The tannins in tea help the blood coagulate faster. Apply wet tea bags to the cut. Tea bags are especially good for cuts inside the mouth.

For deep cuts and wounds, clean and disinfect thoroughly and then pack with cayenne pepper or raw honey. For best results, use a combination of both.

Sources included:



Towards a new periodic table of cosmic radiation

Towards a New Periodic Table Of Cosmic Radiation

by Peter Martinson

Max Planck began his series of lectures on thermodynamics in 1909 by asserting that science is the systematic investigation of sense perceptions. Our concepts of basic principles, like force, come from those senses. The task of science "consists only in the relating of sense perceptions, in accordance with experience, to fixed laws." Those laws were, themselves, always brought closer and closer into line with experience.

But, this description was only a trap for the unsuspecting, for Planck then made an about-face, and asserted that, "ladies and gentlemen, this view has never contributed to any advance in physics." Relating the sense perceptions to one another with mathematics, and pulling logical derivations out of those relations, can be quite interesting, but this could never, in itself, derive a new discovery of principle. The generation of new knowledge about the universe comes from a world different from that of sense perception, but one which the human mind has access to.

Planck's target in these speeches was the so-called Positivist movement. Since the time he hypothesized the existence of the quantum of action, these anti-reason "brownshirts" asserted that all knowledge must come only from that which is measurable. Further, if some process weren't proven to be measurable, then that process couldn't even exist. Therefore, that world Planck referenced, as the domain of human creativity, could not exist.

The debate about the existence of such principles which guide physical phenomena, and their knowability, has raged until the present day, with the positivists seemingly gaining the upper hand.1 However, there is now brewing a revolution in science, led by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., which will sweep this mental infection away.

This revolution is classed under the broad name of Cosmic Radiation, which is the investigation of the relationship between what Russian Academician Vladimir I. Vernadsky called "living matter," and that energetic cosmic phenomenon today known under the broad name of cosmic radiation. If our national travesty, the British agent called President Obama, is removed from office before he and his controllers can dismantle America's last foothold on true, immortal science, the American manned space program, we will soon be presented with the challenges of a manned mission to Mars, embarking from the surface of a soon-to-be-industrialized Moon.

As LaRouche has emphasized, along with others who know what they're talking about, this requires the consideration of accelerated paths between these two bodies, within Solar space. The senses of the positivists say that this intervening space is empty. The travelers on that fusion-powered, accelerating flotilla will say that that space is, indeed, anything but empty. It is as empty as the open ocean, upon which human navigators have mapped out shipping routes outside of which it is either dangerous, or even impossible, to travel. What makes up this open ocean of interplanetary space, and how will it manifest itself to our accelerating descendants?

Positivists, and kindred opponents of reason, beware! The study of cosmic radiation will soon render you an historic kidney stone, passed, on humanity's mission to the stars!

In this brief report, I will define cosmic radiation in terms of the problems posed by Planck, Einstein, and their collaborators, and then describe some of the areas of clear research opportunities, and some potential experiments to be carried out.

A milestone reached in this new field of research, will be the enhancement and elaboration of a new periodic system of the universe. At the end of the 19th Century, Dmitri Mendeleyev applied his genius to the construction of a Periodic Table, which allowed him to forecast the existence of then undiscovered, but potential elements. Since his death, that table has been expanded, but has always remained valid. In the same way, Johann Sebastian Bach's well-tempered system of counterpoint has remained the standard, up through the compositions of Johannes Brahms and Robert Schumann, in a way that opened up a whole world of possible modes of communication in music. Instead of throwing Mendeleyev's Periodic Table away, it is now time to see it as being subsumed by a larger system, called Cosmic Radiation, with which the present state of human understanding is pregnant.

What Is Cosmic Radiation?

But, first, let's just get a summary of what we mean by "cosmic radiation."

As a starting point, Vernadsky divides the universe into material phenomena and energetic phenomena. Energetic phenomena, themselves, are generally invisible to the senses, though their effects are very sensible. They include the various fields—the electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields found in the Solar System and elsewhere—and also the electromagnetic radiations, covering the entire spectrum of frequencies. Material phenomena include what happens when you run into a tree. Also, the elaboration of crystal structure, and the chemical properties of the general phases of matter, constitute material phenomena. Thus, the cosmic rays discovered by Victor Hess, being the high-velocity nuclei of all the atoms on the Periodic Table, would be classed as material phenomena.

Our own biological sense apparatus is designed to be sensitive to the interaction between the material and energetic. For example, as you read this page, which is a material body, light is reflecting off of the page into your eyes. Your eyes do not, themselves, perceive light, but perceive a page with words written on it. The light transmits a signal from the page, to receptors in your eyes, which then convert the signal into a different form which can then be transported to your brain. There, your mind has the opportunity to interpret the signal—which itself probably bears little optical resemblance to what you think this page looks like! But, the energetic light signal, which cannot itself be seen, registers the existence of the material object before you, to the material object of your biological senses.

The concepts "material" and "energetic" are thus well defined. Material is the stuff you can sense, and energetic is why you can sense it. Energetic phenomena are generally continuous, while material phenomena are generally discrete. Who would mistake the light emitted from a light bulb, for the light bulb itself?

But, are these two concepts really so well defined?

The fundamental, and most studied, of the so-called energetic phenomena, is light. Such scientists as Christiaan Huyghens, Thomas Young, and Augustin-Jean Fresnel established that light is not composed of particles shooting in straight lines, but represents a wave motion. This was profoundly demonstrated in experiments on the interference of the light waves. This concept required (and still does, in this author's opinion) a material substrate in which the waves can become manifest, in much the way that water waves necessitate the existence of water. Without the water, what would be waving? Hence, light spreads as a space-filling wave structure, and is thus continuous in space, never having a specific location. Any "points" of light represent an event of constructive interference among waves.

But, when Max Planck decided to work out the laws governing the types of radiation that are emitted by a heated body, the frequency of which depends upon its temperature, he had to give this supposedly continuous phenomenon of light a discrete form. He showed that, in the transformation of the action of material oscillation into that of electromagnetic radiation, there was a smallest amount of action that could be thus transformed, which he called the quantum. It is as if, when you press the accelerator of your car, you have to press down until you're giving enough gas to go 1 mile per hour, and your car instantaneously achieves that speed, never having gone a half mile per hour! The smallest amount of energy that could be transferred by the radiation was proportional to its frequency. Hence, at very small scales, light, and all other energetic phenomena, had the properties of a discrete part—the continuity of this supposed wave phenomenon had broken down.

Though there was an attempt to ignore Planck's hypothesis, experiments around the world began to result in paradoxes of exactly the form he forecast. Finally, Einstein broke the stand-off in 1905, when he demonstrated that the photoelectric effect could be efficiently explained, if it were assumed that light transfered energy to the ejected electrons in the form of quantum packets. As the intensity of the light was increased, no increase in the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons was observed. Hence, each electron was given a specific amount of kick, which coincided with an individual quantum transfer. That amount of kick would only change if the frequency of the light were changed.

So, here was one example of an energetic phenomenon, acting as a discrete object.

What about matter? A similar category of paradox was popping up all over the study of atomic phenomena, specifically in the spectra of the elements and their isotopes and ions. Louis de Broglie took from Planck the hypothesis that the universe is harmonically organized, and determined a wave structure for elementary particles, such as the electron. He forecast that a beam of electrons focused on a thin crystal—the distance between whose atom-points was comparable to the "wavelength" of the electron beam—would produce an interference pattern on the other side, analogous to light interference, and then calculated the characteristics of that pattern. The experiment was performed with such a beam of electrons, and exactly the result forecast by de Broglie was obtained. Thus, all matter, including the lowly electron, has wave characteristics, just like light and all other energetic phenomena.

If electrons, supposedly tiny particles, can be induced to act like non-localized wave phenomena, then what exactly are they? Indeed, what is matter itself, and how is it different than energetic phenomena? If both material and energetic phenomena have the characteristics of both corpuscles and space-filling wave functions, then how can it be said that the space between planets, which is filled with an enormous variety of radiation, is empty? It is as empty as your typical university physics professor's head!

The New Periodic Table

This consideration must take the form of a central theme in the investigation of cosmic radiation, and its interaction with life. Organisms on our Earth are not opportunistic, hyperactive combinations of dead chemicals. They represent the organized expression of a universal phase of physical space-time, within which matter functions differently than in the abiotic phase. Does such living matter also have an opportunity to manifest both field and corpuscular characteristics? Or must living matter take a back seat to the quantum paradoxes that have tortured the positivists for the past hundred years? I think that would be very insulting to an entire phase of the Creator's universe!

At the same time, the process of photosynthesis is only one, albeit a very important one, of many aspects of the interaction between living matter and cosmic radiation. Areas of investigation will be described below, which demonstrate that this interaction is perhaps the dominant expression of life in the universe. Indeed, it may turn out to be incorrect to discuss "the interaction of life and cosmic radiation," instead of, simply, "cosmic life processes." Instead of viewing the Biosphere as some separate entity which interacts with cosmic phenomena, it very well might be more accurate to view cosmic radiation, generally and universally, as an aspect of life in the universe, and thus that life on Earth is itself inseparable from these radiations. As a collaborator recently expressed it, investigating life by shielding it from various radiations, could be like investigating a whirlpool by shielding it from water.

Cosmic radiation can be divided into categories, such as the various fields (electric, magnetic, gravitational, morphogenetic, etc.), the domains of the electromagnetic spectrum (radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma ray, etc.), and so-called energetic particles (cosmic rays, radioactive decay products, etc.). It is also necessary to subsume each of these categories by the domain of action, in terms of Vernadsky's three phase spaces: the abiotic, the Biosphere, and the Noösphere. For example, ultraviolet light is active on a purely chemical basis, in the breaking of chemical bonds; but it is also active in living processes, such as in the vision of many insects; and it is also used by man in his study of various organic systems, like chlorophyll, through UV fluorescence experiments. These three types of events must be classed as different phases, although of the same wavelength ranges. (See the known Electromagnetic Spectrum here.)

Starting from here, we can begin to build up harmonies among sets of elements. In the tradition of Mendeleyev's notecard method, we can begin amassing properties of the catalog of radiations, including their relations to both living and cognitive phases of space-time. Mendeleyev created a table of elements, arranging their ascending masses according to the characteristic properties they exhibit in chemistry.

His table was incomplete, as Mendeleyev himself would readily point out were he alive today. For example, there is no convenient way to represent the expanding armada of isotopes in this table; much less is there a way of showing how each element or isotope came into being. William Draper Harkins took issue with this in 1917, by noting that the cosmic abundances of the elements vary in such a way that the even-numbered elements are far more abundant than the odd. He concluded, rightly, that the abundances are not determined by mass, but by "factors involved in the formation and disintegration of the atoms." Thus, there is no representation in Mendeleyev's table yet, of the evolution of isotopes, through the stages of sundry radioactive decay series.

Mendeleyev's student, Vernadsky, hypothesized that a new system of organizing the elements could be developed, if the distribution of minerals in the Earth's crust by living processes were taken as a crucial property. Vernadsky criticized Frank Wigglesworth Clarke's wonderful tables of geochemistry for exactly this omission, and for assuming that the distributions were merely geochemical, instead of biogeochemical.2 This strategy was enhanced by the recognition that organisms in the Biosphere actively select specific isotopes of the elements, which implies the ability of life to select on the basis of some criteria other than simply chemical. A new table must thus reflect the dominant role that living processes play in the motions and transformations of all matter.

We go a step further. All living processes depend, fundamentally, on the catalog of cosmic radiation, as demonstrated profoundly by photosynthesis. Therefore, the Periodic Table itself can and will be reorganized into a new system, which takes as crucial elements those effects of the transformation of cosmic radiation within the three phase spaces of the universe—the abiotic, living, and willful cognition. Mendeleyev's work was extremely important, but was necessarily bounded by the contemporary state of experimental work. Over one century later, we are now poised to include what seems like the rest of the universe. In this way, as LaRouche has described it, we can now begin to get this universe organized.

The Shape of Life

To conclude, let us look at one example of "Cosmic Life Processes," with the promise that there will be a lot more to come in the advancing weeks and months.

Russian molecular biologist Alexander Gurwitsch demonstrated that mitosis in cells, during the developmental stage of the organism, can be induced through interaction with other cells in active mitosis phases. He discovered that this effect is caused by the emission of radiation from one cell to another, the wavelength of which he found to be that of ultraviolet light. He named this phenomenon mitogenetic radiation ("M-rays"). Later, he went on to demonstrate that the mitosis of cells was affected, spatially, by the other mitosing cells in the environment. He carried out these experiments under the hypothesis that there existed a morphogenetic field, which was analogous to the fields found in physics, but was not any one of them. He proposed that the study of this field, which was uniquely biological, would enlarge our understanding of fields in general.

Gurwitsch's M-rays are bound to very specific wavelengths. Outside that range, there is clear evidence of a more-or-less behavioral influence on living organisms from other categories of cosmic radiation, under the topic of Circadian Rhythms. Frank Brown's experiments did not necessarily reveal morphological changes, but these rhythms apparently registered all energetic phenomena, including electric and magnetic fields, cosmic rays, and extremes in the electromagnetic spectrum (such as gamma rays). Besides simple behavioral effects, reproductive cycles are also driven by lunar, annual, and other cosmic cycles.

One clear hint at a mode of direct action comes from a description by Russian biologist Vladimir Voeikov of A.A. Kozlov's work, which demonstrated that ionizing radiation could be necessary for the division of cells. Gurwitsch's M-rays are in the ultraviolet range, between about 3 and 100 eV. Kozlov pointed out that, if a beta particle exceeds 263,000 eV in water, it will produce Cerenkov radiation, which is about 4-5 eV—right at the low end, and thus the sweet spot, of mitosis-driving M-rays. Hence, if a gamma ray could enter the cell and trigger a beta decay from one of the atoms there, this would generate potential M-rays, and thus drive a mitosis. The experiment has not yet been carried out, to my knowledge, but it presents a clear avenue down which the development of the Biosphere could be driven, were the Creator of the universe so inclined.

These M-rays could be induced in another way—by cosmic rays. The Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina detects the air showers caused by cosmic rays in two ways. First, barrels of water provide an environment in which the secondary particles of the air shower can move faster than light, which produces Cerenkov radiation. There is every reason to assume that, inside a cell, these secondaries produce a Cerenkov event, and thus M-rays. Second, the primaries cause nitrogen in the atmosphere to produce sub-ozone layer ultraviolet radiation, which can reach up to 4 watts on the ground. This could also be a potential source of M-rays.3

While this is not proof that morphogenesis is driven from outer space, it provides a very important mode of connection between the processes in distant systems, such as the Crab Nebula, with life here on Earth. Here we have a rich territory of experiment to fill out part of our new Periodic Table, under the category of Ultraviolet Radiation in the Biosphere.


Human civilization is on the brink of a new understanding of its universe. The effects of cosmic radiation will soon be recognized to impact virtually all aspects of scientific work. But, the recognition of this truth requires the overthrow of the now-dominant position that the positivist outlook has held over science. We must return to Planck's polemic against the positivists, that human reason does not lie in the world of sense perceptions, but in a higher, unsensed world.

This concept today sees its most developed state in the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, who has asserted the primacy of a science of physical economy, over all other physical sciences. It is in the domain of that science, that the properties of human cognition are studied as a willful, causal representation of what can be called cosmic creation. A core of the budding physical economist's curriculum, is the study of the creative processes of a human mind, as represented in specific cases of scientific discovery. It is those processes, which the physical economist must seek to provoke, promote, and defend in the design of public policy.

As such, the earliest lesson in a course of physical economics, is that absolutely no knowledge is derived from sense perceptions, but those perceptions must rather be assumed to be fraudulent—in a very lawful way. True knowledge comes from the human mind, which uses those senses as what LaRouche terms "instrumentation," the paradoxical juxtaposition of which must be deciphered by the creative mind. In the same way, a skillful lawyer will pit two obviously lying witnesses into argument against each other, in order to make obvious where the truth doesn't reside. But, those lying sense perceptions, taken by themselves, can never be used to mathematically predict an as-yet-unknown, causal phenomenon. Only an hypothesis, generated by the creative individual worker, informed through the errors inherent in several sense perceptions, has that predictive quality.

This is the way all future scientists must think, in order to make sense of our growing universe.


LaRouche, Lyndon, "The Escape from Hilbert's 'Zeta' 'X': Mapping the Cosmos," http://www.larouchepac.com/node/13905

Planck, Max, Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics, translated by A.P. Wills (New York: Columbia University Press, 1915).

Vernadsky, Vladimir, "On Some Fundamental Problems of Biogeochemistry," 21st Century Science & Technology, Winter 2005-2006, p. 39. http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/2006...eochemistry.pdf

Vernadsky, Vladimir, "Problems of Biogeochemistry II: On the Fundamental Material-Energetic Distinction Between Living and Nonliving Natural Bodies of the Biosphere," 21st Century Science & Technology, Winter 2000-01, p. 20. http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/tran...Biogeochemist...

Vernadsky, Vladimir, "On the States of Physical Space," 21st Century Science & Technology, Winter 2007-08, p. 10. http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Arti...es_of_Space.pdf

Interview with Prof. Vladimir Voeikov, 21st Century Science & Technology, Spring 2000, p. 58.

Gurwitsch, Alexander and Gurwitsch, Lydia, "Twenty Years of Mitogenetic Radiation: Emergence, Development, and Perspectives," translated by Vladimir Voeikov and Lev Beloussov, 21st Century Science & Technology, Fall 1999, p. 41.

Harkins, William Draper, "The Structure of Atoms," Science, Vol. 46, No. 1192, p. 419, (1917).

Harkins, William Draper, "The Structure of Atoms II," Science, Vol. 46, No. 1193, p. 443, (1917).

Brown, F., "Living Clocks," Science, Vol. 130 (1959)

Rosing, M., Bird, D., Sleep, N., Glassley, W., Albarede, F. "The Rise of Continents—an Essay on the Geological Consequences of Photosynthesis," Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology; Vol. 232, p. 99, 2006.

On the fight around the quantum:

de Broglie, Louis, "Wave Nature of the Electron," Nobel Prize Lecture, 1929 http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics...1929/index.html

Planck, Max, "On the Law of Distribution of Energy in the Normal Spectrum," Annalen der Physik, Vol. 4, p. 553 (1901).

Einstein, Albert, "On a Heuristic Point of View about the Creation and Conversion of Light," Annalen der Physik, Vol. 17, p. 132 (1905).

Bacciagaluppi, Guido and Valentini, Antony, Quantum Theory at the Crossroads: Reconsidering the 1927 Solvay Conference (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
1. For example, although the experiments that can now be performed with CERN's Large Hadron Collider will produce extremely valuable data, the scientists analyzing it will be crippled if they assume a positivist viewpoint.
2. Vernadsky also hypothesized that the granite bedrock of continents, which floats atop the denser basalt layers forming ocean bedrock, was generated by living processes. A manned mission to Mars, beginning with industrialization of the Moon, will be necessary to determine whether or not granite even exists on other planetary bodies. As yet, none has been found. See, for example, Rosing, et al. (2006).
3. This process, specifically, draws again into consideration the importance of the creation and maintenance of the Earth's atmosphere, which has the ability to convert high-energy cosmic rays into forms that are usable by organisms in morphogenesis.


Natural remedies for peptic ulcers

(NaturalNews) Stomach ulcers are small holes or sores in the gastrointestinal tract which affect millions of Americans every year. The most common major symptom of an ulcer is a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area that lasts from half an hour up to three hours. Usually, the pain occurs in the upper abdomen, but may sometimes occur below the breastbone. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies which can heal and soothe stomach ulcers without the risk of mainstream drugs.

Appetite and weight loss are also common symptoms of ulcers. Other symptoms which may occur include recurrent vomiting, black stool, blood in the stool and anemia. Often ulcer pain is misinterpreted as heartburn, indigestion or hunger. A person with duodenal ulcers may experience weight gain due to eating more to ease discomfort.

Also known as peptic ulcers, stomach ulcers are caused by the destruction of the gastric or intestinal mucosal lining of the stomach by hydrochloric acid, an acid normally present in the digestive juices of the stomach. Infection from the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is thought to play an important role in causing both gastric and duodenal ulcers. H. pylori may be transmitted from one person to another through contaminated food and water.

Chronic use of anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin, is another major cause of ulcer. Cigarette smoking is also an important cause of ulcer formation and can contribute to ulcer treatment failure.

Following are some of the best natural remedies for healing and soothing stomach ulcers:

* One of the very best home remedies for ulcers is eating raw cabbage. Juicing the raw cabbage will make it easier to take and mixing it with carrots in the juicer will make it better tasting. Drink half a cup before each meal and at bed time and make sure that it is fresh. Your ulcer may be gone in only a few weeks.

* Eat at least three bananas a day. These fruits contain an antibacterial substance that inhibits the growth of ulcer-causing H. pylori. Studies show that animals fed bananas have a thicker stomach wall and greater mucus production in the stomach, which helps build a barrier between digestive acids and the lining of the stomach. Eating plantains is also helpful.

* Cayenne pepper is wonderful for healing ulcers as well as dulling the pain. It is a bit strong and may take some getting used to at the outset. Start with one-eighth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water twice a day and work up to a quarter-teaspoon. You can also take cayenne capsules that you can get at the health food store. Take three a day immediately after meals.

* The bark of slippery elm soothes the mucous membranes that line the stomach and duodenum. It is often taken in powdered form. Some herbalists recommend taking a teaspoon of powdered slippery elm bark added to one cup of warm water three times a day.

* Colloidal silver helps kill the H. pylori bacteria and helps heal injured stomach tissues.

* Raw honey soothes and reduces inflammation of the lining of the stomach and is good for healing as well.

* Garlic's antibacterial properties include fighting H. pylori. Take two small crushed cloves a day.

* Plums and other red and purple colored foods such as berries inhibit the growth of H. pylori.

* Coconut oil kills the bacteria that cause ulcers and gas, but it's mostly a long-term remedy.

A few other good ulcer remedies are: raw goats' milk, barley water, aloe juice, propolis capsules, licorice root or marshmallow root.

Sources included:


Good health happens through you, not to you

(NaturalNews) Those who seek answers for their health outside the realm of their own decisions are looking in the wrong place. Health is no accident. Lasting health can only appear as the result of a lifetime of informed, deliberate decisions aligned with nature's principles of health, not the distorted version of health promoted by our backward system of mainstream medicine.

And yet many people still believe that health is something that is bestowed upon them by some mysterious exterior force. The whole effort to raise money to find "the cure" for cancer, for example, is a powerful demonstration of misplaced faith in external healing. This idea that a cure for cancer must come from outside one's self rather than from within is perhaps the greatest conceptual sleight of hand that has yet been pulled off by the sick-care industry.

The cure for cancer is already programmed within. Each person is born with a highly-advanced cellular nanotechnology that already knows how to cure cancer. Activating this inner healing potential is all that's necessary to prevent and cure cancer everywhere around the world, starting right now.

And yet the masses continue to eat cancer-causing foods and pursue cancer-causing lifestyles even while blindly handing over their money in the form of donations to organizations that they naively hope will come along and "save them" someday.

Think carefully about this dynamic: The person believes health is something that happens TO them rather than something that happens THROUGH them. And so they remain stuck, floundering in a pattern of self-inflicted sickness and disease while hoping that some other organization, government or health care plan will somehow save them.

While they wait for that external solution, disease and sickness creeps up on them.

Obesity is what happens when a person spends each day imagining how much they're going to start exercising tomorrow.

Cancer is what happens when a person spends each day eating cancer-causing foods and donating money to Komen for the Cure rather than just getting some sunshine to boost their own vitamin D.

Disease is what happens when people believe they have no role in their own health outcome. So they eat for entertainment rather than for nourishment, and they live for product-induced external stimulation rather than internal fulfillment.

At this point in this article, by the way, we've already lost 99 out of 100 mainstream people. These concepts -- that health is no accident -- are so foreign to the average pre-programmed consumer that they are incapable of recognizing them, much less embracing them. They've been told so many times that health comes through intervention (vaccines, pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, etc.) that the idea of health being created from within just doesn't compute for them.

And that's the way mainstream medicine likes it. A population that believes it has no control over its own health is ripe for exploitation by a highly interventionist medical industry. Those who have lost hope in their own inner health potential tend to place their hope in things like silly pink-ribbon fundraisers that promise to "end breast cancer forever" -- a wishy-washy idea that lies somewhere between poetic fiction and outright marketing fraud.

Cancer can never be "cured" through any external, artificial means, regardless of how many billions of dollars are thrown at it. Trying to cure cancer with synthetic medications makes about as much sense as trying to cure illiteracy by feeding children "reading pills."

Health is a determined path, not an accidental occurrence
Health, like learning to read, is something that must be pursued through dedicated self-advancement. Neither literacy nor health can be endowed upon you with the flick of a magic (medication) wand. They cannot be injected into you through a needle. They can only be achieved by teaching each person how to own their results.

If you wish to learn how to read, for example, you must first accept responsibility that no one else can read for you. YOU must go through the learning and advancement curve if you wish to experience the positive results of being literate


Make your own toothpaste

(NaturalNews) Virtually all commercial toothpastes contain one or both of two problematic ingredients: fluoride and glycerin. Fluoride, a mining by-product, is one of the bigger scams perpetrated on an unwitting public. Instead of being beneficial it actually damages teeth. Glycerin coats the enamel and prevents natural re-mineralization of teeth. The solution in avoiding those two items may be making your own tooth paste or tooth cleanser at home.

Here are some recipes you can make at home which contain neither fluoride or glycerin:

Old Fashioned Tooth Powder


2 tbsp dried lemon or orange rind
1/4 cup baking soda
2 tsp salt


Grind the rinds in a food processor until they become a fine powder. Add baking soda and salt then process for a few more seconds until you have a fine powder. Store in an airtight container. Dip moistened toothbrush into the mixture and brush as usual.

Mix ingredients to make a paste, dip toothbrush into the mix and then brush as usual.

Basic Toothpaste


1 Tsp of the above Old Fashioned Tooth Powder
1/4 Tsp Hydrogen peroxide


Mix into a paste and brush as usual.

Vanilla, Geranium and Honey Toothpaste


1/2 ounce powdered chalk
3 ounces powdered orris root
4 teaspoons of tincture of vanilla
15 drops oil of rose geranium
Raw honey, enough to make a paste


Combine all ingredients and mix until you have the consistency you want. Scoop the paste onto brush. Store the paste in an airtight container.

Simple Mint Toothpaste


Bicarbonate of soda
Bentonite clay powder
Peppermint oil


Mix 3 parts bicarbonate of soda with one part salt. Add 3 tsp of bentonite clay for every 1/4 cup of this mixture, and then add enough water to make a thick paste. Add a few drops of peppermint oil for better taste.

Herbal Mint Toothpaste Recipe


1/4 tsp peppermint oil
1/4 tsp spearmint
1/4 cup arrowroot
1/4 cup powdered orrisroot
1/4 cup water
1 tsp ground sage


Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add water until paste is desired thickness/consistency. Store at room temperature in a tightly covered jar.

Substitute 1/2 tsp each of oil of cinnamon and oil of cloves for peppermint/spearmint if desired.

Refreshing Super Mint Toothpaste


6 teaspoons baking soda
1/3 teaspoon sea salt
4 teaspoons bentonite clay powder
15 drops peppermint


Mix thoroughly until you get the toothpaste consistency you desire. If desired, add a few drops of peppermint or wintergreen.

Strawberry Tooth Cleanser


1 tsp of the above Old Fashioned Tooth Powder
1 tbsp crushed ripe strawberries


Mix strawberries and powder into a paste and brush as usual.

Basic Tooth Cleanser


Hydrogen peroxide (a few drops)
Baking soda


Make a paste by combining the two ingredients. You can also gently rub this paste along your gums twice a week for maximum benefit.

Lemon and Cloves Herbal Tooth Cleanser


Small amount of finely powdered sage
1 ounce of finely powdered myrrh
1 pound powdered arrow root
3 ounces powdered orris root
15 drops oil of lemon
8 drops oil of cloves
10 drops oil of bergamot
10 drops of coconut oil (you may have to warm slightly to melt)


Mix the powdered ingredients first and then add and mix the oils into the mixture.


Supercharge any of the above recipes by adding tea tree oil or plant derived mineral powder (or both).

When you use items which contain lemon, rinse your mouth and teeth thoroughly afterward to prevent damage to teeth enamel.

Sources included:



Energetic medicine-present and future


Dr Mae-Wan Ho
Dr Mae-Wan Ho led off the conference with a complex theory about the way in which the body is intimately connected by water, collagen and quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement means that many systems link together and so behave as if they were one system. Add to this some ideas about protons being able to act as wires or communication channels, even as a superconductor, or one that has no resistance in the electrical sense.

Her interest fell upon connective tissues and of all of them, collagen is of the most interest to her. Collagen fibers can change a photon’s frequency and so are of huge interest. Frequency shift is a key idea of Dr Milo Wolff’s physics also. Evidence that the Meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine use connective tissue as its pathway was presented in one of her many papers years ago. Information of some sort travels through connective tissues. She has a great interest also in the structure of water and finds a layering system along with surface tension is part of this system. Water and collagen are very commonly found in all parts of the body and together they form a huge liquid crystal that operates via proton conduction.

Biologists study a huge number of systems and try to make sense of them. She finds in biology a system that she calls of quantum super imposition and this means that all the cycles, rhythms and infrastructures fit together into a dynamic pattern. Fractals are not dead but can be found in heartbeats.

Health, in all this complexity, can be defined as order within apparent chaos. She looked at the heartbeat and found order within its apparent non-linear beats. She reminded us that the heart’s electrical activity is fifty times greater than that of the brain. Quantum coherence is health, which means the ability of the organism to work as a whole and in doing so behave as one system.

After our speeches, Mae-Wan bought me a coffee and we spent the whole hour talking. We both thought we might have a bit in common, but our languages are so different. I had thought of the human body-field as pure energy, and Mae-Wan Ho had thought of it as collagen and structured water with protons making preferred pathways.

Evidently, the idea of the human body-field needs to be integrated with the ideas about the physical molecular structures in the body. These ideas are presented in Mae-Wan Ho´s book The Rainbow and the Worm, in which she visits biology and physics.

She produces a wonderful magazine called Science in Society, which exhorts scientists to help mankind rather than destroy it. Please get this!

Dr James Oschman
James is a wonderful speaker and truly a well of knowledge, as a good academic should be—what fun!

During his talk, he showed a map of the cell. No, the cell wall is not a barrier. No, the water in cells does not function as a solute. Cell biologists everywhere you have nothing to lose but your chains! Where the cell starts and ends is not clear; it’s more like a living matrix consisting of collagen and water. So it’s the matrix that runs the body, not the DNA, not the cell. James drew our attention to the electronic biologist, war hero, patriot and Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi. Collagen is a semi-conductor which actually increases it conductivity when bathed in water—by a factor of a million times. Interesting!

Another biologist we should have read is Paul Lec, an osteopath who, like all osteopaths, sees the collagen matrix as a reservoir of electrons. The centrioles in the cell can act as photon sensors. Here you must read G. Albrecht-Buehler. At the conference, Professor Fritz Albert-Popp, who was awaited with great excitement, could not attend due to a medical emergency. However, his ideas were still there, such as the idea of coherently arranged biophotons, which is very important material if we consider quantum coherence.

A great deal that has been written about the extracellular matrix has been written by Alfred Pischinger. He, too, suggested that the cell is not the basic unit of biology. Manipulative therapies work on a triad: capillary–matrix–cell, much as Pischinger suggested. Of course, by now I had realized NES needs a new Infoceutical called Matrix. As I write this, testing on this infoceutical has begun. It correlates to oxygenation and pH!

James also followed the development of science and medicine and said that we now stand at the crossroads again, as we leave the electrical model for a matrix model and yet again find that within the matrix model is enclosed yet another matrix, that of space itself.

James discussed the idea of “levels” in biology, or scales of reference within the physical matrix, with each level increasing in energy until we reach the non-physical—the space within and without the body itself, which has the highest energy level. He gave his blessing to manipulative therapies, laying on of hands, electromagnetic therapies, and even quantum-based devices such as NES..

I must tell you that in all my years in natural medicine, I never went to a conference like this. This I have to quote from Dr Oschman, concerning the future of medicine “ As the pieces fit together, we can expect the emergence of a complementary or intergrative medicine that seems just as miraculous as penicillin did when it was first discovered.”

Peter Fraser
Leaving aside the heart-warming biographical details of my lecture, I can tell you what was different about my lecture when placed in the context of two famous biologists. I spoke about the ordinal characteristics of space and the way information appears to be carried within a quantum field. But what was really different was the idea of structure that was not based on the very appealing idea of the water and collagen matrix. The matrix is, of course, our old acupuncture meridian system brought right up to date, as it must be.

But the structure of space and its ability to act as a reservoir of “energy” was a basic theme about how organs appear to energise themselves by their tuned spaces. These are called co-axial resonators by electronics engineers. The organs expand and contract a little every few seconds through your whole life. Why?

These organs naturally arrange themselves into large, medium and small resonators, and this is predicted by the solid math theory of biological scaling. Nature prefers some sizes, masses and even shapes over others.

Here is a list of what we know about quantum physics that could possibly have a counterpart in biology and, therefore, medicine:
1. Energy waves tend to form “clumps” or quanta and are not homogenous.
2. Higher frequencies of waves represent higher energy states.
3. There is a transfer of energy that is at least an appearance between electrons and photons. Here is a list of what we know about quantum physics that could possibly have a counterpart in biology and, therefore, medicine:
4. Subatomic particles appear to be in instant continuous communication with each other via a quantum field. This is called quantum entanglement.
5. This communication can take place instantly over infinite distances, and this phenomenon is called action at a distance, which, like gravity, is not to be understood at all if you go anywhere near the Copenhagen Model of Atomic Structure.
6. Lastly, the idea has arisen of quantum coherence, which emerged from double-slit experiments in optics. If there are no rigid lines between electrons and photons, then it is very important.

Of these six ideas on theories that may be a manifestation of a flawed atomic model dating from the early twentieth centaury, only four appear to have been seen, so far, to be coherent with any biological processes. These are:
1. Quantum entanglement, which is the basis of a theory that was promulgated since 1984 by James Oschman.
2. Quantum coherence, which is a concept Mae-Wan Ho uses to define health in an organism. Professor Popp uses the concept as well.
3. The idea of energy transfer between electrons and photons has gone into quantum chemistry but not biochemistry, and here Professor Popp is important.
4. The phonon is a sound of up to 100k Hz, which when it travels through a crystalline matrix (like collagen matrix in biology) exhibits different characteristics from normal sound. It has been called quantised vibrations at an atomic level. (Google “phonons in biology.”) The first four NES Energetic Integrators evidently are based on the phonon phenomenon. Nobody will say how far phonons go or even where they are in biology. There is talk of optic phonons!

The Copenhagen Interpretation
The “dark ages” of physics is over, according to Dr Milo Wolff, writing in his new book on the Wave Structure of Matter entitled Schrödinger´s Universe. I know you are wondering what these dark ages were. They were the many years of Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, who helped develop a system of physics that, being immeasurable, began to resemble philosophy rather than science. Quantum physics ended up with as many as 500 high-energy particles and many riddles and nonsensical arrangements of mathematics that were displeasing to many. John Cramer and Milo Wolff present a better arrangement of things.

Wolff develops particle physics by stating that there are only three real particles, ones which emit wave structures and which present phase differences. All of his ideas leave the basic principles of physics intact. Why the excitement then? Because Wolff´s model allows for interconnected information systems which are independent of the speed of light. Wave function collapse in Wolff´s model appears to mean a phase or frequency change observed in the standing wave, whose character is certainly magnetic in character. The answers lie not in observations of photons in slits, so much as the character of magnetic fragments remaining after wave collapse.

(Reference: Google the “Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics” by Ben Best.)

So what is the “abruption in science”
This is a discontinuity with the past—an indication of a scientific revolution. Milo Wolff in his first book, Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe, proposes that space has never actually been studied. It is not empty, but is crammed with structured energy. The information science suggested by myself is to fill this gap in physics. That is to say that space resonance can be measured by using co-axial tuned resonators, and that when “resonance” occurs, if this is the word, there is a huge change in the character of the surrounding space, which I have described as an increase in permittivity.

While everyone had a different perspective of the conference, this is a summary of what I gleaned over the three days. This conference was a huge step forward, as I see it. Ideas!
• There is a liquid crystal matrix in the body that may be carrying both energy and information. Biologists are yet to come to grips with this.
• The ancient cell biology in textbooks has been largely disproven and is perhaps bogus and should be revised now to stop falsifying science further. Stop sitting on your hands!
• The post-1955 central dogma of biology proposed by Francis Crick is over and needs to be replaced by something non-dogmatic. Could it be energetic medicine?
• Energetic medicine with all of its theories, forms and devices is causing excitement in Scandinavia. Og det er meget godt!

Peter Fraser
Chief Scientific Officer
Nutri-Energetics Systems Ltd

Natural sports drink-coconut water

Coconut Water: Nature Provides Its Own Sports Drink

Thursday, April 15, 2010 by: Heidi Fagley

Coconut water has been a staple for tropical regions around the world for centuries. Recently it has been grabbing the attention of athletes, sports enthusiasts, and health-conscious individuals as a natural and healthy alternative to sports drinks.

Not to be confused with thick, white coconut milk that comes from mature coconuts, coconut water is the clear juice of a young green coconut. Refreshing and naturally sweet, this powerful antioxidant can be considered Nature's isotonic beverage.

The desire to replenish lost electrolytes and essential minerals after a heavy workout has sent many sectors of the Western world's soft drink industries on a frenzy to satisfy this demand. There has been enormous growth in experiments to find the perfect beverage that has sent new product development into the millions. Yet with the sugar and food coloring added to most of these energy drinks, lost minerals and electrolytes may not be the only thing being put into the body.

Artificial colors are added to these beverages to enhance color or to mask undesirable colors. Many of these dyes have their source from crude oil and can contain unsafe levels of heavy metals. In addition, some artificial coloring has also been linked to numerous disease processes like cancer. Sugar is added to enhance flavor, to make things taste sweet and flavorful, and to lure you into wanting more. Many times these drinks never contain any fruit even though they are marketed specifically as fruit flavored.

Simply drinking pure coconut water - or juice, as they are used interchangeably - can super-charge your metabolism without any ill effects of added sugar, caffeine or chemicals. Rehydrating one's body in this natural way also includes other benefits: aiding in weight loss, cleansing the kidney, and boosting the immune system, while providing Nature's pure energy. With no side effects or preservatives it is safe for any age. This liquid nourishment improves digestion, balances body pH, enhances the metabolism, and beats dehydration, so it's the perfect beverage to replenish essential body fluids.

An amazing antioxidant, this pure water contains essential salts and minerals in the same concentration as the body and can replace those electrolytes and minerals that are lost as a result of sweating during vigorous exercise. As a natural source of nutrition and hydration, coconut water contains the five essential electrolytes your body needs to keep the body's temperature regulated, and muscles and nerves performing at optimal levels.

Coconut water has even been used throughout history as an intravenous fluid, actually saving many lives. It is similar to human blood plasma and is the only natural substance that can be safely injected into the human blood stream.

Not to be mistaken as a fruit - or, in spite of its name, a nut - the coconut is actually a member of the palm tree family. It is the largest seed known, contains no cholesterol, and has more natural electrolytes than any other fruit or vegetable.

This low-calorie, fat-free, pure form of liquid nourishment is an excellent source of potassium. In fact, 8 ounces of this "fluid of life" has more potassium than a banana, and about 15 times more than most sports drinks.

The refreshing clean juice from Nature's perfect environment quenches the thirst and is best when chilled. The taste varies depending on the region the coconut is grown. The nectar of this young drupe provides its own rather unique flavor that most would say tastes nothing like coconut. It's extremely versatile and can be added to smoothies or you can drink it straight from a freshly opened, young green coconut.

Bee-polen- an answer to allergies

Bee Pollen: Nature Provides an Answer for Allergies

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 by: William Rudolph

It may seem counterintuitive to think that something with the word "pollen" in its title may actually be a powerful tool for combating pollen and other allergies. Yet the supporting evidence of bee pollen's prowess in helping people overcome seasonal and other allergy related conditions is impressive. In the early 90's, Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa became an advocate for natural health, crediting bee pollen with helping him alleviate symptoms related to his own seasonal allergies.

Allergies result from our body's response to something it has been exposed to, such as chemicals, by-products of the natural world, things we eat, drink, or breathe, or anything that comes in contact with our skin. If the body reacts adversely, such as the case with allergies, the body will release antibodies or histamines. This response is how the immune system attempts to remove or marginalize the impact of the foreign body. With allergies, the body can develop a chronic histamine response, resulting in inflammation throughout the body's skin, membranes, tissues, lungs, etc.

A look at bee pollen's nutritional composition shows that it is comprised of approximately 35% protein, including all 22 known amino acids found in the body. It is also rich in vitamins, (particularly B vitamins), all 28 minerals found in the body (especially zinc), and is loaded with health-promoting enzymes, something largely lacking in the Standard American Diet(S.A.D.). One nutrient of particular importance is quercetin. Known for its ability to minimize or neutralize the histamine response, quercetin may be a primary reason for bee pollen's capacity to alleviate inflammation caused by hay fever or other common allergy-causing substances.

Bees are highly selective in the pollen that they collect. There are two types of pollen grains: anemophile pollen grains and entomophile pollen grains. Anemophile pollens are not collected by bees and are the grains that can cause allergic reactions in people. They are light and easily blown away in the wind. Entomophiles, which means "friends of insects", are the grains that are collected and contain the super nutrient profile that is what we know as bee pollen. The bees collect these heavier, stickier entomophile pollen grains and combine them with a substance they secrete, which allows them to formulate granules that they transport back to the hive.

According to the Journal of Allergy, one study of allergy sufferers showed a majority of people with hay fever enjoyed a dramatic improvement after eating bee pollen, while some of the study's participants reported showing a 100% improvement in their condition with supplemental intake of bee pollen. Adding bee pollen to your diet is exceptionally easy to do, just mix in a smoothie, with yogurt or cereal, or eat it straight by the spoonful. Perhaps bee pollen will be the answer to your allergy question.

De-inflame with superfoods

De-Inflame with Superfoods, Part I

Friday, April 09, 2010 by: Dr. David Jockers

Cellular inflammation has been shown to be the underlying marker in nearly every major health problem. Every single day our body is attacked by free radicals; cells are damaged; and inflammatory mediators are produced and triggered throughout our body. Fortunately, God gave us an incredible ability to heal and regulate abnormal cells. He also provided us with a way of life to minimize the negative effects of lifestyle stress.

From a nutritional perspective, one of the simplest things to do is add some of our Creator's most nutritious foods into our diet. Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered "super-foods." Here are a couple amazing superfoods that are particularly useful for reducing inflammation, destroying free radicals, and detoxifying cellular pollution. Here are some of nature's most powerful secrets to health and healing:

1.Ginger: This incredible superfood herb is 13th on the anti-oxidant list boasting an impressive ORAC score of 28,811. Ginger is composed of several volatile oils that give it its characteristic flavor and odor: zingerone, shogaols, & gingerols. These oils are powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic agents. In addition, it inhibits cancer cell formation while firing up our body's own inborn ability to destroy the cancer cells formerly present.

Ginger has classically been used to improve the digestion process. It is classified as a carminative (reducing intestinal gas) and an intestinal spasmolytic (soothes intestinal tract) while inducing gut motility. Ginger is known to reduce fever related nausea, motion sickness, and feelings of "morning sickness." Additionally, it helps aid in the production of bile, making it particularly helpful in digesting fats.

Ginger is also an important part of a de-inflaming, natural pain-relief program. One compound called 6-gingerol has been shown to significantly inhibit the production of a highly reactive nitrogen molecule, nitric oxide, that quickly forms a dangerous free radical peroxynitrite. Additionally, ginger helps to protect the body's stores of glutathione (the super anti-oxidant and free radical destroyer).

2.Parsley: The herb parsley is considered the world's most popular herb. It contains a unique combination of nutrients that make it a powerful superfood. The volatile oil compounds myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene have been shown to inhibit tumor cell formation. Additionally, parsley is rich in flavonoids - including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin that have strong anti-oxidant properties.

Parsley is also particularly rich in chlorophyll, the energy producing substance that gives herbs and plants their characteristic green color. Chlorophyll helps to alkalize the body, purify blood, and form new red blood cells. In addition, the chlorophyll and flavonoids in parsley help to enhance cellular glutathione formation. Higher levels of cellular glutathione allow the body to detoxify and heal more effectively.

Through these properties, parsley is able to improve cellular oxygenation properties. Increased oxygenation = increased cellular energy = increased detoxification & healing mechanisms.

De-Inflame with Superfoods, Part II

Saturday, April 17, 2010 by: Dr. David Jockers

The human body has an incredible ability and desire to heal itself. Part of this self-healing process is the inflammatory cascade. This process is critical, but typically for a short period of time. However, when balancing mechanisms such as anti-inflammatory mediators are deficient or of poor quality, the inflammatory response grows too strong.

The food we eat every day plays a critical role in the inflammatory balance within our system. Here are several great foods to quiet down the inflammatory fires.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar: This super tonic contains acetic acid which is known to help the body absorb iron more effectively. Iron is primarily used as the mineral backbone within hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrying molecule within red blood cells. Myoglobin, the oxygen extracting molecule within muscle, also consists of an iron backbone. Higher levels of bioavailable iron allow the body to better utilize oxygen. Boosting oxygen levels increases both energy production and detoxification processes.

The Acetic acid and active enzymes within the ACV also help the body metabolize protein and absorb the amino acids more effectively. This is a critical step for building healthy hormones and enzymes and repairing tissue. Through these mechanisms, ACV helps to recover from injury, excessive exercise, and states of chronic pain. Additionally, better enzymatic function will increase energy and sense of well-being.

ACV is an acid on the outside of our body, but has an alkaline ash when it is digested within our body. This is the best of both worlds. As an acid it is a powerful sterilizer that is great for improving the quality of our skin & hair. Additionally, it is great at removing warts, acting upon acne, and cleansing the body of dead skin cells.
Within the body, ACV balances our overall pH by providing alkaline buffering minerals in ionic potassium and magnesium. This benefit enhances overall energy production and detoxification processes. Be sure to purchase your ACV completely raw and unpasteurized with an intact "mother."

2. Turmeric: This powerhouse is the 4st highest anti-oxidant rich herb, containing an incredible ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity) score of 159,277. The major ingredient curcumin is what gives turmeric its characteristic orange color. The curcuminoids within turmeric are said to be 5-8 times stronger at scavenging free radicals than Vitamin C & E. The molecules are strong enough to take on the hydroxyl free radical which is considered to be the most reactive of all free radicals.

Curcuminoids help to cleanse & nourish your skin while balancing the skin`s natural microflora that protects you from infections. Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory, acting to down-regulate the inflammatory mediating COX-2 & MMP9 receptors. Additionally, it reverses many common cancer cell transcription factors such as NF-Kappa Beta. The curcuminoids have been labeled by many as some of the most powerful cancer fighting substances on the planet.

3. Oregano: Oregano is extraordinarily high in antioxidant activity, ranking in as the 3rd highest herb with an ORAC score of 200,129. The primary anti-oxidant components are phenolic acids and flavonoids. Oregano oil has incredible anti-bacterial functions due to its high content of thymol, a powerful phenol. Additionally, oregano has been found to be the most effective substance against MRSA staph infections, beating out the 18 currently used anti-biotics in a recent study.

Oregano oil has been classically used as a disinfectant, an aid for ear, nose, & throat/respiratory infections, candida, and any sort of bacterial or viral conditions. Additionally, it works to suppress inflammatory mediators and cancer cell production. Oregano oil is more potent than the dried herb; however, the dried version still contains many powerful health benefits.


Prevent cancer through nutrition

(NaturalNews) Is there really such a thing as an anti-cancer food? According to The National Cancer Institute, roughly one third of all cancer deaths may be diet related. Recent studies show that there is not a single element in a particular food that fights cancer but overall eating patterns work towards preventing cancer. Eating a variety of healthy foods on a regular basis can fight and even reverse cancer. This article examines cancer fighting foods, drinks and spices to include in the diet.

How Cancer Starts

Cancer begins as a single abnormal cell that begins to multiply out of control. Soon, these rapidly multiplying cells form tumors that invade healthy tissue. Once cancerous cells begin, they rapidly invade surrounding tissue. Carcinogens from chemicals, radiation, smoke, pollution and foods can boost the development of tumors. Compounds known as inhibitors can keep the tumor cells from growing. Some vitamins and phytochemicals in plant foods are known to be inhibitors.

Foods that Prevent Cancer

Increase consumption of omega-3 rich foods, such as wild-caught cold-water fish like salmon, flaxseed oil, and walnuts.

Vegetables high in antioxidants and known to lower the risk of cancer are avocados, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, garlic, sweet potatoes, mushrooms and beans. Eat plenty of raw, unsalted nuts such as Brazil nuts, walnuts and almonds.

Fruits to add to the diet on a regular basis include grapefruit, figs, oranges, lemons, grapes, papayas, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, tomatoes and pears.

According to James A. Duke, author of The Green Pharmacy (St. Martin's Paperbacks, 1998), "a salad with cancer fighting properties would contain organically grown ingredients such as garlic, onions, red peppers, tomatoes, red clover flowers, chopped cooked beets, fresh calendula flowers, celery, fresh chicory flowers, chives, cucumbers, cumin, peanuts, purslane, and sage."

Adds James Duke: "I came up with a cancer prevention dressing to use with this salad. It includes flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, garlic, rosemary, a dash of lemon juice, and that Latin American favorite, hot peppers."

Teas and Drinks That Fight Cancer

To help prevent cancer, choose teas that are rich in antioxidants, particularly polyphenols. Polyphenols combine with free radicals at the cellular level to prevent them from damaging cells and, worst case scenario, degenerating into cancer.

Rooibos tea (red bush tea), green tea, ginger and green tea and black tea are all rich in antioxidants.

Drink red wine in moderation for its antioxidant effects. Choose organic, sulfite free red wine.

Drink plenty of fresh, pure water on a daily basis to flush out toxins from the body.

Herbs and Spices

Spices such as turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper, cinnamon and herbs such as rosemary, oregano, parsley and sage should be included in the diet as often as possible for their cancer fighting properties.





Hot and cold water therapies

(NaturalNews) Hot and cold baths have been used for centuries and some of the benefits they bring include: increased energy, increased circulation, detoxification, and the clearing of negative energy. An easy way to replicate the spa experience of alternating hot and cold baths, and the primal experience of jumping from hot springs to cold rivers, is to simply alternate hot and cold water in your shower. Most of us are quite accustomed to warm showers and even the idea of introducing cold water can be intimidating. But once you've done it for yourself, you'll see it's really not that bad. Actually, you'll probably find it's quite invigorating.

It's best to start with hot and after a few minutes to use a blast of cold for a minute. Then use hot water again, repeat several times, and end your shower when you're ready. The hot should be hot and the cold should be cold - in fact, as long as you're not scalding yourself: the hotter the better and the colder the better. This can be done daily, but if you're clearing a negative energy dump or if you need more powerful detoxification, it can be done several times a day.

The extremes of hot and cold water cause your muscles to expand and contract which offers gentle detoxification as toxins are squeezed from your muscles. It also improves circulation and the benefits of improved circulation shouldn't be underestimated. When your body has poor circulation, it's impeded in delivering fresh blood to all areas of the body. As a result, the body can't cleanse the blocked and stagnant areas regularly - and toxins, filth and disease accumulate in these oxygen and fresh blood deprived areas.

This is regularly seen with cancers and tumors which are really just clumps of fungus and filth that the body was unable to remove. They develop to contain the waste that couldn't be removed because our detoxification systems are frequently overwhelmed due to the large amounts of chemicals and improper foods that most people take in daily - and also because poor circulation prevents regular cleansing.

Cold water, it should be noted, holds a magic of its own. Cold water has more oxygen in it than hot water, and therefore has an alkalizing and detoxifying effect. Plus, cold water is known to wipe away negative energy from our bodies. And there's a negative energy component to most disease - particularly where cancers or tumors are located. Using cold water can help remove the energy that's binding the filth in certain locations and when that energy is gone, the filth can more easily be moved out of your body - where it truly belongs.

Sea salts and ocean swimming also remove negative energy, which may be the reason many beach oriented cultures have reputations for being laid back. Plus, if you can release the negative energy when it's produced, there's a much slimmer chance that it will be stored in your body and come back to haunt you, either as a disease or an emotional trigger.

To clear negative energy, another technique is to hold a couple teaspoons of quality sea salts in the palms of each hand for a few minutes to absorb the energy if it returns after your shower. Negative energy is released through the palms of our hands and in this manner, the salts can absorb the energy from you. After the salts have absorbed your negative energy, let them sit in the sun for a day or two to regain their purity.

People with heart problems, the elderly, and infirm may want to forgo extremely cold waters.



Let go the negative energy

(NaturalNews) Ever had a conversation or incident with someone that left you upset for a day or two? Maybe there's someone in your life, perhaps a boss or family member, that this happens with regularly? Energy is exchanged in conversation and in events, and if this happens, you've likely gotten a dose of bad energy. If this happens regularly with certain individuals, it's likely that they're accustomed to spreading it, and also that you're not sure how to let it go. Especially for the more sensitive among us, negative energy can sometimes be hard to let go.

Letting the energy dissipate on its own can sometimes take a day or two, but it's a real bummer when someone else's poor communication, lack of consciousness, or proneness to being emotionally triggered and verbally or otherwise attacking others affects us long after the moment the incident happened in. Fortunately, though, there are a few ways to expedite the removal of negative energy from us and shorten the amount of time it drags down our own consciousness.

One easy way is to simply brush it off. When people often offer this well intentioned advice, they aren't speaking literally - but here we are. Literally, take one hand and brush your arms, legs, head, and back. Understand that energy literally sits around us so wipe your body clean, like you were removing a layer of dust from your skin. You'll instantly feel better as the cloud of bad energy is brushed from your immediate surroundings. It's best to do this outside and ideally in nature. As the primary method, any other method should be used after this one.

Another technique is to shrug it off by shrugging your shoulders, literally. Energy, especially the energy of resentment, which is the feeling that someone has done something wrong to you, often sits in our shoulders - along our gallbladder meridian. By shrugging your shoulders up and down several times, you're helping that energy move and when it moves, it can be removed - instead of sitting stuck inside you.

Blowing it off is another technique that can help and again, literally. So breathe deeply and exhale quickly and forcefully through your mouth. This will help remove the poor energy from your internal environment.

Sea salt can also transmute negative energy. An easy solution is to combine a couple tablespoons of quality sea salt with a couple tablespoons of coconut or olive oil. Then, mix it with a cup of hot water to dissolve the sea salt and pour it slowly over your head and body in the shower. Massage it into your scalp and body for a few minutes to create your own at-home negative energy cleansing spa treatment. Afterward your skin will feel wonderful and the energy will be transmuted. Soaking in a bath with a cup of sea salt is also a nice way to relax while releasing bad energy.

As with many problems in the body, deep body cleansing can help too. This is especially true, if you're the one who's spreading the negative energy because it's likely you're holding quite a bit inside - and it often stays stuck and held in place by toxicity. Colon and liver cleansing are particularly helpful because stuck emotions often reside in the colon, and a toxic liver easily feels anger. In fact, if your liver is clean, it's difficult to feel anger on any sort of regular basis. However, stuck emotions that trigger us or drag down our consciousness can be anywhere in the body and if this is the case, deeper cleansing will be needed to remove them.



New sweetener-more dangerous...

Shocking! This 'Tequila' Sweetener is Far
Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup

Posted by Dr. Mercola | March 30 2010 | 254,034 views

Many people interested in staying healthy have switched to agave as a safer "natural" sweetener. They want to avoid well documented dangerous sweeteners like HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) but are unaware that agave is actually WORSE than HFCS.

This expose will offend many hard core natural health advocates because they have been convinced of the agave hype by companies that are promoting it.

Some have even criticized me for having “ulterior” motives. But nothing could be further from the truth. Although I do offer natural health products of sale on this site, I sell no competing products to agave.

Rather I recommend flavored stevia products like English Toffee or French Vanilla. You can also use xylitol in small amounts or glucose which is sold as dextrose and can easily be purchased on Amazon for $1 per pound. I do not sell any of these products.

My only purpose for sharing this information is to help people understand the truth about health. In case you haven’t noticed we have an epidemic of obesity in the US and it wasn’t until recently that my eyes opened up to the primary cause - - fructose.

I had similar epiphanies about omega-3 fats and vitamin D since I started this site, but this is the most major health appreciation I have had since I learned about vitamin D over five years ago. This is serious business and it is my intention to make the public fully aware of it and let you make your own choices.

Yes it is all about freedom of choice. It is hard to have freedom if you aren’t given the entire story, and up until now that has been the case with agave.

So Just What is Agave?

Blue agave is an exotic plant growing in the rich volcanic soil of Mexico under a hot tropical sun, boasting a stately flower stem that blooms only once in its lifetime. "Agave" literally means "noble." It’s generally recognized as a superstar of the herbal remedy world, claiming to offer relief for indigestion, bowel irregularity, and skin wounds.

Ferment it, and you have Mexico’s favorite adult beverage -- tequila.

Just the name "agave" conjures up images of romantic tropical excursions and mysterious shamanic medicine.

These are the mental images agave "nectar" sellers want you to hold. They use agave’s royal pedigree to cover the truth that what they’re selling you is a bottle of high-fructose syrup, so highly processed and refined that it bears NO resemblance to the plant of its namesake.

What is the "Real" Truth about Agave?

If you knew the truth about what’s really in it, you’d be dumping it down the drain -- and that would certainly be bad for sales.

Agave "nectar" or agave "syrup" is nothing more than a laboratory-generated super-condensed fructose syrup, devoid of virtually all nutrient value, offering you metabolic misfortune.

Unfortunately, masterful marketing has resulted in the astronomical popularity of agave syrup among people who believe they are doing their health a favor by avoiding refined sugars like high fructose corn syrup, and dangerous artificial sweeteners.

And if you’re diabetic, you’ve been especially targeted and told this is simply the best thing for you since locally grown organic lettuce, that it’s "diabetic friendly," has a "low glycemic index" and doesn’t spike your blood sugar.

While agave syrup does have a low-glycemic index, so does antifreeze -- that doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Agave syrup has the highest fructose content of any commercial sweetener -- ranging from 70 to 97 percent, depending on the brand, which is FAR HIGHER than high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which averages 55 percent.

This makes agave actually WORSE than HFCS.

It is important to understand that fructose does not increase insulin levels, which is not necessarily good as what it does do is radically increase insulin resistance, which is FAR more dangerous. You see, it’s okay for your insulin levels to rise, that is normal. You just don’t want these insulin levels to remain elevated, which is what insulin resistance causes.

That is why fasting insulin is such a powerful test, as it is a very powerful reflection of your insulin resistance.

In addition to insulin resistance, your risk of liver damage increases, along with triglycerides and a whole host of other health problems, as discussed in this CBC News video about the newly discovered dangers of high fructose corn syrup. The study discussed in this news report is about HFCS, however, it's well worth remembering that agave contains MORE fructose than HFCS, and in all likelihood, it's the FRUCTOSE that is causing these severe liver problems.

How Agave is Grown and Produced Proves it is Unnatural

Agaves grow primarily in Mexico, but you can also find them in the southern and western United States, as well as in South America. Agaves are not cacti, but succulents of the yucca family, more closely related to amaryllis and other lilies. Edible parts of the agave are the flowers, leaves, stalks and the sap.

A mature agave is 7 to 12 feet in diameter with leaves that are 5 to 8 feet tall -- an impressive plant in stature, to be sure. There are over 100 species of agave, in a wide variety of sizes and colors.

Although the industry wants you to believe that agave nectar runs straight from the plant and into your jar, nothing could not be farther from the truth.

In spite of manufacturer’s claims, agave "nectar" is not made from the sap of the yucca or agave plant but from the starch of its pineapple-like root bulb[i]. The root is comprised mainly of starch, similar to corn, and a complex carbohydrate called inulin, which is made up of fructose molecules.

The process by which agave starch and inulin are converted into "nectar" is VERY similar to the process by which cornstarch is converted into HFCS1.

The agave starch is converted into fructose-rich syrup using genetically modified enzymes and a chemically intensive process involving caustic acids, clarifiers, and filtration chemicals[ii]. Here is a partial list of the chemicals involved:

Activated charcoal

Cationic and ionic resins

Sulfuric and/or hydrofluoric acid



Inulin enzymes


How natural does this sound?

The result is highly refined fructose syrup, along with some remaining inulin.

Agave syrup comes in two colors: clear or light, and amber. What’s the difference?

Due to poor quality control in Mexican processing plants, some of the syrup gets burnt. Hence, the darker amber color. Of course, this poor quality control is marketed as an "artisan" variation, like amber beer, when in fact it contains higher levels of toxic impurities that arise from the sugar-heating process.

Impurities aside, agave "nectar" is neither safe nor natural with laboratory-generated fructose levels of more than 80 percent!

Is There Really a “Safe” Organic Agave?

Part of the problem leading to the confusion is that there are some natural food companies that are indeed committed to excellence and in providing the best product possible. But let me assure you that in the agave industry, this is the minority of companies.

Nevertheless, these ethical companies seek to provide an outstanding product. There are a few companies who commit to and actually achieve these criteria and actually:

Work with the indigenous people,

Use organic agave as the raw material, free of pesticides

Process it at low temperatures to preserve all the natural enzymes

Produce a final agave product that is closer to 70% fructose instead of over 90%

Fructose is bonded or conjugated to other sugars and not floating around as “free” fructose, like HFCS, which is far more damaging.

The VAST majority of companies however do not apply these principles and essentially produce a product that is, as this articles states, FAR worse than HFCS.

If you are going to use agave you will certainly want to seek out one of the companies that adhere to the principles above. However you will still need to exert caution in using it.

Just like fruit it is quantity issue. Fructose only becomes a metabolic poison when you consume it in quantities greater than 25 grams a day. If you consume one of the typical agave preparations that is one tablespoon, assuming you consume ZERO additional fructose in your diet, which is VERY unlikely since the average person consumes 70 grams per day.

Even a hundred years ago, long prior to modern day food processing, the average person consumed 15 grams a day.

Listen to YOUR Body

Many people will not be convinced by my arguments and data. They certainly can choose to do that but they are only hurting themselves. Fortunately there is a very simple way to learn if the fructose level you are consuming is safe.

When you consume fructose over 25 grams per day it will very likely increase its metabolic byproduct, uric acid, in your blood. So you can go to your physician and have a simple uric acid level done.

This is not a fasting test and is very inexpensive to do, it’s typically free with many automated chemistry profiles.

If your level is above 5.0 you will want to consider reducing your fructose level until the level drops below 5.0. This will provide you with a valid, objective parameter to let you know if the information I am sharing is correct for you and your family.

Sales are Sweet for Agave Companies and Bad for You and Your Family

Growing consumer resistance to HFCS has been a hole-in-one for the agave industry. Need a healthy alternative to those evil HFS products?

Agave syrup to the rescue!

In case you doubt the influence of marketing in setting trends and consumer buying habits, look at these statistics:[iii]

New agave products more than tripled in number between 2003 and 2007, from 56 to 176. Agave syrup is now appearing in products such as energy bars, cereals and organic ice creams.

Revenues for the category "other liquid sweeteners," which includes agave, rose to more than $10.3 million in 2007, which was a 50 percent jump from 2006.

McCormick & Co., a major food manufacturer, placed agave syrup in its "top 10 flavors" list for 2009.

Two of Mexico’s largest agave syrup manufacturers, Iidea and Nekutli, are sending increasingly large shipments of agave syrup to Germany, Japan and New Zealand due to growing global popularity.

Agave is also quickly crossing over from the health food market to mainstream grocery chains, restaurants and taverns, and consumers (especially vegans and raw food enthusiasts) are replacing their honey and maple syrup with bottles of agave after being duped into believing it’s a more healthful alternative.

The Myth of Agave as a "Healthy" Sugar Substitute

It’s important for you and your family’s health to remember that agave syrup is neither healthy nor natural.

As reported by Dr. Ingrid Kohlstadt, a fellow of the American College of Nutrition and an associate faculty member at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health:

"Agave is almost all fructose, a highly processed sugar with great marketing."

Agave syrup is not low calorie -- it has about 16 calories per teaspoon, the same as sucrose (table sugar). The glycemic index is immaterial, once you understand the full extent of the risk this product poses to your health.

The consumption of high amounts of sugar is what is inflating America’s waistline, as well as escalating rates of diabetes, blood pressure and heart disease.

Although overall sugar consumption is definitely something to be concerned about, even more problematic is one type of sugar that wreaks extraordinary havoc on your body: FRUCTOSE.

And if you want fructose, agave products next to pure fructose, have the highest percentage of fructose of any sweeteners on the market, over 50 percent more fructose than high fructose corn syrup.

Why You Need to Understand Why Fructose is so Important

All sugars are not created equal, in spite of what you might have been told.

Glucose is the form of energy your cells were actually designed to run on. Every cell in your body, every bacterium -- and in fact, nearly every living thing on the Earth -- uses glucose for energy.

But as a country, regular cane sugar, or sucrose (50 percent glucose and 50 percent fructose), is no longer the sugar of choice. It’s now fructose.

This happened in the 1970s as a result of technology that made HFCS far less expensive to produce. Believe me, it was NOT done for its health benefits. This was purely an economic decision.

Let me clear up any confusion here, as fructose is the primary sugar in most fruits. It isn’t that fructose is intrinsically evil -- it is just the MASSIVE DOSES you and your family are exposed to that makes it dangerous. Because it is so cheap and makes foods taste so much better, it is added to virtually every processed food.

There are two overall reasons fructose is so damaging:

Your body metabolizes fructose in a much different way than glucose. Fructose is broken down in your liver just like alcohol and produces many of the side effects of chronic alcohol use, right down to the "beer belly"

People are consuming fructose in quantities that are 400-800 percent higher than they were 100 years ago due to its pervasive presence in just about all processed foods

Fructose Turns to Fat and Makes You Fat!

Unlike fructose which is nearly exclusively broken down in your liver and is directly converted to dangerous fats. This is one of the reasons why fructose is the leading cause of obesity. However, only 20 percent of glucose is metabolized in your liver. This is related to the fact that nearly every cell in your body can directly use glucose as a fuel source, so it’s normally "burned up" immediately after consumption.

It is also important to understand that the fructose in fruits and vegetables is not the same fructose molecule you’ll find in synthetic high-fructose corn syrup, which is manufactured in the lab. Naturally occurring fructose comes along with fiber, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, whereas fructose sweeteners have no nutritional value at all.

Additionally it is actually attached to other sugars and molecules and needs to be broken down before it is absorbed which limits the damage it causes. In HFCS it is a free fructose molecule, just as the glucose. Because these sugars are in their free forms their absorption is radically increased and you actually absorb far more of them had they been in their natural joined state which would cause a higher percentage of the fructose to pass to the intestine unabsorbed.

But the menace of fructose doesn’t stop there.

Fructose also elevates your uric acid levels, which is actually more dangerous than elevated cholesterol levels as it causes chronic, low-level inflammation, which increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, arthritis and premature aging.

Fructose also "tricks" your body into gaining weight by fooling your metabolism -- it actually severely impairs your body’s normal appetite-control systems.

Excessive fructose rapidly leads to weight gain and abdominal obesity ("beer belly"), decreased HDL, increased LDL, elevated triglycerides, elevated blood sugar, and high blood pressure -- i.e., classic metabolic syndrome.

Fructose metabolism is very similar to alcohol metabolism, which has a multitude of toxic effects, including NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). Metabolically it’s very similar to drinking alcohol without the buzz.

Remember to RADICALLY Reduce Your Fructose

These biological changes are not seen when humans or animals eat starch (or glucose), suggesting that fructose is a "bad carbohydrate" when consumed in excess of 25 grams per day.

However, it is important to remember that because fructose is so cheap it is added to nearly all processed foods. So even if you are seeking to eliminate it from your diet you will EASILY exceed 25 grams per day because it is "hidden" in so many foods. This is made worse by the deceptive and lax labeling laws which frequently allow gigantic loopholes for agribusiness to include it in the product and not identify it.

Making matters worse, your body easily becomes sensitized to fructose.

Fructose activates its own pathways in your body—those metabolic pathways become "upregulated." In other words, the more fructose you eat, the more effective your body is in absorbing it; and the more you absorb, the more damage you’ll do.

You become "sensitized" to fructosr as time goes by, and more sensitive to its toxic effects as well.

Let me be clear that it isn’t fructose that is the problem -- but excessive fructose. And especially the concentrated amounts of fructose that your body was NEVER designed to process, such as what’s in HFCS and agave syrup.

Agave nectar is EVEN WORSE than HFCS because it’s even higher in fructose than HFCS (80 percent and higher), making it an even worse metabolic menace.

Other Reasons You Should Steer Clear of Agave

Poor Quality Control. There are very few quality controls in place to monitor the production of agave syrup. Nearly all agave sold in the U.S. comes from Mexico. Industry insiders are concerned that agave producers are using lesser, even toxic, agave plants due to a shortage of blue agave.

Pesticides. There are also concerns that some distributors are cutting agave syrup with corn syrup -- how often and to what extent is anyone’s guess. In addition, the FDA has refused shipments of agave syrup due to excessive pesticide residues.

Saponins. Agave is known to contain large amounts of saponins. Saponins are toxic steroid derivatives, capable of disrupting red blood cells and producing diarrhea and vomiting. There is also a possible link between saponins and miscarriage by stimulating blood flow to the uterus, so if you’re pregnant, you should definitely avoid agave products.

Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). Some agave syrups contain a contaminant called hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF, also called 5-hydroxymethyl furfural), an organic heat-formed compound that arises in the processing of fructose -- in both agave syrup and HFCS. HMF has potential toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects[iv]. HMF is EXTREMELY toxic to honey bees, which is a problem since commercial beekeepers feed HFCS to the bees to stimulate honey production when field-gathered nectar sources are scarce[v].

Nutrient Void. Agave syrup is not a whole food -- it is fractionated and processed, devoid of the nutrients contained in the original, whole plant.

Enzymes. Agave syrup is not a live food. The natural enzymes are removed to prevent agave syrup from fermenting and turning into tequila in your food pantry or cabinet.

Addictiveness. Agave is, for all intents and purposes, highly concentrated sugar. Sugar and sweeteners wreak havoc on your health and are highly addictive.

What are Acceptable Alternatives to Agave?

If you are craving something sweet, your best bet is to reach for an apple or a pear. And if you give yourself a sugar holiday for even a couple of weeks, you will be amazed at how much those cravings will decrease. But be sure and count the grams of fructose and keep your total fructose from fruit below 15 grams per day as you are sure to consume plenty of "hidden" fructose in the other foods you will be eating.

You can use the table below to help you count your fructose grams. Fruit


Adrenals and fatigue

(NaturalNews) Are you sick and tired of always being sick and tired? Do you feel tired and rundown most of the time and have problems getting a good rest - and when you are able to sleep it does not seem to help much with how tired you feel? If so, your problem may be adrenal fatigue - particularly if you have experienced major stress in your life. Fortunately fixing adrenal fatigue is relatively simple to do, and if you take the right steps you may soon be able to renew your adrenals and gain back energy and wellness that you may not have expected to see again.

The adrenals are small walnut-sized glands that sit on top of the kidneys. Normally the adrenals produce numerous important hormones, such as adrenaline, that help the body regulate blood pressure, heart rate, metabolism, liver function and the immune system. They also produce two crucial stress hormones, DHEA and cortisol, which are essential in balancing blood sugar and the body's response to stress.

When a person endures stress for a prolonged period, whether mental, physical or emotional, the result is often a constant need for those two hormones; stress outstrips the adrenals' production of them. As a result of deficiencies in the hormones, cognitive function may become impaired, energy levels may drop and the body may become less able to handle stress. Deficiencies can also contribute to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight gain, fatigue, allergies, infections, mood disorders and poor libido.

People who suffer from adrenal fatigue often have a distinct pattern. They are usually fatigued and dragging in the morning and often do not fully "wake up" until around mid-morning. Usually they won't feel fully awake until after a noon meal. Often, they also feel a mid-afternoon lull and then generally begin to feel better after 6 PM. By 9 PM they are usually tired again. People with adrenal fatigue often work best at night and in the morning.

Other signs of adrenal fatigue include:

Mood swings
Light-headedness after standing up
Inability to focus
Memory problems
Body aches, including pain in the lower back
Craving for salt and/or sugar
Slower recovery from illness

Correcting adrenal fatigue should begin with reducing stress and making healthy lifestyle and dietary changes. Simple changes such as more laughter, taking small breaks to lie down, increased relaxation, regular meals, moderate exercise, early bedtimes and sleeping until at least 9 AM whenever possible can all be beneficial for adrenal fatigue.

Since people with adrenal fatigue often have cravings for sweets due to blood sugar fluctuations, it is important to have breakfast and to eat small, healthy snacks between meals. It may also be helpful to eat five or six smaller meals or snacks each day in order to keep your blood sugar balanced.

Diets should have a heavy emphasis on vegetables. Combine unrefined carbohydrates with protein, oils, nuts and seeds at most meals including items such as olives, fiber, flax, walnuts, and macadamia nuts. Root vegetables such as turnips, parsnips, rutabaga, carrots, onions, garlic and potatoes are good. Other good complex carbs are corn, brown rice and quinoa. You may want to avoid wheat, as you may be allergic.

Other dietary considerations are: Chew your food well. Avoid processed foods, junk foods, simple sugars, refined grains, sodas, alcohol, fruit juices, caffeine, chocolate, and hydrogenated fats.

It may be beneficial to add small amounts of a healthy salt, such as sea salt, Celtic salt or Himalayan salt. However, make sure your daily salt intake is not excessive. 2,400 mg per day of sodium from all sources is usually about right.


In part 2 of this series we will look at some of the herbs and other supplements that can help restore adrenal function and beat adrenal fatigue.

Sources included:
