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Natural help for hemorrhoids

(NaturalNews) Hemorrhoids are painful swollen veins in the rectum or anus that plague many men and women. They result from increased pressure in the veins which cause the veins to bulge. Getting hemorrhoids is considered bad news. However, if you do get them the good news is that nature offers some good remedies to help control and perhaps even eliminate hemorrhoids.

The most common cause of hemorrhoids for men is straining during bowel movements. Women's hemorrhoids are often caused by pregnancy and childbirth. Hemorrhoids may also result from constipation, sitting for long periods, poor posture and infections. In some cases they may be caused by diseases such as cirrhosis.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include anal itching, anal pain or aches (especially while sitting), pain during bowel movements, hard lumps in the vicinity of the anus and bright red blood on toilet tissue, in the stool, and/or in the toilet bowl.

To avoid hemorrhoids:

- Eat a healthy diet which includes plenty of fiber.
- Avoid sitting for too long at a time and maintain proper posture.
- Keep your weight down to prevent strain.
- Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and reduce constipation.

To help with some of the problems associated with hemorrhoids:

- Wear cotton undergarments.
- Avoid toilet tissue with perfumes or colors.
- Try not to scratch the area.
- Sit down in a bathtub with warm water or else a sitz bath.
- Use stool softeners to help reduce straining and constipation.

Here are natural remedies that may help you conquer hemorrhoids:

1. Start drinking water and do it slowly. If you gulp down water you`re going to urinate most of it out.

2. Take supplemental iodine and cayenne pepper to help strengthen veins. Cayenne also rebuilds stomach tissue and iodine is also good for irritable bowel and other conditions which may aggravate hemorrhoids.

3. After you`ve relieved yourself put very warm water in a sitz bath (not so hot that you burn yourself but it should be a little uncomfortable). Put the toilet seat up and place the sitz bath on the toilet itself (it should come with instructions). Make sure you have a towel within reach.

4. Gently sit on the sitz bath and remain for five minutes. At the 4 minute mark reach in the bath with your hand and clean yourself off. After 5 minutes get up and dry yourself off. Thoroughly wash your hands.

5. Next, grab a dry face cloth; place two ice cubes in the cloth. Find a comfortable place to rest and place the cloth against the anus. Hold it there for 5 minutes.

6. Repeat the sitz bath and ice cube procedures three more times.

7. Keep doing this until everything is healed. It normally takes a day and a half or so and you should feel dramatic results at the end of the first day.

Other items that can help with hemorrhoid problems are:

- Wash two to three dried figs very well & soak in a glass of cold water overnight. Have them first thing in the morning and again in the evening.

- Mix two teaspoons each of fresh lime juice and olive oil and apply on affected area.

- Apply Vitamin E oil to affected area as often as needed.

- Take fresh mint leaves juice, lemon juice and honey orally three times a day.

- Drink boiled mashed ripe banana in one teacup milk two to three times daily.

- Vitamin B6 can help in just a day or two if hemorrhoids come from a B6 deficiency.

Sources included:



At 1:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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