Where mind and matter meet!
Some interesting Videos to watch and listen to !
Title: Where Mind and Matter Meet - Bruce Lipton - The New Biology - 2001 - Part 2 of 2
Publisher: Wolfdeck
For half a century the theory of genetic determinancy has upheld the illusion that our health and fate were preprogrammed in our genes. Cellular biologists now recognise that the environment and our perception of the environment directly control the activity of our genes and guides organismal evolution. Quantum physics provides insight into the mechanism by which our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs create the condition of our body and the external world.
Title: Transpersonal Psychology, Holotropic Technique
Publisher: Wolfdeck
Stanislav Grof is one of the founders of the field of trans- personal psychology and a pioneering researcher into the use of altered/non-normal states of consciousness for purposes of healing, growth, and insight. Dr. Grof is best known his early studies of LSD and its effects on the psyche, which he developed into an in-depth cartography of the deep human psyche. Grof went on to discover that many of these states of mind could be explored without drugs and instead by using certain breathing techniques in a supportive environment. He continues this work today under the title -- Holotropic Breathwork. Bibliography: Realms of Human Unconscious, 1975; LSD Psychotherapy, 1980; Beyond the Brain, 1985; The Holotropic Mind, 1992; Psychology of the Future, 2000; The Adventure of Self-Discovery; Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science; Books of the Dead; Consciousness Revolution; Cosmic Game; Human Survival & Consciousness Evolution; Spiritual Emergency; When The Impossible Happens 2006.< /em>
Title: Transpersonal Psychology, Part 4
Publisher: Wolfdeck
Title: TransPersonal Psychology, Part 3
Title: TransPersonal Psychology, Part 2
Title: Transpersonal Psychology, Future of Psychology, Part 1
Title: Munay Ki, Four Brains, Part 4
Publisher: Wolfdeck
Munay Ki: energetic methodology to energetically awaken and to harness the power resources, unbounded by time and space, the power of the 4 brains. 1) The Reptilian Brain (survival, most primitive): self-preservation and reproduction encompassed by the 2) Mammalian Brain (limbic) operates with 4 drives labeled in neuroscience as fear, feeding, fighting, and fornicating. The 3) Neocortex (intellect) enveloping mammalian brain awakens with the stewardship wisdom. We recognize that the mind is “mad†and we step beyond mind into spirit, beyond morality into universal ethics. 4) The Prefrontal lobes (appearing 100,000 years ago during an evolutionary quantum leap and referred to as the god-brain or homo luminous). This power allows us to commune with spirit and to nudge destiny by stepping into the fullness of our humanity, to participate consciously in the process of creation, to dream the world into being. The Munay Ki initiation is the activation process.
Enjoy and BE WELL!
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