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REAL mineralized food

According to the vitalist, Dr Christopher, only minerals from plant conversion are of worth. The decision is yours of course. -Craig

Health Benefits of Paramagnetic Rock Dust The Natural Way to Obtain Colloidal Minerals


There are several groups of extremely healthy and long lived peoples around the world such as the Hunzas of Pakistan, and the Vilcabamba tribe of Equador. A number of Hunza men and women over 120 years (living to 140 yrs old is not a rarity) old still work in the fields every day. What do they have in common - Water!

Different from other mountain cultures is their cloudy grey water. It contains a fine rock dust created by the glaciers higher up. As they slowly slide across and grind the rock, the melting ice mixes with the rock dust creating a rock slurry that finds its way into streams and rivers. This mineral rich water is used for drinking and to irrigate soil and crops.

Amongst many native cultures it is known that when flooding occurs, mud and silt from the rivers mineralise pastures, replenishing deficiencies in the soil that have occurred through farming the land.

Our soil lacks in varying amounts, the very minerals and trace elements that we need for good health. Plants also require the same full spectrum to be strong and resist parasites. Modern agricultural methods of farming are very destructive. Fertiliser is used containing only three minerals, nitrogen Potassium and phosphorus; this causes quick, forced growth, but does not provide balanced nutrition for plants. The application of pesticide (that is necessary due to the inherent poor resistance of the plants) to crops, penetrates into soil killing off beneficial soil bacteria

Soil bacteria work in collaboration with plant roots to facilitate proper nutrient uptake from the soil. destruction of Beneficial micro-organisms in soil further degrades the quality of food produced. At one time we routinely ingested these organisms with daily intake of vegetables - not so now with our modern farming methods. Healthy fertile soil is a rich dark colour due to the presence of these good bacteria, which can seen under a microscope.

“The atoms or molecules of a substance having net orbital spin magnetic moments that are capable of being aligned in the direction of the applied field”

Any substance, including soil or rock that will move towards a magnet is paramagnentic.

Superbiomin, (also known as Schindeles minerals) is a paramagnetic rock dust, of volcanic origin ground into a fine powder. It was discovered from a breach in the earth's crust, in an Austrian quarry, a volcanic, brittle material.

Volcanic rock shows itself to be the most paramagnetic (measured using a CGS meter), this is the reason it is so successful in restoring healthy plant growth and remineralisation in people. Paramagnetic rock dust (hence referred to as PMRD) will help to build up the mineral reserves in the body, compensating for the mineral and trace element deficiencies in most diets.

Super Biomin was introduced too the general public in Austria. It is inexpensive and there are many interesting testimonials to attest to its curative properties in a vast array of health problems. Bodies are capable of healing if they are fully mineralised.

1.Professor Phil Callaghan, the Father of Paramagnetism
2.We want real food - by Graham Harvey

Excerpt from back of book

There is something missing from our food...
In the past 50 years vegetables sold in the UK have lost 24% of their magnesium, 27% Iron and 46% Calcium.
Milk from Cows kept in sheds is depleted of vitamins and the cancer-fighting CLA that helped to make this a fitness food.
....The cause of poor health and social disorder is not just fast foods, but the source of our foods. Industrial farming depletes the soil of minerals - even organic carrots can be tasteless and lacking in essential elements. We are missing out on the nutrient-rich foods our bodies have evolved to need.

3.You are what you eat - by Grahame Whitehead
4.Dr Joe Wallach - Dead Doctors don't lie
Testimonials from the book "Superbiomin" by Robert Schindelle
“I have been taking your stone flour twice a day and am very satisfied with the result my kidney stones started to move and I hope to entirely get rid of this nuisance soon”

“After taking the mineral flour for three weeks I have obtained very good results. The constant colic's and ravenous hunger have disappeared completely, so one can loose weight much more easily. I am completely enthusiastic about this wonder product”

"I am 66 years old and have had depressions for three years, after taking the stone powder for eleven days. my depressions disappeared. My loss of hair stopped, my backache went. I am full of the joy of living “

Quoting Robert Schindelle:-

"From the many letters of my clients who take the mineral flour, diseases disappear that, up to now were considered incurable. After only a week diabetic values of 280 or more are reduced to 80-90. Gout disappears, the blood pressure and other values balance out to normal. But if one stops taking the mineral flour for several weeks, all complaints begin to return".

(Editors note. we cannot rely on these sort of effects in every case, since some health problems are more difficult to resolve than others)

Schindelle notes that:- 90% of all diseases of human beings, animals, and plant are caused by a lack of mineral elements. Although health is a complex matter it does seem that it is underpinned by the many roles of the minerals and trace elements in our diet and water.

The mineral elements in paramagnetic rock products are just like protein , fats and carbohydrates - helping to create the physical and chemical conditions for the functioning of the cells They are concerned with the building up of hormones, and enzymes and are important constituents of the bones, teeth and tissues. Since these minerals and trace elements are continuously exchanged and lost, they need to be taken in by in body regularly.

Inside us and around us, are millions of ions - groups of atoms which carry either a positive or a negative charge. Anions are negatively charged ions, cations are positive charged. When nature is balanced, these two ions create a unified field of energy present every where, called a paramagnetic field. This field is present in all levels of organ living matter including the human brain.

Our so called civilised ways of living, industrialisation, mechanisation, and the intense electromagnetic fields generated by modern technologies, produce high levels of anions. These can make us feel heavy and exhausted, with prolonged exposure can be a contributory factor in any health disorder.

Every cell in the body contains a balance of energy which keeps each cell individual, in perfect suspension with it neighbouring cells - a colloidal suspension. High concentrations of anions disrupt this balance, the suspension is broken down leading to cellular coagulation, and dysfunction. The unified field has become unbalanced, in favour of anion dominance, we have little contact with what we need these negate these positive charges.

How do we redress this imbalance?
We need the PMRD because it is highly paramagnetic. This has the effect of neutralising excesses of both positive and negative charges, bringing balance and homeostasis (the natural balance of the organism).

"Professor Callahan suggested to site Towers of Power on a downward earth energy vortex, and/or over underground water line crossings. This traditional placement was confirmed by my own dowsing at towers in Ireland - The water line crossings and springs all had a downward vortex at the centre associated with them." - Alanna Moore, Stone Age Farming
Water is an important contact with nature, but nowadays is very unlikely to be highly paramagnetic. Thus the PMRD can provide this very important and harmonising effect on our systems, neutralising external fluctuations in our metabolic and nervous systems, aiding sleep, relieving stress, and improving many other health conditions, refreshing and invigorating the whole organism. Living Water - By Grahame Whitehead

A daily intake of PRD affords you the daily contact with this source of paramagnetic energy and over 70 minerals/trace elements. A level teaspoon daily (two and a half mls ) is sufficient, although for the first week or so twice daily is advised, to reinstate mineral balance and reduce stress by aiding the correct colloidal suspension of the cells within the body.

Broadly speaking, the volcanic rock dusts, with their predominance of silica is strengthening to our overall constitutions and structures of the body. They work steadily but more slowly than the ionic electrolyte minerals, which are also essential on a regular basis to help balance the fluid and electrical activity of the body. These minerals work rapidly to maintain essential functions. Our Ioninc minerals from the Great Salt Lake in Utah are available in the shop, and prove to be essential, for many in natural health regeneration programs.

These two different sources of minerals and trace elements (colloidal paramagnetic and ionic) provide a balanced regime of remineralisation. So even though the amount of major minerals is small in the volcanic rock drink, there is a catalytic effect from the whole swathe of trace and ultra trace elements which improves overall uptake of major minerals in the diet.

An example of this phenomenon was shown with an experiment carried out using mineral supplement called Floramin. This is created by feeding a pro-biotic culture with coal . Coal is formed from primeval rain forest which through millions of years compression has formed into coal. The test involved three separate groups of rats. Over a period of 90 days group one was fed a nutrient deficient diet, these rats lost weight and became ill. The second group also received a poor diet, but were given the full spectrum, multi-mineral trace element supplement in small quantities. Group two gained weight and were in excellent health and fared slightly better than group three that received what was considered a high quality diet!

So, small, but regular daily doses of these full spectrum food supplements generally improves the uptake and utilisation of the nutritional elements in our food. Even when are eating well we are not utilising the nutritional elements in our food properly, due almost universal trace element deficiency.

At this point it is worth mentioning about the fallacy of the health benefits of drinking distilled water, from the false belief that the minerals in drinking water clog the circulatory system and are not nutritionally useful.

Dr. Masironi from the world health organisation has said "modern diets are usually marginally deficient in many elements, and therefore the contribution from hard water makes a difference between optimal and sub optimal intake. Just the little extra boost of minerals from our drinking water may add enough to the minerals obtained from food to get us up the stairs from adequate to optimum intake (clearly Dr. Masir underestimates mineral/trace element deficiency since our official understanding of the role minerals and trace elements have, lagged behind both anthropological and experimental, evidence.)

It is well known that where people consume hard water, which has a higher mineral content than soft water, that there is a definite protective influence on the circulatory system. This shown by a study on 76 Swedish communities, those consuming hard water had a 41% less incidence of heart disease and 14% less strokes than those consuming soft water) It would seem prudent not to consume distilled water which is completely deprived of minerals' and acts to remove minerals from the system.

So once again mother nature knows best, and will provide some ionic (soluble) and some colloidal mineral/trace elements, in muddy/sediment rich rivers, and clinging to the food we would eat in a natural situation. Since we are now so removed from natural situations, in practice, the most successful ways of restoring to our optimum health and longevity is by observing and applying all the good things that we have left behind from nature on a daily basis.

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