Good expert advices to follow!
Postpartum, Alzheimer's & Bad Food Blues
By Alan Graham
With Alfred Lehmberg
Every time a new mother kills her baby all the freaking "Experts" stand around pontificating about the mental illness, chemical- imbalance & stress they'd gleefully assuage with their harmful pharmz... yet fail to even consider a nutritional deficiency.
This is just wrong in my opinion. There are 2 deficiencies that plague most women to varying degrees and this deficiency is caused or exacerbated by doctors, dieticians, the New Food Pyramid (NFP)... and, oh yeah, Pregnancy! The two deficiencies referred to regard Minerals/Trace-Minerals & EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids), deficiencies already epidemic, anyway.
See? With a little nutrient-thieving fetus on board... coupled with a doctor recommended "Piece-O'-Crap" pre-natal Multi-Vit/ Min... additionally complicated with the upcoming Dietician/NFP recommended nutrient robbing foods -- you have the potential to cause or exacerbate any mental or physical defect in your baby while leaving yourself a cognitively affected and nutritionally deficient screwed-up mental mess! Insult to injury, what does the poor mother get but psycho-babble bat-squeeze advising her she's crazy -- further enflamed by designer drugs and harmful pharmz able to push even relatively healthy women right over the edge into despair, murder, and suicide.
Before I get to the pregnancy-unfriendly foods that are encouraged by dieticians & the corporate apostasy called the "New Food Pyramid," let me just briefly suggest you go read your pre-natal Multi label & if it has any of the following items, then you are likely taking a product that is totally Crap: Vit.D-2 (instead of the superior D-3...unless a Vegetarian Multi, then the rest of the ingredients might be OK), Vit.E is "DL" (instead of the superior "D"), Calcium CARBONATE (instead of superior Organic Chelated Calcium like Albion, Citrate, Krebs Cycle, etc.), Magnesium OXIDE (instead of Organic Chelated Mag. Citrate, etc.), Zinc OXIDE (instead of Organic Chelation)...on & on! How did your product fare, reader?
OK, foods:
The majority of the population has no idea how much Unfermented Soy, Refined Grains, Sugar, chemicals & preservatives, toxic Poly- Food Oils & TransFat from pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) are found in virtually every processed food on the market.
These "Anti-nutrients" are hidden in Cereals, Baby Formula's, "Health-Foods", Protein powder Mixes (in fact, some so-called "Whey Protein" powders have a large percentage of Soy Isolate, like "Youngevity's Nature's Whey"), bread, cereal, pasta, sauces, ice cream, peanut butter... oh Hell, virtually everything touched by insentient Man.
Here are the evil Big 5:
1)... Soy, Unfermented... not to be confused with healthful Fermented Soy like Soy Sauce or Miso ... One could write a fairly long paper out-lining Soy's negative characteristics; however, I'm only going to mention two that are applicable to this whole reproduction process.
(a) Soy Phytates & Oxalates compromise critical minerals & trace minerals which can cause a mineral deficiency! This has the potential to cause or exacerbate virtually EVERY disease and/or birth defect. As far as I know, Soy is the only High Oxalate food that has the distinction of not only binding with 100% of the calcium in the soy, but then goes looking for more calcium to make un-useable... well, still useable to make kidney-stones & heel- spurs now that you have created lots of Calcium-Oxalate.
FYI : Take Hi-Oxalate spinach for example - it stops short of 100% total calcium about 95%.
( Soy Phytoestrogen - Modern humans have created a very Estrogen-rich environment where we are bombarded, from conception, by estrogenic compounds & estrogen-mimics which have the potential to feminize our population. I'm not female bashing... I'm talking about a nutritional approach which likely precludes female bashing! Consider, little girls are starting their periods at a younger age & little boys are looking more soft & doughy.
2)... Refined Grains --- THEY'RE EVERYWHERE... Refined grains are anti-nutrients in that they steal nutrients from you to metabolize the starchy endosperm, as opposed to the "Whole" grain. Cartman's Cheezy-Poofs & Snacky-Cakes cause such a rise in blood glucose that insulin is secreted excessively rapidly turning carbs into fat and additionally providing for a desensitizing of your insulin, resulting in Type II Diabetes... not to mention, providing for Eric Cartman's "Man-Boobs."
Well, what about "Whole-grains" that still have the bran & germ? Well it depends, because most "Whole-Grains" have several of the following attendant problems:
(a) 1st & foremost - we did not evolve grinding grains & baking bread... for a million years on the Serengeti, hunter-gatherers never saw a loaf of bread, so our digestive tract did not evolve to process the harsh "stuff" in wheat, barley, rye.
( The digestibility of the protein in bread (gluten) is very problematic... it can actually cause an auto immune response like joint-pain, etc. especially as we get older and have less stomach- acid (Betaine HCL w. Pepsin). It has even evolved it's own Disease, Celiac Disease, (sensitivity to Gluten).
© Most of these "Whole-Grain" Cereals are a sham because by the time this "Stuff" has been "slurried and extruded under heat & pressure to be processed into flakes & stars" is worse than eating Table-sugar with regard to insulin sensitivity.
(d) Whole-grains are also high in phytates that bind to minerals.
(e) Many whole-grain foods like bread contain pHVO (TransFat) - hoping the fake-fat will perk up the somewhat dry, bland, "card- boardy" taste of whole-grain breads.
FYI : Gluten in bread & hi-"gluten" rice are not the same thing...Hi-gluten rice just means glutinous (sticky, starchy)... Hi- gluten rice has virtually no "real" gluten.
FYI # 2 : If you want something healthful, try bread made from Organic Hemp, Grass-Sprouts & Seeds...Wheat-sprouts & wheat grain are not remotely the same thing. There are several different brands that are truly great, especially when compared to a loaf of "White Bread"... As poorer people eat more cheap white bread so to do poorer people have more Type II Diabetes.
3)... Sugar --- IT'S EVERYWHERE... hi-fructose corn syrup, 100% Concentrated Grape Juice, Sucrose, Dextrose, Brown sugar, Crystalline fructose, etc., etc. There is no trick too dirty, reader, to hide sweeteners & other "Anti-Nutrients". Use natural Stevia or Xylitol as a sweetener.
Sugar is without even ONE redeeming characteristic... but out of the dozens (if not 100's) of unhealthful things, one of the most heinous is the fact that sugar blocks the production of the D6D Enzyme! This means it is difficult for mothers to convert Simple Plant-derived Omega-3 (ALA) to the Complex Animal-derived Omega-3 (EPA & DHA)! Gram for gram, DHA (the baby brain-food) is the most valuable substance on earth for your baby's brain & eyes -- not to mention, your brain -- but is the hardest to make internally (many can't make it). Moreover, it is the hardest to find & process because it is so sensitive to air, light and heat it turns toxic... if you look at it funny.
FYI : The "H" in DHA stands for "Hexa" (6)...which is the # of easily destroyed and degradable energy containing DB's (chemical double-bonds) in DHA. The more DB's, you see, the more reactive the substance, so the Simple Omega-3 (ALA) from Flaxseed (with 3 DB's) will go rancid in pretty short order when exposed to light, air & room temp...maybe only a few hours. But DHA, with 6 DB's, will go rancid in minutes & cannot withstand even a little heat.
So with every increase of a DB, the sensitivity goes up exponentially.
4)... Poly Food Oils (Soy, Corn, Canola, Cottonseed, Sunflower, Safflower, Peanut, etc.)... not to be confused with healthful Mono Food Oils like Olive & Macadamia Nut. Notwithstanding the toxic inflammatory effect of Poly food Oils attacking your heart & brain... the other really bad thing concerning Poly Omega-6 Food Oil is that it over-powers & shuts down the Omega-3 Prostaglandin Factory Pathway that would lead ultimately to the "Brain-Food for Babies" - DHA...
Consider, under the best of conditions, 100mg of Simple Plant Omega-3 from flaxseed might convert 10mg to more Complex Animal Omega-3 (EPA) BUT maybe only 1 or 2mg, or even less, might turn into the most Complex form, DHA, & it really drags its feet to accomplish producing that amount.
Many ignorant evil people call Canola Oil a healthful Mono Oil like Olive oil... so to understand why this is an egregious lie please read my paper "Canola Crapola" at ALLT1.html#rapeseed That said:
5)... TransFat or pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) --- For decades the government (FDA) in cahoots with the powerfully evil pHVO industry did everything possible to put TransFat into every damn thing possible - while hiding it from you, reader! This toxic man-made, fake-fat has been linked to virtually every Chronic Disease...but it also blocks the production of the aforementioned D6D Enzyme that, again, blocks the production of the most powerful of Omega-3's for babies, DHA.
So for all those doctors, dieticians & FDA officials who conspired to keep poisoning us with lies about how heart healthful Margarine & Crisco vegetable shortening were when compared to butter... I hope they enjoy butt-surfing on the "Lake of Fire" for eternity, because butter is Real food while margarine is a toxic abomination.
Lastly, Postpartum Depression: Let's, albeit very unscientifically, connect a few dots... using the "Rings-true Logically" approach.
The reader can draw his or her own conclusion.
We pretty well believe the following "things" to be true:
1). Being EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) and/or Mineral/Trace Mineral deficient can cause dramatic changes in mood, cognition & ones ability to think clearly.
2). The brain is mostly fat... the most abundant brain-fat being the EFA Omega 3, DHA. OK... I have to play this stupid little word game, EPA & DHA are technically NOT EFA's - they are FA's (Fatty- Acids), they are not essential because they can be made by you from the Essential Fatty Acid, Omega-3, from plants (ALA).
HOWEVER is EPA & DHA (FA's) that are the truly powerful Omega-3's when compared to the "Simple", weaker although "Essential" Omega-3 (ALA).
3). The developing fetus will leach EFA's & FA's (like DHA) & Minerals from the mother... even if it depletes her own life critical stores of EFA's & minerals. Mother-Nature doggedly insists the baby come first.
4). The incidence of PICA (eating clay, chalk, dirt, rusty nails, etc.) increases in pregnant women. Pica seems to increase with women lower on the socioeconomic scale indicating poorer nutrition (less minerals) equates to more Pica. Pica has been studied most in animals like cows, etc.& research shows that minerals/trace minerals will generally improve Pica.
But what do we get from modern medicine concerning Pica in humans?
A treatable physical problem becomes a "mental disorder" requiring pricey pharmaceuticals! When cows get Pica - are they crazy? Nutritional Science will admit that Pica in cows can usually be helped with Mineral/Trace Mineral Supplementation but there is not substantial research to show that to be true in humans... how freaking convenient!
Folks, as the late great Bill Hicks would say "OK, open your mind real wide"...because is it too huge a leap to consider that if minerals help Pica (bionic cravings) in animals, that minerals may relief Pica & cravings in humans.
5). Pregnant women are always craving ice cream, pickles, and onion rings... or whatever... because the baby takes the needed nutrients... ...which leaves the mother craving... something? They don't know what they crave... but they crave something!
Conclusion: Doesn't this collectively mean that "We Intuitively Know" (or at least highly suspect) that Postpartum Depression is likely caused or at least exacerbated by an EFA &/or Mineral deficiency? For once that alleged "Whack-Job" Tom Cruise was sorta right concerning a "chemical-Imbalance" (I especially love it when he plays a cocky, young guy with attitude...hummm?) If there really is a "chemical imbalance", why not try giving all the Vitamins, Minerals, Trace minerals, EFA's & digestible Protein, to provide the raw materials for your body to repair itself, while avoiding those nutrient-stealing foods mentioned above... instead of designer drugs like the breathtakingly stupid SSRI's (selective seratonin re-uptake inhibitors).
FYI : The "I" in SSRI stands for Inhibitor...& that is what virtually all Pharmz do...they obstruct Pathways & they futz with critical systems, often with very negative results! They Inhibit Systems (cox 2 inhibitors)...they Block (beta-blockers), they "anti- everything" (anti-biotics, anti-inflammatories), they interfere (interferon).
If you want to increase seratonin in your brain w/o reusing used seratonin (SSRI's)...then stop sugar & refined carbs, get sunlight in your eyes & on your skin as much as possible w/o burning & sip on a Whey or Egg smoothy all day to accelerate Tryptophan into your brain! The aforementioned stimulates Seratonin it will help with carb cravings.
OK, if you want a "One size fits All" to give yourself the best fighting chance to avoid PPD, Alzheimer's, Depression in other words "any & everything to do with your Brain" - do the following (let body weight & money determine how much you take):
(a).. EFA's - take 2 to 5 grams of Krill Oil (NKO patented process) or Hi-Potency Fish Oil (Hi-Potency means 500mg of EPA & DHA per gram instead of 300mg per gram). Also take 2 to 4 grams of Black Currant Oil for the Omega-6 Anti-inflammatory (GLA). Option - you can do 1 or 2 tablespoons of freshly ground Flaxseed for some ALA but if you don't have time to grind your own or you're to cheap to buy a coffee-grinder...then just forget about the Flaxseed, because I don't recommend the ALA in flaxseed oil. The Black Currant Oil is 13% ALA, so that is enough.
Don't get me wrong Ref. ALA in Flaxseed Oil... if you are a Vegetarian (so krill/fish oil is off the menu) & you won't grind flaxseed yourself ('re afraid of whirling, hi-speed blades or the loud vibrating buzz)... then by all means, take a plant-derived 3-6-9 Oil, but I would reluctantly take ONLY Omega-3 from Flaxseed Oil.
(..Vitamin B12 -- Use the most active form, Methylcobalamin, in a sublingual tablet. You can't take too much so take from 1000mcg to 5000mcg daily. Look closely to make sure it is not Cyanocobalamin & to insure it is "Sublingual" (under the tongue). Even the big 5gram (5000mcg) is very cheap.
©.. Take a health food store quality Natural, Food-based Multivitamin/mineral & all 72 trace minerals (might have to get separately). Take an additional Amino Acid Chelated Cal/mag supplement--most multi-mineral complexes don't have the required 1000 to 1200mg of Calcium or 1000mg of Magnesium.
(d).. Take an additional 800iu of Vitamin D3 in addition to the 400iu that is already in your Multivitamin & some Cal/Mag supplement have additional you want a total of about 1200iu of D-3 & does not go over 2000iu unless you test for Vitamin D. Avoid the potentially toxic Vit. D2 found in milk. Always take Calcium with large doses of Vit.D-3 or the D-3 will leach Calcium from your bones.
(e).. Protein - 4 to 8 raw or poached cage-free or organic Eggs daily...and/or 2 to 4 scoops of WPI (Whey Protein Isolate - cross- flow or micro filtration). Only "Liquid-Cooked" meat...but keep to a minimum as long as you get good digestible protein WPI or Eggs. Charred, crisp-fried meat will "eat your brain" with a free-radical called HCA.
(F).. Sea Salt - Salt must be pink or grey - don't buy that white (processed) sea salt Crap from the grocery store. Real sea salt is a good source of all 70+ trace minerals. Man-made, Table-Salt fortified with lots Iodine & Aluminum (anti-caking agent), w/o the balance of the other 70 - 80 trace minerals... will also "eat your brain" & the Iodine likely causes as much thyroid trouble as it helps.
(g).. Zinc & Copper - Extra Z & C in addition to the 15mg of Zinc & 1 or 2mg of Copper already in your Multi. Add about 50mg of Zinc (NOT Oxide, must be Organic Chelation) & 1 or 2mg of Organic Chelated Copper. A Zinc deficiency will cause amyloid plaque. Z & C must be taken together.
(h).. Tap water - It has 2 very Alzheimer's friendly toxins...Aluminum (anti-clouding agent) & fluoride, which form a very nasty complex AlFx (Aluminum-fluoride Complex) that I predict will be a major concern in the soon as doctors & the FDA get their heads out of their butts.
That's it for the one size fits all...however for those who really want to squeeze the spice weasel and knock it up a notch? You can add the following terrific brain nutrients :
(a).. Acetylcholine - Expensive & difficult to find, so most take additional choline (precursor to acetylcholine) that comes in multi's in small amounts. If you are not allergic to Royal Jelly, it is a good source Acetylcholine.
(.. Selenium (chelated to methionine) - take an extra 200mcg in addition to however much is in your multi (it's never enough in the multi so Selenium should probably be in the list above). Selenium is one of the most powerful "brain anti-oxidants" not to mention "Cancer-fighter".
©.. Phosphatidyl serine - Improves memory...take twice what the label is a little pricey.
(d).. TMG - Elevates your mood while it protects you from inflammation/plaque-causing Homocysteine (along with the Big-3, B-6, B-12 & Folic-acid). Take 500 to's cheap.
(e).. Acetyl L-Carnitine - Powerful anti-oxidant that increases bloodflow to the brain.
(f).. Co Q-10 - Expensive but very powerful brain & heart anti- oxidant while increasing cell oxygenation & cellular energy...take as much as you can afford - 30mg to 600mg. Lipitor blocks your bodies production of Co Q-10.
(h).. Melatonin - If you are over 40 & not sleeping well, then just before bed you might consider taking 1 to 3mg of Melatonin (see warning below)... melatonin is a powerful antioxidant with unique properties unlike almost any other...which is, it can readily pass the "Blood-Brain-Barrier" protecting you from dementia & Cancer, while helping you sleep.
"WARNING" - NEVER take melatonin during the day - only at night, just before bed. If you take it at the start of the day it will not only screw-up your circadian cycle (your 24 hour internal "clock") but it will actually become an "anti"-antioxidant. Also, I don't think young people need to take Melatonin... wait till you are over 40 when your melatonin production starts slowing fact even if you are over 40, it would be wise to first try taking a large dose of Magnesium just before bed to help you relax (maybe 300 to 400mg of Amino-Acid Chelated Mag. or Mag. Citrate)... yes, you need both Calcium & Magnesium, but it is actually better to take them separately at different times of the day. Also, try getting lots of bright-light & sunlight during the day & then when you go to sleep make sure there is NO LIGHT...not the alarm-clock lite, not even the tiny "stand-by" lites on your stereo or TV...I mean "PITCH DARK"...or wear a sleeping-mask.
This total darkness, after a day of bright sunlight, well encourage your natural melatonin to come out and "play"...thus protecting you from Cancer & dementia while helping you sleep. This also means you are doing your child a disservice by letting them use a nite- lite... please read all about "Nite-Lites" at
The reason you should try this (magnesium at bedtime) first is because there is some evidence that taking large doses of melatonin for extended periods can reduce your bodies ability to produce melatonin on its own. So young people, in particular, shouldn't "willy-nilly" be popping melatonin.
Ok, that's about it although I could make this 2nd list easily twice as long.
Anyway, why is that doctors avoid even considering a nutritional deficiency for depression? Yeah, we already know the answer! Ka- ching!
I'm not being appropriately sensitive to the prerogatives of our corporate masters, I know. See, if we prevent disease & depression by taking a handful of quality Vitamins, Minerals, EFA's & diet, how do we expect MD's to be able to up-grade to gold-plated bathroom fixtures for their summer homes?
That's enough, eh? Well be!
Contact -- Alan Graham
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