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Info on added sweeteneres !

NutraSweet, Equal and Trans-Fats: Deadly Toxins In Disguise

By Makeisha Lee

Columbus, OH (BlackNews.com) - These substances are found in almost every food product sold in markets, independently or combined. But what exactly are they and why are they considered to be deadly?

Aspartame is marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, and Spoonful and often promoted on labels as sugar-free. Back in 1983, the FDA approved NutraSweet in soft drinks and other liquids and immediately the Center For Disease Control (CDC) and FDA started to receive unprecedented amounts of complaints from people experiencing horrible health issues. There were complaints of depression, hypertension, dementia, nausea, headaches, dizziness, etc.

Leading research proves this artificial sweetener is in fact a poison. When it is stored for long periods of time or in warm areas, it changes to methanol; an alcohol that converts to formaldehyde or formic acid.

Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants and is a known Carcinogen (cancer causing agent). No wonder you get symptoms of numbness in your lungs, blurred vision, vertigo and even more symptoms upon continuous consumption of aspartame.

Please be aware that diet products use aspartame, claiming that it's good to help you lose weight. The exact opposite is true! These chemically altered products make you crave carbohydrates so that when you are eating those diet foods or drinking their meal replacement drinks; you’re almost sure to gain weight. Why? Because they contain aspartame and the poison in aspartame stores in the fat cells. Once it’s stored, the fat cells need to dilute the poison by retaining fluid. A disaster is just waiting to happen!

What about trans-fats or hydrogenated oils? These are very unhealthy oils that are extremely toxic. We know that in the long term, consumption of them leads to cardiovascular disease, as they clog the arteries and increase cholesterol levels. The atmosphere they create also encourages strokes and sometimes causes irreparable damage to the nervous system.

However, here is an interesting fact that researchers at Wake Forest University uncovered. By conducting a 6-year study on 51 male monkeys, they showed that trans-fats largely contribute to dangerous belly fat. In one group, monkeys were given 8% of calories from trans-fats and the other given 8% of healthy fats (olive oil). By the end of the study, the monkeys that were fed trans-fats had 7.2% body fat increase and the other 1.8%. The monkeys fed trans-fats had a 30% increase in abdominal fat with body fat from other parts of the body re-distributed to the belly area!

So the conclusion of the matter is that these two poisonous substances, that are still on the market and sometimes cleverly disguised, are giving us disease and we don’t even know it. Be on guard! Trans-fats/hydrogenated oils are even being added into vitamins as a filler by vitamin companies to cut cost.

Good news - According to the Center For Media and Democracy, as of July 2007, there is a ban on the use of trans-fats in restaurants in New York city passed by the Board of Health.

Mayor Bloomberg states that the Health Department estimates hundreds of lives could be saved annually. In light of this, it is strongly advisable that you eliminate these chemical substances from your diet NOW, and have a plan to rid your body of these toxins so that it can be re-balanced.

Alternatives for unhealthy oils are: olive oil, un-refined virgin coconut oil and flax oil.

Alternatives for aspartame and all artificial sweetners including Splenda are: stevia –an all natural herb, and xylitol - equivalent to sugar but has 40% less calories and is absorbed in blood less slowly making it safe even for diabetics. Also, date sugar and Agave syrup.

Makeisha Lee is a health and nutrition consultant. For more information about cleansing and detoxifying your body, contact her at 614-595-1425 or makeisha@cleanseformula.com or learn more at www.CleanseFormula.com


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