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Poor fertility and a chance...one more

For conceiving, both partners need to take UNrefined Wheatgerm Oil 3x daily at one tablespoon levels -Craig

Poor Fertility Chances (PFCs)

January 30, 2009 by Karla

A study from the University of California has found that women with high levels of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in their blood tended to take longer to conceive than women with lower PFC levels.

PFCs are a family of fluorine-containing chemicals designed to make fabrics stain resistant and are found in food packaging, pesticides, carpets and cosmetics. There are a number of health concerns regarding two types of PFCs in particular - perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) which is used to make Teflon products and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), which was used for some time to make Scotchgard products. PFOA causes liver, pancreatic, testicular and mammary gland tumours in lab animals and is therefore a likely carcinogen for humans. PFOS causes liver & thyroid cancer in rats.

The US study showed that women exposed to PFCs may have lower fertility and irregular menstrual cycles and PFCs can also affect sperm quality in men.

PFCs can linger in our bodies for over four years and so avoidance is the best policy – steer clear of grease-proof and oiled packaging, avoid stain-resistant treatments on furniture and carpets and try to avoid toiletries containing any ingredients named ‘fluoro’ or ‘perfluoro’, common in dental floss, nail polish and eye make-up. Always go for natural alternatives where possible!

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