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The sixth healing sound

(NaturalNews) In this last article on the six healing sounds, we're going to cover the last of these sounds, the triple burner sound. The triple burner is not an organ in the normal sense of the word as it is not a fleshly organ; rather, it's an energy control "organ" or system comprised of three separate energy pathways that has a regulatory and balancing role in the body's energy systems.

The triple burner is divided into three areas of the body. The upper burner which controls the brain, heart and lungs are considered hot. The middle burner consists of the liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas and spleen and is considered warm. The lower burner which contains the large and small intestines, the bladder and sexual organs is cool in nature.

The triple burner is very important for balancing the temperatures of the three centers of the body by bringing hot energy down to the lower center and cool energy up to the upper center through the digestive tract. This helps to induce a deep relaxing sleep and many people have reported having their sleeping troubles alleviated by practicing this sound before sleep. It can also be a very effective stress reliever. There is no season, color or emotion associated with the Triple Burner

Exercise number one from the famous "Eight Pieces of Brocade" breathing which is taught in the author's Chinese Health and Fitness video also balances the triple burner energy centers. It can even be used to help regulate and control heartbeat. The Chinese also found that anytime we raise the arms above the head while exhaling we're causing chi to descend. This descending chi cools the fire (the heart is the fire organ) and can help slow down the heartbeat. It can also help to alleviate a number of common ailments such as headaches, nausea and dizziness. Runners are often seen putting their hands on top of their heads after sprinting as they also found that it can be an effective method to slow down the heart after running or other vigorous exercise.

In previous installments in this series we covered the first five of these healing sounds for the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart and spleen. The links for each of those articles are listed below.

The lung sound

The kidney sound

The liver sound

The heart sound

The Spleen Sound

The Triple Burner Sound

The sound for the triple burner is a very simple one. It is the same as the word "He" but the "e" sound is extended for the duration of the breath. The triple burner sound is as follows "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". As with the other sounds this sound should be made very softly or "sub vocally" meaning you only need to breath out and open your mouth as though making the sound, but without actually vocalizing the sound or vibrating the vocal chords. As mentioned this sound can help to regulate the heartbeat and is often used by Chinese martial artists to help slow down the heartbeat either during or after a fight or any other strenuous exercise.

To help with insomnia, lie down flat on your back and as you begin to make the Heeeeeeeeeeeee sound visualize and feel a large roller pressing out your breath, starting at the top of your chest and ending at the lower abdomen. Visualize the chest and abdomens as flat as a sheet of paper and feel light, bright and empty. Practice this exercise 3 to 6 times or more if you are still awake. This is also the normal way to practice this sound, but as with all the sounds they can be done anywhere, anytime, except right after a meal. In that case, only the spleen sound (whooooooooo) should be done after eating.

Daily Practice

Try to practice the Six Healing Sounds on a daily basis. They are especially effective during bedtime because purging the excess fire chi helps to calm and relax the body as well as slow the heartbeat and prepare the body and mind for a good nights rest. Once you've learned the procedure practicing all six sounds will only take 10-15 minutes.

You can also practice all six sounds right after vigorous exercise and not just the triple burner sound. Practice these sounds after any exercise that creates a lot of heat in the upper burner (heart and brain).

Make sure to do the sounds in the proper sequence of the Lung sound (Ssssss), Kidneys (Wuuuuu), Liver (Shhhhh), Heart sound (Hawww), Spleen (Whooooo) and Triple Burner (Heeeee). If you feel that a particular organ or its associated symptoms are bothering you, then increase that individual sound without going through the entire sequence.

If you are very tired or pressed for time, then it is permissible to practice the Lung and Kidney sounds only.

The effectiveness of these sounds is not one hundred percent dependant upon the exact pronunciation. There are actually numerous versions of the Six Healing Sounds that have been created over the centuries. Each of the major languages of China (Cantonese and Mandarin) as well as different groups such as the Buddhist and Taoists for example, have each created their own variations on these healing sounds without compromising their effectiveness.

This is possible because just as in music there are many frequencies which harmonize to create a chord, the same is true with these healing sounds. Some versions are more effective than others, but they are all very effective. The version of the Six Healing sounds presented in this series is the most effective according to the author's experience.

For those who would still feel more comfortable hearing each of the sounds and would like to get at least a baseline idea of how they should sound, you can click the link below which will take you to a page on the author's Chinesehealthandfitness website. On that page you will find a link to a downloadable MP3 file where you can hear a demonstration of The Six Healing Sounds.


To learn the complete version of "The Six Healing Sounds" which includes the postures and movements, along with the "inner smile" meditation, the author recommends picking up a copy of the book; "Transforming Stress into Vitality- The Inner Smile and the Six Healing Sounds" by Mantak Chia

"Transforming Stress into Vitality- The Inner Smile and the Six Healing Sounds" by Mantak Chia
"The Complete Book of Chinese Health and Healing" by Daniel Reid

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