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Fulvic acid- solution for body's mineral needs

(NaturalNews) According to U.S. Senate Study Document Number 264, due to agricultural topsoil depletion, 99 percent of Americans are deficient in minerals and trace elements due to food crop topsoil depletion. No big surprise maybe, except this study was reported in 1936! Since then, there have been USA and UK studies that have shown disturbing decreases in the mineral contents of foods from the soil over the past 50 years.

An excerpt from that 1936 report to the U.S. Senate states: "Disorder and disease result from any vitamin deficiency. It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and that in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, the vitamins are useless".

The Problem and Some Solutions

Okay you may say, but I'm eating all organic! Well, that's great. No pesticides or inorganic fertilizers for you. And organic farmers are using natural techniques to revitalize their topsoil, which was probably not in great shape when they started farming it. But depletion from poor farming practices, such as monoculture (no crop rotation) without fallow periods (soil plowed but not used for a season), has been going on for a really long time. It takes a long time to bring topsoil health back. Currently, there are other external environmental issues that affect soil adversely as well. Acid rain and pollution from factories and aircraft, all add to topsoil depletion.

So even if you are consuming organic and locally grown vegetables and fruits, chances are you may still suffer from mineral, trace element, and associated micro nutrient deficiencies that at least render less than optimal health. Most modern diseases are attributed to mineral malnutrition. Many health experts claim it is impossible to get all the nutrition our bodies need from today's food sources, no matter how much good food we eat. And not all of them are pushing mineral supplement products!

Nutrients missing from mostly depleted topsoils can be easily supplemented with inexpensive natural remedies. One is blackstrap molasses. The sugar cane's roots from which molassesis derived go way beneath the topsoil, from 6.5 to 15 feet down. From there they are able to draw up the minerals that appear in blackstrap molasses, once it is separated from the sugar.
See www.naturalnews.com/026296_molasses...

But an even more potent tonic, also inexpensive and available, is rooted in the Himalayas. It contains every mineral and trace element the human body needs. Actually, it is derived from a tarry substance that oozes from rocks in the lower Himalayan Mountains. The creation of this substance has been going on for centuries. Once it is processed into a liquid form, its nutrients are easily assimilated on a cellular level. It has been known in India and surrounding regions for centuries as Silajit, and its principle active ingredient is fulvic acid.

About Fulvic Acid

For centuries, Silajit was used basically to rejuvenate energy and bring about outstanding well being. The name itself is Sanskrit for "conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness". It's healing properties for a wide spectrum of ailments and diseases were discovered over time in India, mostly by Ayurvedic doctors. Since the principle active ingredient of Silajit is fulvic acid, the terms Silajit and fulvic acid are virtually synonymous.

More recently, the west has been "discovering" fulvic acid's potential and properties. Fulvic acid has proven to be an extremely powerful organic electrolyte, which balances cell life. This can literally bring life back to dying or disintegrating cells. Fulvic acid has a natural way of chelating heavy metals, turning them into absorbable bio-available forms that allow their removal.

Fulvic acid complexes have the ability to react one with another or with cells to synthesize new mineral compounds. So it enhances mineral absorption even while providing more than what you're taking in. It has detoxifying capabilities of some of the very pesticides used in conventional farming, just in case you have to go there now and then.

Fulvic acid increases the activity of enzymes, especially those associated with the respiratory system. It also metabolizes protein. These are determinations of researchers in the west.

There are many documented anecdotal successes as well. As with Shilajit, it rejuvenates all energy levels and libido; it has anti-aging qualities, and it has even helped many overcome depression. It has been used successfully to overcome nervous disorders and mental fatigue.

For example, a woman reports that her middle aged husband's rapid, two week recovery from heavy alcohol use and chronic depression was facilitated by using fulvic acid. She claimed he didn't quit alcohol. He simply lost his desire to drink. He didn't suffer any withdrawal symptoms, and he felt better than he ever had in his life!

Fulvic acid is sometimes used in conjunction with other supplements or chelators, such as zeolite, to enhance the other's properties. There are several on line sources for fulvic acid as Shilajit, or simply fulvic acid, and fulvic acid used as a base for other substances. The point is to use this inexpensive, ancient, and time tested solution to compensate for the minerals and nutrients you aren't getting from food, regardless of how well you eat.

What are Micronutirents? http://davesgarden.com/guides/artic...
Fulvic Acid Research http://road-to-health.com/69/Fulvic...
Shilajit: Benefits and Research http://road-to-health.com/69/Fulvic...
Our Earth, Our Cure = Fulvic Acids and Shilajit http://asktom-naturally.com/fulvic-...
1936 U.S. Senate Report: Soil Depleted, 99% of Americans Nutrient Deficient by Sygnus Centauri

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