Vitamin D in diabetes for kidney's health; WHY is it not prescribed?
(NaturalNews) New research shows that the low-cost vitamin Thiamine (vitamin B1) reverses kidney damage in diabetics, restoring the ability of the kidneys to function without allowing proteins to spill over into the urine.
The finding proves that a very low-cost treatment is highly effective and could serve as a low-cost nutritional therapy for diabetics, ultimately saving tens of millions of dollars a year in medical treatment costs in the U.S. alone.
The research was conducted at Warwick University in the UK. Predictably, the UK version of the American Diabetes Association (called "Diabetes UK") took the new evidence as an opportunity to tell people to avoid nutritional therapies. As reported by the BBC, Dr. Iain Frame said, "We would like to stress that it's still too early to come to any firm conclusions about the role of vitamin B1 and we would not advise that people look to vitamin supplements to reduce their risk of kidney complications at this stage."
In other words, it's the same advice diabetics get in the United States: Don't you dare use vitamins to enhance and protect your health... use pharmaceuticals instead!
More than three-fourths of the populations in both the U.S. and U.K. are deficient in thiamine. The deficiency can be easily corrected with nutritional supplementation.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, however, does not believe there is any vitamin or nutrient in the known universe that prevents or treats any disease or health condition. This is actually the official position of the FDA, and thus anyone selling vitamin B1 who also claims the vitamin could reverse diabetic kidney damage would be violating FDA regulations and subjected to arrest at gunpoint. Any doctor recommending vitamin B1 for the same purpose could be stripped of his license to practice medicine.
Labels: diabetes, natural health remedies
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