Coffee retention enema
Although coffee is not a suitable food or beverage, it is a very effective herb for cleansing the liverwhen used as an enema. The use of coffee in enemas for detoxification purposes has been a well-known and used practice for many years. There is no better stimulant for bile production and itssubsequent flushing out than coffee. This is due to a number of pharmacologically acting substancesin the coffee. The combination of theobromine, theophylline and caffeine stimulates the relaxation ofsmooth muscles causing dilatation of blood vessels and bile ducts. Hence, bile flow is increased. Alsoincreased are the numbers of toxins, which are conjugated in the bile. This is due to the activity ofother substances in the coffee, the palmitates, which activate the enzyme system, glutathione-S-transferase, seven-fold. This enzyme system, which is selenium-dependent, is responsible for grabbingtoxins, free radicals and bilirubin (breakdown product of red blood cells), and delivering them to thebile where they are carried out in the bile acids. The mopping up of free radicals effectively inhibitsthe formation of carcinogens, and therefore this enzyme performs a protective role against cancer.The coffee enema is unsurpassed in its capacity to stimulate the flushing of toxic bile, or bile that hasbeen loaded with toxins by the glutathione-S-transferase system and it has literally been a lifesaver tomany hundreds of people undergoing extreme detoxification.
The use of enemas in certain cases, prove to be very beneficial in the detoxification processand have enabled patients to progress at a faster rate than they would normally have been able to dueto the extreme symptoms of toxicity experienced on a comparatively mild cleanse.
The effects of taking a coffee enema are not the same as drinking coffee. The coffee isabsorbed into the hemorrhoid vein, and then taken up by the portal vein, which serves the liverdirectly. The enema is retained for 15 minutes during which time it stimulates the liver cells to cleansethe blood, removing toxins. The liver’s entire blood circulation will be recycled about five timesduring this period, enabling a thorough cleanse. With the bile ducts open, a flushing of toxic bile isencouraged which enters the gastro-intestinal tract. The large volume of fluid retained in the lowercolon stimulates peristaltic activity, which ensures the propulsion of bile through the intestine to theoutside. It is important to remember that the enema is given for the stimulation of the liver and not forthe function of the intestines. A coffee retention enema is quite helpful during a serious illness, afterhospitalization, and after exposure to toxic chemicals. This enema can also be used during fasts torelieve the headaches sometimes caused by a fast-induced release of toxins.
•Take three tablespoon of ORGANIC ground coffee (do not use instant), and add one pint ofwater. *The chemicals found in commercially grown coffee could damage the liver whenused as a coffee enema. Use ONLY organically grown coffee!
•Bring the water to a boil for three minutes, and then allow to solution to simmer for anotherfifteen minutes. Strain this solution, and dilute with up to one pint of water.
•When the solution has reached body temperature, (when it is comfortable as you put yourelbow into the solution) pour this into an enema bag. Take this solution into the bowel as anenema and retain as long as possible.
•Change positions while retaining the coffee. After a few minutes turn over onto your back, afew minutes later switch to your left side before evacuating your bowels.
•To clean the enema device, put on disposable rubber gloves available at any drug store; orcheaper but effective throwaway food handler clear plastic gloves. Soak and wash theentire enema device in fragrance-free laundry detergent water and borax; a tablespoon ofpowder to a gallon. Rinse the device well with very hot tap water. Then soak the nozzle 5minutes in a small pot with supermarket grade commercial 3% peroxide.•Combined with herbal detox protocol to reach individual cells, unlimited detox rates areenabled. You just keep on dumping. No detox program should be undertaken absent thecoffee enema, even if it is just once per day
•Beginning sessions will fall short of complete success. Each session will be more effectivethan the last, until the process becomes routine and complete retention is no longer aproblem. The Gerson Therapy calls for a 15 minute process.
•Typically, two Coffee Enemas in a week during a cleansing period are good for mostpeople, but not for everyone. If coffee enemas make a person feel worse, even when usingorganic coffee, they should discontinue using them. Coffee enemas should be used withcaution. Coffee enemas are stressful to the liver, and too many of them can cause liverstress. After cleansing, coffee enemas should only be used as an emergency, not just to perkoneself up! You control your discomfort by the frequency of these caffeine concentratedosmotic dialysis enemas. This is the only process of its kind that is not self-limiting by itsown toxicity.Max Gerson, M.D., was a Medical Officer in the German army. He began losing patients inhis otherwise wildly successful attack on cancer. He deduced that it was the avalanche of toxicmaterial gushing out of tumors and hiding places all over the body jamming up the liver that waskilling his patients. He remembered the coffee enema. He stopped losing patients. Today, the GersonInstitute in California carries on the late Max Gerson's work. Website: reports that unlike ordinary enemas used for other purposes, only the coffee enemacan be repeated as often as needed without adverse side effects. The chemical transfer occurs as anosmotic process through the wall of the hemorrhoid vein. This vein runs alongside the colon (largebowel). It connects directly into the liver. The caffeine chemical enters without going through thedigestive tract. You cannot achieve this result by drinking coffee. Putting caffeine into the digestiveprocess is counter productive to the detox process.The Merck Manual carried this procedure as an instruction until 1977. It was pulled withoutexplanation or advance notice.
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