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Boost your immune system !

(NaturalNews) A strong immune system is at the heart of our very wellbeing so we can fight off most diseases and conditions that come our way. But if our immune system is weakened for whatever reason, we become very vulnerable. Holistic medicine recognizes that illness is not caused by viruses and bacteria but by weakened immune systems.

Fortunately, there are many natural immune system boosters and most of these are based on common sense and a balanced lifestyle.

- Lemon is an easy way to start. Add lemon juice to a glass of water or your cup of tea daily to help maintain your body's internal "climate" at a pH that supports healthy bacteria instead of the viruses and harmful bacteria which thrive in more acidic environments.

- An herbal boost from the large selection of medicinal herbs, well known for their immune strengthening properties that are even safe for children too, will give your body additional support during the winter months.

- Essential oils are a particularly effective natural immune system booster. When treating conditions such as acne, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, shingles, eczema, arthritis, Candida, athlete's foot and nail fungus with products formulated from essential oils, part of the healing process is to ensure the formula is absorbed into the blood stream. This is achieved by massaging a drop of the treatment under each foot. This boosts the immune system and acts as a preventative.

- Eat raw fruits and vegetables rather than the cooked version whenever you can. Their nutritional content is unparallel, with many antioxidants to protect those cells in your immune system from damage by toxins in the environment. Eat as many different colors of fruit and vegetables as possible. Dark colored produce such as berries, kale and broccoli are especially good as well as nuts, seeds, garlic and kelp.

- The foods that boost immunity contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Carotenoids, Bioflavonoids, Zinc, Selenium and Omega-fatty acids. Spirulina is good as a naturally digestible food because it supplies so many of the nutrients you need.

- Remind yourself to drink lots of water. Your urine should be the very palest of yellow otherwise you are just not drinking enough.

- Make sure you are getting enough sleep. You know how much you need as an individual and it most likely means you have to go to bed earlier every night to achieve the hours of sleep you require.

- Whatever the weather, spend more time outdoors and take the opportunity to exercise while you are there. Encourage the whole family to do the same.

- And have a good laugh. Laughter significantly increases the activity of T cells and other markers of healthy immune function. If we can laugh, we will automatically relieve our stress levels.

Remember too that if you have taken antibiotics recently, you will need to restore the healthy flora balance in your body by taking a probiotic containing acidophilus. Unfortunately, antibiotics can harm the good bacteria in your system, and therefore your immune system, while they are fighting an infection in your body.

Now that you know what you should be doing to boost your immune system in a natural way, here are some of the things that you should be avoiding: coffee; sugar and artificial sweeteners; smoking; alcohol and drugs; processed food and saturated fat.

If you can boost your immune system by following many of these suggestions, you are much less likely to become sick. You have a good chance of avoiding those other conditions that can rear their ugly heads when your immune system is compromised.






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