Earth's axis has changed !
I have noticed that the sun is setting in the NW instead of the West because at sunset it hits my north window...has anyone else noticed changes like that? I was wondering why! -skr56
Earth’s axis has changed
Earth’s axis shifted 2000 miles south causing massive global weather changes in 2007
« Know the truthEarth’s axis has changed
The earth’s axis has shifted from the 23.5 degree angle to about a 49.5 degree angle to the south.
At the onset, it was a gradual shift not readily noticeable by the average person. The most significant shift in the axis occurred between Dec 4 and 6, 2006. Although the average person might expect to notice a shift of this magnitude, you have to remember that the earth is doing a complete rotation of 24,902 miles at the equator every day, which is about 1038 miles each hour. There is no sense of physical sensation of motion from the normal rotation, just as there was no physical sense of motion from the axial shifts, which occurred last December.
This information is based on data obtained from NASA, SOHO, ESA, NOAA, USGS, FEMA and other government websites. All of the evidentiary data, images and original links to the sources can be obtained at The information is in plain English with illustrations and images so it is easy for anyone to understand. As an engineer for 30 years and many subsequent research projects, I included images and illustrations on how I measured the angle of the sun on Jun 21, 2007 so you can see exactly how this was done and view photos of the actual location of the sun on that date. Many other links are also included in this article.
The total distance the earth has shifted is approximately 2000 miles to the south of our original position during the Summer months. (see images on This has already caused record heat and bizarre weather patterns in 2007. June 21st is the summer solstice; the longest day of the year when the sun should be directly over the Tropic of Cancer which runs through mid-Mexico. The sun should never be farther north than that point. Perhaps some of you noticed the sun shining in the windows on the north side of your home during sunrise and sunset last June. Essentially, this means the tropic of cancer which was located in central Mexico has moved northward where it is now located just below Maine and across the Dakotas. This has shifted the angle of the US in proximity toward the sun about 2000 miles to the south during the summer. Since the temperature variance between those locations in the summer months is only about a 15-20 degree difference, the change was not as obvious as you would expect.
For those who might believe the star alignment would have a drastic change, it would not be as significant as you might believe. When something is small and at a great distance, the effect of a 2000 mile slip is not as profound as you might think. The variation on the star positions are so miniscule that you would need professional observatory measuring equipment to detect the change. When the average person does not notice the change in the angle of the sun, they would definitely not be able to notice the few inches different in the positions of the stars. So when we are talking about the appearance of stars in the sky with a 26 degree change, it does not translate to an equal angle change in respect to star positions which with the naked eye on earth would only be inches in the sky. Now there is no doubt that the observatories with precision measurements could detect the change, but they are all under their respective government grants, constraints and restrictions, so don’t expect any of them to come forward about this. For those who are having a hard time visualizing the differences, I downloaded star charts for Mexico and the Dakotas to show how little difference 2000 miles would appear at night. You can see those charts on this link:
Earth has always been tilted at an angle toward the sun during the summer and away from the sun in the winter due to the orientation of earth in its orbit around the sun. Hence, the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn were the points where the sun would be directly overhead On June 21st and Dec 21st. With the current increased angle of the axis, during the winter the Tropic of Capricorn is now 2000 miles farther toward the south pole (a Mirror image of the northern hemisphere). The US will be tilted 2000 miles farther to the north of our original position during the winter months, which will cause extreme cold winter conditions. The southern hemisphere, which has winter during our summer, has already reported freak cold waves and snow in places such as Peru. We can expect the same when our winter approaches. You can read about the bizarre weather patterns at or take a look at the FEMA 2007 disaster website .
Contrary to the general perception of Global warming affecting the weather, it was only the catalyst, which caused of the unprecedented melting of the polar ice caps. Siberia, which was formerly covered with glaciers and permafrost, is now completely thawed for the first time and can be seen on the Google earth satellites images. This massive meltdown created an imbalance in the weight distribution of the planet leading to the axial slippage. The resulting increase in the tilt of the Earth’s axis has been causing the extreme weather conditions across the globe in 2007. Here is an excellent image of the North Pole on 8/3/2007, which shows you the current state of the polar melting. You can also access galleries of arctic photos at his page Here is another interesting article from NASA about a Sept 24, 1998 solar wind, which they describe as blowing away a portion of the Earth’s atmosphere, creating ion fountains spewing ions and atmosphere into deep space at the poles.
It is the subsequent shift in the axis causing the weather extremes from summer heat waves to winter cold waves, massive flooding in nearly every country in the world, bizarre tornadic activity and unusual weather patterns as well as an dramatic increase in seismic and volcanic activity across the globe in 2007. The tornadic activity in 2007 can be viewed at this link. 1078 tornadoes were reported in the US alone by Aug 9th 2007. The severe cold winter storm tornadoes in Germany on Jan 18, the tornadoes in the UK, Siberia, Poland, Viet Nam and the recent tornado in Brooklyn are just some of the bizarre tornadoes reported in 2007.
Just in the past 8 months, every volcanic region in the world has become active. Simultaneous eruptions & pyroclastic ash plumes are spewing from more than 100 volcanoes worldwide; Russia, Indonesia, South America, Central America, Africa, Mexico, India, Philippines, New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii, Greece, etc. The Lava dome on Mount St Helens in the US is also continuing to expand in size and seismic activity has increased which you can read about at and also includes the volcanic activity for the past 7 days. You can see additional info on these volcanic events at and a more complete list at and this next page from NASA has satellite images of the 2007 volcanic activity but they are 2 months behind on updating this page so it is missing quite a few recent eruptions, but the images are excellent.
Between Jun 23 and July 23, 2007, there were 318 earthquakes above 4.0 during this 30-day period. Eleven of those were above 6.0. Between July 18 and Aug 17, 2007, the number of earthquakes above 4.0 increased to 333. Eighteen of which were above 6.0. You can check the current earthquake statistics during the past 30 days on the official seismic website at or if you want to see a full list of ALL earthquakes recorded during the last 7 days (several hundred quakes) you can go to
This dramatic increase in climate change was a surprise to the scientific community who were expecting to deal with gradual increases to climate changes over the next few decades. But the shift in Dec 2006 was so significant and unexpected, it misaligned the entire GPS system by several hundred miles in less than an hour on Dec 4th and again on Dec 6th. This sent the scientific community into a panic. They maintained their silence for 4 months until they had worked out a cover story, which would not panic the public.
The axis shift was the actual cause of the GPS satellite system failure. When the earth shifted, the GPS satellite network did not shift with us and became misaligned. Nothing was mentioned to the public until the first week of April following a global meeting of world scientists when they finally released a cover story that a historic solar flare had knocked down the GPS system on Dec 6, 2006. If this historic solar flare had been genuine, NASA and SOHO would have been on every TV network back in December bragging about witnessing such a historic event and showing off the hundreds of images SOHO (NASA-ESA solar research & imagery) take of the sun every day. Instead, they removed every solar image for those dates from their websites and never said a word until the cover story 4 months later.
Of the images you can access before and after the dates of the supposed flare, you will find that there was far more solar activity in Jan 2007 than the preceding Nov or Dec. However, in their haste to remove the solar images, they forgot to remove some of the data records showing all the solar emission levels for those dates, which clearly contradict their claims of a historical solar flare. Additional data from various solar emission ground monitoring stations around the globe does show the full time period and following the shift, all of the monitoring stations levels permanently changed because their locations were now in a different proximity to the emissions from the sun. SEC space weather alerts during those same dates fail to show any abnormal solar flare or emission activity.
Providers of satellite & GPS systems are using relay stations and software patches to correct for the GPS and satellite misalignment so they will appear to be functioning normally. The weather satellite templates have also been readjusted to synchronize the image with the template. Other efforts to correct other satellite system misalignments, includes adjusting the position of the various satellites, either by using maneuvering thrusters on satellites so-equipped or by manual manipulation from space shuttle crews or through the use of the USAF space maneuvering vehicles.
For those living in the US, you may have noticed on the Summer solstice (June 21, 2007) that the sun was setting and rising behind the horizon to the north at about a 26-degree angle. As we move away from that date the angle will continue to decrease. Do not try to judge this while the sun is in the sky. Look at it during sunrise and sunset at the very moment it starts passing behind the horizon. It will throw you off if you try to view this while it is still in the sky as the transition across the sky is curved and some axial wobble involved. Remember that we are now only a month away from Autumn and the angle of the sun will begin to change toward a more southerly position.
Nearly every country on the globe has suffered from massive flooding this year; many times over. Take a look at the recent Hurricane at the end of July 2007, which went northward to Nova Scotia. It formed north of Bermuda, from expelled portions of the storm systems rotating over Texas. Other areas will experience drought and heat waves. The most rain has been in the central US due to the jet stream which has been running due south down the Rockies into southern Mexico while hot humid air enters from the gulf and creates what looks like a landlocked hurricane the size of Texas dumping as much as 10 inches of tropical rain in an hour. It rained at the same time every day between April and July 2007 with the exception of 3 days. Having lived in Panama for 2 years when I was younger, I clearly recognize Tropical weather when I see it. This was not normal for hot, dry Texas.
As we approach the fall, the weather will seem to stabilize as our angle to the sun changes. However, in the winter, we will be 2000 miles farther to the north and we will experience cold waves, ice storms and increased snow levels across the US similar to those shown on the FEMA website for last Winter.
Every summer will now be very hot or a massive change in weather patterns, tornadic activity, storm severity, humidity, fog and a heavy increase in rainfall and flooding due to the changes in air and water currents, temperatures, as well as a significant increase in polar ice melting and evaporation.
By 2002, world leaders began to realize serious climate changes were occurring more rapidly than expected and formed a global partnership to research the best options for reducing the effects of the permanent climate changes occurring across the globe. Following the 2003 heat related deaths of hundreds in the UK, the partnership of several G8 countries formed task groups to begin immediate implementation of climate change projects to deal with the rapidly rising sea levels and heat waves.
This year, the climate change task force realized the rapid changes will cause the polar ice to completely melt within 1-5 years rather than decades in the future. The resulting rising sea levels will cause catastrophic flooding of coastlines around the world. With the UK heat related deaths in 2003 and massive flooding throughout 2007, the UK created a webpage with informational pamphlets to teach their citizens how to prepare for the permanent changes in climate such as installing green roofs. (Unlike the US, which has no plans to inform the public and denies the climate change exists even though much of the research is being performed by Lawrence Livermore Labs and projects are currently being undertaken in several cities.)
The UK pamphlets include information on global projects to deal with the problems such as widening river basins and watershed areas to deal with rising sea levels and creating natural drainage landscaping in neighborhoods near the coastlines and floating houses in the Netherlands and the green roof projects in Canada and the UK as well as public cooling centers being implemented in Philadelphia and projects in other countries such as Germany and Japan. (It’s sad when the US citizens have to get their info from overseas rather than their own government.) The UK was nice enough to include information about the projects being conducted in the US in the pamphlet they prepared for their own citizens. Here is the link and their description to this document GLA: London Climate Change Partnership Report: “Adapting to climate change - Lessons for London” [External PDF, 1.6MB, 161 pages] The aim of this review was to look at how 18 major international cities are managing climate risks, which are expected to intensify in London over the coming decades due to climate change: flooding, high temperatures, limited water resources. This will help inform the climate adaptation planning policies for London.
You won’t hear about this from any meteorologists, astronomers or astrophysicists. They have all been reigned in by their respective governments. Meteorologists have their licenses under the control of NWS and NOAA. They cannot declare any weather conditions unless the NWS does so first… otherwise, loss of their license.
The scientists are all at the mercy of government grants and access to gov’t equipment, satellites, observatories or employed by gov’t contractors. The Universities are controlled by gov’t grant monies…. so none of them are going to talk about it. The Media is also under blackout on this issue… they also have licenses controlled by the FCC.
The increased energy consumption and increase in crop failures as the climate continues to change is partially behind the US pursuit over control of the Arab oil. It is also behind the importation of foreign grain when the US is supposedly the bread basket of the world in grain crops. This also is the catalyst for the building of dozens of new power plants, etc. The US is stockpiling all of these items since extreme hot and extreme cold seasons will cause the energy consumption to increase dramatically and crop failures will be extensive. Over the past 3 years in the south central US, some areas have experienced 100% crop failures due to the changing weather.
The axis can continue to shift further as the polar ice continues to melt. In the very near future, perhaps in 1-5 years, the earth will continue to shift toward the south until both poles are where our equator was once located due to polar ice completing the melting in rapid fashion, now that it is warmer. The sea levels will also rise as a result. This melting is causing the change in weight balance since the earth is wider and heavier at the equator, hence the axis slippage. Perhaps the Mayan’s and other ancient civilizations knew something we don’t when their calendar ended in 2012 and has been interpreted to be the end of civilization.
Once the axis has tipped sideways, the orientation of the earth toward the sun will have the north pole facing toward the sun in the summer and the south pole facing the sun in the winter. The earth will continue to rotate, but sideways like a watermelon on a horizontal spit. During summer the southern hemisphere will be dark and cold while the northern will be searing hot and always light. The inverse will be true in the winter. Only the fall and spring will have more normal days and nights since the earth will be sideways to the sun when at those solar orbit positions. Here is a link to a climate modification project using orbital mirrors to redistribute the sun and dredging the oceans to lower contain the rising sea levels. Just one set of ideas they are tossing around to deal with these ongoing problems I have described.
So, take a look at the data for yourself and either look at one of those websites or do your own research because if you are waiting for the government to announce it, don’t hold your breath. They’ll only tell you about it after it becomes so obvious that it can no longer be hidden and the selected gov’t leaders are all safely ensconced in their underground facilities. Although their massive underground network of tunnels and facilities and supplies were all paid by the tax dollars, the average citizens won’t be invited into their climate controlled, safe haven. The general public will be left on the surface to fend on their own. Troops will be in the streets (supplemented by Mexico, since our own troops have been depleted) with everyone under martial law lockdown with FEMA in charge… and like Katrina, they are not there to help the citizens. The fewer people who survive, the less who will be consuming food, water, energy and medical supplies.
Having been a member of a major metro emergency management team in conjunction with FEMA, I can tell you for a fact, that FEMA’s treatment of the Katrina victims was no accident. FEMA has the Federal authority to run the government in conjunction with the military in the event of a major national catastrophe. Their true mandate is to contain and control survivors… not to provide rescues, food, water, shelter or medical care. The RC won’t either as they are now just an extension of the FEMA mandate. Roads will be blocked, outside assistance will be rejected, survivors corralled without sustenance, communications will be cut off within minutes of the emergency so only designated emergency & government personnel will have phone or cell service while JQ Public will only have access 911 which will be overloaded. I also know this for a fact because I programmed the phone systems with the special class of service designations as required by the Emergency management agencies so the phone service can be switched during an emergency in a matter of minutes, thus cutting off communications for the public throughout the affected region. Troops will be told they have to corral and contain the survivors to prevent contamination, disease or to contain supposed terrorists. FEMA and the RC will claim the disaster areas are unsafe to enter and the survivors will be left to die.
Years before Katrina, I had told friends and family about this and none believed our government was capable of such a thing… then came Katrina and to their shock and horror, everything I had told them came true. Roads were blocked, victims were stranded and corralled by troops and held without food, water, medicine, adequate shelter or basic necessities. Walmart trucks were rejected, ice trucks sent to drive across the country, donated boats were never used, no attempt to rescue or transport survivors or hospital patients who were left to die. Trailers and vacant military base facilities were never used, volunteer doctors were not permitted to help the patients at the airport and were told to sweep floors while patients laid on the floor dying. FEMA snuck in during the middle of the night and deliberately removed the communications antenna belonging to St Bernard Parish, cutting off their only source of communications. The only two helicopters attempting to rescue victims were punished for being awol without permission. Volunteers were blocked from attempting rescues. Hospital staff and patients abandoned. Both FEMA & Red Cross located a long distance away from the disaster areas where the victims could not reach and claimed the disaster zone was unsafe and contaminated with bacteria and disease. (Just when would a disaster zone ever be safe? That is the reason victims need help). What was their excuse in Mississippi and Alabama? The Red Cross set up more than 15 miles away in those states where none of the victims could go to obtain supplies since all of their cars had been destroyed. Yet, the Red Cross would not bring the supplies to them. Only the national furor over the stranded Katrina victims finally brought help when the gov’t was faced with thousands of angry Americans descending upon New Orleans. The state of TX finally had to send buses and provide shelter since no other entity would do it. But in the next national disaster, the public won’t know what is going on because the media will be cut off by the EBS. Only sanctioned news will be broadcast to the public. And like Katrina, the death counts publicized will be far lower than the actual numbers. Multiply the numbers by a factor of 10 to get closer to the real figures.
As I said, no one believed it when I told them about this years ago, but after Katrina when everything occurred exactly as I had long before described it, they knew I had been telling the true about this… as horrible as it may seem. But even I was surprised that FEMA and the RC would do such a thing to victims of floods and hurricanes. My understanding was that these mandates would only be used during biochemical or nuclear disasters or attacks. I was stunned that they were doing it to victims of a hurricane and floods in full view of the American public.
Don’t believe it, ignore it and place your trust in the assurances of a corrupt gov’t and you will not find out the truth until it is too late. Check out the data for yourself.
This entry was posted on Thursday, August 9th, 2007 at 2:41 am and is filed under climate, climate change, Global Warming, weather, current events, News, science, Environment, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
I have observed some of the really strange weather. If people were encouraged to look a little bit they would see the changes for themselves.
Looking forward to an update if there is one for the 2008/09 season.
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