Super garlic immune
Super Garlic Immune
Formerly Anti-Plague Formula
1. This is a good formula to help with car, plane, or boat sickness; in fact, for most any motion sickness. It is also for nausea from pregnancy, etc.
2. Historically speaking this formula has been used to help clear up flu, earache, eruptive diseases, car-sickness, etc.
3. The best insurance in the world against the "predicted coming plagues" and "killing diseases" is to have the body in a good healthy condition. Disease germs are merely scavengers and can only live on toxins, mucus and residue from junk foods. They cannot and will not be damage healthy cell structure. Therein lies the key! Have a healthy, clean body and disease germs will by-pass you--wanting nothing to do with your body, because it would be "obnoxiously clean" (in their language) and no filth for them to live on.
If the plague, or some other epidemic hits before you are in a good healthy condition, it is good to have an aid for a fast cleaning.
4. Nausea: Tendency to vomit, sickness of the stomach. Use the anti-nausea formula...You may also use the Super Garlic Immune formula.
Dosage is as follows: 1 tsp. 3 times a day; or 1 tablespoon every 1/2 hour if infected.
Super Garlic Immune contains the following herbs.
Fresh garlic
apple cider vinegar
pure vegetable glycerine
garlic juice
fresh comfrey root
marshmallow root
oak bark
black walnut bark
This has also been called Four Thieves. The origin of the name "Four Thieves" is as follows. "It in Marseilles, a garlic-vinegar preparation known as the Four Thieves was credited with protecting many of the people when a plague struck that city. Some say that the preparation originated with four thieves who confessed that they used it with complete protection against the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead. Others claim that a man named Richard Forthave developed and sold the preparation, and that the "medicine" was originally referred to as Forthave's. However, with the passing of time, his surname became corrupted to Four Thieves."
1. Garlic Wormwood Soup: From a letter to Dr. Christopher's newsletter. We have been making and giving the "Super Garlic Immune" remedy all last winter and spring, and I must say, I am amazed at its power! There hasn't been a case of acute respiratory or gastrointestinal illness that hasn't responded favorably, and quickly! It tastes like broth to me so I call it "garlic-wormwood soup". [NL 1-8]
2. Dr. Christopher's First Super Garlic Immune: (Ant-Plg) While lecturing in Snowflake, Arizona one night, one of the group asked if we had an Super Garlic Immune formula, and I was prompted to give them a "certain combination" of herbs to use.
The people there were very impressed to go right to work and prepare this liquid, having it read for use. We had told them that plagues come at unexpected times and it could be tomorrow or maybe even years away, but expect the unexpected and be ready now. If the formula was still unused, from "no need" years later, we could all be happy but "TIS BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY".
These good people made it up in gallon lots and had it on hand. Months later while speaking in Tucson, Arizona, someone asked for the "Super Garlic Immune remedy." I was surprised and asked where they had heard of it, as we had only given it out once. We were informed that a plague-like condition or flu had hit the Snowflake area and when other aids failed, this combination of herbs in liquid form performed its job with amazing speed.
At our next series of lectures in Snowflake, some time later, we heard one testimony after another about the many different types of ailments that were given quick relief by using this formula. The formula has now spread in many areas from coast to coast and is being used with good results. A man picked us up at an airport on the west coast a short time ago, and on the floor of his car was a bottle with liquid in it. When asked what it was he said, "oh, that's your Super Garlic Immune remedy, we never travel without it as it works good on about any sickness that comes up while we are traveling. We are also never without a bottle of it at home." [NL 2-9]
3. Dr. Christopher said that the tea of the leaves is a perfect remedy for colds and flu. He said to take no foods or other liquids but to drink large amounts of Red Raspberry leaf tea. His son, David, used this method when he came down with a cold and became well so fast that he and his wife went out to eat that night before the cold was completely cleared. His cold returned and so he decided to repeat the Red Raspberry treatment but it would not work the second time. He had to use the Super Garlic Immune formula which is somewhat nasty but effective. [UW-Red Raspberry]
Useful in Treating:
* Earaches
* Flu
* Motion Sickness
* Nausea
Also See:
* Dr. John R. Christophers "Super Garlic Immune Formula"
* Super Garlic Immune Formula from newsletter "Garlic - Man's Best Friend in a Toxic World"
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