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Essential oils- essential in cancer prevention and treatment

New Essential Oil Research

From D. Gary Young

Natural Remedy Information for cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, toxic mold, bacteria and more.


The following information has been gathered from email notifications, conference calls, seminars, etc.

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Cuenca, Ecuador! I have been at the University of Azuay for the past two weeks preparing for the greatest adventure in the history of essential oils. Based upon my travels around the world in search of rare plants and botanicals, I believe the Azuay province to be the botanical capital of the world. I am in plant heaven!

In just four days, I have identified eight aromatic plants that have never been distilled before. I found one plant that I have been looking for ten years called Lippia citriodora, which is a very high oil yielding plant that Dr. Valnet used for malaria, Hodgkin?s, heart disease, asthma, depression, stress, insomnia, diabetes, and to stimulate testosterone and estrogen production. Lippia citriodora grows wild here. We will soon distill the variety of plants we have gathered, and I am anxious to analyze the complexity of the constituents.

We have also been looking into another very exiting plant called RUDA that was traditionally used by the Incas to drive away evil spirits and to cleanse the body in preparation for burial rituals. The locals use it today for anxiety, stress, depression, fear, upset children, colic, and trauma. It has a most unique and beautiful aroma, and I look forward to researching the medicinal aspects of the oil.

The country is as beautiful as far as an eye can see. High mountains every where. The people are out plowing their fields by hand or with the ox pulling a plow behind. We sure do take our easy life for granite don't we. Many women down by a creek or a spring washing their clothes on a rock scrubbing them back and forth to get them clean and then hanging them out to dry on bushes or whatever they could hang them on.

Women and children out in the garden and field hoeing and weeding and even cutting grass to put in a large sack like material to fold and hauling it over their shoulders on the back, taking it to market to sell.

Most of the farms are on the mountain side and their homes up on the side of the mountain or on top. With stair cut out of the ground so they can climb to their homes. And we complain because the car has a flat tire. They are a happy group of people waving as our buses went by.

Not all people are farmers, there are a lot of town people with the busy life of zippy around in cars going here and there to work and shopping. New buildings going up all over. A new hospital is being built that is right by the Azuay University where Dr. Gary Young and Dr. Edward Rodas will be teaching students and doing research on the Essential Oils.

That's right Gary will be teaching classes in Azuay University to students toward getting their degree in alternative health with Essential oils. And hopefully in time there will be a home course for those of us that would like to have a degree behind our name (as a YL Independent Distributor, which we will be able to take, but it will require some college time in the Azuay University to complete the degree.

Gary talked more on what we learned at convention on research on the 74 essential oil in the studies of cancer. 69 single, and 5 mixtures on Cervical cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, and prostate cancer cell lines with a Non-cancerous 3T3 (mouse) fibroblast cells. I would like to share part of this again especially for those that are new and haven't heard about the research.

Oils showing 50% or more cancer cell inhibition and 25% or less inhibition of non-cancer cell growth will be recommended for further study as potential anticancer drugs.

58% of the 74 oils showed general cancer inhibition of 50% or greater. 34% of the 74 oils showed cancer-specific inhibition Seven of those were active against two or more cancer cell lines.

Of particular interest: Oils showing synergistic effects, Oils with significant activity at the lowest concentration tested and Oils with multiple anti-cancer activity.

Essential oils have potential as anticancer drugs

Screening processes (such as the one used in this study) that are fast, inexpensive and useful provided good leads about which compounds should be further investigated.

Further research should be done on promising essential oils?this may lead to new cancer drugs.
Many technologies available.

Stimulating apoptosis
DNA repair
Proflerative senescence
Immune protection and stimulation
Preventing metastasis

1. Researchers at the South Dakota State University found that the main component of Sandalwood oil, the alpha-santalol, protected skin from cancer.

2. Application of alpha-santalol to skin exposed to cancer-causing chemicals dramatically delayed the onset of tumor growth in test subjects. ?C., Dwivedi et al,. 2003


Grapefruit Essential Oil in a 200 parts per million concentration inhibits Skin Cancer by 80.50 %

Hyssop 200 ppm by 75.90 %


Sandalwood Essential Oil 100 ppm inhibits Breast Cancer by 98.10%
Myrtle Essential Oil 200 ppm 95.20%
Tsuga Essential Oil (Hemlock) 200 ppm by 93.10 %


Sandalwood Essential Oil 100 ppm inhibits Prostrate Cancer by 84.10%
Canadian Red Cedar Essential Oil 50 ppm 82.60%
Myrtle Essential Oil 200 ppm 67.0%
Thyme Essential Oil 50 ppm by 56.70%
Dill Essential Oil 200 ppm by 56.50%


Cervical Cancer
Tsuga Essential Oil 200 ppm by 99.10%
Galbanum Essential Oil 200 ppm by 99.%
Patchouli Essential Oil 50 ppm by 98.80%
Sandalwood Essential Oil 100 ppm by 97.20%


Also here are some other studies that have been done on the Essential oils that we learned about at the convention that Gary covered again and told us about how important they are to use.

It has a millennia-long history of safe use Documented use as a breath freshener in 3rd century B.C. Subjects awaiting an audience with Chinese emperors were required to chew cloves to mask breath odors. Ancient Hindu texts describe the use of cloves in treating dental disorders Avicenna treated "putrefaction" of the teeth and gums with clove pill.

Eugenol, thymol, and arvacrol have been used in dentistry since the 19th century for root canal therapy, temporary fillings and cements, periodontal therapy, alveolar abscesses, and stomatitis. ?Bernard Schechter, DDS

A 1945 text on material medica for dentists lists the essential oils of clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, peppermint, spearmint, and wintergreen.

Eugenol strongly inhibits growth of HSVI and HSVII
Eugenol significantly delayed the onset of herpetic lesion on the eyes of infected animals.

1. Aspergillus parasiticus is a soil-borne fungus growing on both living and decaying plant matter.
2. This mold produces mycotoxins as metabolic by-products.
3. One mycotoxin, aflatoxin BI has been identified as being the most toxic, carcinogenic, hepatotoxic and potentially mutagenic.
4. Dr. Radwan Farag found that clove oil at only 6-8 parts in 10,000 totally inhibited mold and aflatoxin production.

CLOVE OIL is in the blend of Thieves. See the effects of Thieves on Aerosol-borne Bacteria

1. With the bacteria of M. Luteus it was around 4100 and after using Thieves the count dropped to around 700
2. With P. aeruginosa it was around 2000 and after using Thieves it dropped to 1
3. With S. aureus it was around 2300 and after using Thieves it dropped to 1000.

1. Bacteria starting out at 10000 at zero minutes
2. After 3 minutes of diffusing it dropped to 5000
3. After 6 minutes of diffusing it dropped to 800
4. After 9 minutes of diffusing it dropped to 2
5. After 12 minutes of diffusing you can hardly see it.

I hope you can see why you can not afford not to have a diffuser going in your home to protect your family from air borne disease. You can see from the above studies how effective it is to diffuse Thieves to kill air borne bacteria.


Research on the Medline website lists Frankincense reduces the hormone Cortisol (The death Hormone) by 40% just by inhaling it. (Caffeine, Chocolate, Cola's boost Cortisol production) Cortisol triggers us to be always hungry, and prompts over eating, as well as establishing the body to store FAT, converted from sugars, and carbohydrates and starches). This fat usually ends up in body locations that do not enhance our good looks.

Also Idaho Balsam Fir will lower the cortisol levels in the body.

Idaho Balsam Fir & Frankincense can kill all 7 Tumor lines

Protocol: By alternating the following on a tumor site, to keep Cancer in a state of confusion for it can develop a propensity to ward off constant Essential Oil use from a steady application of the same oils with out changing the kinds of oils used.

Frankincense & Tsuga treat for 3 days then switch to
Frankincense & Ledum treat for 3 days then use
Frankincense & Lavender treat the tumor for 3 days then use
Frankincense & Clove for 3 days then use
Frankincense & Tsuga again, and repeat the above.

This must be done often daily and depending on the size of the tumor can take up to 6 months to rid the body of it. Some take less time, some take more. Be patient and keep the "Intent" clear on clearing the body from the Cancer and it will work. Get the body in an alkaline condition and stay away from foods that are acid forming. Because when the body is acidic that is when disease likes to have fun. Keep the immune system up also and you may live a long healthy life to 140 years or longer.

"You can't have a toxic liver and have good health. Cleansing the liver should be an everyday process." ?D. Gary Young; Founder and President of Young Living

To learn more on what foods are acid forming and foods that are acid binding order the Re-JUVA-nate Your Health booklet by D. Gary Young. #3874 for $2.00, Preferred Customer $2.32, customer $2.63 It is well worth the money. It even has recipes in the back to follow and how to cleanse the liver.

While we are talking about the Re-JUVA-nate booklet we also have a Re-JUVA-nate Kit which now has a new oil blend in and its called GLF (Gallbladder, Liver Function) to support the proper gallbladder and liver functions. It contains Spearmint, Hyssop, ledum, helichrysum, celery seed, and grapefruit oil. Along with JuvaCleanse it also helps with removing heavy metals in the system . This kit is a great way to cleanse the liver.

gistered Domain to Ac ?D. Gary Young

Please enjoy the photographs of the breathtaking city of Cuenca. I look forward to sharing many more discoveries with you. Essentially yours, D. Gary Young

Per Young Life Research Clinic, one may wish to consider Essential Oil rotation also as follows:

(The YLR Clinic in Springville, Utah is closed due to the opening of the clinic in Ecuador).

Cancers: Chemotherapy patients often survive the first round of chemo but then fail with the 2nd or 3rd. Research shows that cancer cells are able to identify substances that threaten their existence and make chemical adjustments to resist the chemo. Rotation of different type chemo is now being practiced with hope for greater effectiveness at killing the cancerous cells.

Female Reproductive System:

Tsuga effective 99.10%, 200 ppm. Use with Frankincense.

Thyme Linalol effective 99%, 200 ppm.

Patchouli effective 98%, 50 ppm.

Breast Cancer:

Sandalwood effective 98.10, 100 ppm.

Myrtle 95.20%, 200 ppm.

Tsuga 93.10%, 200 ppm.

Idaho Balsam kills 7 cancer lines.

Prostate Cancer:

Sandalwood 84.10%, 100 ppm.

Canadian Red Cedar 82.60%, 50 ppm.
Myrtle 67%, 200 ppm.

Thyme 56.70%, 50 ppm.

Dill 5.50%, 200 ppm.

Skin Cancer:

Grapefruit 80.50%, 200 ppm.

Hyssop 75%.

Lung Cancer: 3 days Frankincense and Ledum, then 3 days Frankincense and Balsam and then 3 days Frankincense and Sandalwood. Then repeat rotation. Use 00 caps.

Prostate Cancer: 3 days Frankincense and Tsuga, then 3 days Frankincense and Balsam, then 3 days Frankincense and Ledum and then repeat rotation.

Leukemia, Lymphoma: 3 days Frankincense and Balsam, 3 days Frankincense and Tsuga, 3 days Frankincense and Lavender, then repeat rotation.

Breast Cancer: Topically 6 times per day then cover with hot, damp towel for heat (better penetration). Frankincense and Tsuga, then Frankincense and Sandalwood, rotate.

Liver Cancer: Frankincense and Ledum, then Frankincense and Tsuga, then Frankincense and Balsam and then repeat rotation.


Gary Young Seminar Highlights
Gary Young, President and CEO of Young Living was in Vancouver on Monday, January 10, 2005.

Gary presented some interesting research on the efficiency of essential oils in inhibiting cancer cell growth. Essential oils protect against DNA breakdown and also help in repairing damaged DNA.

Tsuga (Canadian hemlock): 99.1% effective against Cervical cancer. 93% effective against Breast cancer.

Sandalwood: 84.1% effective against Prostate cancer.

Canadian Red Cedar: 82.6% effective against Prostate cancer.

Grapefruit: 80% effective against Skin cancer.

Any oil containing Limonene such as Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Tangerine exhibit anti-blastic properties which may inhibit the growth of rapidly reproducing cells found in cancerous growths.

Frankincense: stimulates stem cell growth and normal tissue cell growth. Cancer cells do develop a resistance to chemotherapy and can also develop a resistance to Frankincense. Current protocols advise changing the oil used every three days to prevent the cancer cells from adapting to it.

Lavender shown to be very effective against basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer); even more effective than Frankincense.

Laurus Nobilis has shown positive results against viruses (including Viral Hepatitis), fungus and infections.

Lemon (Citrus limon) exhibits anti-cancer, anti-viral and memory improvement qualities.


Per Gary Young from notes in Ecuador - Helichrysum is a natural hemostat. There is 15-35% less blood loss during surgery. Typically when body is going through surgery, the trauma causes fluctuations up and down every 3-4 minutes regarding heart rate, oxygen levels and pulse. With Helichrysum there is no deviation to vitals.

With oils there are 0.5% complications after surgery - 1+% without oils. It takes less anesthesia with oils and there is less pain before and after surgery. They diffused Lemon for germs and Peppermint for brain clarity for doctors while doing surgery.

Gary will teach us the new therapy technique he has developed for greater pain reduction and recovery - 100% total pain control. The blend is 20 drops Valerian, 20 drops Vetiver, 10 drops Helichrysum and 3 drops Peppermint, ALL in ? ounce water.

Gary used these recipes below with the patients (136 surgeries - all 100% pain-free). Gary has them take the recipe one hour before surgery and then again half hour before surgery.

10 drops Vetiver, 10 drops Valerian, 5 drops Helichrysum and 5 drops Clove. (Add 3 drops of Peppermint to give it a punch. Nancy Sanderson) OR 20 drops Valerian, 10 drops Helichrysum, 5 drops Clove and 2 drops Peppermint.

The doctors were worried about patient vomiting because of giving this prior to surgery but Gary reassured them it would be OK and he was right. He also mentioned giving 20 drops Cistus and 20 drops Helichrysum with a hysterectomy, but I'm not certain before or after.

An experience with a 5 year old boy - he was a last minute fill in, so was not treated with oils before surgery. He was screaming and convulsing, no one including mom could calm him down. They called Gary and asked which oils to use. He said Valerian and Peace & Calming. The boy was asleep within 60 seconds.

Another experience - Maria had no oils prior to surgery. She went into shock from blood loss. They didn't have a transfusion pump. Gary was called in. He gave 1 ounce NingXia Red to build blood, amino acids, proton, glucose and oxygen, 20 drops Helichrysum (natural hemostat) and 20 drop Cistus (blood regulator). This was repeated in 1 hour and again in another hour. He saved her life. It would have been the first fatality on the mobile unit.

He showed us videos of surgery and they have been using Cistus and Helichrysum before surgery and during Valerian and Vetiver, and the patients have quicker recovery, less blood loss and faster recuperation. The doctors are using less medications, around 20-30% less to put people under. Valerian and Red Canadian Cedar are used to prevent inflammation after surgery.

One little 8 year old boy came out of surgery very agitated and was screaming and crying and pulled the tubes out. His mother and nurses couldn't hold him down and Gary was called in and he applied Peace & Calming and Valerian on the brain stem and did Raindrop up the spine and feet and he calmed right down.

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