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Herbology lessons by Dr. Denis Hardy-part 1

First of all, I am not against conventional Medicine, it has its place, but if there is a better way why not use it? Drug therapy does not heal, it manages sickness. Drugs therapy should be used (under MD supervision) to sustain life or quality of life while you use herbs that will heal your body, so you can leave the drugs behind and get on with your life. Remember Nature will heal you if you give it the opportunity. Herbs can work fast in emergency situations such as infectious dis-ease, or hemorrhage, or stroke.

Herbology has survived for over 4000 years because:

1.Herbs are organic and when ingested, they become part of the living organism, and are used by it as nutrients to build strengthen itself.
Inorganic material even if absorbed is not used by the organic organism, and may confuse the cells intelligence there-by hindering it's ability to recognize toxins (endotoxions and exotoxions) and expel them. We heal by eliminating toxins and waste form the body (including the cellular level) not by introducing them to the body.

2. Plants are the source and origin of all life on this planet that God created.

3. Herbs can be used to feed specific parts of the body or the whole body thus enabling it to heal. Herbology is Foodology.

4. All constituencies in the herb work in harmony. It is because of this combined effort that herbs are able to heal people. Herbs heal because of their nutritional content not a magic chemical that can be isolated and made in a libratory.
Dis-ease is not cured by adding poisons to the body, but by eliminating them and observing the laws of nature, and aiding and assisting her in every possible way.
Nothing should be added to a body in dis-ease that can not be utilized by the cell intelligence (DNA) of that body in its chemical balancing and healing process, this applies to excess of food as well as to dead inorganic, poisoning substances, and drugs that have been miss-named as medicines.

We do not catch disease, we build it by doing what we should not do and by not doing what we should do. We can eat and live to be healthy or we can eat and live to be sick. You can’t buy health, and no one can give you health, health must be earned by doing the right thing. Your body will mold to what you do.

The definition of a Toxin:
A Toxin is any substance that is not conductive to cellular growth, function, replacement, and repair. Toxins create a metabolic burden on the body because the body has to use energy to contain the toxin or carry it out of the body and this energy could better be used cellular growth, function, repair, or replacement.

The definition of an Herb:
A seed plant that develops no woody tissue, But the Herbalist's meaning of a herb has grown to include all plants and trees that are conductive to cell growth and reproduction.

The key to becoming a Herbalist is to develop "herbal reasoning" . To do that you must study herbs by their therapeutic action, this is the foundation of success. You must next study herds by chemical composition.


1. Tea: Put 1 heaping teaspoon of herb into a cup and fill with boiling water and steep until cool. Dose: 1 cup 3 times a day.

2. Decoction: Soak 3 tablespoons of herb in 1 qt. of water for 2 hours, then simmer for 30 minutes, let cool then strain.. Dose: 2/3 cup 3 times a day.

3. Salve: Put the herb into a jar and add enough olive oil to cover the herb and be one inch above the herb, cover tightly, shake every day for 14 days. Next strain and press, heat this Oil Extract (do not boil), then add one tablespoon of grated bees’ wax for each ounce of finished oil, to the oil that is heating, heat until the wax melts and mixes with the oil, then pour into jars and let harden.

4. Alcohol Extract: Put the herb you want to extract in a jar and add enough 80-proof grain alcohol so it is one inch above the herb, stir well, every day for 14 days, then strain and press. Dose: 40-drops 3 times a day.

5. 7th power concentrate(alcohol Free): Put 3 tablespoons of herb into qt. of water and soak herbs for 2 hours, then simmer for 15 minutes. Next remove the herbs from the heat and let cool, then strain and press. Return the liquid to a clean pan and simmer at low heat until the liquid is reduced to ¼ its’ starting volume then add an equal amount of plant glycerine. Dose: 40 drops 3 times a day.

6. Syrup: Put 6 tablespoons of herb into 2-qt of water, and simmer for 20 minutes, then strain and return to heat and simmer down to 1-qt, then add equal parts of honey. Dose: 1 tablespoon every 2 hours as need.

7. Oil: Put the herb into a jar and add enough olive oil to cover the herb and be one inch above the herb, cover tightly, shake every day for 14 days. Next
strain and press.

The above given dosages are for patient's weighing 150 pounds or more. For adults and children weighing less then 150 pounds, and infants, use the formula below to determine the correct dosage: patient's weight over 150, reduced to the smallest fraction = dose size. Examples:

1. A child weighs 50 pounds 50/150 = 1/3 this child needs 1/3 the adult dose.

2. A man weighs 250 pounds 250/150 = 1 2/3 this man needs 1 and 2/3 the adult dose.

For herbal products: The herb house Po box 1612 Banning, CA 92220

Response Time of Herb's

In Acute cases herbs respond in 24-36 hours. Once Ingested the peak concentration is in the blood in 45 minutes, but Some physiologic response takes place as quick as 20 minutes. In the cases of bleeding, pain, nasal congestion, and asthma herbs will respond very quickly.

In Chronic cases the average time to see some signs a healing is 1-3 months, but can take as long as 12-18 months to fully resolve, although the discomfort of these chronic dis-eases will be eradicated very quickly.

The Healing Crisis:

The healing crisis is Flu like symptoms that are sometimes produced by the body as it starts to heal. Systems include: fever, perspiration, nasal discharge, and body aches. This sometimes happens because the body, through proper herbal treatment is finally able to repair or replace damaged tissue and cells and expel toxins and the waste matter from these repairs out of the body through the various body openings (pores, nose, lower orifices).

Sometimes symptoms of old health problems will reappear temporality because the body finally has the energy and nutritional resources the heal them correctly. This is sometimes called a REVERSAL.

If there is going to be a healing crises it will come when the patient is feeling his best, and usually comes on the 7th day, 7th week, or 7th month of treatment and last only about 3 days. If it last any longer it is an acute dis-ease that must be handled by suspending the current treatment and treating the new acute dis-ease accordingly with the appropriate herbs.

Allergic Reaction To Herbs

Anyone can develop a allergy to anything at any time, the cause is usually poor digestion, which can be handled accordingly. If there is going to be a allergic reaction to herbs it will appear within the first 12 hours of herbal therapy.
If the patient suspects that they may have an allergy to herbs or a food, we can use the Pulse Test for allergies as follows:

1. Have the Patient abstain from eating or drinking for 2 hours, then have them take there pulse for 60 seconds counting the number of beats.

2. Have the patient eat a small amount (1/2 a teaspoon full) of the suspected allergen.

3. Wait 15 minutes then take the pulse again for 60 seconds.

4. If the number of beats has increased by 10 or more beats, the patient is allergic to that particular substance and must abstain from it until their digestion is repaired, blood cleaned, and their immune system corrected.

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