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Fathers' diet and the health of his children!

A Father’s Diet Impacts the Health of His Children

Saturday, April 19, 2008 by: Sheryl Walters

It is already well known that women's diet is very important for their children's health, not only during pregnancy, but also long before it. Now a recent study has shown for the first time that the health of a child is also dependent on their father's diet.

A team of scientists from University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have shown that Folate improves sperm quality and helps give birth to healthier children. The study examined 97 healthy, non-smoking men. They were questioned about their medical and reproductive history, lifestyle, and daily intake of foods that contain zinc, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene intake.

Their sperm was then tested for chromosome level. Healthy sperm should have one copy of each sex chromosome (X or Y). Aneuploidy is a condition in which the sperm contain an abnormal number of chromosomes. About 1% to 4% of a healthy male's sperm have some type of abnormality of this kind. Why these abnormalities happen is poorly understood and the role of nutrition has not been explored.

Those with higher levels of aneuploidy have higher risk for miscarriages, and having children with numerous conditions, such as Down's syndrome, Turner's syndrome and Klinefelter's syndrome.

The study showed that those men with higher folate levels had a far less (20-30%) chance of having aneuploidy, thus they were less likely to have children with chromosomal abnormalities.

Because this study took only a small cross section of men, it is still too early to make grand conclusions. However, it does provide useful information. Further, the fact that men's diets are being analyzed and shown to have an impact on the health of their offspring is very positive.

Foods High in Folate include:

* Broccoli

* Spinach and other green leafy vegetables

* Avocado

* Green Peas

* Oranges

* Asparagus

* Lentils

* Brussels Sprouts

* Chick Peas

Besides healthy sperm count, high foods high in folate have other benefits such as:

* Supporting red blood cell production and helping to prevent anemia

* Helping prevent homocysteine build-up in your blood

* Supporting cell production, especially in your skin

* Allowing nerves to function properly

* Helping prevent osteoporosis-related bone fractures

* Helping prevent dementias including Alzheimer's disease

Other signs of folate deficiency may include:

* Irritability

* Mental fatigue, forgetfulness, or confusion

* Depression

* Insomnia

* General or muscular fatigue

* Gingivitis or periodontal disease

About the author
Sheryl is a kinesiologist, nutritionist and holistic practioner.
Her website www.younglivingguide.com provides the latest research on preventing disease, looking naturally gorgeous, and feeling emotionally and physically fabulous.


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