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Personal growth ,life-coaching,positive and transpersonal psychology , education for all,INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE. HAPPINESS, WELL-BEING,WISDOM, HARMONY, COMMITMENT TO LIFE MISSION AND VALUES


You are NOT alone ! Reminder

I had a dream, in that dream you were having a major challenge because someone had rejected you or what you believed to be true. With a fake smile and a positive attitude you were pretending it wasn’t bothering you… I could see that it was.

I stopped you and asked if you trusted me?…You said you did. Looking you in the eye and giving you all my attention, I said; Please remember that you are not alone, unless you make yourself alone. Reach out, there’s no shame in being in a difficult situation. The shame is in hiding.

Until you begin making a shift to thinking, feeling and behaving in ways that are independent of the need to please others, you will never truly embrace following your heart and soul’s passion. Furthermore, if you do not develop the kind of independence I’m referring to, you can be pretty certain that true wealth will also evade you.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting that you become some heartless ‘a-hole’ who doesn’t care about anyone. No, this is about understanding that when you begin to follow your path, recognize your unique value, and make decisions based on that, money and wealth will flow to you. Once this begins to happen you can also be fairly certain that you will, plain and simple begin to piss some folks off.

You are not alone, we, the hearts, souls and minds dedicated to raising the consciousness of the planet are here for you and with you.

This topic is often the heart of addiction. The old person must die for the new person to be born. Religion has a lot to say about this. Letting go of past behaviors and relationships is often difficult and frightful. One finds themselves with overwhelming feelings of isolation. The Buddha said “the world is what you think it is.” So in changing our perspectives of the world and ourselves we create a new resonance and with patience those who are resonating with us will begin to appear to help us and journey with us. New worlds appear to challenge us to explore them.
To sucessfully transcend one must have a complete faith that creation will supply you with everything you need. We are not apart from universe we are a part of it and the nature of the universe is abundance.

Many blessings to all life companions !



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