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Prayer and meditation-by E.Cayce


Edgar Cayce was a man of prayer and meditation. Thus, it is not surprising to find suggestions for prayer and meditation in the readings. His fundamental Christian upbringing is evident in these recommendations, not only in the King James flavor of the words and expressions, but also in the direct and simple sincerity with which they were spoken.
He seemed to use a utilization approach to these recommendations. That is, if the person seeking help came from a background in which prayer, meditation and Christian service were practiced (as was often the case, as he lived in the "Bible Belt"), he utilized the resources of that person in making the suggestions. The background information in these cases is often insightful in this respect. The letters exchanged between Cayce and these individuals conveyed the familiarity of persons sharing in a common religious faith.
The readings state that there are objective, demonstrable effects of prayer and meditation in the physical bodies and day-to-day lives of persons practicing these disciplines. Therefore, the readings often recommend prayer and meditation during the use of the Radial Appliance. This is in keeping with the notion that spirit interfaces at definite anatomical centers within the body, and treatments such as electrotherapy could be helpful in maintaining the integrity of these connections.

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

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