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Common face moisturisers can cause skin cancer

Common moisturiser 'could cause skin cancer'

Moisturisers used by millions of people each day could be responsible for causing a variety of skin cancers, according to a study.

By Aislinn Simpson
Last Updated: 12:55PM BST 14 Aug 2008

Until now, few have been tested for their potential to cause cancer and most have sun protection factors aimed at cutting down on harmful UV rays blamed for causing the disease.

However, scientists in the US have inadventently stumbled upon potential proof that they may be doing more harm than good.

Tests on mice have revealed that they can increase the carcinogenic effects of sunlight - and the skin cancers they generate are common in humans.

The discovery was made by American scientists at Rutgers University in New Jersey who were looking at the beneficial properties of caffeine for the skin.

To ease application of the caffeine, they opted to use a common moisturiser.

But when they tested the moisturiser alone on mice who had been exposed to ultraviolet light, they discovered that it increased the production of tumours.

They went on to test three other moisturisers, and found that all of them increased the production of tumours by an average of 69 per cent.

However, the cancers generated were mostly non-fatal varieties and could be easily removed.

Melanoma, the less common form of skin cancer which causes more than 1,000 deaths each year in this country, was not one of the cancers generated.

Researchers will now look at the implications for humans of the study, which featured in the US-based Journal of Investigative Dermatology.

Dr Kat Arney, senior science infortmation officer for Cancer Research UK

said: "This is a small study using mice - whose skin is quite different from humans - that had been heavily exposed to UV radiation. The key message is to avoid excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun, as this is ultimately the cause of most skin cancers."

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