Breast Cancer and heavy metals!
Researcher Dr. John G. Ionescu (openPR) - one now in the renowned environmentalmedical Faschzeitschrift environment medicine society [1] published investigation shows that cancer of the breast fabric is overloaded with heavy metals and the high-dose Askorbinsuregabe could be meaningful phasenweise with breast cancer patients, reported today Sven David Mueller Nothmann of the center for nourishing communication and health journalism (ZEK) in Cologne). Under the direction of Univ. - Scientists of the special hospital new churches, the institute for pathophysiology and Onkologie of the Charles university Prague as well as the department for clinical chemistry of the famous Karolinska of institute in Stockholm eight examined lecturer Dr. John G. Ionescu of the special hospital new churches recover and 20 Brustkrebsbiopsien and showed that in the cancer of the breast fabric the much higher concentration of transition metals is closely connected with a increased production suitor of radicals, Lipidperoxidation, DNA Strangbrchen and mutation as well as tumor growth.
In the comparison to the control's group the scientists found a highly significant accumulation of heavy metals with the tumor samples such as mercury, lead, cadmium, iron, chrome, zinc and nickel. The tumor-inhibiting effect of high-dose Vitamin C (Askorbinsure) is explainable thereby, because by the autoxidation of the Vitamins in presence of heavy metals a strong production of free radicals develops such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide with deadly effect for the malignant cells.
The test results confirm the suspicion that beside hormoneal Dysregulationen also the oxidative stress can play an important role by pollutants (like e.g. transition metals) with the emergence of cancer of the breast.
The study of Dr. John Ionescu describes for the first time a substantial accumulation of heavy metals in the cancer of the breast fabric.
The increased heavy metal concentration supports the therapeutic beginnings with high-dose Vitamin C or substituted phenols, how also current study results from the USA (under FDA supervision) confirm, clarifies renowned Dr. Ionescu in its publication. In further scientific investigations the researchers want to now find out whether cancer cells enrich heavy metals or first to the degeneration leads the heavy metals. In addition further research need exists regarding the meaning of Antioxidantien such as Vitamin C in the prophylaxis and therapy of cancer illnesses. Starting from February 2007 Dr. John G. Ionescu with its team belongs also to the expert committee of the health portal and leads on a environmentalmedical consulting hour. Contact: Special hospital new churches, Univ .Doz. Dr. John G. Ionescu, Krankenhausstrasse 9, 93453 new churches b.Hl.Blut, telephone 09947 - 280, fax: 28109,, spezialklinik
Literature: [1] Environment medicine society, 19, 2/2006, P. 269-73, free Abstract Download:
Publisher: Center for nourishing communication and health journalism (ZEK), Sven David Mueller Nothmann, Gotenring 37, 50679 Cologne, 0177-2353525,,
Publisher: Center for nourishing communication and health journalism (ZEK), Sven David Mueller Nothmann, Gotenring 37, 50679 Cologne, 0177-2353525,,
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