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Other miracles of fasting

(NaturalNews) After a 36 hour fast one becomes more comfortable with the fasting process, having experienced the benefits of certain herbs and detoxifying baths. By that point you will likely become more curious about additional beneficial herbs and methods of cleansing. Certain herbs such as Yellow Dock and Sarsparilla help make the other common fasting herbs like Burdock more effective, while enemas can accelerate the cleansing process. Those topics are discussed in this article.

Best Herbs for Clear Skin

During detoxification it is common to experience some acne (the skin is the largest excretory organ and skin problems are generally a sign of an overburdened liver, indicating poor diet or environment). Certain herbs help clarify the skin, and like most herbs they are more effective when combined with other herbs. While Burdock Root is one of the most powerful blood purifiers and can be used to treat acne and to remove mercury, it is more effective when taken with the following two complimentary herbs:

Yellow Dock - Rumex crispus (Polygonaceae)

A perennial growing 1-5 ft, Yellow Dock is a powerful cleansing herb and safe natural laxative useful for treating skin problems. A slightly bitter herb, Yellow dock contains Anthraquinones, a little-researched laxative with cleansing properties similar to (a milder) Chinese rhubarb. While the leaves of yellow dock were eaten as a spring tonic in the past, they contain large amounts of oxalates which can cause kidney stones and gout in high doses. The level in the root is safe and is often combined with Burdock root. Yellow dock has cleansing properties and is used to treat many conditions resulting from high toxicity such as acne, boils, eczema, sluggish digestion, constipation, arthritis and fungal infections. Yellow dock is a bile stimulant with purgative effects on the colon.

Sarsparilla - Similax spp. (Liliaceae)

This perennial woody climber grows to 15 feet and has broad, ovate leaves, tendrils and small green flowers. The root is used, which contains 1-3% steroidal saponins, phytosterols, starch (50%), resin, sarsapic acid and minerals. Sarsparilla has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. A common compliment to Burdock root, Sarsparilla is used to relieve skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, itchiness, rheumatism, and gout. Sarsparilla is an aphrodisiac and helps produce testosterone and muscle bulk. Sarsparilla is used to treat impotence as well as premenstrual problems and menopause. A natural antidepressant, Sarsparilla is a key component of (real) Root Beer.

Colon Cleansing

During a fast, it is surprising to learn that headaches and other pains seemingly unrelated to your lower body are often relieved after a bowel movement. According to Dr. Bernard Jensen, there exist "neural arc reflexes" where the sections of the bowel correspond to different parts of the body. When these areas become congested different parts of the body are affected.

* Colonic Irrigation

The process of colonic irrigation is performed in a special clinic where a large amount of water is used to flush out a person colon. This is thankfully not necessary nor does it usually provide long term benefits. While it may provide temporary relief (and you may find those car keys) colonic irrigation is extreme and any type of forceful laxative action, chemical or mechanical can be habit forming as the muscles that normally do the work become lethargic. Some use this process as a crutch however a healthy diet is still essential. Colonic irrigation is not recommended.

* Mineral Oil Enema

The most basic, over-the-counter enema is made from mineral oil. These can cause health issues if used regularly, but are OK for one time use. A small tube is used to insert mineral oil into the rectum where it is held briefly. Normally the person will lie on a towel on their left side while massaging their liver with their right hand, producing a bowel movement within 1-2 minutes.

* Garlic Enema

Garlic and water can be inserted with a small plastic bulb and used as a substitute for a mineral oil enema. The combination produces a slight irritation which causes a bowel movement to occur. Use in the same manner as a mineral oil enema.

* Coffee Enema

Another simple homemade enema can be made using a small amount of (black, room temperature) coffee. Use in the same manner as a mineral oil enema.


The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants - Dorling Kindersley and Andrew Chevallier

Charts of neural reflex arc

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