Benefits of Olive leaf extract on health
Scientifically Tested Olive Leaf Herb Is Known To Kill Every Virus And Germ Known To Man
Submitted By: Paul Blake | Word Count: 2066 | Views: 892
What is the worst case scenario for the bird flu or just how bad could it get? A question I have always wanted the answer to. Well history is always the best teacher and we have an excellent historical teacher from 1918. The answer there is the bird flu of 1918, and that teacher is foreboding. Called the aquatic bird flu that actually started in China (sound familiar) then somehow got into Kansas not Europe. Isn’t that interesting? It started among US Cavalry horses then moved to American troopers assigned to those mounts, stationed in Kansas. These Cavalry soldiers were shipped to the battle fields of Europe to take part in the fighting. Some of those soldiers arrived infected with the virus. This flu circulated throughout the densely packed cities of Europe then made its way back to America and did the same there. In a little over a years time it had run its course and 40 to 50 million people were dead.
In 1918 the big cities like London had a million people. Today our mega cities have 10 plus million people and a very fast transport system. Any new bird flu virus can travel in infected people across the world in a matter of days.
Why can’t modern medicine help us?
Until the bird flu virus of today mutates to its human infecting form, no scientific steps can be taken to create a serum. Only then can science develop the serum and begin to make large batches. This takes considerable amounts of time and fertile chicken eggs and there are not many around. Under optimal conditions modern science takes at least 6 months, minimum. Remember I just said above, it only takes days to move the virus across the world. So even with all the pharmaceutical companies around the world creating this serum only a small part of the world's population would be protected. I hate to make this sound worse, but the virus can also mutate into other human infecting forms and other serums must be developed.
The Herbal Solution to a Bird Flu Epidemic
You can see how bad it can get and how little modern medicine can do. There has really been little progress since 1918. So what can be done to protect yourself and your family? Here is the answer that has been around for ages. Olive leaf tincture is the answer to bird flu and all other germs and virus infections. But do not take my word for it, here is some of the history of this very powerful herb and what modern science found when they looked at it.
History of Olive Leaf as Herbal Medicine
I personally believe that God was referring to the olive tree in Ezekiel 47:12, God spoke of a tree: “The fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.”
The ancient Egyptians may have been the first to put the olive leaf to practical use. They regarded it as a symbol of heavenly power, and in keeping with that belief, they extracted its oil and used it to mummify their kings. The Egyptians and later cultures also found, and there is documentation, that the olive leaf was a great herbal medicine for the relief of fevers (sounds like viral infections to me).
The knowledge of the medicinal properties of the tree (Olea europaea) date back to the early 1800's where it was used in liquid form as a very effective treatment for malarial infections. According to the 1854 Pharmaceutical Journal of Provincial Transactions, pages 353 and 354(a), the doctors at that time stated that the properties of the tree, Olea europaea, deserved more extensive investigation.
In the early 1900's, a bitter compound was found in the leaves of certain olive trees called "Oleuropein." This compound was determined to be part of the olive tree's powerful disease resistant structure. In 1962, European researchers recorded that oleuropein had the ability to lower blood pressure in animals, increase blood flow in the coronary arteries, relieve arrhythmias and prevent intestinal muscle spasms. A Dutch researcher found the chemical responsible for olive leafs healing power was elenolic acid which has strong antiviral, bacterial and antiparasitic properties.
Modern Medicine Finds That Olive Leaf is a Powerful Medicine
In the late 60's and early 70's, The Upjohn Companies' test studies were published by The American Society for Microbiology in regards to a new multifunctional monoterpene which they had isolated from various parts of the olive tree. The compound was called calcium elenolate, a crystalline salt form of elenolic acid. When they tested this compound it was found to be virucidal against all viruses for which it was tested. The compound acted effectively at low concentrations without any harmful influence on host cell mechanisms. It was also found to be extremely safe and nontoxic, even at high doses. While it worked extremely well in-vitro, it was unsuccessful in-vitro. When injected into the blood stream, the compound bound quickly to the blood serum protein and rendered itself ineffective. They were unable to overcome this problem and terminated their research. During this same period, other companies had interest in the compound and performed various tests, but also lost interest. Then in 1990, interest was renewed and the process of bringing the remarkable product Olive Leaf Extract to market began.
A safety study on calcium elenolate was laboratory tested with animals and published by The Upjohn Company in 1970. The study concluded that even in doses several hundred times higher than recommended, no toxic or other adverse side effects appeared..
Recent Australian studies show that liquid olive leaf extract made from fresh olive leaves has up to 40 times more antioxidants than even the very best extra virgin olive oils. This same fresh Olive Leaf Extract also has 5 times more antioxidant power than Vitamin C, 28 times more antioxidant power than Noni juices and 6 times more than Goji juices.
The Power of Olive Leaves
Effective against fever and helpful for nervous tension; great immune booster and viral/bacterial killer. Researchers credit a number of unique properties possessed by the olive leaf compound for the broad killing power: an ability to interfere with critical amino acid production essential for viruses, an ability to contain viral infection and/or spread by inactivating viruses or by preventing virus shedding, budding or assembly at the cell membrane, and the ability to directly penetrate infected cells and stop viral replication in the case of retroviruses. It is able to neutralize the production of reverse transcriptase and protease (an enzyme found in retroviruses that enable the virus to make DNA from viral RNA). These enzymes are essential for a retrovirus, such as HIV, to alter the RNA of a healthy cell. It can stimulate phagocytosis, an immune system response in which immune cells ingest harmful microorganisms and foreign matter.
Summary of conditions for which olive leaf extract acts as a microbial and anti-viral agent
AIDS Amoebiasis Anthrax Athlete’s Foot Bladder Infection Campylobacter Chicken Pox Chlamydia Cholera Common Cold Cold Sore (herpes simplex) Cryptosporidiosis Cytomegalovirus Diarrheal Disease Diphtheria Ear Infection Ebola Sudan Virus E. Coli Epstein-Barr Virus Flu (influenza) Gastric Ulcers (from H. Pylori) Genital Herpes/Warts Giardia Gonorrhea Group B Strep Hantavirus Hepatitis A, B, C Herpes Zoster (shingles) Lyme Disease Malaria Measles Meningitis (bacterial) Meningitis (viral) Mononucleosis Pinworms Pneumonia (bacterial) Pneumonia (viral) Polio Pork Tapeworm Rabies Rheumatic Fever Ringworm Retrovirus infection Roundworm Rotavirus Infection RSV Staphylococcal Food Poisoning Strep Throat Syphilis Tuberculosis Thrush Toxic Shock Syndrome Trichinosis Typhoid Fever Urinary Tract Infections Vaginal Yeast Infections
Die-Off Syndrome
There are no negative side effects with Olive leaf extract but it does have a healthy side effect called the Herxheimer or “Die-Off” effect. Here is what takes place during a die-off effect. In the body there are microbes or viruses that somehow manage to evade the body’s immune system. Upon exposure to olive leaf tincture these microbes and viruses are destroyed which is a good thing for the person. After the microbe virus death, their cell-wall proteins are absorbed through the weakened mucous membrane, which surrounds them. The body recognizes these as toxins and begins its natural processes to get rid of them. If present in too large of numbers for the eliminative system to handle, the individual may develop symptoms that include headaches, swelling in the mouth, throat, sinuses, and lymphatic’s, rashes, fatigue, diarrhea, muscle/joint achiness, or other flu-like symptoms. The severity will vary from person to person, depending on the extent of their condition, the state of their immune and eliminatory systems, and how much olive leaf extract is being consumed.
The die off effect is desirable as it indicates that the body is being cleared of these hazardous microbes and viruses. Anyone who experiences these unpleasant effects generally feels fabulously well afterwards many times better than ever before.
If you feel the effects and you would like to minimize them, there are some easy things you can do. Many physicians recommend that an individual consume plenty of water in between usages of the product. Water keeps the lymphatic system and the kidneys functioning properly and more capable of handling the excess toxins. Another way to reduce the effects is to cut back on the dose of tincture that you are taking or go off it completely for a day or two before slowly increasing the dose once again. It can take anywhere from a couple of days to a week to completely rid the body of the excess toxins.
Why Olive Leaf Tincture?
A good question, and the answer makes common sense. Tinctures are made from the ground herb combined with pure grain alcohol. The alcohol acts as a solvent extracting the active healing ingredients out of the herb. The alcohol is then pressed out of the herb, all the valuable active herbal ingredients are now in the alcohol, the herbal pulp is discarded. This process can be done with one or a combination of herbs. In an alcohol tincture form the herb(s) are easily assimilated by the body to immediately begin the healing process such as killing germs or viruses.
There is no official dose for taking olive leaf tincture even though it has been around for thousands of years of use and testing. The most popular amount for a maintenance dose is 2 droppers full twice daily on an empty stomach before meals. For conditions such as the common cold, flu, sinus infections, and basic respiratory tract infections, the dose is 2 droppers full every 2 hours. For acute infections such as sore throat, swollen glands, fever, etc., the recommendation is 3 droppers full every 2 hours.
Safety of Olive Leaf Tincture
From all indications over the thousands of years of use by professional and nonprofessional people; Olive leaf tincture appears to be an extremely safe supplement that can effectively aid the body in improving immune function and fighting infection by various microbes and viruses. To my knowledge and through my research I have not found one single negative case involving the use of olive leaf tincture.
Shelf Life
Alcohol acts as a preservative and if stored in a cool, dark place, tinctures can last indefinitely. I have herbal tinctures that have lasted 15 years and were just as strong as when I first used them. As I said above, avoid heat, sunlight, and exposure to air, and your tinctures will keep their "just picked" freshness for as long as you own them.
Don’t take olive leaf with antibiotics as they can be inactivated by olive leaf.
Don’t take olive leaf with Warfarin (Coumadin) this drug can cause internal bleeding.
Olive leaf naturally relaxes blood vessels and capillaries which could increase Coumadin’s side effect.
The main reference for the information in this article was taken from Doctor Jack Ritchason’s Book “Olive Leaf Extract” Woodland publishing, Pleasant Grove, Utah. 1999
Nature’s multi-functional force against infections and cardiovascular disease? by Amanda Jackson Ph.D.
Positive Health Publications LTD 1994-2002
Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, by James A. Duke, Pub. CRP Second Edition 2007
Paul Blake is a doctor of herbal medicine and a master herbalist. He used naturopathic medicine to treat his own case of cancer eighteen years ago. Visit Paul's website on Herbal Remedies, Natural Healing Herbs for more interesting information on improving your health, or for more information on the powerful Olive Leaf herb.
Positive Health Publications LTD 1994-2002
Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, by James A. Duke, Pub. CRP Second Edition 2007
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EDITORS NOTE: Remember the biblical passage in Genesis about the dove that delivered a freshly plucked olive leaf to Noah, indicating the flood waters had receded? Was there yet another message the dove was delivering? Something maybe about the olive leaf itself?
In Revelations, at the end of the New Testament, there is an angelic vision of a "tree of life" whose leaves "were for the healing of the nations." Today, as modern medicine increasingly embraces "phytochemicals" -- medicinally-potent agents found in plants -- it is interesting to speculate about the biblical "tree of life". Is it perhaps the olive tree?
Much is known about the wonderful fruit of the tree and the oil produced from the fruit. Over the millennia, the olive has served as a fabled source of food as well as lighting and cooking oil. In modern times, the health benefits of olive oil have been extolled by medical science.
With all the fuss about the olive and its oil, the rest of the olive tree has not enjoyed the same celebrity status. This may change, however. Natural compounds derived from the olive leaf have attracted scientific research and have been found to offer potentially substantial medicinal effects for a wide variety of common ailments. Recently, these compounds were developed into a new natural supplement. Only a relatively small number of holistic health practitioners and their patients have used "Olive Leaf Extract," but based on results to date, the ranks of users should grow rapidly as word gets out.
In this issue of the HEALTH/SCIENCE NEWSLETTER we have spoken to practitioners familiar with the product. We have interviewed patients. The preliminary results are exciting. Much is yet to be discovered about the extent of its application and precisely how it works to improve so many unrelated conditions. We have put together our findings in this report -- the first to be published on this new supplement.
The ancient Egyptians may have been the first to figure out that the olive leaf packs extraordinary power. They considered the leaf a symbol of heavenly power. In keeping with that belief, they extracted the oil and used it to mummify their kings.
Later cultures discovered that the leaf was better used protecting the living than the dead. Throughout the ages, it was a popular folk remedy for combating fevers.
In the 1850's, medical reports described how olive leaves cured the worst cases of malaria. An 1854 acount in the Pharmaceutical Journal provided the following simple healing recipe: A handful of leaves boiled in a quart of water down to half its original volume. A wine glassful was then administered until the fever was cured. The author believed that a bitter substance in the leaves was the key healing ingredient. This method was said to be extremely popular in England to treat sick returnees from the tropical colonies.
Early in this century, a bitter compound from the leaf called oleuropein was indeed isolated and determined to be part of the olive tree's powerful disease-resistant properties. According to scientists, it's the stuff that helps protect the tree against insect and bacterial predators. Oleuropein is and iridoid, a structural class of chemical compounds found in plants. It is present throughout the olive tree and is, in fact, the bitter material that is eliminated from the olives when they are cured.
In 1962, a scientific paper written by an Italian researcher reported that oleuropein had the ability to lower blood pressure in animals. Other European researchers confirmed this finding and found also that it could increase blood flow in the coronary arteries, relieve arrhythmias and prevent intestinal muscle spasms. About the same time, other investigators were searching for the chemical agent within oleuropein that might be the most medically potent. A Dutch researcher found it: elenolic acid. What's more, the Europeans found it had a powerful anti-bacterial effect.
In the late 1960's, research by scientists at a major American pharmaceutical company showed that elenolic acid also inhibited the growth of viruses. In fact, it stopped every virus that it was tested against. A number of in vitro (test tube) laboratory experiments with calcium elenolate, a salt of elenolic acid, demonstrated a killer effect against many viruses, bacteria and parasitic protozoans. Among other effects, the compound was found to be potent against a variety of viruses associated with the common cold. Researchers believed a number of mechanisms were involved in its ability to combat microorganisms:
A critical interference with certain amino acid production processes necessary for the vitality of a specific virus.
Interference with viral infection and/or spread by inactivating viruses or by preventing virus shedding, budding or assembly at the cell membrane.
The ability to directly penetrate infected host cells an irreversibly inhibit viral replication.
In the case of retroviruses, it neutralizes the production of reverse transcriptase as well as protease. These enzymes are essential for a retrovirus, such as HIV, to alter the RNA of a healthy cell.
A direct stimulation of phagocytosis, an immune system response in which cells ingest microorganisms and foreign matter.
The researchers concluded that the compound acted effectively at low concentrations without any harmful influence on host cell mechanisms. They found it to be extremely safe and non-toxic, even at high doses.
Following the in vitro phase of testing, research continued with laboratory animals. Experiments showed the compound to be extremely well tolerated. There was a hitch, however. The compound rapidly binds to proteins in blood serum, meaning it is essentially taken "out of action" and rendered ineffective. As a result of this obstacle, development of the compound as a virus and bacteria killing pharmaceutical drug was dropped.
Meanwhile, other researchers in Europe were continuing to investigate the properties of olive extracts. One reported that oleuropein inactivated bacteria by dissolving the outer lining of the microbes. Another team of scientists determined that oleuropein -- and specifically its elenolic acid component -- inhibited the growth of certain species of lactic acid bacteria used in the brining and fermenting of olives. Later, in a 1994 laboratory experiment conducted at the University of Milan Institute of Pharmacological Sciences, researchers found that oleuropein inhibited oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, the so-called "bad cholesterol" involved in heart and arterial disease. This revelation, if confirmed by further research, suggests that iridoids such as oleuropein may contain antioxidant properties similar to flavonoids, proanthocyanadins, pycnogenol and other related phytochemical compounds. Currently, these phytochemicals are receiving considerable attention in cardiovascular research for their ability to reduce the harmful oxidation of cholesterol and slow down the accelerated clumping of blood platelets that can lead to dangerous clots.
All these research findings would be of little value, however, unless a solution could be found for the problem of protein-binding, the biochemical snag encountered in earlier investigations that was shown to nullify the therapeutic value of the olive leaf compounds inside the body. Several years ago the breakthrough occurred through independent scientific research that opened the way for clinical application of a natural olive leaf extract product.
Olive Leaf Extract is made from oleuropein and a selected blend of synergistic olive leaf extracts, including flavonoids. Now, as a proprietary natural dietary supplement in tablet form, the medicinal firepower of olive leaves remains intact -- minus the previous problem of proteinbinding. For all that it offers, we believe that Olive Leaf Extract represents a very exciting herbal with a great future.
A Unique Herbal with Multiple Applications
Olive Leaf Extract has been used clinically in its current form for more than a year. Living up to its promising background, it already has demonstrated considerable therapeutic action against many common conditions. Those most familiar with it expect that the list of applications will grow much larger.
Research or clinical experience to date suggest that Olive Leaf Extract should be considered as a healing participant in the treatment of conditions caused by, or associated with, a virus, retrovirus, bacterium, or protozoan. Among such conditions may be influenza, the common cold, meningitis, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), encephalitis, herpes I and II, human herpes virus 6 and 7, shingles, HIV/ARC/AIDS, chronic fatigue, hepatitis B, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, malaria, dengue, bacteremia, severe diarrhea, blood poisoning, and dental, ear, urinary tract and surgical infections.
Dr. James R. Privitera, M.D., a physician in Covina, California, who has been practicing nutritionally oriented holistic medicine sine 1970, began using Olive Leaf Extract early in 1995. "I think we are just beginning to scratch the surface for what seems to be a very promising and unique herbal with multiple applications," he says. "We continually hear from patients about new and unexpected benefits. Although we do not have long-term perspectives as yet, preliminary clinical results are very positive. In our clinic, we use Olive Leaf Extract for a variety of infectious and chronic conditions and are increasing our understanding for which situations it works best for."
One frequently-heard comment from patients is that they feel more energy and a greater sense of well-being. Many want to continue with Olive Leaf Extract even after their problem is gone. Some ask Privitera if there is an "upper" in the product. There isn't. There just appears to be a natural "upper" effect. Healthy people who take it say they also feel this infusion of energy.
One of Privitera's patients is a 17-year-old professional ice-skater who says that one or two Olive Leaf Extract tablets a day helps sustain the high energy level she requires for practice and performance.
"In my clinic, as in many others, fatigue is the No. 1 complaint," says Privitera. "I am not speaking of the serious chronic fatigue situation but just day-in and day-out tiredness, a result, I believe, of average non-exercising Americans eating their standard American diet of dead food. The average person, of course, is not going to change eating habits and is not going to go on a regular exercise program. Based on my experience, I suggest that Olive Leaf Extract offers something safe, effective and energizing for the malaise of the masses."
Privitera says he is continually surprised by some of the reported benefits from Olive Leaf Extract, such as aleviation of psoriasis, normalization of arrhythmias (heart beat irregularities), and less pain from hemorrhoids, toothaches and chronically achy joints.
One woman with bad allergies reported significant improvement and a level of energy she hadn't felt for years.
One elderly male with severe arrhythmia reported that his condition had vastly improved in about eight days just from taking Olive Leaf Extract alone.
A woman with mild arhythmia said her condition improved substantially when she took Olive Leaf Extract and then slowly returned to its irregular state after she ran out of the product.
"Given what we know about the protective cardiovascular effects of proanthocyanadins and flavonoids, the phytochemical compounds found in grape seeds, onions, kale, green beans, broccoli and other vegetables, it will be interesting to see what benefits Olive Leaf Extract and its special array of phytochemicals prove to offer for heart and arterial health," says Privitera.
He notes that research performed during the 1960's indicated that oleuropein improved blood flow to the heart and helped normalize arrhythmias.
Another dramatic development involved a 15 year-old girl with juvenile diabetes. The teenager had been regularly taking 350 units of insulin daily to control her condition. After one month on the standard recommended dose of Olive Leaf Extract (one tablet every six hours or the equivalent of four a day), she was able to maintain similar control with only 220 units.
Years ago, researchers found that the natural olive leaf compounds from which Olive Leaf Extract is derived could lower blood sugar. Privitera hopes to study the supplement's effects on other diabetics to determine whether it might indeed reduce insulin requirements. He is also interested in seeing whether its blood flow and antioxidant potential can help against the destructive vascular complications of diabetes that contribute to stroke, heart disease and peripeheral circulatory problems.
A Potential Natural Remedy for Infectious Disease
In the light of the alarming rise in the number of deaths from infectious diseases in this country, the advent of a natural healing compound such as Olive Leaf Extract may be a timely development for individuals interested in natural, alternative approaches. According to federal researchers, deaths from infectious diseases, formerly on the decline, rose 58 percent from 1980 to 1992, elevating this category of illness from No. 5 to No. 3 among the killer diseases, behind heart disease and cancer. Although the AIDS epidemic accounts for most of the increase, researchers have also documented an unusual rise in mysterious respiratory infections among the elderly and blood infections among people of all ages. Eliminating the influence of AIDS, the death rate during the same period for all other infectious diseases had increased by 22 percent.
Back in 1978, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that by the year 2000, sources other than Western, technological medicine would have to be employed in order for all people to have adequate health care. The report further recommended that traditional forms of healing and medicine, such as the use of herbs, be pursued to meet the growing neeeds of a dynamically increasing world population.
With the emergence of strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, natural products such as Olive Leaf Extract take on greater importance. Even if new antibiotics are developed, new infectious bacteria may emerge that are resistant to new drugs. In the case of herbal medicinals, their complex chemistry render them potentially more therapeutic against a wide variety of microorganisms for which pharmaceutical drugs may be impotent.
Phil Selinsky, a naturopathic doctor at the Institute for Holistic Studies in Santa Barbara, California, reports a number of positive results against bacterial infections using Olive Leaf Extract. Sinus and bladder infections have responded well, he says, and oral infections associated with tooth or gum disease have been particularly responsive.
Because "Olive Leaf Extract" is such a potent healing supplement, it may possibly cause significant detoxification symptoms. According to Dr. Privitera "Some individuals taking "Olive Leaf Extract" may experience a "die-off effect," particularly if they have a serious chronic fatigue condition or harbor a large viral or bacterial burden in their bodies. As a result, some people feel worse before they feel better.
"Some patients have told me that Olive Leaf Extract took down their dental-related infections in a matter of hours," Selinsky says. "The response is quite impressive."
For these type of infectons, Selinsky recommends patients start with two Olive Leaf Extract tablets followed by another tablet every four hours. "That usually gets you on top of the situation," he says. For more serious infections, tablets can be taken at shorter intervals.
The tooth connection has been reported to Privitera as well. One man with a painful abscess reported taking several tablets at night to reduce the pain. It worked. The next morning some pain and swelling had returned. He then took a "handful" of Olive Leaf Extract tablets -- about eight or nine, he reported. An hour-and-a-half later, the pain and swelling were gone. The pain never returned although the tooth became loose, gradually blackened and was eventually extracted.
Selinsky says his results with chronically-fatigued patients has been "hit and miss." He attributes the various responses to the multiple causes of chronic fatigue. An individual may have numerous nutritional deficiencies, be depressed or stressed. Olive Leaf Extract may neutralize one or more of the contributing causes; however, other underlying factors may still be left untouched. "Some patients feel nothing, but others say Olive Leaf Extract works great for them," he says.
After using Olive Leaf Extract in dozens of cases for nearly a year, Selinsky is impressed with its effects and looks forward to continued use that will generate more knowledge and experience about its most effective areas of application.
Biochemist Arnold Takemoto, who designs patient nutritional programs for physicians in Arizona, has found Olive Leaf Extract to be an effective addition to his arsenal of natural healing. "It certainly has power, particularly against viruses that are more tenacious," he says. "It fills a hole that we haven't been able to fill before. It gives us a new, effective tool."
Takemoto says it has helped some patients rapidly rid themselves of stubborn viral infections they have had for years. As an example, he cites the case of a patient who had suffered from shingles (herpes zoster) for nine years. Within two days of starting Olive Leaf Extract and other supplements, the condition cleared up.
Keep in mind, says Takemoto, that in dealing with serious viral conditions you need to use a number of ingredients. In his approach, he targets key antibody responses for specific viruses, stimulates the immune system, and with Olive Leaf Extract attempts to inhibit the reproduction of the virus. "It takes everthing to get over some of these real chronic conditions," he says.
Privitera, Selinsky and Takemoto all emphasize the point that Olive Leaf Extract should not be considered a panacea. They use it in connection with individual holistic treatment programs that include diet, nutritional supplementation, exercise, and stress control.
"I don't think that Olive Leaf Extract is a single magic-bullet," Takemoto says. "There are very few such things, especially in non-pharmaceutical medicine. But there is no doubt that it contributes to good results. I have found it a very valuable tool for chronic fatigue syndrome and many other viral conditions. But it's important for people to keep in mind that in many cases it takes a whole lot more than just one ingredient to get over a particular condition."
Dr. Privitera offers this perspective: "A patient may be on a comprehensive treatment program, taking supplement A, B, C and D, following an exercise schedule and is getting, say, 50 percent relief for a given condition. We now add Olive Leaf Extract -- and we may get another degree of improvement, often quite large. It complements all the other good things we are doing for patients."
Individuals who just take Olive Leaf Extract alone may get good results but probably not as much as if they are on a comprehensive program, adds Privitera. "I don't want people to have ski-high expectations who take this and then just continue to eat poorly, drink and smoke. Sure, taking this will probably help, but they won't get the same results. And this, of course, is true with most natural supplements." Olive Leaf Extract is a potent natural agent, cautions Privitera, and as part of its healing acitivity it has the possibility to generate detoxification symptoms -- known as the "die-off" effect -- that may be uncomfortable for some very sick people, "If you are sick and use this product, you should be aware of the possibility that this can happen."
Privitera recommends that individuals who use Olive Leaf Extract as a nutritional aid for illness should consult first with their physician or a holistic health practitioner.
Patient Reports
Reports from patients dramatically reveal some of the many potential uses of Olive Leaf Extract. The accounts appearing here, however, are intended as information only and should not be construed by readers to mean that the supplement will be effective or provide relief in all such cases.
Chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue patients are often helped by Olive Leaf Extract, says Privitera. It is not a cure-all but the results are substantive enough so that many individuals want to continue taking the supplement."
Many chronic fatigue patients suffer from an associated depression. Privitera reports a number of cases in which patients went through the "die-off" period and came out highly energized and no longer depressed.
One female patient described to Privitera what she called a "really quite unbelievable" recovery within one month of taking the supplement: "For the last few years I have not been feeling like myself," she wrote. I've had little energy and enthusiasm for anything. This is not my usual nature. I attributed it to weight, unemployment and just being down. My head was always somewhat achy and I couldn't figure out why. The only way I could describe it would be as a constant low-degree headache which never left.
"I started taking Olive Leaf Extract and noticed an immediate elevation of my spirits. What I liked about the product was that it was effective but gentle and didn't make me hyper of unable to sleep. Quite the contrary, I slept better.
"After a few days I began to notice more energy and a stronger sense of well-being. The cobwebs in my brain started to diminish. I also noticed a bad shoulder and a bad knee started to get better. The pain associated with these joints remarkably improved.
"The only side-effects I had were a couple of headaches in the beginning which disappeared with some aspirin. (Editor's note -- a possible symptom of detoxification).
"I started to feel much, much better. It was amazing to see the fatigue disappear and my general health improve. I couldn't believe I felt so well.
"I stopped taking the product after 30 days and experienced no withdrawal of anything. I simply felt better and that has stayed the same for the last 60 days without the product."
A female patient diagnosed with Epstein-Barr Virus reported that the supplement "has helped me very much in overcoming the tiredness I feel. It has given me energy."
Flu and colds
Olive Leaf Extract may offer a potent tool against the common cold and flu. Consider the following letter written on August 1, 1995, by a female patient with persistent flu symptoms:
"I became ill with the flu in February and had several immune boosters, extra vitamins and three anitbiotics. My fever was 102-103 every afternoon and this continued even after the antibiotics. I developed paralyzing chest and abdominal pain, being confined to the couch for weeks -- not able to hardly walk. My weight dropped to 84 pounds. Medical tests revealed nothing specifically wrong.
"I started taking Olive Leaf Extract on July 18. Within a few days my temperature started dropping and it is slowly and steadily going down, so that some days I haven't needed to take Tylenol to reduce it. The pain is subsiding gradually and my appetite and strength are returning."
At the time of her next medical examination, on August 15, the patient's temperature had been normal for a week and she had taken no pain-killers for two weeks.
An elementary school teacher with a histry of asthma and super susceptibility to colds and flu believes that Olive Leaf Extract has armor-plated her against the legion of germs that run rampant throughout her classroom.
I used to get sick all the time," she says. "One school year I got strep throat eight times. If you sneezed at me, the chances are I would get sick. Not any more. When many kids in my class were coughing, sneezing, and blowing their noses before Christmas, I caught a slight cold and that's it."
"The prduct," says Privitera, "may be a true antiviral, inasmuch as it selectively blocks an entire virus-specific system in the infected host. It appears, moreover, to offer us healing effects that are not covered by pharmaceutical antibiotics. We believe that many people who lead stressful lives or who may be particularly suseptible to colds and viruses may benefit from long-term use of Olive Leaf Extract as a preventive agent."
Privitera has given Olive Leaf Extract to many herpes patients. One male patient in his early 40s experienced frequent lesions along with fatigue. In a week his lesions disappeared and his energy increased. He wrote Privitera to say that Olive Leaf Extract was the only medicine that ever eliminated his herpes. Even the most minute blisters are gone," he wrote.
A female patient had an unusually stubborn herpetic cold sore in the mouth for four months. The woman also suffers from cancer, thus there may be some significant immune exhaustion involved. After one week on Olive Leaf Extract, the sore disappeared.
These type of clinical experiences are consistent with a private 1993 herpes study in humans using an earlier, weaker and ethanol (alcohol-based) form of Olive Leaf Extract. Of the six subjects involved, all reported symptomatic relief. Three said their lesions disappeared in 36 to 48 hours. The remaining three were placed on a stronger dose. One of them said that three days later most of the lesions were gone. The other two individuals were newly infected with the virus and were likely experiencing a much higher level of virus shedding. On the stronger dose, they reported also doing better. All six subjects said this procedure produced better results than Acyclovir, a medication they had previously used.
Rheumatoid arthritis
A male patient wrote the following letter: "Five years ago I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. After taking all the medicines I could stand with no real results, I was informed about some nutritional supplements. One of them was Olive Leaf Extract.
After taking it for three weeks I noticed more flexibility in my fingers, elbows and neck. There was marked relief of muscle tension surrounding joints. Overall I am enjoying Olive Leaf Extract with my daily routine."
A number of other patients have reported significant relief of joint pain. It is unclear at this time what healing mechanism is being triggered by the olive leaf compound.
Multiple Symptoms
One woman with chronic fatigue, colds, asthma, and vaginal yeast infections had excellent results. Five weeks after starting Olive Leaf Extract, she returned to see Privitera.
She told the physician that all her symptoms had virtually cleared up! The woman, a teacher, was able to take on new projects she couldn't consider before.
A male patient with multiple symptoms wrote as follows:
"I became ill in December 1993 and was diagnosed with a stomach and prostrate infection. I was treated with high doses of antibiotics, but never fully recovered.
"I was troubled with multiple symptoms, some of which were back and neck pain, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, swollen glands, sinus and digestive problems.
"I was subsequently diagnosed with fibromyalgia (chronic fatigue syndrome) and the physicians recommended Prozac-type antidepressants and anti-inflammatory drugs. But I refused them.
"I began taking Olive Leaf Extract along with my regular vitamin and mineral supplements in August of 1995 at the rate of one tablet every six hours. I increased the dosage after five days and began feeling better.
"I tried different dosages for a number of days until I found the optimum amount for me. Today I take three tablets four times a day. My overall health has greatly improved and so has my energy and disposition.
"One very interesting thing has occurred. My finger nails were infected, by whatever infection I had, leaving them wrinkled-looking. Now they are slowly returning to their normal shape."
A female patient wrote after one month on Olive Leaf Extract to report relief for a number of health complaints.
"It has improved my allergy like psoriasis, and symptoms of a kidney infection. I have been having back aches for almost a year and frequent urination. This has improved a lot also."
Fungus and yeast infections
Improvement of fungal infections has been reported by a number of patients.
A woman with an infection of the large toenail reported that within two months after starting Olive Leaf Extract, the condition was about three-quarters healed. She had the infection for more than five years previous and no medication or natural agent had helped.
Dr. Privitera himself reported a toenail fungal infection he had cleared up as a result of his using Olive Leaf Extract.
More than 10 million Americans are estimated to have disfiguring fungal nail infections, a widely under-recognized medical problem. It is common among athletes, elderly individuals, people who stand a lot or wear the same shoes evey day, who wear artificial fingernails, and patients with AIDS, cancer and diabetes. Drugs taken for cancer and AIDS lower resistance and are believed to make people more susceptible to infection.
Recently, a new drug was approved -- the first in 35 years -- for the condition. The drug is called Sporanox and is said to be more effective than older anit-fungal medications.
According to an article by Patricia Anstett of the Knight-Ridder Newspapers, two 100-milligram pills are taken daily for about three months at a cost of $900. Older drugs, taken for 12 months or more, cost double or more that amount over the longer duration. Even with the new drug, the condition can return once the medication is discontinued.
Results to date suggest that Olive Leaf Extract offers a natural and much less expensive avenue of self-treatment. One male patient reported amazing results for a fungus infection of the tongue he had for 30 years. "All kinds of diets, treatments and regimes were tried but to no avail," he reported. Within three weeks on Olive Leaf Extract the fungus disappeared."
More than a dozen of Privitera's patients with candidiasis have reported significant improvements with Olive Leaf Extract. They speak of less infectons, allergies, fatigue, dullness, and more energy. One woman said she was able to clean out her garage, which was full of dust, and before Olive Leaf Extract that would have been impossible for her.
Bacterial Infections
The bactericidal effect of Olive Leaf Extract was dramatically evident in the case of a 64-year-old physician bedridden for four years since suffering a major stroke. He also had recurrent bladder infections which would cause considerable pain, smelly urine and fever.
All efforts to control the condition had failed, including a $1,000 antibiotic specially prepared for him. The patient experienced constant discomfort. His urine was cloudy "and looked like soup." Often, it contained blood.
After one month on Olive Leaf Extract, the infections had vanished and after six months, the condition has not recurred. He has been taking a standard dose of four tablets daily.
The patient also used to suffer from frequent allergies and colds and took medication frequently to keep these in check. The incidence and severity have been significantly minimized with Olive Leaf Extract and he requires considerably less medicine.
Skin conditions
After two months with Olive Leaf Extract a male patient reported "significant" improvement for a chronic scalp infection he had suffered with for more than 10 years.
"It had flared up causing very painful eruptions and lesions in my scalp, which, over time, have killed quite a few hair follicles," he said. "Modern medical doctors and dermatologists have been unable to eradicate (the condition). I had resolved myself to the fact that there was no cure.
"I am satisfied that I am getting some significant results from using Olive Leaf Extract. My scalp remains a little tender, but the eruptions have all but ceased. I am continuing to use the product about twice a day, and the skin color is much healthier than it has been in recent time.
"No matter what drug therapy my doctors have prescribed in the past, none has provided me with the level of relief I am currently experiencing. I would gladly recommend this product to others suffering chronic skin ailments."
A female patient reported better energy and disappearance of a rash in 30 days. The rash occurred in winter, or during times of extreme cold.
Tropical Illnesses
Olive Leaf Extract may have considerable therapeutic potential in the treatment of tropical infections such as malaria and dengue. Malaria is caused by protozoans carried by infected mosquitoes. In 1906, olive leaf extracts were found to be far superior to quinine in the treatment of malarial infections. Quinine was preferred, however, because it was easier to administer. Now in tablet form, the olive leaf may make a strong comeback. Preliminary reports from Latin America are promising.
A full-blown case of malaria at a clinic in Mexico was reported 100 percent cured with a dosage schedule of two Olive Leaf Extract capsules every six hours.
According to the clinic report, a 34-year-old female patient recovered progressively over a six-month period. At the end of that time, the report said, "she was without any of the malaria symptoms, not even anemia or shivers. Her breath is good. Her state of mind excellent and she does not show any signs of chronic or contagious disease."
There have been recent reports of cases of malaria in Texas. According to Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports, "malaria continues to be a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, particularly because of the development of drug-resistant strains, and is a continuing concern in the United States because of increased international migration, travel, and commerce."
Dengue fever is a mosquito-born disease caused by a virus and occurs mainly in tropical Asia and the Caribbean. In its most severe form, which involves vomiting, high fever, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain, it is deadly in 50 percent of cases. Some 50 million cases occur annually, according to the World Health Organization, requiring hospitalization of about half a million individuals. Research is underway to develop a vaccine but as of yet there is no specific treatment avialable. In 1995, large outbreaks of dengue were reported by health authorities in 12 Latin American and the Caribbean.
In Conclusion...
Researchers have discovered that specific phytochemicals found in vegetables stimulate the production of anti-cancer enzymes in the body. Others in fruit bind and neutralize certain carcinogenic chemicals. Others have antioxidant effects, protecting the body from harmful oxidating processes that contribute to aging and illness. Still others have been found to exert a protective effect on cardiac and vascular health.
Medical researchers are excited about this new frontier of investigation and are actively exploring the wide, wide world of phytochemicals for compoiunds that can be developed into medically potent preparations. Some experts say that these compounds offer the best protection we know of against the diseases that plague us today. Ther's a lot still to learn about the tissue-specific way these chemicals work. But with time, these phytonutrients may play a major role in how we prevent and treat disease.
Phytochemicals belong to many different, often tongue-twisting classes of compounds. Some of their names include polyphenols, flavonoids, flavonols, flavonones, proanthocyanadins, pyconogenol, catechins, isoflavones, glucosinlates, indoles, isoprenoids, tocotrienols.
Add to the list oleuropein, from the iridoid class of phytochemicals, the exciting healing substance found in the olive leaf and now available for the first time in the highly effective supplement.
EDITOR'S NOTE: It is abudantly clear from the information presented in this report that the olive tree ranks right up there with the dog as one of man's best friends. Indeed, its special gifts to humans have been documented for at least 2,000 years. This knowledge presents our subscribers with an extraordinary opportunity to pull out of the downward spiral of illness and disease now growing so wildly out of control. Therefore, we hope you will take advantage of the opportunity presented in this report.
Labels: herbology, integral health, natural health remedies, swine flu
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