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Holistic nutrition and detoxification info

Holistic Nutrition and Detoxification Information From Shazzie

Monday, May 05, 2008 by: Kevin Gianni

This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Raw Summit Teleseminar program which can be found at (http://www.rawsummitarchives.com) . In this excerpt, Shazzie, a raw foodist from the United Kingdom, shares her thoughts on holistic detoxification.

Raw Summit Excerpt with Shazzie, a raw chocolate revolutionary, author and entrepreneur and mother.

Kevin: We're talking with author and entrepreneur, Shazzie. Shazzie is a raw foodist from the U.K. Some of your work involves holistic detoxification. Let's talk a little about what you think is essential and what you think is not and what works and what doesn't.

Shazzie: Okay. I think mainly it's taking things easily and it's not rushing everything and it is not deciding that you want to be in a certain space now when you've been in a different space for 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 years. What I like about the book Detox Your World is that I have several detox plans and that there is a 'detox for life' part where you can do any of the stages at anytime and stay on that stage for as long as you want before moving on. So there are no rules there and there is no "you must do this, you must do that" because it's really not going to help anyone. It's just antagonistic, but what it's saying is think about that, think about the other. So there are really simple things that people can do and obviously the biggest one is food because that's the thing we do most of the time. You know when you eat three meals a day and say, three snacks a day and you drink coffee or the other stuff that people drink and then do all the recreational stuff on top of it, I'm really surprised that people are alive.

Kevin: It's amazing isn't it?

Shazzie: It just shocked me. That really shocked me. And you see these people struggling down the street and I just, you know, bless them. I hope they find something to help them because it's like they are in so much pain and I know exactly what can help them, but you can't walk up to someone and go, "I can detox you." You know that thing that we've talked about earlier and you can't rescue people. They have to find it themselves. So the food thing is really important to start with because it's such a big deal, something we do all the time. And I think one of the easiest things to do is to add a green salad or green food to every meal and another easy thing is to get raw chocolate into the diet because it opens so much inside you and to eat super foods such as maca and goji berries. I feel that they are absolutely key. Since I've had those in my diet it helped me develope to a completely different level.

Kevin: Okay.

Shazzie: So I definitely recommend those now. And not in major amounts, see you're taking a teaspoon of maca a day. No, it's not an expensive dose and the soy nutrient then is also unique. Then the next thing I think is that people need to start looking at their lives because a lot of people have toxic friends, toxic jobs, they watch toxic television, we've got toxic media. When you look at someone's day, the first thing that gets them is their alarm clock which is really toxic. I mean a general wake up alarm clock.

Kevin: I know. I've got to change mine.

Shazzie: It's horrible! It's like –- why would you want that to be the first thing in your life? And then you know, if you wake up thinking, "Oh god, another day doing this," just change that for, "Wow, another day and I get to do this ecstatic blissful thing." And if you can't change at all, write it down and stick it up on your headboard and make sure you read it. Write it on your mirror in the morning when you're shaving or brushing your teeth. One of the biggest things I said to people who are really in a rut is spend two weeks doing the detox, doing your emotional detox and when you've detoxed yourself you will have changed yourself so radically that you can't get back. Some of the points there are to continually have CDs on a loop that are just talking successfully and just really saturate yourself with good information because it gets that negative loop away that I was talking about and it subconsciously will change you.

Kevin: What else, like Hay House Radio? I mean who are some other people that you really inspired?

Shazzie: I like doing Virtue, I think she's great. I think she's really great and obviously Louise Hay is an absolute angel.

Kevin: Sure.

Shazzie: She should be canonized. There's also Wayne Dyer. He's amazing. I mean all of them really. They are all complete. It's like the radio station everybody really needs to listen to, you know. And there's another one; there is one in the U.K. called Passion for the Planet and it plays a
lot of really beautiful music and good talks and interviews.

Kevin: That's amazing.

Shazzie: And if you're addicted to reading newspapers then make sure you're just buying positive papers or looking at positive websites.

Kevin: I have a question for you just speaking about media and what not.

Shazzie: Yes.

Kevin: What do you think is better or what do you think is more powerful to do, you know a week juice fast or to not watch a week of television?

Shazzie: Personally, not watch a week of television.

Kevin: Yes.

Shazzie: Personally. Yes a juice fast is amazing. But try both.

Kevin: Yes, try both at the same time.

Shazzie: But you know, it's so weird because you can eat really beautiful raw foods and not watch any television.

Kevin: Yes.

Shazzie: And you could detoxify a lot more than watching the television because you're cleansing in one way and retoxifying in another way.

Kevin: Right.

Shazzie: It's a case of limiting it and making sure you are only watching stuff that has a positive impact on you. And it's the same with the internet. You know the internet has some awful stuff on them and have some absolutely amazing stuff. And it's not throwing the baby out with the bath water or with anything. It's deciding it. It's just becoming conscious about what you're doing. One of the biggest things is detoxifying your friends and your family. And it's a case of making sure that most people are positively influencing your life. So then you are full well and your friendship cup overflows so much that the people who are feeling negative, you can give something really beautiful to rather than coming away, feeling drained when you see them.

Kevin: What can someone do right now to start getting towards that? Someone who's already in raw food or they have at least some interest. What can they do to start moving towards that? It sounds incredible and I want people to be there.

Shazzie: Well like I said, it's going to come from a place of positively programming yourself constantly. Detoxifying all those things in your life that are not working for you, that are keeping you from being less than a hundred percent, the true essence of you. That is keeping you from being that amazing, shining, glow and beautiful divine being that you are destined to be. If you're holding on to anything then you're not going to be that whole person that's going to feel ecstatic. You're not going to be it. Yes, there are things that you can have that will make you feel it; amazing herbs, raw chocolate, an ecstatic food. These things will do it but it's not going to make you whole on a full time basis until you deal with your stuff. They help you deal with your stuff because they elevate you, you feel great and then you're like "okay I am great" and you feel about dealing with this thing, "I can handle it".

You deal with it and then you'll elevate it a little bit more then you can deal with the next one and you know at some point, your ecstatic point just tips and you can't ever again not feel ecstatic. Your perspective alters. It's not a case of the glass is half full, the glass is half empty. Why can't it be overflowing and it is. It's like once every single cup that you have is overflowing; you're living in ecstasy constantly, regardless of what's going on. You know, I can sit here and go "I'm a single mother, I can't sell my house" surely I could be doing that easily but I'm celebrating all those things. I'm absolutely celebrating all those things because I get to wake up with the most beautiful person on the planet every single day. I get to live in 2 beautiful homes.

Kevin: That's great.

Shazzie: And it's perspective but you can't change that perspective until you've detoxed, you've got to go through that process.

Kevin: What's your ultimate goal? What is your ultimate goal for anything?

Shazzie: Well, my goal was always just to be happy which I found really difficult.

Kevin: Okay.

Shazzie: You know, I was extremely depressed, extremely depressed before I found raw food you know to the point of being suicidal and so when I found raw food then I started being happy, that was amazing, that was just like wow. Okay that's really good. So being happy was a great goal and now I'm blissful.

To read the rest of this transcript as well as access 14 different raw food experts just like Shazzie, please visit (http://www.RawSummitArchives.com) .

About the author
Kevin Gianni is a health advocate, author and speaker. He has helped thousands of people in over 85 countries learn how to take control of their health--and keep it. To view his popular internet TV Show "The Renegade Health Show" (and get a free gift!) with commentary on natural health issues, vegan and raw food diets, holistic nutrition and more click here.

His book, "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution," is a step-by-step guide to optimum health for the time and energy-strapped. To find out more about abundance, optimum health and self motivation click here... or you're interested in the vegan and raw food diet and cutting edge holistic nutrition click here. For access to free interviews, downloads and a complete bodyweight exercise archive visit www.LiveAwesome.com.


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