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Aloe Vera


The Aloe Vera plant has been known and used for centuries for it's HEALTH, BEAUTY, MEDICINAL and SKIN CARE properties. The Greeks scientists, 2000 years ago regarded Aloe Vera as the UNIVERSAL panacea. Today the common name is just "ALOE VERA" or The "BURN PLANT".
The Aloe Vera plant, a member of the Lily Family, is a succulent, that closely resembles a Cactus. There are more than 200 species of Aloe Vera, but some are MORE nutritious and MORE effective medicinally than others and "ALOE VERA BARBADENSIS" is the species, that is most BENEFICIAL!

Today many ancient tales of the healing powers of Aloe Vera are FACTUAL, rather than fanciful, as modern medicine unlocks the SECRETS contained within the leaves.

The outside of the leaf is smooth and rubbery to touch and inside is the Aloe Vera "GEL" that is so HIGHLY regarded! The Gel appears to contain a "WOUND HORMONE" that accelerates the rates of healing of injured surfaces. Scientists have found that the Aloe Vera "GEL" is a diverse mixture of ANTIBIOTIC, ASTRINGENT, COAGULATING AGENT, PAIN INHIBITOR, CELL GROWTH STIMULATOR and SCAR INHIBITOR!

Although Scientists have NOT yet discovered ALL of the secrets of why Aloe Vera works - they do realise that it is the "Specific Mixture of the Ingredients" in Aloe Vera, that is responsible for giving the plant it's wide range of HEALING powers.

The properties of Aloe Vera Gel, applied externally or taken internally, have been described in numerous scientific journals and reveals that the Aloe Vera contains MORE than 70 Essential Ingredients including MOST Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Protein, Amino Acids and a recent study also discovered Vitamin B 12.

Taken internally, they report that Stabilised Aloe Vera Gel helped MANY ailments including - Insomnia, Infection, Indigestion, Heartburn, Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Ulcers, Arthritis, - there are many MORE!

Used externally, many people attest to the effectiveness of Aloe Vera in helping to treat - Burns, Sunburn, Scalds, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Stings, Scrapes, Abrasions, Scalp Care, Sore Muscles, Cold Sores, Bruises, Sprains, Arthritis - the list is ENDLESS!

Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel is now available in a wide range of Health and Skin Care products such as - Pure Aloe Vera Juice, Medicated Jelly, Medicated Cream, Heat Rub, Moisturizer, Hand and Body Lotion, Facial Cleansing Wash, Mini Lift Mask, etc.

Aloe Vera is Non-Toxic - it is NOT a Drug - it is NOT a Medicine - and is NOT intended to replace ANY Drugs or Medicines.

Abrasions - If a FRESH Leaf is available, rest this DIRECTLY on the wound, since it HELPS to RELIEVE the pain. Stabilised Gel may also be used. Apply frequently over the first 24 hours.
Aches - Muscle Aches and Pains and other discomfort associated with joints respond WELL!
Acne - Aloe Vera in cosmetic preparations, such as Soaps, Cleansers, and Moisturizers, AID the treatment of the skin to decrease the SEVERITY of Acne. These need to be used in conjunction with a BALANCED diet, regular personal hygiene and FRESH air and sunshine.
Allergies - Treat with the application of a FRESH Leaf, if possible. This usually RELIEVES the pain and REDUCES the swelling in the case of Jellyfish, Bee, Poison Ivy, which can cause SEVERE Allergic Reactions!
Animal First Aid - Aloe Vera is suitable on animals for similar conditions treated in humans.
Arthritis - Relief is obtained from drinking 2-4 tablespoons of Gel DAILY. Maintain treatment for at least 2 months, before considering whether it is BENEFICIAL or NOT. When the SEVERE Pain is arrested, REDUCE the dose to HALF.
Athletic Injuries - Especially EFFECTIVE in massaging Muscles and Joints. Treats Muscle Cramps, Sprains, Strains, Bruises, Swelling, Soreness, Tendonitis and Bursitis.
Burns/Scalds - ALL Burns should be treated as potentially DANGEROUS Injuries! However, the IMMEDIATE application of an Aloe Vera Leaf or Gel will RELIEVE the pain, REDUCE the chance of infection and LESSEN the DANGER of scarring! Since ALL Burns and Scalds induce SHOCK in the victim, ANY case of SEVERE burns NEEDS Medical Attention! In the case of Sunburn, Aloe Vera products will help to REDUCE the harming effects of the sun, if applied before Sunbaking. It can also RELIEVE the pain and discomfort of Sunburn after exposure to the sun.
Cuts & Wounds - Immediate application of Aloe Vera Gel will prevent Infection and AID HEALING!
Ear and Eye Disorders - Although delicate organs of the body, the Ear and Eye can be treated with drops for IMMEDIATE First Aid. It is better to dilute the Gel with half water to LESSEN the degree of smarting. Also use for Infected Pierced Ears, Conjunctivitis, Sties, Corneal Ulcers and Cataracts and Puncture Wounds .
Eczematous Rashes and Psoriasis - Aloe Vera products are EFFECTIVE, when taken internally as well as when applied to the AFFECTED areas. Psoriasis may NOT be cured, but it can be controlled.
Fungal Diseases - Aloe Vera is especially BENEFICIAL in the treatment of Athlete's Foot. It should be rubbed over the affected area at least 4 times a day. Can also be used for Ringworm, Pruritus Anivalvae, Balnea, Essential Pruritus, Vaginal Yeast Infections.
Hemorrhoids - Either a syringe containing the Juice or an applicator containing the Gel can be inserted into the Rectum to RELIEVE pain. Application can be as often as desired.
Hair and Scalp - Any product containing at least 70% Aloe Vera is beneficial to the GOOD health of the Hair and Scalp.
Internal Disorders - Taken internally the Gel will RELIEVE Ulcers, Colitis, Constipation and other Digestive Disorders.
Oral Disorders - Can be used for Cancer Sores, Cold Sores, Fever Blisters, Minor Sore Throats, Mouth Irritations, Denture Sores, Gingivitis, Mouth and Gum diseases.
Parasites - Can be used for Pinworms and Thread worms.
Sinus - When inhaled through an Inhaler, Aloe Vera Gel acts as a Decongestant, although NOT as IMMEDIATE as a Antihistamine.
Skin Cancers - Regular application at least 2-4 times daily may ARREST Skin Cancer.
Skin Disorders - Can be used for Burns, Scalds, Sunburn, Ulcers, Blisters, Diaper and Heat Rash, Razor Burns, Prickly Heat, Windburn, Abrasions, Insect Stings and Bites, Allergies associated with Plants or Insects, Dandruff, Eczema, Dermatitis, Impetigo, Psoriasis, Body and Bed Sores, Cuts, Contusions, Lacerations, Chronic Ulcers, Boils and Abscesses.
Stomach Disorders - Can be used for Indigestion, Heartburn, Hyper-Acidity, Peptic and Duodenal Ulcers, Colitis, Hemorrhoids.

Aloe Vera Constituents & Their Properties

There is a wide range of research from all over the world based upon different species of Aloe. As far as is possible the Table below describes the Constituents found in Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) with their Properties and their inferred activities. The Aloe constituents are derived from the Aloe Leaf, which consists of 3 primary sections: the Rind (photosynthesis) with Sap contained in the pericyclic transport tubules (Xylem and Phloem), the Mucilage (container) layer and the Parenchyma or Gel Filet (storage) layer. The relative quantities of the Aloe Constituents may be quite SMALL (the total solid fraction varies from 0.5 to 1.5%), but most researchers claim that the effects, that are observed may be due to the Synergistic Actions of the 75 known Ingredients. The Table below lists the Constituents in alphabetical order. The Aloe Constitiuent list represents a consensus view of published work and may NOT be COMPLETE. The Properties and the associated activities reported in the Table have been constructed using the References cited below.

Amino Acids
Number & Identification
Provides 20 of the 22 human required amino acids & 7 of the 8 essential ones
Properties & Activity
Provides the basic building blocks of proteins in the production of muscle tissue etc
The 8 essential amino acids are those the human body cannot manufacture

Number & Identification
Provides 12 anthraquinones: Aloe emodin, Aloetic Acid, Aloin, Anthracine, Antranol, Barbaloin, Chrysophanic Acid, Emodin, Ethereal Oil, Ester of Cinnamonic Acid, Isobarbaloin, Resistannol.
Properties & Activity
In relatively small concentrations together with the Gel fraction they provide Analgesic, Antibacterial, Antifungal & Antiviral activity. In high concentration on their own they can be toxic.
Traditionally known as laxatives.The antraquinones are found in the sap. The anthraquinone derivatives (anthrones & chromones) comprise the phenolic fraction of the sap. The primary sap component is Aloin/Barbaloin anthrone derivative

Number & Identification
Provides 8 enzymes: Aliiase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Amylase, Carboxypeptidase, Catalase, Cellulase, Lipase, Peroxidase
Properties & Activity
Helps breakdown of food sugars and fats aiding digestion & enhancing nutrient absorbtion

Number & Identification
Auxins & Gibberellins
Properties & Activity
Wound Healing & Anti-inflammatory

Number & Identification
Cellulose based substance
Properties & Activity
Thought to provide penetrating power in Aloe vera skin preparations and may act as a carrier for other components

Number & Identification
Provides 9 minerals: Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc
Properties & Activity
Essential for good health and is known to work in certain combimation with each other, vitamins and other trace elements

Salicylic Acid
Number & Identification
Aspirin like compound
Properties & Activity

Number & Identification
Properties & Activity
Soapy substance both cleansing and antiseptic

Number & Identification
Provides 4 main plant steroids: Cholesterol, Campesterol, Lupeol, ß Sitosterol
Properties & Activity
Anti-inflammatory agents. Lupeol also possesses antiseptic and analgesic properties

Number & Identification
Monosaccharides: glucose & fructose
Polysaccarides: gluco-mannans / polymannose
Properties & Activity
Anti-inflammatory action
Anti-viral, immune modulating activity of Acemannan
The long chain gluco-mannons are absorbed intact by the pinocytotic process of certain cells lining the digestive tract.

Number & Identification
A, C, E, B, Choline, B12, Folic Acid
Properties & Activity
Antioxidant(A,C,E): neutralises free radicals
B's & Choline involved in amino acid metabolism, B12 required for production of red blood cells, Folic Acid in the development of blood cells

The Essential Aloe Vera, The Actions And The Evidence by Dr Peter Atherton, 2nd Edition, 1997
The Health and Medical Use of Aloe Vera by Lawrence G Plaskett, PhD, FRSC, 1998
Aloe Vera: A Scientific Approach by Robert H Davis, PhD, 1997
The Silent Healer: A Modern Study of Aloe Vera by Bill C Coates, R.Ph., C.C.N. with Robert Ahola, 1996
Aloe Vera: Nature's Soothing Healer by Diane Gage, 1996


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