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Does your colon feed or poison you?

Does Your Colon Feed or Poison You?

Dr. Christopher's Newsletter 1-1

by Dr. John R. Christopher

It is a known fact that well over ninety percent of all sickness and disease in the human body is caused by a congested (constipated) colon area.

When the bowel area is pocketed and ballooned with old fecal matter, trouble starts in that particular area and travels to the organ or part of the body being fed (through the autonomic nerve ring) via the blood stream by the impacted area. As an example, with the case of sciatica pains: A painful inflammation of the sciatic nerve, usually a neuritis. It is attended with paresthesia of the thigh and leg, tenderness along the course of the nerve, and sometimes a wasting of the calf muscles. The pain is constant, but subject to exacerbations (increase in the severity). In this condition we find that by cleaning out the bowel area and specifically concentrating on the sigmoid area. This section of the bowel is the lower part going from the descending colon to the crest of the rectum.

Stagnant, toxic fecal matter in this area, through the autonomic system drains toxic waste through the blood stream down the leg, irritating the sciatic nerve. Rapid relief has often been given by a deep kneading massage of the sigmoid area. The massage is done after using a few cups of our special bowel tonic (which will be given later in the article). In severe cases give an enema of a pint or more of cold catnip tea. Use only enough to be retained during the deep bowel massage. Also use a reflexology massage on the bowel area of the foot, clockwise, up the ascending colon area, across the transverse and down the descending colon to the sigmoid, then spend a goodly amount of time on the sigmoid and rectal reflex point on the feet. (You can follow these directions in the charts shown in this article).

Another case I recall was of a lady who had such terrific pains in her shoulders that she had not been able to lift her arms for three days. She just sat in a chair, suffering with intense pain, being fed and taken care of that way day and night for those three days! It was late, well after midnight, when I was called into the case. In order to give fast relief I took her right foot, and at the points of pressure of the ascending colon, near the transverse junction, started the foot massage. She screamed with pain as I applied the pressure on her foot. The reflex area in her foot hurt worse than did her shoulder. As soon as the pain left the foot area, where I was massaging, the pain in her shoulders was also gone and she could, to her relief, raise and exercise her arms and shoulders. This therapy took less than an hour to relieve the pain. I then informed her of the cause and instructed her in what to do to keep this condition from recurring. To work on and relieve the effect (pain) and not go to the cause is not completing the job at hand.

By working on the nerve reflexes (for the congested colon area) on her foot--the large pocket of fecal matter at the ascending transverse junction of the bowel was released. The toxic condition was no longer being carried through the blood stream up into the shoulder. Pain was gone and relief was felt. This was only the beginning (or temporary relief), because the weakened area would fill back up again in a short time when the same mucus-forming foods were used, and the painful effect would return.

To work on the "cause," one must clean out the bowel area, then strengthen it with herbal aids and proper nourishing foods, as Mother Nature intended.

We speak of constipation and think of it as only concerning, or applying to, the bowel area. The constipation backs up into the body so that veins, arteries, lymph, and even the cells of the body, are in a "constipated" condition. When far enough advanced, constipation is a killer and the cause of much sickness and pain. Why not take a few minutes and learn how to have a perfectly operating bowel area?


Symptoms: A condition of peristaltic malfunction in the bowels wherein the fecal matter becomes condensed and the evacuations are infrequent and difficult. This condition is produced by our modern way of life--the eating of highly refined and demineralized foods instead of a plain and coarse diet, the strain and stress by rapid living, hastily eaten meals, and lack of exercise. When toxic matter is left to stagnate in the lower bowel tract, the system becomes polluted with poisonous gases which congest and irritate the surrounding organs, causing adhesions and other ailments. A person should have bowel movements as often as regular meals are eaten. This would normally be three bowel movements per day, but oft-times when the organs are working perfectly it is not unusual to have a B.M. upon arising in the A.M., one after each meal and one before retiring in the evening. So from three to five evacuations per day is normal. At any time the fecal matter voided is "formed", or hard, this means heavy mucus is still in the body. The perfect elimination is an easy flowing material. This should not be a liquid form as in diarrhea or dysentery.

There are many ways known to man to work on the "effect" of constipation and only a few for getting to the "cause" and cleaning it up.

On the market today are many commercial laxatives that work on the effect temporarily and lose their potency later on, making it necessary to change to another stronger brand. This carries on and on, always increasing with age, until enemas or colonics are then needed to assist in moving out this waste material. All of these are crutches and will eventually cause the bowel to become so weak it will be unable to ever operate on its own without help.

A few weeks back a lady approached me while I was lecturing in Texas, and told me how glad she was to find a formula like ours that would work on the "cause". She then stated she had spent over $380.00 for colonics. The X-rays now showed that her bowels were really clean, but when she started eating regularly again, the problem recurred.

True, the bowels were fairly clean, but the same sick, tired, weak muscles were there, as before, with no improvement. The colonics had only worked on the "effect", not the "cause", and had failed to give results. When the new concept of colonics with oxygen were brought into the market, I was very much against the principle. The very air we breathe runs approximately 79% by volume and 71% by weight of nitrogen. Pure oxygen used on an area for a comparatively short length of time will destroy the tissues by burning them. If a mouse is placed in a large jar of oxygen, he will frisk about and be excessively active for 20 or 30 minutes, and will then drop dead. But oxygen from plants, used as food and as a healing aid, will not destroy.

While practicing as a naturopathic physician in Wyoming, I used the needle, giving oxygen injections, releasing locked joints, bringing bruised areas back to a normal color quickly, and I was pleased with such rapid results. We discontinued the program after a short period of time, because we could see side-effects and after-effects from using the oxygen treatments.

Once, after looking into the iris of a man's eyes and seeing the horrible condition of his blocked up bowels, I asked of him how many days between his bowel movements, and his response was "two bowel movements a day"! Upon being questioned further (because it seemed impossible for such results), he said, "Oh, well, the rest of the story is, two enemas--two bowel movements, no enemas--no bowel movements." This is the perfect picture of a crutch.

Over a period of time the mucusless diet, with plenty of whole grains, fibers from fruits and vegetables, will do the job of regulation of bowel excretion, but after building up layer upon layer of mucous linings as coatings on the bowel walls it is best to use foods that are more specific in toning, rebuilding, and strengthening this area, and these special foods are herbs. For many years we have been recommending a lower bowel combination of herbs that have done remarkable good for many thousands of people.

In all basic cleansing and rebuilding formulas provided herein (unless there is a particular disease condition and need for a specific herbal combination), the program and procedure outlines are for the AVERAGE individual and meet nearly all general problem requirements--that is, unless (as we say) there is a need to prescribe specific help in herbal formulas for a type of problem that is very uncommon.

Lower Bowel Tonic
1 part Barberry bark (Berberis Vulgaris)
1 part Lobelia herb and/or seeds (Lobelia Inflata)
2 parts Cascara sagrada bark (Rhamnus Purshiana)
1 part Red raspberry leaves (Rubus Idaeus)
1 part Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)
1 part Turkey rhubarb root (Rheum Palmatum)
1 part Golden seal root (Hydrastis Canadensis)
1 part Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare)

Mix the powdered herbs shown above, then place in No. 00 gelatin capsules (which can be purchased from almost any health food or drug store and take according to how many you need. As there are no two people alike in age, size, or physical constitution (and the bowel itself will differ in persons as much as the fingerprints), most cases will START with No. 00 capsules three times a day, and then regulate the dosage from there. If the stool seems too loose, then cut down; but if it is difficult to get a bowel movement and the stool is hard and takes a long time, then increase the amount until the movements become soft and well-formed (and here, in very difficult cases, you could take even up to 40 of these capsules a day, for these herbs are only FOOD and can do no damage to you). Then after the hard material has broken loose and is eliminating more freely, the copious amounts of eliminating matter will gradually decrease (these are hard incrustations of fecal matter that have been "stored" in the bowel for many years that are breaking loose and soaking up intestinal liquids), but do not taper off the lower bowel tonic dosage so much at this point that you lose this advantageous momentum and continuity of elimination. In most cases, the improper diet has caused the peristaltic muscles of most people to quit working, and will take six to nine months with the aid of the lower bowel tonic for the average individual to clean out the old fecal matter and to rebuild the bowel structure sufficiently to have the peristaltic muscles work entirely on their own.

Most people have pounds of old dried fecal matter that is stored in the colon which is toxifying the system and keeping the food from being assimilated. Because of this putrefied condition, most people engorge themselves with many times more than the actual body requirements, wearing out their bodies in trying to get sufficient nutrition and are still always hungry and eating. After the bowel is cleaned, the food is readily assimilated, and a person can sustain himself on about one-third the quantity of his current food consumption at some four or five times increase in more power, energy, vitality, and life. Herein the clean body is able to normally assimilate the simple food values through the cell structures in the colon, instead of it being trapped in a maze of wastage, and inhibited by the hard fecal casing on the intestinal walls, wherein the largest part of the nutritional substance becomes pushed on and eliminated before it is digested. When the body is completely clean, these aids will no longer be necessary--then your food will be your medicine and your medicine will be your food. As long as you stay on the program properly, the bowel tonic should be used only when needed, after the bowel is once cleaned.

To explain why each of these herbs are used and its purpose, here is the breakdown:

1. One Part Barberry (Berberis Vulgaris).
If this is not available you may substitute Oregon Grape Root (Berberis Aquifolium) which is of the same family and will do the same type of job. This is also called Rocky Mountain Grape Root. This family acts as a specific for the liver and gall bladder area (hepatic) causing the bile to flow freely instead of being congealed and sluggish, and this bile acts as a built-in laxative, but is mild. The herb is also alterative (blood purifying), antisyphilitic, and tonic.

2. Two Parts Cascara Sagrada Bark (Rhamnus Purshiana).
This herb is called "sacred bark", and in small amounts, as used here, is a mild laxative, but is also a tonic for the peristaltic muscles. It increases the secretions of the stomach, liver and pancreas, and is very remarkable in its action in torpor of the colon and constipation. It is, unquestionably, one of the very best and safest laxatives ever discovered.

3. One Part Cayenne (Capsicum Fastigiatum, Capsicum Minimum).
Cayenne is slightly laxative, stimulates the organs it passes through, aids in rebuilding varicose conditions and cholesterol from the area. It does a real cleaning and rebuilding job.

4. One Part Ginger (Zingiber Officinale).
Common name Jamaica ginger. This herb is excellent for correcting flatulence (gas in the stomach). We need this herb to alleviate gas that is accumulated as the bile starts flowing into this area, mixing with old fecal matter and forming this condition. It is also an aid for relieving cramps and pains.

5. One Part Golden Seal (Hydrastis Canadensis).
This wonderful herb is a tonic, mild laxative, alterative (for mucous membranes), detergent, antiseptic and antiemetic. This is the healer and kills infection--a blood purifier and aperient (mild laxative). This shows why it is one of the fine ingredients included.

6. One Part Lobelia (Lobelia Inflata).
This is the accentuating herb that makes any formula work more smoothly and more efficiently. It is also an anti-spasmodic, a nervine, and will assist in cases of cramps and painful conditions.

7. One Part Red Raspberry Leaves (Rubus Idaeus).
Here is an herb that assists in supplying iron to the system in the form of citrate of iron (Fe2(C6H5O7)2 6 H2O). Upon this depends the remarkable blood making and regulating properties as well as the astringent and contracting action on the internal tissues and membranes. This herb is also hemostatic, antiseptic and antidiarrheal.

8. One Part Turkey Rhubarb Root (Rheum Palmatum).
Turkey (or China) Rhubarb is such a mild aperient (laxative) that it can be used for tiny babies (because it gives smooth, easy, no cramping bowel movements). This herb has such a complex makeup that only advanced analytical chemists can comprehend some of its constituents. According to Merck's Index, the latest findings are staggering as you research into them.
This herb is a laxative, astringent, tonic, stomachic, brisk purgative and valuable in effecting a quick, safe emptying of the bowels. Does not clog or produce an "after-constipation" as so many cathartics do. It is especially useful in diarrhea caused by irritating substances in the intestines. It not only removes the irritating substance, but its after astringent action checks the diarrhea.

9. One Part Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare)
This herb is noted for its relief in flatulency (gas) indigestion, cramps and spasms, nausea, pinworms, and in hepatic conditions (liver, gall bladder malfunctions).

Summary, Lower Bowel Herbal Combination.
As you see, each of these nine herbs has a specific job to do, and when they are combined they make an herbal food for the bowel (small and large) area. By using this over a period of time (we have been accumulating old filth and fecal matter for years, so nine months to a year or more in some cases is not severe at all), along with the mucusless diet, you can have permanent, easy bowel movements the rest of your life. Then, if the proper diet is observed, no more lower bowel tonic will be needed.

The formulas we are using in our programs are those that have been tried and proven over the many years of our research and practice. There are compatible formulas which we use, and those that are not compatible, which we will not endorse. The reason we have put together our internationally-known bowel formula the way we have is that we didn't want a true laxative, but a food for the bowel, and an assistance to the organs. It is designed to clean and rebuild these organs, as is any reconstruction program that is done with thought and care. It is not accomplished "over-night" and must be done over a period of months. During these years of its use, we found at first, during the 1940's, people would complain that it was griping. For this reason we added the ginger. Some asked, why not add an aid in the combination, because of the nausea that resulted in a few cases. So we added red raspberry leaves to relieve this condition, and to add lost iron and fruit acids that were causing the problem. This was an additional help to each user, as well as to the ones who were upset. In all our formulas, as well as in these cases, each herb had its own specific job to do.

To arbitrarily combine herbs, or copy from another author without having the experience of trial and error found in an extensive practice, would mean to ask for complaints from the users.

With all of our herbal (food) formulas, we have used this same care to give aid to the user, without discomfort.

One of the greatest errors made by mankind is that of not using enough water in our bodies to restore that which is lost, through urination, fecal elimination, breathing, perspiration, etc. In addition to liquid fruit and vegetable juices, we should add one ounce of distilled water to each pound of our body weight. In other words, a person weighing 130 lbs. would need 130 ounces per day of distilled water. (We will discuss distilled water in another newsletter). This 130 ounces is approximately one gallon. Larger people use more if desired, and the smaller people less, according to weight. This is one of the finest aids in assisting the bowels to have a good free elimination.

Over fifty years ago, Dr. J.H. Kellogg, M.D.., discussed, in his works on Rational Hydrotherapy (Modern Medicine Pub. Co., Battle Creek, Michigan), the value of drinking glasses of cold water before breakfast as an aid in constipation. In his book he tells how twenty years before his book came out, a leading physician of New York City stated at a meeting of the New York Academy of Medicine, that he had successfully treated more than a hundred cases of constipation by this simple means (drinking plenty of water before breakfast). That twenty years, plus the age of the books, goes back seventy years to the time when more of the medical people believed in the use of water therapy for the body to aid in elimination.

Dr. Kellogg, in one of his many other books, goes further into the subject of "The Colon." This volume is called Colon Hygiene (Modern Medicine Publishing Co., Battle Creek, Michigan) and was written in 1912. Here is nearly 600 pages about a subject that we hardly ever think of until we become constipated! Then the constipated individual just takes a laxative and thinks no more about it until bothered again, which will happen when you just work on the effect! We want to teach "GET TO THE CAUSE" and heal it.



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