Decripting The Scripture through astrology; applied science
Astrological Significance of the
Cassini-Saturn Event (also known as the Lucifer Project)
J.C. Goliathan
Bullets of what I am proposing:
-Jupiter was plunged into by Galileo in Sept of 2003 at the Star of Bethlehem location (2 and 3 BC - Jupiter and Venus were at the same spot together in conjunction).
-Saturn will be in this SAME area starting Sept of 2007 and will loop around in this area until late Sept. of 2008 at which point it crosses Chi LEO on its way to the Virgo constellation. (Saturn officially enters Virgo on Sept. 2 of THIS year, 2007, even though it is still in the LEO constellation).
-On Sept. 11 of this year and again April 16, 2008 (it is looping around here at this time so it lingers here 2 months before and after this April day also), Saturn is in the center of the Eye of Horus Triangle of Leo and also on the Regulus-Chort line in Leo. The Eye of Horus triangle is amazing and I’m not sure anyone has discovered before now. It is surrounded by the Greek assigned star symbol values of 600 + 60 + 6. Chi-Xi-Stigma (Stigma has been replaced by Leo Gamma x 2 at the Algieba location). Chi-Xi-Stigma means 666.
-NASA may be trying the create a new Star of Bethlehem with an Cassini-induced event on Saturn in the center of the LEO Eye of Horus on Sept. 11, 2007, or in Spring/Summer of 2008.
-Following this location, Saturn would move into the LEO ChiRho location. ChiRho is the ancient Horus symbol and is currently used by the Catholic church as its main symbol. It’s the P with the X through it. This symbol means: Male/Female, Intercourse or Regeneration, Horus or Christ, and Skull/Bones. The P is the skull and the X is the bones. 9-11 also represents 9=skull, 11=bones.
-I don’t believe in astrology, but many do and it seems that what is happening with Galileo and Cassini at Jupiter and Saturn is and has been timed to coincide with significant astrological events.
Supporting evidence follows:
“At this month's meeting of the society I will present again the 2,000 year old search for the Star of Bethlehem. After studying and dismissing, for a variety of reasons, other phenomena, the quest centers on two rare sets of conjunctions of planets. The first, the favorite of the last 400 years, involves a rare triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn over 6 month's in 7 BC. It's 2,000th anniversary was in 1994.
The second solution involves the planets Jupiter and Venus, which had two nearly stellar conjunctions 10 month's apart in 3 and 2 BC, 2,000 years ago in 1998 and 1999.
If you're a bit confused about the mathematics of the 2,000 year subtraction, remember there was no year zero, 1 BC was the year prior to AD 1. Therefore the 3rd millennium will start in 2001, not the year 2000. However most millennial celebrations will take place on New Year's eve 1999, not December 31st, 2000. Once again, sadly, ignorance wins out.
Adding to the information on the second solution I talked about 2 years ago are more ideas that were graciously sent me by George Petritz. It was an issue of Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College. In the December 1996 issue was an article The Star of Bethlehem by Dr. Craig Chester.
It looks like the Star of Bethlehem was not the spectacular apparition we celebrate today in images and song. The importance of the apparition was definitely in the eye of the beholder. And the beholders were the Magi, astrologer priests of the Zoroasterian religion based in Persia. They has worked out the meaning of every planet, position and constellation in the visible heavens, and they were aware of the writings and religions of the nations that surrounded them.
So let's try to see what the Magi might have read into two planetary conjunctions occurring 10 months apart in 3 and 2 BC.
On August 11th of 3 BC. just before dawn. The two brightest planets Jupiter and Venus merge into a single dazzling star in the dawn twilight. This even occurred below the chin of the constellation of Leo the lion. In the twilight, on the lion's bright star Regulus was visible.
So here's the cast of characters. Jupiter then as now was the king of the gods. In Hebrew, it was Sedeq, which meant Righteousness. The Jews worshipped one God, the only God, who created everything, so they didn't need to see Jupiter as a god.. Venus was the fertility goddess to all except the Jews. To the Babylonians it was Ishtar. However the in Second Kings and Jeremiah the prophets were distresses to find many Jews were indeed worshipping Ishtar. The lion was the king of beasts, and in Genesis 49:9 Jacob associated his son Judah with a lion. King David was of the tribe of Judah, and so was to be the Messiah. The reference is again repeated in Revelation 5:5, which reveals the power of the association in the early Christian era. Regulus' name means little king star, an allusion to its location in heart of the king of beasts. The ancients thought that this star ruled the affairs of the heavens.
Beside the conjunctions of Jupiter and Venus, each planet has their own conjunctions of Regulus. Chester also suggests a solution to the problem of the verse in Matthew 2:9, where the star came to a standstill over place where the child was. This seems to be impossible for an astronomical object. Chester's explanation was that this is when Jupiter reached its stationary points at the beginning and end of its retrograde or westward motion. Well, let's see the chronology of all these events, as modeled with my Looking Up program:
· August 11, 3 BC. - Venus and Jupiter are in their first conjunction, visible low in the eastern twilight before sunrise. Both are moving eastward against the stars.
· August 16, 3 BC. - Venus and Regulus are in conjunction.
· September 13, 3 BC. - Jupiter and Regulus are in conjunction.
· November 27, 3 BC. - Jupiter is stationary, and will begin to move in retrograde or to the west.
· February 17, 2 BC. - Jupiter and Regulus are in conjunction for the second time, as Jupiter continues the retrograde motion.
· March 28, 2 BC. - Jupiter is stationary, ending retrograde motion.
· May 8, 2 BC. - Jupiter and Regulus are in conjunction for the third time.
· June 10, 2 BC. - Venus and Regulus are in conjunction.
· June 16, 2 BC. - Venus and Jupiter are in conjunction. They appear to merge into a single star low in the west at sunset.
The first conjunction, on August 11th, 3 BC., apparently set the Magi on their journey. This is the first appearance of the star as recorded in Matthew 2:2. I expect that the knowledge of planetary motions allowed the Magi to predict the second conjunction 10 months later. They may have timed their journey to arrive around that second conjunction.
The Magi expecting a king, went to the capitol city of Judea, Jerusalem. It is a reading from the scriptures that sends them to King David's birthplace, Bethlehem. As they left Jerusalem the Magi saw the star again. Was this the second conjunction? on June 17th, 2 BC….”
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