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Heavy metals natural chelation

(NaturalNews) An unfortunate result of the toxic environment we live in is that the human body accumulates microscopic pieces of heavy metal like mercury, lead, and iron. These small pieces of metal are very destructive to the human body and it is not wise to ignore their presence in the body. While there are several methods for removing these metals, by far the most superior choice is to achieve this removal by natural methods. This is not only possible, but works very well.

These pieces of metal are so small that they might seem insignificant. The bottom line, however, is that while very tiny, this metal is also very toxic to the human body. These metals are very likely connected to many common health conditions, including common cancers.

There are many places that people come into contact with heavy metals. They come from the environment, tooth fillings, and one's diet. Once inside the body, they embed themselves into body tissues almost anywhere in the body, but commonly in the liver, the kidneys, and the heart.

The implications of having these heavy metals existing inside the body is that if a free radical collides with a metal piece, the result is a chain-reaction that creates millions of new free radicals from this one initial impact. We cannot escape free radicals because they are present with us all of the time. It is when they collide with toxic heavy metals that the results can be devastating to one's health.

Once these millions of new free radicals are created, each one moves away in a new direction and spreads throughout the body. Also, these new free radicals will eventually collide with other pieces of metal and the resulting explosion of even more free radicals gets very alarming. Once there are enough of these free radicals existing in the body, DNA will be damaged and cancerous cells may be created.

The body is quite well-equipped to deal with this; however, anything we can do to help the body prevent free radicals from multiplying is worth doing. There are effective ways to help the body fight heavy metals and free radicals and this is called oral chelation.

- To help curb the free radical chain reactions, supplement with Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and other antioxidants.

- Try to eliminate contact with toxic metals in daily living.

Before beginning a metal detoxification, a colon cleanse should be performed first, as well as making sure that one's liver is in optimal condition. When embarking on a heavy metal detoxification program, it is very important to consume a diet that is high in protein. This is because the sulfur-bearing amino acids present in proteins will help the detoxification process. Never attempt to fast in any way while detoxing from heavy metals. During this kind of detoxification, take a multi-purpose vitamin that contains every essential mineral also.

It is also important to have 2-3 bowel movements per day while detoxing from heavy metals. If this is not occurring, increase the psyllium intake.

Approximately 90% of the mercury contained in our bodies gets eliminated through stools. Chlorella is an algae that has very high levels of chlorophyll and is considered one of the most potent and most pure foods that exists on earth. Chlorella is very beneficial to the detox process and it is very difficult to take too much of this.

Other natural additions to the diet that greatly improve the detoxification from heavy metals are garlic, cilantro, and MSM.

- MSM is a kind of sulfur that acts on cell membranes and helps the body eliminate mercury.

- Garlic enhances sulfur stores and is very effective when consumed every day. Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic to release the naturally active ingredients.

- Cilantro mobilizes mercury from tissues and helps chlorella to do its job of binding to the mercury so that it will be eliminated through stools. Cilantro can be easily added to vegetable juice.

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is something to be considered when embarking on a heavy metal detoxification program as well. NAC is created from the amino acid cysteine. This means that NAC is a natural amino acid that contains sulfur while also being a very powerful antioxidant. Because of these qualities, NAC is an effective tool for helping the body eliminate free radicals and heavy metals.

Source: http://www.healingdaily.com/oral-chelat...

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