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Think health, not illness

(NaturalNews) So you have been diagnosed with cancer. What will be on your mind from now on? Realistically you will be thinking of the illness and of your future. You'll be contemplating which route to take to overcome this life-threatening challenge. With new natural routines in place, you will benefit most from concentrating on health as opposed to illness - to give your immune system an additional boost.

Dr. Russell Greenfield, experienced in emergency and integrative medicine, recommended recently that professionals should focus more on health than on disease. He aims at preventing chronic disease through better diet and lifestyle choices. - Did you know that health-oriented natural therapies can have a greater effect on one's future health than the family's medical history?

While most oncologists and hospital consultants still recommend conventional chemotherapy, radiation, and operation to treat cancer, your prospects improve greatly with personal research, followed by an informed decision, and taking a responsible active part in healing yourself.

Oncologist Carl Simonton called this action "exerting some influence over the course of their disease" . There is a need to align one's thinking and being with the laws of nature. This mind-body pioneer knew that a fierce will to survive, positive expectations, and an active self-care programme can positively influence the outcome of cancer.

Natural self-care cancer treatments should include
-Thorough detoxing especially bowels,
-Consistently avoiding all animal-based foods,
-Drinking fresh vegetable juices and wheatgrass juice
-Drinking lots of pure water for rehydration
-Eating 80% plant-based, raw, organic food including sprouts
-Eliminating sugar and processed foods
-Taking supplements (digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids, probiotics, blue-green algae/chlorella/spirulina, Vitamins C, B12, D3, B17, Essiac, Black Walnut tincture, Kombucha, etc.)
-Eliminating chemicals from personal care products
-Physical exercise in fresh air and sunshine
-Dealing with unresolved emotional issues.

These treatments boost the immune system to top notch. Your involved action adds to the healing momentum.

To quote Dr. Richard Schulze: "There are no incurable diseases, none. Take responsibility and be willing to change, and you can heal yourself of anything." Stop focusing on your disease, concentrate on creating health - the effect is powerfully beneficial. View your illness as a gift towards discovering the healthy natural lifestyle. You're focusing on health. Your focus determines your future.

Health means
-a body-friendly diet and lifestyle and good levels of energy, stamina and resilience,
-a proper circadian rhythm including sufficient sleep and the right balance between exercise and rest,
-clarity of mind balanced with stillness of thoughts, flexibility, a happy attitude, optimism and acceptance of self,
-fulfillment, love, worthwhile personal goals, a meaning in life, giving and receiving support,
-confidence in oneself and one's abilities, a sense of accomplishment and recognition, security and inner peace.

Illness is merely the body communicating: "Something is wrong". Why spend lots of time thinking about physical illness, negative mental states and emotional problems when they make us miserable.

Thinking "I'm depressed" gets you down. Thinking "I don't want to be depressed still gets you down. In the mind, unlike in Algebra, "not negative" does not equal "positive". Therefore replace negative thoughts with positive ones: "I will be happy." Replace "I'm ill" with "I'll be well" and step up the natural treatments, drink more green juices, and confidently visualise cancer cells being eaten up. What you think becomes your reality.

When driving at night, you wisely focus on your side of the road rather than on the blinding lights of other cars, or else you might find yourself steering that way.

Your life is in your hands. Think health, not illness.


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031874_cancer_diagnosis.html#ixzz1I2qQ8MGs


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