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Personal growth ,life-coaching,positive and transpersonal psychology , education for all,INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE. HAPPINESS, WELL-BEING,WISDOM, HARMONY, COMMITMENT TO LIFE MISSION AND VALUES


Arsenic poisons us all !

World facing 'arsenic timebomb'

By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website
Thursday, 30 August 2007, 09:13 GMT 10:13 UK

About 140 million people, mainly in developing countries, are being poisoned by arsenic in their drinking water, researchers believe.

Speaking at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) annual meeting in London, scientists said this will lead to higher rates of cancer in the future.

South and East Asia account for more than half of the known cases globally.

Eating large amounts of rice grown in affected areas could also be a health risk, scientists said.

"It's a global problem, present in 70 countries, probably more," said Peter Ravenscroft, a research associate in geography with Cambridge University.

"If you work on drinking water standards used in Europe and North America, then you see that about 140 million people around the world are above those levels and at risk."

Testing time

Arsenic consumption leads to higher rates of some cancers, including tumours of the lung, bladder and skin, and other lung conditions. Some of these effects show up decades after the first exposure.

"In the long term, one in every 10 people with high concentrations of arsenic in their water will die from it," observed Allan Smith from the University of California at Berkeley.

"This is the highest known increase in mortality from any environmental exposure."

The international response, he said, is not what the scale of the problem merits.

"I don't know of one government agency which has given this the priority it deserves," he commented.

The first signs that arsenic-contaminated water might be a major health issue emerged in the 1980s, with the documentation of poisoned communities in Bangladesh and the Indian state of West Bengal.

In order to avoid drinking surface water, which can be contaminated with bacteria causing diarrhoea and other diseases, aid agencies had been promoting the digging of wells, not suspecting that well water would emerge with elevated levels of arsenic.

The metal is present naturally in soil, and leaches into groundwater, with bacteria thought to play a role.

Since then, large-scale contamination has been found in other Asian countries such as China, Cambodia and Vietnam, in South America and Africa.

It is less of a problem in North America and Europe where most water is provided by utilities. However, some private wells in the UK may not be tested and could present a problem, Mr Ravenscroft said.

Problems abroad

Once the threat has been identified, there are remedies, such as as digging deeper wells, purification, and identifying safe surface water supplies.

As a matter of priority, scientists at the RGS meeting said, governments should test all wells in order to assess the threat to communities.

"Africa, for example, is probably affected less than other continents, but so little is known that we would recommend widespread testing," said Peter Ravenscroft.

His Cambridge team has developed computer models aimed at predicting which regions might have the highest risks, taking into account factors such as geology and climate.

"We have assessments of the Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins, for example, and then we look for similar basins elsewhere.

"There are similar areas in Indonesia and the Philippines, and very little evidence of tests; yet where there has been some testing, in (the Indonesian province of) Aceh for example, signs of arsenic turned up."

Asian countries use water for agriculture as well as drinking, and this too can be a source of arsenic poisoning.

Rice is usually grown in paddy fields, often flooded with water from the same wells. Arsenic is drawn up into the grains which are used for food.

Andrew Meharg from Aberdeen University has shown that arsenic transfers from soil to rice about 10 times more efficiently than to other grain crops.

This is clearly a problem in countries such as Bangladesh where rice is the staple food, and Professor Meharg believes it could be an issue even in the UK among communities which eat rice frequently.

"The average (British) person eats about 10g to 16g of rice per day, but members of the UK Bangladeshi community for example might eat 300g per day," he said.

The UK's Food Standards Agency is currently assessing whether this level of consumption carries any risk.


Overy removal rises brain risks !

Ovary removal 'raises brain risk'

Thursday, 30 August 2007, 13:25 GMT 14:25 UK

Women who have ovaries removed before the menopause could be increasing their risk of both Parkinson's Disease and memory problems, research suggests.
Removing one or both ovaries at a young age doubled the risk.

Sex hormones made by the ovary may be protecting the brain, said experts from the US Mayo Clinic.

A Parkinson's Disease Society spokesman said the Neurology journal study might explain why more women developed the disease.

A large number of women each year have an ovary removed as a result of a cyst, ovarian cancer, or endometriosis.

The health of thousands of women who had undergone surgery on average 27 years ago was examined by the Mayo Clinic researchers.

As well as checking records for diagnoses of Parkinsonism - movement disorders such as Parkinson's Disease, which can cause uncontrollable muscle tremors - they questioned either the woman or her relatives about the state of her memory.

They found that ovary removal prior to the menopause was clearly linked to an increased chance of poor memory and even dementia.

In addition, Parkinsonism was much more likely in women who had had the operation before the menopause.

Hormone loss

One of the main roles of the ovary, aside from the storage and delivery of eggs, is to produce oestrogen, one of the most important female sex hormones.

Hormone replacement therapy is given to some women who have one or both ovaries removed, but the majority either do not receive it at all, or only get it after the age of 50, said the researchers.

Dr Walter Rocca, the lead researcher, said: "It's possible that oestrogen has a protective effect on the brain and that a lack of oestrogen due to ovary removal may increase a woman's risk of developing memory problems."

He called on doctors to think carefully about the consequences of ovary removal in younger women.

Dr Kieran Breen, Director of Research and Development for the Parkinson's Disease Society, said: "It is well known that oestrogen can protect nerve cells against the effects of external toxins that may be associated with the nerve cell death that gives rise to diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

"This study reinforces previous findings in this area. This also helps to explain why Parkinson's is more prevalent in men than in women."

Drugs' side effects should be considered by doctors !

Docs often write off patient side-effect concerns

Half of those with bad drug reactions said physicians denied connection

Updated: 1:58 p.m. ET Aug. 28, 2007

NEW YORK - When patients feel they might be having an adverse drug effect, doctors will very often dismiss their concerns, a new study shows.

In a survey of 650 patients, taking cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins, who reported having adverse drug reactions, many said their physicians denied that the drug could be connected to their symptoms, Dr. Beatrice A. Golomb of the University of California at San Diego and her colleagues found.

“Physicians seem to commonly dismiss the possibility of a connection,” Golomb told Reuters Health. “This seems to occur even for the best-supported adverse effects of the most widely prescribed class of drugs...Clearly there is a need for better physician education about adverse effects, and there is a strong need for patient involvement in adverse event reporting.”

The best-known side effects of statins, which include widely prescribed drugs such as Lipitor and Zocor, are liver damage and muscle problems, although statins have also been tied to changes in memory, concentration and mood, among other problems.

Physician reaction to a potential side effect is crucial because the muscle problems can progress to a rare but potentially fatal condition called rhabdomyolysis if the drug isn’t discontinued.

The researchers investigated the response of doctors to statin patients who believed they were having adverse drug reactions. In the great majority of cases, the patient, not the doctor, initiated the discussion.

Forty-seven percent of patients with muscle problems or cognitive problems said their doctors dismissed the possibility that their symptoms were statin-related, while 51 percent of patients with peripheral neuropathy, a type of nerve pain affecting the extremities, said their doctors denied a possible connection with statins.

Overall, 32 percent of patients reported that their doctors told them there was no link between their symptoms and statin use, 39 percent said their physicians said such a connection was possible, and 29 percent said their doctors “neither endorsed nor dismissed the possibility of symptom link to statins.”

The investigators were “surprised” at how frequently patients reported that their doctors dismissed their concerns, Golomb said. While her study wasn’t designed to find out why, the researcher notes that while the pharmaceutical industry is sure to get the word out about a drug’s benefits, there is ”really no corresponding interest group to make sure that physicians learn about adverse effects.”

Patients should be aware of the potential adverse effects of any medication they’re taking, she said. And those who find their doctors dismiss their concerns should probably look elsewhere for medical care, she added. “In general patients should always have physicians that they feel are hearing them.”

New warning about mobile phones danger !

New doubts raised over mobile phone safety

Nic Fleming
London Telegraph
Thursday Aug 30, 2007

Just five minutes of exposure to mobile phone emissions can trigger changes that occur during cancer development, according to new research.

Scientists found mobile signals can activate cell division – central to the growth of tumours - even at very low power levels.

Government guidance that mobile phone use is safe is based on the mainstream scientific assumption that electromagnetic radiation from devices such as mobiles could only cause health hazards as a result of heating.

The new research, highlighted in this week’s New Scientist, supports the position of some researchers who argue handsets can trigger potentially harmful changes to cells irrespective of temperature changes.

However other scientists said cell division is a natural process that occurs constantly in the body and does not usually signify health hazards.

Graham Philips, of the campaign group Powerwatch, said: "Current safety guidelines assume health effects from mobiles can only occur when significant heating of body tissue occurs.

"This study shows biological changes in response to low level mobile phone radiation - something that could potentially have implications for health.

"Further research is required, however guidance based purely on thermal effects is clearly out of date."

Prof Rony Seger, a cancer researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and colleagues exposed rat and human cells to electromagnetic radiation at a similar frequency to that emitted by mobiles. The power of the signal was around 1/10th of that from a mobile.

After just five minutes the researchers identified the production of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) – natural chemicals that stimulate cell division and growth.

Cancers develop when the body is unable to prevent excessive growth and division of cells in the wrong place.

Prof Seger said: "The real significance of our findings is that cells are not inert to non-thermal mobile phone radiation.

"We used radiation power levels that were around 1/10th of those produced by a normal mobile. The changes we observed were clearly not caused by heating."

The UK has adopted international safety standards for electromagnetic radiation set by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNRP).

These state the amount of energy absorbed from an electric field or radio wave cannot exceed two watts per kilogram (W/kg) when averaged over 10 grams of tissue.

Almost all mobile phone emit less that than one W/kg.

Other scientists pointed out cell division occurs naturally as tissue grows or rejuvenates within the body, and that the preliminary study did not prove any health effects.

Dr Simon Cook, a biochemist at the Babraham Institute near Cambridge, said: "The reason people are intrigued by this is this pathway is frequently activated in cancer.

"The research is certainly interesting, however they saw a very transient activation of this pathway, which we know is not sufficient to promote cell division.

"In cancer you see a much stronger, persistent and sustained activation and even this is just one of many changes required for cancer development."

Dr Simon Arthur, from the University of Dundee, said: "The ERK1/2 pathway can be turned on by a huge variety of different things such as natural compounds produced by the body that regulate cell growth, and various forms of environmental and chemical stress.

"The research shows the effect on cells in culture in the tightly controlled laboratory conditions, rather than cells in a person or animal.

"In a living person there are lots of different processes occurring at the same time, so we do not know whether the signal from radio waves would produce a similar measureable effect."

The Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme (MTHR), an £8.4 million Government and industry-funded investigation into the potential health dangers of mobiles launched in 2001, is expected to publish its final report next month.


Find a chiropractor for your health!

A Simple Neck Vertebrae Out Of Alignment Can Cause Big Trouble

Lower blood pressure with neck alignment

Note - For decades, Chiropractors have been urging people to have their spines checked and straightened to restore proper nerve function to the major organs and the entire neorologicial system of the body. The KEY vertebra in the recovery of full physical health is quite often the atlas. I have personally seen miraculous results from PROPER atlas adjustments in many, many people over a long period of time. This is the FIRST newspaper story I have ever seen in the main stream media which discussess this essential aspect of chiropractic spinal alignment and health. In fact, there are people in mental hospitals and probably hundreds of thousands, or millions, who are on medication - pain and psychotropic - who are suffering from nothing more than a misaligned atlas vertebra. Among many serious problems, an atlas out of alignment can cause a loss of not only blood circulation to the brain and cause blood pressure issues but it can restrict the flow and pressure of cerebro spinal fluid. Caution: PROPER atlas adjustments require advanced skill and there are, unfortunately, relatively few chiropractors who are truly competent at PROPERLY adjusting the atlas. It is such a delicate and important adjustment that some chiropractors specialize in only atlas adjustments. Do some research and consult with several chiropractors if you suspect you might have an atlas issue. One easy way to get a quick read is to have someone put an thumb and index finger on each side of the spine at the base of the skull. If there is soreness or pain, you may have an atlas out of place. If so, by all means, visit a good, qualified chiropractor for a consultation. -ed

By Terri Yablonsky Stat
Special to the Tribune
Published May 8, 2007

A one-time chiropractic adjustment of a misaligned neck vertebra has been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension, according to a pilot study by University of Chicago researchers.

When the vertebra, known as the Atlas, or C1, was manipulated in 25 people with high blood pressure, both their systolic and diastolic readings decreased significantly, equal to taking two blood-pressure drugs at once.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is defined in an adult as a systolic pressure of 140 or higher and/or a diastolic pressure of 90 or higher. The mean blood pressure of those who had the adjustment was 147 systolic before adjustment and 129.8 systolic after. The mean diastolic reading was 92.5 before adjustment and 82.3 after.

For years anecdotal reports have linked blood pressure and neck pain, according to the study's lead author, Dr. George Bakris, director of the hypertension center at the University of Chicago Medical Center. He and his team decided to put the hypothesis to the test after he was approached by family practitioner Dr. Bruce Bell of Barrington, who has been interested in this phenomenon for years.

The Atlas vertebra, which lies high in the neck, is not anchored like other vertebrae, so it easily slips out of alignment. It relies solely on muscles and ligaments to stay in place. The vertebra also can become displaced without pain and often goes undetected and untreated.

Problem long recognized

"Even back in the 1960s and '70s, neurosurgeons and some specialized chiropractors knew that things change when you realign C1," Bakris said. "But there has not been the rigor of the scientific method applied to see what's going on. We wanted to find out if this effect lasts longer than a week or two."

Enough chiropractic specialists were aware of the phenomenon to limit their practice to manual alignment of C1. They make up the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. It was a Chicago member of the association, Marshall Dickholtz Sr., to whom patients with high blood pressure and misaligned C1 were sent for the study. Half the patients received a tailor-made adjustment; half received a "sham intervention." Patients were assessed after the alignment as well as at the end of eight weeks.

"We were shocked to find out that we got more than double what we expected in blood pressure reduction," Bakris said. Patients did not need to resume taking blood pressure medicine. The effect lasted for months.

Wide-ranging effects

People with a misaligned Atlas vertebra have leg-length disparities that are noticeable when the person lies down and their heel positions are compared. When patients turn their head to the left or right, their heel position changes. If the heels do not appear parallel to one another or change on head-turning, the Atlas is misaligned.

"There's a lot of nerve traffic through that area," Bakris said. "We have to figure out why it's happening."

akris and his team are working with the National Institutes of Health and General Electric to develop a proposal to study changes in blood flow at the base of the brain and changes in neurotransmitters possibly related to serotonin. These changes could result in a lack of blood flow involving the Atlas misalignment. Realignment results in higher levels of serotonin and less nerve traffic.

Study results mean that people with Stage 1 hypertension who are in their 40s and 50s may be freed from blood pressure medication for a time. Older patients on three or four medications may be able to reduce their pill count.

Dr. Chuck Woodfield, a chiropractic research- er in Bellingham, Wash., was part of the research team.

"We need to do more research to understand why this effect occurs," Woodfield said. "It'll be at least five years before we can get the actual mechanism inside the brain.

"When the Atlas misaligns, you get cascaded effects. There are changes in posture and the way blood flows to the brain stem. This sets up an inflammatory process. When you adjust the Atlas, posture comes back to somewhat normal and inflammation decreases. It improves overall health. I don't know if it's a cure-all. It's just one study, and we need to do a multisite study and look at minority populations."



Copyright © 2007,
Chicago Tribune


To be or not to be REAL ! Can we make any difference !?

Useful Mutants, Bred With Radiation

Published: August 28, 2007

VIENNA — Pierre Lagoda pulled a small container from his pocket and spilled the contents onto his desk. Four tiny dice rolled to a stop.

“That’s what nature does,” Dr. Lagoda said. The random results of the dice, he explained, illustrate how spontaneous mutations create the genetic diversity that drives evolution and selective breeding.

He rolled the dice again. This time, he was mimicking what he and his colleagues have been doing quietly around the globe for more than a half-century — using radiation to scramble the genetic material in crops, a process that has produced valuable mutants like red grapefruit, disease-resistant cocoa and premium barley for Scotch whiskey.

“I’m doing the same thing,” he said, still toying with the dice. “I’m not doing anything different from what nature does. I’m not using anything that was not in the genetic material itself.”

Dr. Lagoda, the head of plant breeding and genetics at the International Atomic Energy Agency, prides himself on being a good salesman. It can be a tough act, however, given wide public fears about the dangers of radiation and the risks of genetically manipulated food. His work combines both fields but has nonetheless managed to thrive.

The process leaves no residual radiation or other obvious marks of human intervention. It simply creates offspring that exhibit new characteristics.

Though poorly known, radiation breeding has produced thousands of useful mutants and a sizable fraction of the world’s crops, Dr. Lagoda said, including varieties of rice, wheat, barley, pears, peas, cotton, peppermint, sunflowers, peanuts, grapefruit, sesame, bananas, cassava and sorghum. The mutant wheat is used for bread and pasta and the mutant barley for beer and fine whiskey.

The mutations can improve yield, quality, taste, size and resistance to disease and can help plants adapt to diverse climates and conditions.

Dr. Lagoda takes pains to distinguish the little-known radiation work from the contentious field of genetically modified crops, sometimes disparaged as “Frankenfood.” That practice can splice foreign genetic material into plants, creating exotic varieties grown widely in the United States but often feared and rejected in Europe. By contrast, radiation breeding has made few enemies.

“Spontaneous mutations are the motor of evolution,” Dr. Lagoda said. “We are mimicking nature in this. We’re concentrating time and space for the breeder so he can do the job in his lifetime. We concentrate how often mutants appear — going through 10,000 to one million — to select just the right one.”

Radiation breeding is widely used in the developing world, thanks largely to the atomic agency’s efforts. Beneficiaries have included Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Politically, the method is one of many quid pro quos the agency, an arm of the United Nations in Vienna, offers client states. Its own agenda is to inspect ostensibly peaceful atomic installations in an effort to find and deter secret work on nuclear weapons.

Plant scientists say radiation breeding could play an important role in the future. By promoting crop flexibility, it could help feed billions of added mouths despite shrinking land and water, rising oil and fertilizer costs, increasing soil exhaustion, growing resistance of insects to pesticides and looming climate change. Globally, food prices are already rising fast.

“It’s not going to solve the world food crisis,” said J. Neil Rutger, former director of the Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center in Stuttgart, Ark. “But it will help. Modern plant breeders are using every tool they can get.”

The method was discovered some 80 years ago when Lewis J. Stadler of the University of Missouri used X-rays to zap barley seeds. The resulting plants were white, yellow, pale yellow and some had white stripes — nothing of any practical value.

But the potential was clear. Soon, by exposing large numbers of seeds and young plants, scientists produced many more mutations and found a few hidden beneficial ones. Peanuts got tougher hulls. Barley, oats and wheat got better yields. Black currants grew.

The process worked because the radiation had randomly mixed up the genetic material of the plants. The scientists could control the intensity of the radiation and thus the extent of the disturbance, but not the outcome. To know the repercussions, they had to plant the radiated material, let it grow and examine the results. Often, the gene scrambling killed the seeds and plants, or left them with odd mutations. But in a few instances, the process made beneficial traits.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the United States government promoted the method as part of its “atoms for peace” program and had notable successes. In 1960, disease heavily damaged the bean crop in Michigan — except for a promising new variety that had been made by radiation breeding. It and its offspring quickly replaced the old bean.

In the early 1970s, Dr. Rutger, then in Davis, Calif., fired gamma rays at rice. He and his colleagues found a semi-dwarf mutant that gave much higher yields, partly because it produced more grain. Its short size also meant it fell over less often, reducing spoilage. Known as Calrose 76, it was released publicly in 1976.

Today, Dr. Rutger said, about half the rice grown in California derives from this dwarf. Now retired in Woodland, Calif., he lives just a few miles from where the descendants grow, he said.

A similar story unfolded in Texas. In 1929, farmers stumbled on the Ruby Red grapefruit, a natural mutant. Its flesh eventually faded to pink, however, and scientists fired radiation to produce mutants of deeper color — Star Ruby, released in 1971, and Rio Red, released in 1985. The mutant offspring now account for about 75 percent of all grapefruit grown in Texas.

Though the innovations began in the United States, the method is now used mostly overseas, with Asia and Europe the leading regions. Experts cited two main reasons: domestic plant researchers over the decades have already made many, perhaps most of the easiest improvements that can be achieved with radiation, and they now focus on highly popular fields like gene splicing.

“Most scientists here would say it’s pretty primitive,” Norman T. Uphoff, a professor of government and international agriculture at Cornell University, said of the method. “It’s like being in a huge room with a flashlight.”

But the flashlight is cheap, which has aided its international spread.

Today, the process usually begins with cobalt-60, a highly radioactive material used in industrial radiography and medical radiotherapy. Its gamma rays, more energetic than X-rays, can travel many yards through the air and penetrate lead.

Understandably, the exposure facilities for radiation breeding have layers of shielding. Scientists run small machines the size of water heaters that zap containers full of seeds, greenhouses that expose young plants and special fields that radiate row upon row of mature plants. In Japan, one circular field is more than 650 feet wide. A shielding dike some 28 feet high rises around its perimeter.

Dr. Lagoda said a rust fungus threatened the Japanese pear, a cross between pears and apples. But one irradiated tree had a branch that showed resistance. He said the Japanese cloned it, successfully started a new crop and with the financial rewards “paid for 30 years of research.”

The payoff was even bigger in Europe, where scientists fired gamma rays at barley to produce Golden Promise, a mutant variety with high yields and improved malting. After its debut in 1967, brewers in Ireland and Britain made it into premium beer and whiskey. It still finds wide use.

“The secret,” reads a recent advertisement for a single malt Scotch whiskey costing $49.99 a bottle, is “the continued use of finest Golden Promise barley and the insistence on oak sherry casks from Spain.”

The atomic agency in Vienna has promoted the method since 1964 in outreach programs with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, in Rome.

Starting roughly a decade ago, for instance, the atomic agency helped scientists fight a virus that was killing cocoa trees in Ghana, which produces about 15 percent of the world’s chocolate. The virus was killing and crippling millions of trees.

In the city of Accra on the Atlantic coast, at the laboratories of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, the scientists exposed cocoa plant buds to gamma rays. The mutants included one that endowed its offspring with better resistance to the killer virus.

The scientists planted the resistant variety on 25 farms across Ghana “with no evidence of a resurgence,” M. R. Appaih, executive director of the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana, told the agency.

The atomic agency had similar success in the Peruvian Andes, where some three million people live on subsistence farming. The region, nearly two miles high, has extremely harsh weather. But nine new varieties of barley improved harvests to the point that farmers had surplus crops to sell.

In 2006, Prof. Gomes Pando won the Peruvian prize for Good Government Practices for her work on the radiation mutants.

In Vietnam, the agency has worked closely with local scientists to improve production of rice, a crop that accounts for nearly 70 percent of the public’s food energy.

One mutant had yields up to four times higher than its parent and grew well in acidic and saline soils, allowing farmers to use it in coastal regions, including the Mekong Delta.

Last year, a team of 10 Vietnamese scientists wrote in an agency journal, Plant Mutation Reports, that the nation had sown the new varieties across more than one million hectares, or 3,860 square miles. The new varieties, they added, “have already produced remarkable economic and social impacts, contributing to poverty alleviation in some provinces.”

Dr. Lagoda said that radiation breeding, though an old technology, was undergoing rapid growth. New methods that speed up the identification of mutants are making radiation breeding even more popular, he said.

“Now it becomes interesting again,” he said of the method. “It’s not a panacea. It’s not the solution. But it’s a very efficient tool that helps us reduce the breeding time.”

Spreading the secret, Dr. Lagoda added as he played with his tiny dice, “is very gratifying because we really, really help people.”

The corn mafia and Vitamin C!

But now one small but vocal retailer concerned about GMOs in the environment
has started asking his supplements suppliers if there are GMOs in the
vitamin C he sells. The answers he says he's gotten have ranged from "we
don't think so but we don't know for sure" to "probably." That's not good
enough for Joe Lemieux, owner of the 2,500-square-foot Go To Health store in
Brooksville, Fla.

"People think that health food stores are a kind of haven from things like
GMOs," Lemieux said. "That's why this issue is so explosive, because I can't
tell them that the vitamin C is made without GMOs." He's not saying the
products are unsafe, but he says that genetically modified crops are bad for
the environment, and the agriculture business needs to get that message from
consumers and retailers, which is why he's taking a stand in his store.

Lemieux still stocks vitamin C but is telling his own customers not to buy
the products, and he's letting others in the industry know about his
boycott--through word-of-mouth and a Web site that deals with organic
issues--until someone can make a non-GMO vitamin C.

Not only will you see higher prices for C, you will see it for all other supplements. You will also see cheaper ingredients, not unlike the current Costco-Kirkland calcium carbonate and synthetic vitamin E.

Most C now is from corn. If not organic it is a very heavily treated with pesticides and may be GMO.

Another example is stevia extract. It used to wholesale for about $25 pound. Now it is more than $30 for one-half pound.
Dangers of Bt Corn and Other Genetically Modified Foods
99% of the Vitamin C used commercially in supplements in the U.S. is derived from genetically engineered corn (Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt Corn) and comes from manufacturing plants in China, where the quality of raw materials produced for supplements tends to be less than optimal and the toxic solvents used to extract the Vitamin C, such as toulene, xylene and dioxin are allowed in residual amounts in up to 100 parts per million in total.

In 2004, scientists investigating a spate of illnesses among people living close to BT corn fields in the Philippines believe that the crop may have triggered fevers, respiratory illnesses and skin reactions. The concern surrounds an unnamed village in northern Mindanao, where 39 people living near a field of Bt maize—which contains a pesticide in the gene—started suffering when the crop was producing pollen. Doctors thought they had an infectious disease, but when four families left the village and recovered, and then showed the same symptoms on return, an environmental cause was suspected. Terje Traavik, scientific director of the Norwegian Institute of Gene Ecology, was asked to investigate. Blood tests showed the villagers had developed antibodies to the maize's inbuilt pesticide.

His team also said it had found that genetically engineered viruses used in the GM process recombined with natural viruses to create new hybrid viruses with unpredictable characteristics. If confirmed, this could suggest that they could cause new diseases. Prof Traavik said tests so far showed evidence of an immune reaction. He said, "With such evidence of possible human health impacts of foods already on the market, we believed that waiting to report our findings through publication would not be in the public's interest."

A farmer who fed his pigs BT corn (which is still permitted for feeding of livestock) saw the birthrate of his pigs plummet 80%. Shelby County Farmer, Jerry Rosman, who had been raising pigs for over 30 years checked had lab testing done to check his pigs for disease, but tests came back negative. He had made a decision to depopulate his herd, when he heard about another area producer who was also depopulating because of simlar problems. The more he learned, the more
suspicious he became. The herds had different management styles, different
breeding methods and different swine genetics. Two of the managers shared a
veterinarian, while two others shared a different veterinarian. A common denominator, Rosman says, is that all of the operations fed their herds the same Bt corn hybrids. One of the producers subsequently switched back to known tested pure corn, and low birth rate is no longer a problem within that herd. "Their
farrowing rates are back where they need to be," Rosman reports. "Everything is going fine."

Tissues including meat of chicken who had eaten only genetically engineered Bt corn were found to contain pieces of DNA from this food. Such uptake of food DNA seems always to occur when we eat, apparently without causing harm. The problem however is that every cell in plant GE foods contain genetically unstable DNA from the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) promoter. This DNA is suspected to be carcinogenic. Moreover the CaMV is related to human viruses that cause serious diseases (AIDS and Hepatitis . The corn grains on one cob of GE corn contain hundreds of millions of such CaMV DNA. As this viral DNA may end up in our cells, it cannot be considered sound science to approve such food without finding out if it is safe to ingest large amounts of it as occurs when GE foods are eaten. No such studies have yet been done.


New blood pressure control found!

New blood pressure control found

Friday, 24 August 2007, 11:25 GMT 12:25 UK

UK scientists say they have discovered a new way to regulate blood pressure, offering hopes of new drugs to combat strokes and heart attacks.

One in four adults has high blood pressure and although powerful drugs are already available, few manage to achieve target blood pressure levels.

The pathway found in a study by King's College London involves a process called oxidation, reports Science.

Until now, oxidation has largely been linked with harm rather than good.

Indeed, free radicals and oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide, can cause cell damage.

But they also play crucial roles in normal cell function.

Blood pressure control

Protein kinase G (PKG) is an important protein in all tissues, but in the cardiovascular system it plays a fundamental role in blood pressure regulation.

Nitric oxide produced within blood vessels is known to be crucial in this process.

But Joseph Burgoyne and colleagues at King's College have found a novel way in which the protein PKG can be regulated independently of nitric oxide.

They discovered that oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide cause a bond to form between two amino acids which, in turn, activates PKG. This then leads to a lowering of blood pressure.

Dr Philip Eaton, who led the King's team, said: "The research could lead to the development of drugs which activate this new pathway."

The researchers now plan to explore the role of this new pathway in the events leading to a heart attack.

Professor Jeremy Pearson, Associate Medical Director of the British Heart Foundation, which funded the research, said: "This research is exciting. Firstly, the team's novel discovery opens up opportunities for the design of new drugs to combat high blood pressure.

"Secondly, the mechanism provides new insights into how oxidant stress affects cells and tissues. Oxidant stress not only alters blood flow, but also affects the heart's ability to contract and is involved in a wide variety of inflammatory conditions."

Water can't be replaced by anything !

On Coke's Claim It's Good For Hydration

Special to Rense.com from The Leaflady

Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, MH, NP, ND

Clear as Crystal, a pure river of water for life

Marketing madness really drives the corportocracy in a consumer based society.

So long have we been inundated with advertising we succumb to promotional ideation and easily act, almost subliminally, on these ideas flashed at us on TV and other venues.

Not too many years ago, well in to the switch to bottled water, a study was released denigrating water over the use of any fluid to hydrate your body.

Recently, and I'm sure based on this old report, the beverage industry through its lobby group, American Beverage Association, is engaged in an industry wide campaign. The campaign is promoting soft drinks as a healthy way to hydrate.

Coca-Cola is on this bandwagon advertising over 80 ways to help you hydrate.

While Coca-Cola is fluid, here are some facts you might want to consider before substituting a soft drink for the water of life.

Water is necessary for life of all living things, human and otherwise.

In the human body water is the most common molecule. An adult body holds about 45-75 percent water, depending body fat because fat holds less water. Muscle cells contain about 50-70 percent water, approximately half of your body's water. Blood may be as much as 80 percent water; grey matter in the brain, 70-85 percent; bones, 20-33 percent. Water inside cells is just over half this fluid balance. Just under half is the water concentration in blood and extra-cellular fluid.

Hippocrates (460-354 BC) was aware of the importance of water for disease prevention and health. Water has been established as an important health directive, due to its ability to dilute and reduce toxity in the bloodstream and digestive system. Water is necessary for respiration, digestion, circulation, glandular secretion, temperature regulation, waste elimination, flushing bacteria, preventing fatigue, maintaining memory and virtually every body function. Water helps lubricate, insulate, protect, and give flexibility to the muscles, ligaments, and joints.

The average person loses about three quarts of water daily. If your intake of water is less than this amount you are on your way to dehydration. This is a good guide for daily intake of at least this much water, or more as necessary if you are infirmed.

If you live in a hot, dry climate or at higher altitudes you need a substantial increase in water just as it you exercise and sickness. Excessive amounts of salt, sugar or protein in your diet increases water need. Vomiting, diarrhea, lactation, and even cuts and a runny nose increase water loss and must be replaced by drinking more water.

Symptoms of dehydration include thirst, dry mouth, lethargy, mental confusion, reduced skin elasticity, sunken eyes, fever, scanty dark urine, accumulation of urea, creatinine and sodium in the blood, thickening of the blood, shock, constipation, kidney and bladder infections, kidney stones, and elevated hemoglobin/hematocrit readings.

Losing even twenty percent of water volume from your body usually spells death. We usually need more water than we realize.

An easy way to test yourself is to run your index finger over your tongue. If your tongue feels at all rough or like sandpaper you need more water. You are very often likely to be dehydrated before you feel thirsty.

Other fluid beverages just don't meet the muster when it comes to hydration and here's why -

In the 1880's when an Atlanta pharmacist invented Coca-Cola it was more like an over-the-counter remedy you purchased at the pharmacy. The selling of the soda fountain beverage did not really take off until ten years later. Over the decades Coca-Cola has grown to sell over one billion drinks a day, worldwide.

The original formula was marketed for nausea and vomiting, or soothing the stomach. It was mixed into a simple syrup (sugar and water) containing sugar, water, phosphoric acid, caffeine extract from coca leaves, cola nut with other (herb/spice) flavorings and caramel color.

* Simple syrup with sugar and water is for taste and energy (in cells).

* Phosphoric acid is used to rebalance pH or the acid-base balance in blood.

* Caffeine is a stimulant and diuretic. In the 1880s it was a pure plant extract, not a synthetic additive.

* Kola nut is a traditional African sustenance food containing caffeine starch, sugar, fats, plant oils and enzymes. In addition to supplying caffeine, Kola nut is a valuable nervine, heart tonic, and a good general tonic.

* Caramel coloring: generally at the time considered to be a mix of sugar, water, milk and fat cooked over heat until the dark color develops.

The dose was one or two teaspoons over crushed ice and sipped slowly. I remember taking this remedy as a child.

Fast forward -

In the 1960s most soda fountains phased out. All kinds of soft drinks began flooding grocery shelves. Today it is an entire aisle or two, depending on the size of your local market.

Now they'll have you believe Coca-Cola and other drinks are good for hydration.

Here's why that's not the case.

Today, according to the Coca-Cola Company web site this beverage is made from carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and/or sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors and caffeine. (Some industry reports the unidentified use of artificial sweeteners mixed with sugar in regular Coke to keep profit margins up.)

The ingredients may not be from natural sources as in the past, and the way it's used is very different. Coca-Cola no longer comes in an amber or green glass bottle; it's either an aluminum can or plastic bottle. Water is not identified as filtered which may pose other concerns.

According to Nutrition Data, one small fast-food outlet serving of (fountain) Coca-Cola contains 29.5 g sugars/carbohydrate, 11 mg sodium, 117 calories, small size by weight 284 g, and 1% calcium. A large fountain Coke is noted to contain fluoride.

* HFCS - Continuing studies of fructose and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) indicate that it is a major contributor to rising obesity rates. Corn allergy is common. More and more corn is GMO, and it is grown with a very toxic herbicide, Atrazine. HFCS is metabolized dfferently than sugar, and it is very stressful to the pancreas. Low-fat foods are often high in HFCS. Corn syrup is made from corn starch and it bypasses digestion going directly to the liver where enzymes are released telling the body to store fat. This can elevate triglycerides and LDL ( bad cholesterol).
It is known that HFCS does not stimulate insulin, so you do not feel full. You may also lose chromium, needed to protect you from developing Type 2 Diabetes. Elders have a higher risk. HFCS is inexpensive (Federal subsidies generate about a 20% lower cost for commercial food manufacturers), easy to transport and has a long shelf-life. Ketchup, Coke, Fruit on the bottom yoghurt and fig bars have high amount of HFCS. Read labels before you purchase. - from the Leaflady, 04/21/04. Please read more here http:// www.leaflady.org/fructose.htm

* Phosphoric Acid - Generally used as a pH balancer (in this environment, reduce acid). However, when in aluminum cans this can react with the metal and cause other health concerns such as promotion of bone loss. http://www.bu.edu/es/labsafety/ESMSDSs/ MSPhosphoricAcid.html

* Carbonation - Contributes calcium, mainly in carbonate form. In many consumer beverages such as soft drinks carbonation is used to give "bite". Contrary to popular belief, the fizzy taste is caused by dilute carbonic acid inducing a slight burning sensation, and is not caused by the presence of bubbles. This can be shown by drinking a fizzy drink in a hyperbaric chamber at the same pressure as the beverage. This gives much the same taste, but the bubbles are completely absent. Carbonation is sometimes used for reasons other than consumption, to lower the pH (increase acid) of a water solution, for example. It has been shown that consuming carbonated beverages, especially those containing the caffeine (a diuretic causing water loss), in excess during hot weather can result in dehydration and also worsen other heat-related injuries such as heat stroke.

* Caramel coloring - Caramel coloring is made for general food and beverage use with approximately double color intensity. These colorings are allegedly designated as "ACID PROOF" because of prolonged stability and brilliance when used in acidulated carbonated beverages. The pH of today's caramel coloring is 2.5 -3.0 (highly acid). It has a shelf life of two years and contains sulfites.

* Caffeine - a stimulant and diuretic. Generally today obtained from a synthetic chemical compound.

* Sugar - For taste. Excess sugar in blood craves water. Read about sugar here: http://www.leaflady.org/stay_sweet_and_healthy.htm

* Natural Flavors - from Title 21, Section 101, part 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations is as follows: The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional.

Some soft drinks include sodium or potassium benzoate. In its refined form, sodium benzoate is a white, odorless compound that has a sweetish, astringent taste. It is soluble in water. Sodium benzoate has anti-microbial characteristics it is typically used as a preservative in food. Recent studies report this as a carcinogenic ingredient that can affect DNA, although maintains a GRAS (generally accepted as safe) rating by the FDA. It is found in antiseptics, medicines, tobacco products, pharmaceutical preparations, dyes and as a rust and mildew inhibitor. Use in non- meat foods is limited to 0.1% by weight.

If you are relying on Diet Soda - Don't!

Diet Coca-Cola is made from water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, potassium benzoate (to protect taste), potassium citrate, caffeine, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose. Nutrition Facts: Serving size: 8oz; total fat 0g; sodium 30mg; total carbohydrate 12g; sugars 12g; protein 0g.

Temperatures of 80-90 degrees cause the degradation of aspartame into neurotoxic substances. More facts on artificial sweeteners can be obtained from Dr. Betty Martini, bettym19@mindspring.com.

If you've got an abundance of plastic 20 ounce bottles donate them to a good cause: http://TerraCycle.net.

And drink more pure, clean filtered water. Your health depends on it.

Diabetes and drinks !

Soft Drink Sweetener Linked to Diabetes in Kids

Researchers zero in on high fructose corn syrup

August 24, 2007

Researchers have found new evidence that soda pop sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup may contribute to the development of diabetes, particularly in children.

In a laboratory study of commonly consumed carbonated beverages, the scientists found that drinks containing the syrup had high levels of reactive compounds that have been shown by others to have the potential to trigger cell and tissue damage that could cause the disease, which is at epidemic levels.

The syrup, commonly called HFCS, is a sweetener found in many foods and beverages, including non-diet soda pop, baked goods, and condiments. It is has become the sweetener of choice for many food manufacturers because it is considered more economical, sweeter and easier to blend into beverages than table sugar.

Some researchers have suggested that high-fructose corn syrup may contribute to an increased risk of diabetes as well as obesity, a claim the food industry disputes. Until now, little laboratory evidence has been available on the topic.

In the current study, Chi-Tang Ho, Ph.D., conducted chemical tests among 11 different carbonated soft drinks containing HFCS. He found "astonishingly high" levels of reactive carbonyls in those beverages.

These undesirable and highly-reactive compounds associated with “unbound” fructose and glucose molecules are believed to cause tissue damage, says Ho, a professor of food science at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J. By contrast, reactive carbonyls are not present in table sugar, whose fructose and glucose components are “bound” and chemically stable, the researcher notes.

Reactive carbonyls also are elevated in the blood of individuals with diabetes and linked to the complications of that disease. Based on the study data, Ho estimates that a single can of soda contains about five times the concentration of reactive carbonyls than the concentration found in the blood of an adult person with diabetes.

Ho and his associates also found that adding tea components to drinks containing HFCS might help lower the levels of reactive carbonyls.

The scientists found that adding epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a compound in tea, significantly reduced the levels of reactive carbonyl species in a dose-dependent manner when added to the carbonated soft drinks studied. In some cases, the levels of reactive carbonyls were reduced by half, the researchers say.

“People consume too much high-fructose corn syrup in this country,” says Ho. “It’s in way too many food and drink products and there’s growing evidence that it’s bad for you.”

The tea-derived supplement provides a promising way to counter its potentially toxic effects, especially in children who consume a lot of carbonated beverages, he says.

But eliminating or reducing consumption of HFCS is preferable, the researchers note. They are currently exploring the chemical mechanisms by which tea appears to neutralize the reactivity of the syrup.

Ho’s group is also probing the mechanisms by which carbonation increases the amount of reactive carbonyls formed in sodas containing HFCS.

They note that non-carbonated fruit juices containing HFCS have one-third the amount of reactive carbonyl species found in carbonated sodas with HFCS, while non-carbonated tea beverages containing high-fructose corn syrup, which already contain EGCG, have only about one-sixth the levels of carbonyls found in regular soda.

In the future, food and drink manufacturers could reduce concerns about HFCS by adding more EGCG, using less HFCS, or replacing the syrup with alternatives such as regular table sugar, Ho and his associates say.

Aspartame- New Study

New Study - LOW DOSES Of Aspartame Cause CANCER

From Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.

Statement from Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD

Dear Betty,

My review of the first Ramazzini Study concluded that the study was one of the best designed, comprehensive and conclusive studies done to date on the multipotent carcinogenic potential of aspartame.

This second study is even more conclusive, in that it shows a dose-dependent statistically significant increase in lymphomas/ leukemia in both male and female rats exposed to aspartame. These two cancers are the fastest growing cancers in people under age 30.

Also, of major concern is their finding of statistically significant increases in breast cancer in animals exposed to aspartame. With newer studies clearly indicating that toxic exposures during fetal development can dramatically increase the cancer risk of the offspring, this study takes on a very important meaning to all pregnant women consuming aspartame products. Likewise, small children are at considerable risk of the later development of these highly fatal cancers.

It should be appreciated that the doses used in these study fall within the range of doses seen in everyday users of aspartame. This study, along with the first study, should convince any reasonable scientific mind, as well as the public at large, that this product should be removed from the market.

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

New Study - Low Doses Of Aspartame Cause Cancer

Environmental Health Perspectives, the Journal of the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences ranks first among more than 200 environmental science and occupational health journals and is read in 190 countries.

At New York's Mt Sinai School of Medicine DR. MORANDO SOFFRITTI was honored in April with the Irving J Selikoff Award for Outstanding contributions to the identification of environmental and industrial carcinogens, and his promotion of independent scientific research.

The prestigious Selikoff Award is only granted for groundbreaking cancer research. It was created 1993 by the Collegium Ramazzini, an academy of 180internationally renowned experts in occupational and environmental health from over 30 nations. It has been awarded just twice before being presented to Dr. Soffritti.

His research was conducted for 36 months using 1,800 rats. It forced the conclusion that aspartame is a multipotential carcinogen. Cancers aspartame produced included leukemia, lymphoma, kidney, and cranial peripheral nerves among others. Only the rats fed aspartame got malignant brain tumors. This prodigious work was peer reviewed by 7 world experts.

This work confirmed studies presented to the FDA 25 years ago that documented a catalogue of brain, uterine, ovarian, testicular, mammary, pancreatic and thyroid tumors. Based on the evidence FDA denied approval of aspartame for 16 years from the time it was discovered. Then Don Rumsfeld, who was the CEO of NutraSweet's parent, the G. D. Searle Co., went to Washington to be newly elected Ronald Reagan's Secretary of Defense. The existing FDA Commissioner was asked to resign and aspartame was approved by Arthur Hull Hayes appointed by President Reagan. He did this over the objections of the FDA's scientific Board of Inquiry who had revoked the petition.

President Reagan had written an executive order making FDA powerless to do anything about aspartame until Hayes could get to FDA. Now the floundering Searle became profitable. The compromised FDA had full knowledge of aspartame's toxicity and the approval of this deadly carcinogen sentenced millions to disability and death.

An Atlanta Journal Constitution article dated 9/25/85 was titled "Reagan Says He Quit Using Sweeteners". It was in l985 there were two congressional hearings over the outrage of the public being poisoned. In this article it states: "President Reagan says he quit using artificial sweeteners because "we don't know what is in them,".. Unfortunately it was too late for the public as the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled in favor of NutraSweet, even though it was known that the FDA had asked for the indictment for Searle, and revoked the petition for approval.

Soffritti's new study "Lifespan Exposure to Low Doses of Aspartame Beginning During Prenatal Life Increases Cancer Effects in Rats" focused on damage from low-dosage aspartame consumption over the long term and clearly demonstrated a great danger to unborn babies and children. Newly identified is risk of breast cancer as the aspartame using child matures.

Exposures were at low doses. A 20 kg (45 pounds) child drinking 2 cans of diet soda a day brings into his body 400 mg. of aspartame.

Food & Drink Weekly reports that soda is the most commonly consumed beverage among children and soft drink consumption is up 500% over the last 50 years. American consumption has skyrocketed to over 600 12-ounce servings per person per year, and climbing. Cokes goal is to jump sales 25% annually.

The aim of Soffritti's new study was to identify the cancer risk aspartame presents, starting with the mother's ingestion before the fetus is born. The study was conducted on groups of 70-95 male and female Sprague Dawley rats, administered aspartame with feed at concentrations of 2000, 400, or 0 ppm from the 12th day of fetal life until natural death.

The results of this carcinogenicity bioassay confirm and reinforce the earlier studys demonstration of aspartame's multipotential carcinogenicity. Further, the study demonstrates that when lifespan exposure to aspartame begins during fetal life, its carcinogenic effects magnify.

Dr. Philip Landrigan, Chairman of Community and Environmental Medicine at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, says Dr. Soffrittis study on rats strongly implies human risk. He advises parents of young children to think very very carefully about giving drinks and other aspartame-contaminated foods to children. He advocates federal action be taken to review regulation of aspartame and that the chemical be submitted for precise critical investigation.

The abstract and link to the full text to be published on EHP online, is on the homepage of the European Ramazzini Foundation: www.ramazzini.it

Il secondo studio Ramazzini sullaspartame in stampa sul giornale
scientifico Environmental Health Perspectives Un secondo studio sul dolcificante artificiale aspartame, della Fondazione Europea Ramazzini, dal titolo LEsposizione ad Aspartame a Basse Dosi, dalla Vita Fetale e per Tutta la Vita, Aumenta gli Effetti Cancerogeni sui Ratti, tato accettato per essere pubblicato su Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). Labstract e il pdf del testo completo di EHP online, isponibile nella
homepage della Fondazione Europea Ramazzini: www.ramazzini.it

Aspartame carcinogenicity has been known for decades. In 1985 Dr Adrian Gross, FDA toxicologist, warned Congress that aspartame violates the Delaney Amendment which prohibits from our foods any ingredient causing cancer in animals.

See two letters Dr. Gross addressed to Senator Howard Metzenbaum, and the memo that triggered a request for indictment of Searle for fraudulent submissions: http:// www.dorway.com/gross.txt Both US Prosecutors hired on the defense team and the
statute of limitations expired.

Atty. James Turner, author of the Chemical Feast and the Nader Report on Food Protection at FDA, explains: "Since l974 FDA and the Searle Drug Company have known that aspartame causes brain tumors in animals. In 1980 the public has known the Public
Board of Inquiry affirmed the Searle studies showed cancer in animals and ruled that it should not be used in the food supply. It is past time that the FDA invoked the Delaney Clause and remove NutraSweet from the market. In July of 2005 further studies
(Ramazzini) underscored the cancer causing capability of NutraSweet/ aspartame
in animals."

See Mr. Turner in Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World explain how
Rumsfeld's aspartame got approved after FDA said no.
http:// www.soundandfury.tv/pages/rumsfeld2.html

Ralph G. Walton, M.D. of Safe Harbor Behavioral Health, Erie, PA,

"Dr. Soffritti's two outstanding studies on the multipotential carcinogenic effects of aspartame add significantly to the ever- growing body of evidence on the hazards of this artificial sweetener. The FDA's stubborn adherence to their original, and controversial, approval of aspartame is unconscionable. The public must be informed that the approvals, both in this country and Europe, are based on highly questionable industry-funded research, or, in the case of recently issued statements on aspartame's supposed safety, on a questionnaire which in no way represents legitimate research. Independent research, such as the recent Soffritti studies invariably demonstrates the extremely hazardous nature of this product." .safeharborbh.org

When the Ramazzini 2005 study was released the government and aspartame manufacturers were responsible for a coverup. They found an old AARP survey sent to a
million American seniors: 16 pages with 56 questions. It asked: How high did you go in school? Had a hysterectomy? Do you eat brownies? Oatmeal? Margarine? Question #25 asked "Over the last 12 months when you drank coffee or tea, what kind of sweetener did you regularly add?" There were 6 multi-choice selections, one of which was: Equal or aspartame

The 10 year old 3-word item instantaneously converted the questionnaire into the biggest aspartame study in history! It showed no problems at all! (None were asked for!) Thru saturation news releases this propaganda spread planetwide in major magazines and
other media. www.wnho.net/halt_the_spin_on_bogus_studies.htm

Dr. Soffritti's work was presented to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The EFSA risk assessment has been criticized from the beginning because of conflicts of interest among the panel members, particularly the chair Susan Barlow, who is an industry consultant. They rejected Dr. Soffritti's study with the lame excuse that cancers were caused by lung infections. Eminent Researchers and scientists know that respiratory infection is a factor in the dying process and never took their excuse as noteworthy.

Ramazzinis control rats had a much lower incidence of cancers than the aspartame-fed rats. Critics of EFSA's risk assessment said that if the cancers were caused by inflammatory lung disease than the control group would have had as many cancers as the rats fed aspartame.

EFSA didn't apologize so they were reported to the Universal Court of Justice. Then EFSA's Dr. Koeter admitted that industry pressured them to hijack science. www.wnho.net/letter_to_efsa.htm

Dr. H. J. Roberts, M.D., FACP, FCCP, author of several texts on aspartame disease commented: "The elegant studies by Dr. Morando Soffritti and his colleagues, coupled with other recent related publications, reinforce my longstanding opinion that aspartame products represent carcinogens -- or co-carcinogens -- for
several major tumors in humans, especially involving the brain.

"The details appear in my text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, and in my article, Does Aspartame Cause Human Brain Cancer? The latter indicated that aspartame or its metabolites "might activate one or more oncogenes that potentate or initiate cell
mitosis, either by direct or indirect effects

"The failure of the FDA to acknowledge and act on the ongoing revelations over the last two decades about the hazards of aspartame products in a number of realms, especially when taken by children and pregnant women, remains a source of professional embarrassment.

This chemical constitutes an imminent public health hazard. I congratulate Dr. Soffritti for
independently underscoring this warning."

Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock remarked on Dr. Soffritti's first study: "The study released in the European Journal of oncology by Morando Soffritti and co-workers should terrify mothers and all those consuming aspartame sweetened products. This was a carefully done study, which clearly demonstrated a statistically significant increase in several types of lymphomas and leukemias in rats. Both of these malignancies have increased significantly in this country since the widespread use of aspartame.

"The type of damage was a duplicate of that associated with cancers. Along with this most recent study, this means that drinking a single diet cola sweetened with developing a lymphoma or leukemia.

"They also found an increased incidence of malignant brain tumors, even though it was not statistically significant. This does not mean there is no association to brain tumors, since only the animals exposed to aspartame developed the tumors. With children and pregnant women drinking the largest amount of diet colas, this puts their children at the greatest risk of developing one of these horrible diseases. Their study found that even low doses of
aspartame could cause these malignancies; yet, the higher the dose, the more cancers that were seen.

"Since aspartame can increase obesity and may even cause the metabolic syndrome that affects 48 million Americans, there is no reason to ever consume this product. At the least it should be immediately banned from all schools." Dr. Blaylock is author of
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills about aspartame. In order to save the children this Report For Schools is repeatedly sent to schools and board of educations. www.wnho.net/ report_on_aspartame_and_children.htm

Will FDA finally admit aspartame approval was illegal, violating Delaney and also adulteration statutes? Aspartame is sold as an additive, but it's a deadly excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that interacts with all drugs and vaccines. Aspartame brain tumor cases from New York and New Jersey are being taken at this time.

Just when you think the FDA can't sink lower, they do. They issued a report the day before the release of the new study, denying its research, without any excuse. This was about the 2005 study but releasing this negative statement the day before the new one stands to confuse the public, as they intend.

After a study sponsored by Food Standards in the UK showed additives cause behavioral problems in children, large food chains there began the removal of aspartame from their products. But not the FDA in the US who have known this for a quarter of a century.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W-gba0GPwU From Atavistik Pictures: www.atavistik.com
Dr. Louis Elsas, pediatric professor, genetics, testified to Congress in l985 that it's a teratogen and can trigger birth defects and mental retardation.

It's time for Congress to look into the matter that the FDA has
allowed aspartame to remain on the market for a quarter of a century even though they know it causes cancer, and a host of neurodegenerative diseases. The stream of whoppers continues www.wnho.net/whopper.htm just like the millions of deaths from aspartame.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599

Aspartame Toxicity Center

To contact the Ramazzini Foundation:

Kathryn Knowles
Director of Resource Development
European Ramazzini Foundation
Tel. +39 051 6640460 (int.3)
skype: kathrynknowles

Risks of heavy metals on human health!

DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bombs

Uranium, Mercury and Diabetes

The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta declares that
33% of the babies born this year will be diabetic by the year 2050.
Dr. Alan Cantwell

Diabetes, which is expanding almost exponentially in the world today, can in part be traced to the increasing radiation to which we are all being exposed. Every physician knows that radiation can lead to cancer, but making a connection between depleted uranium (DU) and diabetes seems ludicrous at first glance is anything but. Most medical doctors have never heard of this but neither have they paid attention to the fact that mercury and other toxic chemicals are also primary causes of diabetes. Even though there is little research into the connection between radiation poisoning and diabetes we should not remain blind, deaf and dumb about it.

Diabetes is a fundamental disease that affects the entire colony
of cells in a person because it has to do with energy metabolism
and the vastly important hormone insulin and its receptor sites.

Type two diabetes, which is fundamentally due to nutritional deficiencies (especially a lack of magnesium), colliding head on with a host of chemical poisons and heavy metals, is also being triggered by the heavy metal toxicity and radioactivity of uranium oxide and other radioactive isotopes that are circulating widely in the environment. Unfortunately, exposure levels are increasing dramatically with each ton of vaporized depleted uranium but that is not stopping the American and British governments from manufacturing, selling and using depleted uranium weaponry.

“Depleted (DU) uranium is highly toxic to humans, both chemically as a heavy metal and radiological as an alpha particle emitter, is very dangerous when taken internally,” writes Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Canadian Epidemiologist.[i] A new study, conducted by biochemist Dr. Diane Stearns at Northern Arizona University confirms that, separate from any radiation risks, cells exposed to uranium will bond with the metal chemically.[ii] Uranium and phosphate have a strong chemical affinity for each other and the DNA and Mitochondria are loaded with phosphate so uranium is a DNA and Mitochondria deep penetration bomb. The uranium is attacking on fundamental cellular levels while mercury offers a knock out punch by attacking the sulfur bonds besides being highly toxic to nerve cells. It’s totally crucial to medical practice in the 21st century this convergence of toxicities. We can now clearly see what is being attacked and who are mortal enemies are. Invisible clouds of radiation are meeting up with what can only be called The Hun Hordes of Mercury. Mercury now sits across our planetary environment everywhere, an invisible chemical cloud whose density is only increasing.

Diabetes is often conceptualized as a severe imbalance of part of
endocrine system that destroys our ability to metabolize food.
The imbalance results in elevated levels of insulin, a lack of insulin,
or the cell insulin receptor sites becoming insensitive to insulin.

The common causes of diabetes are thought to be obesity, poor diet and lack of exercise but the science is rock solid in pointing to etiologies that are more fundamental. Poor diet is in reality a cover up phrase for not only severe malnutrition but for massive chemical poisoning from food additives, preservatives and pesticides. Some of these chemicals, like MSG and Bisphenol A, are known to directly provoke obesity.

Carbonated soft drinks are the single largest
source of calories in the American diet. [iii]
Non profit Center for Science in the Public Interest

When we look at a person like this we just assume that if he only would stop eating he would be well. Our notions about obesity just happen to be erroneous. There is something seriously wrong with the food being eaten by the masses. Essentially, populations are being poisoned and starved simultaneously by the food they eat and now genetically modified food is being brought front and center before science and found to be a terribly dangerous idea. Obesity is actually a state of gross malnutrition in most people, one that finds a person unable to metabolize foods correctly. This is accompanied by high body burdens of toxins some of which are provoking the obesity. The public has been led to accept junk food resulting in people with weakened immune systems who are under nourished and over fed. Their food is irradiated, contaminated with highly profitable chemicals, and then mix in your genetically modified foods - with inevitable consequences.

Organochlorine pesticides and some PCBs may act through
increasing insulin resistance to heighten the risk of type 2 diabetes.[iv]

As it is with the autism epidemic, the medical establishment and the government are stonewalling investigations and understanding of the runaway train that diabetes is fast becoming. We are officially recognizing the tragedy of skyrocketing diabetes rates in adults and children but the multiple causes are being ignored and so treatments are not appropriate and prevention efforts a joke. What we have to see clearly is that diabetes is actually an extremely serious warning to civilization, it is an announcement that the rising tide of radiation, mercury, other deadly chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs are poisoning humanity.

Heavy metal poisoning is so common these days that it is literally
impossible to avoid it. Even young newborns have been shown to
have heavy metals as soon as they emerge from their mother’s
womb, as well as receiving mercury from breastfeeding.

These toxins are literally killing us. Metals such as iron, mercury, arsenic, lead and possibly aluminum play a role in the actual destruction of beta cells through stimulating an auto-immune reaction to them after they have bonded to these cells in the pancreas. It is well documented in the medical literature that chemicals and drugs can cause temporary or permanent insulin-dependent diabetes. But the permanent radioactive contamination and environmental devastation of areas bombed with depleted uranium are showing huge increases in cancer and birth defects following attacks. These will increase over time due to chronic exposure, increasing internal levels of radiation from depleted uranium dust, and permanent genetic effects passed on to future generations. In areas thousands of miles from the battlefields and tests sites everything will be in slow motion compared to places like Iraq and Afghanistan . The further away the slower but the contamination is everywhere exerting a downward pressure on the health of the entire human race.

Both mercury and uranium oxide are floating in the
environment like invisible clouds that have spread out everywhere.
They are raining down on us, damaging and damning our future.

Simultaneous exposure to mercury and uranium shows markedly increased damage to the kidneys than when exposure is to each metal singly. Insulin has three sulfur-containing cross-linkages and the insulin receptor has a tyrosine kinase-containing sulfur bond, which are the preferred targets for binding by both mercury and lead. Should mercury attach to one of these three sulfur bonds it will interfere with the normal biological function of the insulin molecule. Nephrotoxicity of the kidneys with necrosis of proximal tubules has been seen to increase significantly with dual exposure to both uranium and mercury.[v] In February, 2007 The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) reported that the number of new cases of kidney failure jumped 114 per cent. The burden of renal disease is also growing rapidly in India . The mean age of ESRD patients requiring dialysis in India is 32-42 years compared to the 60-63 years in the developed world. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide public health problem.[vi]

Doctors fear that within a generation or so, a huge wave of new cases could overwhelm
the public health system and engulf growing numbers of the young, creating a city where
hospitals are swamped by the disease's handiwork, schools scramble for resources as
they accommodate diabetic children, and the work force abounds with the blind.

Lead and aluminum are other common heavy metals have also been shown to dramatically increase the toxicity of mercury. Interesting also is that lead is the final end product of the step by step radioactive decay of uranium. It would not be far fetched to imagine uranium and lead having very similar chemical characteristics though uranium is twice as dense. Heavy metals are not the only trigger invoking the acceleration of diabetes. Dr. Lisa Landymore-Lim in her book Poisonous Prescriptions explains clearly how many drugs used by the unsuspecting public today, are involved also in the onset of impaired glucose control and diabetes. She explains using the example of the drugs streptozocin, and alloxan, both used in diabetes research to make lab rats diabetic and in Vacor, a rat poison known to cause insulin dependent diabetes in humans. Allopathic medicine has to face up to the fact that many drugs, including most surprisingly, the antibiotics including penicillin, as well as an entire host of others, causes changes in the beta cell and/or insulin function.[vii] (See Chemical Causes of Diabetes on the IMVA site.)

Thiol poisons, especially mercury and its compounds, reacting with
SH groups of proteins lead to the lowered activity of various enzymes
containing sulfhydryl groups. This produces a series of disruptions in
the functional activity of many organs and tissues of the organism.
Professor I.M. Trakhtenberg[viii]

It is through mercury’s attack on these sulfide bonds (SH) that mercury is able to change the biological properties of proteins and change important physiological functions. What few doctors and health officials recognize is that chemicals and radiation combine to act on the very same cellular enzyme pathways. Lead is no slouch in this area either. The interaction of lead with sulfhydryl (SH) sites causes most of its toxic effects, which include impaired heme synthesis, inhibition of erythrocyte Na/K ATPase, diminished RBC glutathione, shortened RBC life span, impaired synthesis of RNA, DNA and protein and impaired metabolism of vitamin D. Lead may also affect the body's ability to utilize the essential elements calcium, magnesium, and zinc.

One type of contamination reinforces and strengthens the other so medical treatments need to simultaneously address both chemical toxicity and radiation poisoning. Exposure to radiation causes a cascade of free radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Radiation also decimates the body's supply of glutathione, which allows free radicals to run rampant through our tissues and organs. These free radicals are destructive and are one of the most fundamental causes of disease. So we need a broad full spectrum chelator[ix] and antioxidant that is certified for both uranium and mercury and a list of other heavy metals and toxins. There are also targeted natural chelation formulas[x] on the market that also work well at eliminating uranium in addition to mercury that are not so complete but fit into a total detoxification and chelation program. Importantly we do not want any medical or healing substance to add its own toxicity to the cesspool of chemicals already present in the body and blood stream.

There are three things that determine the toxicity of radioactive materials:

Chemical effects – Uranium is chemically very toxic.

Radioactive effects (includes half-life and energy released) One gram of DU (1/20th of a cubic centimeter) releases 13,000 alpha particles a second. One alpha particle can cause cancer under the right conditions and certainly it has the capacity to wreck havoc in beta cells and everywhere else.

Particle size - in the nano particle range (diameter of 0.1 microns or smaller) the particulate effect (non-specific catalyst or enzyme) is far more biologically toxic than the first two effects. This is why DU is so devastating.[xi] (See extensive notes on this in the reference section)

Type Two Diabetes is an increasingly prevalent disease in the
world, especially the United States , where the number
of new patients grew 49% between 1991 and 2000.

The Chernobyl incident was a major humanitarian disaster, which has resulted in a plethora of health problems that are still far from being fully recognized. Most studies analyzing the medical consequences of this catastrophe have so far focused on diseases such as thyroid cancer, leukemia, immune and autoimmune pathology[xii],[xiii] even though an increase in the incidence of Type 1 diabetes mellitus, a disorder involving the immune system, was observed within the residential population of Hiroshima among survivors of the atom bomb detonation.[xiv] Studies have also shown that thymectomy and a sub-lethal dose of gamma radiation induces Type 1 diabetes in rats.[xv]

Dr. Chris Busby analyzed bomb crater samples and an air filter from an ambulance used in Beirut in July during the Israeli attack on Lebanon and found not only DU, but also that it was enriched with U235. The US sent the DU bombs to Israel two years ago, which was all over in the US media, and more in July when Israel ran out of them.

Leuren Moret, Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab whistleblower,
predicts that we can expect the use of depleted uranium weaponry
by Israel in the recent aggression against Lebanon will continue
to add to increasing diabetes in the region as well as globally.

And behold, alarming news is coming in from northern Israel in the wake of their use of depleted uranium in the recent war in Lebanon . In recent months a sharp increase has been noted in the number of new patients suffering from juvenile diabetes in the north. This is reported by the juvenile diabetes department at Ziv Medical Center , Safed. The staff of this department still has no numerical data on the dramatic increase in the number of new patients, since they continue to arriving at the hospital every day. "The children who have come to us over the past weeks live in Safed and other communities in the Galilee-populations that have not shown such a high incidence of the disease in the past," said Dr. Orna Dali-Gottfried, director of the department of pediatrics, juvenile diabetes and endocrinology at the hospital.[xvi] The truth seems to indicate that American depleted uranium munitions nuked both Israel and Lebanon .

Researchers at the Paediatric Hospital A. Meyer, Florence , Italy studied this question by assessing the incidence of the disease in children in Gomel , Belarus , in the years subsequent to the Chernobyl disaster. The results of the study seem to confirm the hypothesis of the influence of environmental pollution subsequent to the Chernobyl accident can cause diabetes.[xvii]

Mass screening for diabetes mellitus has been conducted on 64,000- 113,000 atomic bomb survivors resident in Hiroshima City since 1961. From 1971 to 1992 a 2.7-fold increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was observed in males and a 3.2-fold increase in females.[xviii]

Liquidators of the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident (LCA) who had worked within the 30-km zone for not more than 3 months in 1986, and early in the year 1987, were examined in 1988-1992 and again in 1997-1998. Hyperinsulinemia was recordable in these workers with normal and abnormal body mass index[xix] for the space of 3 to 12 years after the accident. Hyperinsulinemia, as the researchers saw it, was related to direct or indirect action of irradiation because those persons with prior acute psychogenic stress and healthy people have been found to be free from hyperinsulinemia. The possibility cannot be ruled out that hyperinsulinemia is a predictor of increased body weight gain and obesity in these workers.[xx]

We have a significant and documented increase
in the incidence of Type 1 diabetes in children and
adolescents after Chernobyl in the radioactively
contaminated area of Gomel compared to Minsk .
Heinrich Heine University

Dr Chris Busby, who has extensively researched the low-level radiation threat, and is the scientist who revealed vastly increased radiation levels over England after the last attack on Iraq, has made a link between everyday radiation exposure and a range of modern ailments: “There have been tremendous increases in diseases resulting from the breakdown of the immune system in the last 20 years: diabetes, asthma, AIDS and others which may have an immune-system link, such as MS and ME. A whole spectrum of neurological conditions of unknown origin has developed.”

Dr Chris Busby, who has extensively researched the low-level radiation threat, and is the scientist who revealed vastly increased radiation levels over England after the last attack on Iraq, has made a link between everyday radiation exposure and a range of modern ailments: “There have been tremendous increases in diseases resulting from the breakdown of the immune system in the last 20 years: diabetes, asthma, AIDS and others which may have an immune-system link, such as MS and ME. A whole spectrum of neurological conditions of unknown origin has developed.”

According to Moret, it won’t take more than two days
for the uranium particles to reach India from Iran . Egypt, the
Middle East, Central Asia and Pakistan would also be affected

To top off all the aforementioned evidence, there is now a new form of diabetes being identified and classified. There is an increasing number of people who are being seen to have both type one and type two diabetes at the same time, and now this Type 3 Diabetes is being linked to gene mutation. Type 3 is caused by mutation in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1-alpha gene (142410), which maps to chromosome 12q34.[xxi] Chronic complications and clinical expression of diabetes seems to be more severe when genetic mutations are involved, leading to more frequent development of diabetic complications.

With Bisphenol A it seemed very clear that the genes for obesity are
being affected, causing a rise in insulin resistance and diabetes. Not
so clear with DU, but seems that it might do much the same if not worse.

With all the controversial information available today on diets, obesity, it gets so confusing and complicated that no one in their right mind could reasonably figure out what to do for themselves, except by trial and error. Some diets work for some, others work for others. All have their limitations and potential problems. Everyday both doctors and patients are looking at this "new peptide" and that new bit of info about "fat" or "carbohydrate" and "sugar" and its effects on our bodies, instead of looking at these causes. Chemical causes might not be the only causes, but they are most likely the source of the environmental triggers that have already been accepted as playing a major role in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Low level radiation risk is 100 to 1000 times greater than the
International Committee for Radiation Protection models estimate.
Leuren Moret

Scientists may be seriously wrong in their idea of just how much increased background radiation the human body can withstand without long term effects. Public health officials across the board tend to grossly underestimate the dangers[xxii] and medical officials are out there claiming, as usual, that toxic substances are actually good for your children. They say that about mercury and they say that about radiation.

Along with the pancreas, insulin receptor sites are vulnerable
to chemical poisoning like any other part of the body. Perhaps
these aspects of human physiology are even more sensitive
and that is why we are seeing exploding rates of diabetes.

Dr. Herman Muller, who has received a Nobel Prize for his work, has shown how the human race's continuous exposure to so-called 'low-level' radiation is causing a gradual reduction in its ability to survive, as successive generations are genetically damaged. “The spreading and accumulation of even tiny genetic mutations pass through family lines, provoking allergies, asthma, juvenile diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, high blood cholesterol conditions, and muscular and bone defects.”

Streptozotocin injected to animals exposed to 1-Gy gamma irradiation
experienced a drastic decrease in beta-cell function which was
manifested by hyperglycemia and less intensive secretion and lesser content
of insulin in isolated pancreatic islands, as compared to control.[xxiii]

“The data is coming in country by country confirming my discovery of a global epidemic of diabetes which began with Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 and has continued to increase during atmospheric testing, nuclear power plant operations, and very sharply since depleted uranium was introduced in 1991. Govt. data from Japan , the US , India , and now Europe confirm large increases in diabetes since 1991, in most cases, the highest increases since 1945,” writes Leuren Moret.

The Lancet, analysed the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in Ontario , Canada between 1995 and 2005. It found an increase of 69 per cent over the 10 years compared with the World Health Organisation's prediction of a 39 per cent increase between 2000 and 2030. Dr Lorraine Lipscombe, of the Institute for Clinical Evaluation Science, Toronto , said that it also saw a higher rise in the rate of cases in younger people under 50 than in older people. "A 27 per cent increase has taken place after only five years," she said.

According to Dr. Katsuma Yagasaki ““One alpha particle passes hundred thousand atoms before it stops, blowing out hundred thousand electrons constituting a molecule.” Basically each and every uranium oxide particle is dangerous to our health and this view was sustained on 29 June 2005 when a National Academy of Sciences panel in Washington DC pronounced that no level of radiation is safe for humans. The panel concluded that "any dose of radiation, no matter how small, can induce cancer.” Doctors say Type 2 can often be postponed and possibly prevented by eating less and exercising more. Though eating less poisonous food already deficient in basic nutrients is always a good idea, it will not protect the body from heavy metal and radiation contamination.

A Los Angeles Times front-page report on 16 September 2006 claims
that there are more than 41 million Americans with blood glucose
abnormalities "that indicate they may soon develop diabetes."

Researchers have even investigated in vivo the effects of a chronic exposure to DU on vitamin D(3) metabolism, a hormone essential in mineral and bone homeostasis. Anything that affects mineral homeostasis is going to be important in setting up conditions for diabetes.[xxiv] This is the first time that DU was seen to depress levels of vitamin D active form and vitamin D receptor expression, and consequently could modulate the expression of vitamin D target genes involved in calcium homeostasis.

This brings up the whole point of toxicity breaking down mineral content, something that is crucial in the process of becoming much more vulnerable to the chemical onslaught. Mineral content depletion is a basic cause in diabetes and neurological disorders, it leaves the body less able to cope and eliminate toxins on a daily basis. As we shall see in the section on treatment the depletion of normally high levels of zinc in the pancreas leaves a person more susceptible to beta cell destruction from heavy metals.

This is important to our medical review that concludes that toxic exposure to uranium is dangerous and readily provokes diabetes. In this case we see that vitamin D deficiency predisposes individuals to type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to impair insulin synthesis and secretion in humans! Furthermore, epidemiological studies suggest a link between vitamin D deficiency in early life and the later onset of type 1 diabetes. In studies on diabetic mice, pharmacological doses of vitamin D have been shown to delay the onset of diabetes, mainly through immune modulation.

Clearly vitamin D deficiency is involved in the pathogenesis of both forms of diabetes.[xxv] Cesium-137, which is a radioactive form[xxvi] of Cesium that is a common radioactive contaminant also weighs heavily on vitamin D.[xxvii] According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies the most likely radioactive element in a dirty bomb is cesium-137. The words "dirty bomb" has been on the lips of health and law enforcement officials since the terrorist attacks of 2001 but, like everything else when it comes to problems with nuclear fallout, no one is prepared.[xxviii]

When it comes to diabetes, doctors are not even close to the truth. Many people believe that because of the huge income diabetes provides doctors and hospitals, the medical industrial complex is not interested in pinning down causes. Certainly they are not interested in radically changing treatment protocols or at looking into the diagnosis of toxic body burdens that diabetic patients are commonly carrying. Parents of autistic children are accustomed to this official confusion about neurological disorders and their causes.

Now millions around the globe who are falling prey to diabetes will have to accept their suffering quietly because the medical community is not going to help them avoid or recover from diabetes. Neither the FDA, CDC or EPA or AMA is going to halt the use of depleted uranium weapons nor the use of mercury by dentists nor cut down severely the pollution of the environment with mercury. You will not hear the cry for organic food go up either so the population can clean its blood streams of pesticides and many other hostile chemicals. We all need to start seriously questioning current findings, form fresh approaches to pathology, and find new methods to eradicate ailments that plague humankind. Without a large revamping of methodological procedures, we will continue to have lower success rates and other less than ideal outcomes when it is clearly not necessary.

There is nothing easy about the diagnosis of heavy metal poisoning and medical authorities have been known to denigrate doctors who test for heavy metals and use treatment programs to chelate out these metals. Some medical boards have even gone so far as stripping doctors of their medical licenses for practicing chelation therapy. This means doctors are kept as far away from the truth as possible. This will change rapidly starting as early next year as handheld devices become available in doctors offices that will directly test cell toxicity levels down to the parts per billion levels.

Qatar and other Gulf States now top the world in the
incidence of obesity and diabetes among their nationals.

We are now in a global diabetes epidemic since 1991 and it does seem reasonable to assume that the global contamination from depleted uranium is a contributor. Mercury has also been rising steadily (as well as other pollutants) so it’s a heads or tails throw to ascertain which toxic influence is contributing more to what can only be called a plague. India now has 39 million diabetics and expects 50 million by 2010 (in third world countries 80% go undiagnosed.)

The US Centers for Disease Control reported in 1980 that there were 5.7 million diagnosed cases of diabetes. That number increased by 1 million in a decade, by 1990, to 6.7 million. Between 1990 and 2002 the number increased to 13.5 million, with the largest increase of 2 million in a single year between 1996-97. That is an 18% increase from 1980 to 1990 and a 136% increase from 1980 to 2002, the last year numbers are available. 1996-97 was the period Clinton did heavy grid and carpet bombing in Europe and now we know it was with massive amounts of depleted uranium dirty bombs.

Uranium oxide particles are DNA time bombs. Because of the
affinity of a phosphate in human DNA towards uranium,
these particles destroy the DNA so the disastrous effects
of depleted uranium won’t be limited to only one generation.

According to Moret, depleted uranium is the “Trojan horse of nuclear war. It is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.” The pyrophoric nature of depleted uranium causes it to burn at very low temperatures. This makes it an ideal radioactive gas weapon. “Once it gets vaporized, microscopic particles of uranium oxide remain suspended and form the radioactive component of dust.”

Attack on Iran would be nothing short
of a low level nuclear war against India .
Leuren Moret

That Trojan horse has already come to roost in Great Britan, where radiation levels, weeks after the last war in Iraq started, went up by a factor of eight from normal levels. Dr. Busby calculated that some citizens in different parts of the country would have inhaled about 26 million particles of uranium oxide. Like Troy burning, the blood in Britain ’s citizens is smoldering. Matt Hunt, science information manager at Diabetes UK , said: "By 2010, we estimate that the number of people with diabetes in the UK will increase by around 30 per cent to three million.[xxix] Thirty percent in three years is a catastrophe.

Since the military use of DU is barely 15 years old, it is too early to know what the long term cumulative effects might be over the course of a century or more. We do know that uranium oxide particles are here to stay and that the invisible particles are suspended in the air, with some are rained out into the soil, the water, the dust; they become recycled back into the air, pervade the food chain; and often nobody can tell until years after the biological damage has been inflicted that their health or existence has been jeopardized.

The biggest crime and fallacy is that while diabetes can be reversed by dietary and exercise programs, everyone is ignoring other plausible ways to reduce our loads of these toxins, thus improving our lifestyles and outcomes. These diets and programs and even the "cures" they are coming out with are often brutal in their need for time, attention and often for even more toxic drugs. Such programs come at a high price, including an often extreme cost to a quality of life that is often markedly degraded. Everyone is looking for the magic pill, and most succumb to the pills and medicine their doctors often injudiciously, and without real understanding, give them at the drop of a hat.

It is disheartening enough that industry pollutes our world with mercury to produce the energy necessary for modern societies to function. But to learn that the military, for no other purpose than to further the political and economic ambitions of a few, is polluting the entire world for eternity is the most terrible catastrophic event in history. There is no possibility of reversing the current uranium pollution and probably no way to influence the Americans and British to rethink and admit their ways.

The people responsible are single-handedly destroying all sense of law and order, making the entire system hypocritical beyond belief. Americans throw thousands of people in jail every year for smoking pot, the safest drug of all, so safe that not one death has been traced back to its use anywhere in the world. Yet millions applaud leaders who are destroying the future of our children by using the most dangerous substances known on earth, radioactive substances that will be around for thousands of generations. We should not be surprised actually as we have seen these same people poison the water with fluoride, poison and kill us with pharmaceuticals and a host of chemicals in our foods. We even let them get away with bringing down the world trade centers right before our very eyes.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association